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Electrical and Electronic Circuits 1st Year computers and Information

‫لكية احلاس بات و املعلومات‬

‫الفرقة الاوىل‬
‫الفصل ادلرايس الاول‬

‫دوائر كهربية‬
‫و الكرتونيات‬
‫اجلزء النظري‬

Prof. Ahmed Ali 2022

Tel. 01115656361
PROF / AHMED ALI Tel.: 01115656361 SMART ACADEMY- 2022
Electrical and Electronic Circuits 1st Year computers and Information

Choose the correct answer ( 3 marks for each point )

1- Delta connection is also known as ……………..
a Y-connection
b Mesh connection
c Either Y-connection or mesh connection
d Neither Y-connection nor mesh connection

2- Nodal analysis is generally used to determine ………….

a Voltage b Current c Resistance d Power

3- If there are “n” nodes in a circuit, how many equations do we get?

a n-1 b n c n+1 d 1

4- Nodal analysis can be applied for ………………

a Planar networks
b Non-planar networks
c Both planar and non-planar networks
d Neither planar nor non-planar networks

5- A voltage source connected in series with a resistor can be converted to a …..

a Current source in series with a resistor
b Current source in parallel with a resistor
c Voltage source in parallel with a resistor
d Cannot be modified

PROF / AHMED ALI Tel.: 01115656361 SMART ACADEMY- 2022

Electrical and Electronic Circuits 1st Year computers and Information

6- A current source connected in parallel with a resistor can be converted to a …

a Current source in series with a resistor
b Current source in parallel with a resistor
c Voltage source in parallel with a resistor
d Cannot be modified

7- A source transformation is ………………

a Bilateral b Unilateral c Unique d Cannot be determined

8- In source transformation …………………

a Voltage source remains the same
b Current sources remain the same
c Resistances remain the same
d Both voltage and current source remain the same

9- In superposition theorem, when we consider the effect of one voltage source,

all the other voltage sources are …………………
a Shorted b Opened c Removed d Undisturbed

10- In superposition theorem, when we consider the effect of one current

source, all the other voltage sources are…………………
a Shorted b Opened c Removed d Undisturbed

11- In superposition theorem, when we consider the effect of one voltage

source, all the other current sources are…………………

PROF / AHMED ALI Tel.: 01115656361 SMART ACADEMY- 2022

Electrical and Electronic Circuits 1st Year computers and Information

a Shorted b Opened c Removed d Undisturbed

12- Superposition theorem is valid for ……………..

a Linear systems
b Non-linear systems
c Both linear and non-linear systems
d Neither linear nor non-linear systems

13- Superposition theorem does not work for …………

a Current b Voltage c Power d Works for all: current, voltage and power

14- The Thevenin voltage is the ………………

a Open circuit voltage
b Short circuit voltage
c Open circuit and short circuit voltage
d Neither open circuit nor short circuit voltage

15- Thevenin resistance is found by ……………..

a Shorting all voltage sources
b Opening all current sources
c Shorting all voltage sources and opening all current sources
d Opening all voltage sources and shorting all current sources

16- Thevenin’s theorem is true for …………………

a Linear networks
b Non-Linear networks
c Both linear networks and nonlinear networks
d Neither linear networks nor non-linear networks

PROF / AHMED ALI Tel.: 01115656361 SMART ACADEMY- 2022

Electrical and Electronic Circuits 1st Year computers and Information

17- In Thevenin’s theorem Vth is ………………….

a Sum of two voltage sources
b A single voltage source
c Infinite voltage sources
d zero

18- Which of the following is also known as the dual of Norton’s theorem?
a Thevenin’s theorem
b Superposition theorem
c Maximum power transfer theorem
d Millman’s theorem

19- Norton resistance is found by?

a Shorting all voltage sources
b Opening all current sources
c Shorting all voltage sources and opening all current sources
d Opening all voltage sources and shorting all current sources

20- The maximum power drawn from source depends on ……………

a Value of source resistance
b Value of load resistance
c Both source and load resistance
d Neither source or load resistance

21- The maximum power is delivered to a circuit when source resistance is

…………….. load resistance
a Greater than b Equal to c Less than d Greater than or equal to

PROF / AHMED ALI Tel.: 01115656361 SMART ACADEMY- 2022

Electrical and Electronic Circuits 1st Year computers and Information

22- Under the condition of maximum power efficiency is ……………

a 100 % b 50 % c Zero % d 30 %

‫ المأخوذة من المرجع الخاص بالشرح و الخاصة بتحليل الدوائر‬MCQ ‫بعض اسئلة‬

PROF / AHMED ALI Tel.: 01115656361 SMART ACADEMY- 2022

‫‪Electrical and Electronic Circuits‬‬ ‫‪1st Year computers and Information‬‬

‫مع التمنيات بالتوفيق‬

‫د‪ .‬أحمد علي ‪01115656361‬‬
‫ماجستير الرياضيات و االحصاء كلية البحوث و الدراسات االحصائية‬
‫دبلوم النانو فيزياء جامعة القاهرة‬

‫‪PROF / AHMED ALI‬‬ ‫‪Tel.: 01115656361‬‬ ‫‪SMART ACADEMY- 2022‬‬

‫‪Electrical and Electronic Circuits‬‬ ‫‪1st Year computers and Information‬‬

‫باقي اسئلة ‪ MCQ‬المأخوذة من المرجع الخاص بالشرح و الخاصة بالفصل السادس‬

‫مع التمنيات بالتوفيق‬

‫د‪ .‬أحمد علي ‪01115656361‬‬
‫ماجستير الرياضيات و االحصاء كلية البحوث و الدراسات االحصائية‬
‫دبلوم النانو فيزياء جامعة القاهرة‬

‫‪PROF / AHMED ALI‬‬ ‫‪Tel.: 01115656361‬‬ ‫‪SMART ACADEMY- 2022‬‬

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