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Cucumber is a software tool that computer programmers use for testing

other software. It runs automated acceptance tests written in a

behaviour-driven development (BDD) style. Cucumber is written in the
Ruby programming language.
Cucumber is Aslak Hellesoy's rewrite of RSpec's "Story runner"(In April
2008), which was originally written by Dan North.

Cucumber is a tool which facilitate BDD.Cucumber is not a Browser

Automation tool, but it works well with Browser Automation tools such
as Selenium Web driver

One of the least Technical tools

A very active open source project
Supports a variety of languages
BDD is Friendly & Understandable by Non Technical
Supports Multiple Platform, OS and Different
Automation framework based BDD Cucumber is
not really hard to develop and maintenance
Great ROI
Predictability & Confidence
- BDD is Friendly & Understandable by Non
Technical User
- Supports Multiple Platform, OS and Different
- Automation framework based BDD Cucumber is
not really hard to develop and maintenance
Gherkin is the format for Cucumber Specifications. Technically speaking
it is line based language with a well-defined syntax, but it’s so simple
that you don’t have to know how to program in order to use it. Gherkin

Feature: Summary
Scenario: Title
Given [Some Initial Context- Past tense]
When [An event occurs - Present tense]
Then [Ensures some outcome - Future Tense]

Gherkin documents are stored in regular text files with a .feature file extension.

When you run Cucumber, it will generate a report that verifies whether or not the
software behaves the way the Gherkin document says.

Testers can write some code that translates the text in the Gherkin document into
interactions with the software.
- Feature
- Background
- Scenario
- Given
- When
- Then
- And
- But
- *
- Scenario Outline
- Examples
Each Gherkin file begins with the Feature keyword. This keyword
doesn’t really affect the behaviour of your Cucumber tests at all;
it just gives you a convenient place to put some summary
documentation about the group of tests that follow.
In valid Gherkin, a Feature must be followed by one of the
following: • Scenario • Background • Scenario Outline
To actually express the behaviour we want, each feature contains
several scenarios. Each scenario is a single concrete example of
how the system should behave in a particular situation. If you add
together the behaviour defined by all of the scenarios, that’s the
expected behaviour of the feature itself.
Given, When, Then
In Gherkin, we use the keywords Given, When, and Then to
identify those three different parts of the scenario:

Scenario: Successful withdrawal from an account in credit

Given I have $100 in my account # the context
When I request $20 # the event(s)
Then $20 should be dispensed # the outcome(s)

So, we use Given to set up the context where the scenario

happens, When to
interact with the system somehow, and Then to check that the
outcome of that
interaction was what we expected
And , But
Each of the lines in a scenario is known as a step. We can add
more steps to each Given, When, or Then section of the scenario
using the keywords And and But

Scenario: Attempt withdrawal using stolen card

Given I have $100 in my account
But my card is invalid
When I request $50
Then my card should not be returned
And I should be told to contact the bank

Cucumber doesn’t actually care which of these keywords you use;

the choice is simply there to help you create the most readable

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