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Prayer for Healing of Body, Mind, Spirit In the mighty name Jesus. Amen.

e Jesus. Amen. Most loving heart of Jesus, bring me health in

body and spirit that I may serve you with all my
Lord, you invite all who are burdened to come strength. Amen.
to you. Allow your healing hand to heal me.
Touch my soul with your compassion for When it looks like I have failed
others. Touch my heart with your courage and
Lord, are you trying to tell me something?
infinite love for all. Touch my mind with your Prayer for Strength
For –
wisdom, that my mouth may always proclaim Failure doesn’t mean I’m a failure.
It does mean I haven’t yet succeeded. Lord, enlighten what is dark in me;
your praise. Teach me to reach out to you in
Failure doesn’t mean I haven’t accomplished nothing. strengthen what is weak in me;
my need and help me to lead others to you by
It does mean I have learned something. mend what is broken in me;
my example. Most loving Heart of Jesus, bring Failure doesn’t mean I have been a fool. bind what is bruised in me;
me health in body and spirit that I may serve It doesn’t mean I had enough faith to experiment. straighten whatever is crooked and
you with all strength. Touch gently this life Failure doesn’t mean I’ve been disgraced. revive whenever peace and love
which you have created, now and forever. It does mean I dared to try.
have died in me.
Failure doesn’t mean I don’t have it.
Amen. It does mean I have to do something in a different
Prayer in Time of Depression Failure doesn’t mean I am inferior.
It does mean I am not perfect.
Dear Lord, you are the one who created me, Failure doesn’t mean I’ve wasted my life.
and you are the one who has provided for my It does mean I have an excuse to start over again.
salvation and for my spiritual growth. I firmly Failure doesn’t mean I should give up.
It must mean I must try harder.
believe that you are the great God who love me Failure doesn’t mean I’ll never make it.
very much and that you know where I am going It does mean I need more patience.
and what is good for me. I humbly beseech you Failure doesn’t mean you have abandoned me.
now, dear Lord, because I am confused, It does mean you must have a better idea!
struggling with hurting pain. I am afraid and
discourage. I feel lost and very depressed. Let Prayer in times of bad temper
me feel your loving care and compassion. Let
me feel your sense and purpose and God, I know that my temper is far too quick. I
understand what you have planned for me in know well how liable I am to flare up, and to
this crisis that I am now undergoing. say things for which afterwards I am heartily
Lord, you are my refuge, my hope, my
stronghold in this very difficult time of my life. I I know that something in anger I do things
lean on and confidently put my trust in you. For which I would never have done. I know that my
I know that you will not forsake me. I pray that temper upsets things at home that it makes me
you will not forsake me. I pray that you will let difficult to work with, that it makes me cause
time heal this wound and I will become a better and become the source of trouble.
person because of your work in me in this crisis.
Amen O God help me to think before I speak. When I
feel that I am going to blaze out, help me to
Prayer for Inner Healing keep quiet just for a moment or two, until I get
a grip of myself again.
Speak clearly, Lord, into my heart. In the past, I
had been busy with life and I forgot what it Help me to remember that you are listening to
meant to really live. In the midst of my pains everything I say and seeing everything I do. O
and difficulties, allow me to know you so that I God control me and my temper too, this I ask
may understand what living for you is all about. your love’s sake. Amen.

I am weak, Lord, and helpless without you. I Prayer for spiritual Healing
surrender to you, Lord, all my fears, all my
burdens. I will focus on your truth that you will Lord, look upon me with eyes of mercy. May
be with me always. I will never understand your your healing spirit rest upon me. It is through
ways, but I know that you have a purpose for your power that I was created. Since you
me. created me from nothing, you can recreate me,
Fill me with the healing power of your spirit.
Lord, as I continue this prayer, gently touch me May your life-giving powers flow into every cell
with your healing hands. You are the divine of my body and into the depths of my soul.
healer and the greatest physician of all. I Mend what is broken. Cast our anything that
believe in my heart that nothing is impossible should not be within me. Rebuild by
to you. Heal my innermost being, my spirit and brokenness. Restore my strength for service in
my soul. your kingdom.

I know, Lord, that there is an end to my Touch my soul with your compassion for
loneliness and sickness because you died on the others. Touch my heart with your courage and
cross and rose from the dead. From now on I infinite love for all. Touch my mind with your
just want to live a loving heart not with a wisdom, that my mouth may always proclaim
grumbling heart. From now on, Lord, I just want your praise. Teach me to reach out to you in my
to live with a faithful heart and not with a need and help me to lead others to you by my
fearful heart. good example.

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