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Answer: 1
First of all, we had to analyze the sources of power she has to influence her designers.

Proposed that she has the Legitimate power over her designers as her designers are supposed to report
her on their progress. (SG)

Pointed out the Reward power she holds, it's her authority to set the payment method of her designers,
she is not using this power at the moment as she is giving them a fix salary above average, but if we
want, she can use this power for the betterment of the company. (Ansab)

She also has the Coercive Power over her designers, as she can punish her designers for not meeting
customer needs by making them work overtime or giving them warnings or firing them. (AH)

Added up the Referent Power, as she already give free hand to her designers in their work they must
have a good relationship and trust. So, she can use her referent power to influence her designers. (AI)

Came up with a source which is Expert Power as she is still doing designing job herself and have a great
skill and a good experience in the field and she can use her experience to guide her designers. (HF)

The basic conclusion thus achieved was to practice her existing powers more effectively.

Answer 2
We have come to the conclusion that she as a leader despite being creative and unique in her approach
towards her subordinates, is not obtaining the desired results she is expecting from her designers. To
improve Customer Satisfaction and the productivity of her designers she should use the following

 She should appreciate and challenge her subordinates to increase motivation and production.
 To give more freedom to her employees (SF)
 Instead of paying them a premium salary she should pay them on a commission basis (a certain
percentage of customers billings) This would give them the incentive to satisfy customer needs
as the more a customer pays the higher reward the designers will get. (AI)
 She should introduce an effective communication system between customers and designers.

Answer 3.
Steps to increase the designer’s motivation to deliver high quality customer service:

• The designer should be provided with a comfortable environment and subordinates to work with so
that she is more creative in designing and decorating (Aisha Idrees)
• There should be a huge variety in the designs for all types of people for example those who are not
comfortable in revealing their bodies etc. (Amina Hareem)

• There should be different colours in the same design to accommodate different tastes in colors. (Aqib

• Return or Replace policy for customers within a certain limit of days (Shahab Ghauri)

• Quality should always be put above quantity when it comes to satisfying customers (Ansab)

• There should text messages for loyal customers to announce sales/discounts (Haris Farukh)

• Wide variety in sizes as a sign to embrace all human sizes! (Shawal Fida)

Answer 4
We collectively reached a decision where we would advise her to engage in transformational leadership
because the situation requires her to work with individual teams to identify needed change. She then
needs to create a vision to guide the change through inspiration and executing it in tandem with her

Her process have been made easier in the following steps.

Developing vision: She needs to create a vision that is exciting and must make her designers follow it
passionately. (AH)

Selling the vision: She needs to constantly sell the vision and build a strong network of high potential.

Road map: She must have clear idea of the goal and must know which direction to move in.

She should make her followers to move in the same way as well. (Ansab)

Leading the change: She should remain at the forefront during the change. She must always be visible to
her followers and she must always stand up to be counted. She should motivate her followers from her
enthusiasm. (AI)


AI (Aisha Idrees)

AH (Amina Hareem)

SG (Shahab Ghauri)

SF (Shawal Fida)

HF (Haris Farrukh)

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