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Technical project management in WASH emergencies

Operational Overview of the Action: Logframe

Title of the
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion (WASH) in Drytera
Contribute to improving the public health of men, women and children in the refugee camps of Drytera.

Intervention Logic Objectively Verifiable Indicators Means of Verification Risks and Assumptions
Specific Improve access to - 80% of beneficiaries have access to - Reports from focus Assumptions:
Objective water, sanitation and a minimum of 15 l/p/d of safe water group discussions - All levels of government remain supportive
hygiene for vulnerable on a regular basis. (FGDs). of WAI’s work.
refugees in camps in
- 80% of 500 randomly selected - Field visit reports.
Drytera. - Local structures commit to take over from
families can give a positive example of
improved health and hygiene. - Project records. WAI at end of project.

- No open defecation is observed in the - FGD questionnaires. - Coordination with others is harmonious.
- Rainy season prevents travel & access.
Potable water is - 30,000 persons have access to - Baselines survey. Assumptions:
Result 1.
accessible to the camp potable water at a ratio of 500 people - Active participation of the community and
communities in Drytera. per water point. - Water mapping. government authorities.
- Maximum distance to a safe water
- Water tests report. - Rainfall is sufficient during the project
source <500m.
- 15 out of 20 random monthly water - Project reports.
samples have <10 coliforms per Risks:
100ml sample. - Vandalism or theft of taps and material.
Technical project management in WASH emergencies

Camp households have - The camp is observed to be 100% - FDG reports. Assumptions:
Result 2.
access to safe excreta free from open defecation. - Suitable land is available for latrine
solutions. - Field visit reports. construction.
- Family latrines exist at a minimum
ratio of 1/20 and are regularly
- Project records. - Availability of local materials.
cleaned and maintained.
- 5% of family latrines are adapted for - Latrine monitoring - Communities & local authorities agree to
use by disabled people or the reports. eliminate open defecation in the camp.
chronically sick.
- Feedback from Risks:
hygiene promotion
- Other actors working in the project area use
supply driven sanitation approaches.
Men, women and - 60% of 10% randomly selected - Focus group Assumptions:
Result 3.
children can demonstrate households can describe practices discussions reports. - Communities adopt the techniques and
good hygiene practices. they have applied as a result of the approaches of the project and take
hygiene promotion work. - Field visit reports. responsibility for applying them.
- 70% of the target population can
- Project records. Risks:
demonstrate techniques for storing
drinking water safely. - Resumption of civil unrest meaning poor
- 70% of handwashing facilities is
observed to have soap & water
available in random monthly
monitoring visits.
Key WASH sector actors - A capacity building plan, elaborated - Training reports. Assumptions:
Result 4.
in Drytera have the tools with the authorities & users exists. - Project is supported nationally & locally by
& capacities to manage - Financial & stock water departments.
- Water committees meet regularly &
their water facilities in a records.
decisions are implemented.
sustainable manner. - Water user fees are permissible.
- Water committees can demonstrate - Lists of committee
the availability of financial & material members. Risks:
- Water departments do not have sufficient
- Minutes from regular
staff, resources and technical capacity to
play an active role.
- Project records.
Technical project management in WASH emergencies

Activities Sub Activities Result 1: Water Supply Budget:

To be determined at scoping. Borehole drilling: 120,000
Water equipment: 75,000
Other costs: 5,000
National Staff: 150,000
Sub-Total: $350,000

- Stability of currencies.

- Security situation allows the deployment of

project staff.

- Other actors are collaborative.

- Involvement of stakeholders.

- Operational environment and support from

government structures continues.

- Government structures can take over from

WAI by the end of project.

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