Field III Currie Assessment Dec2021

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8 CALGARY WERKLUND SCHOOL OF EDUCATION UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS IN EDUCATION _ EDUC 540: FIELD EXPERIENCE IIL PARTNER TEACHER NARRATIVE ASSESSMENT PRINCIPLES OF SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ENGAGEMENT Student Teacher: Oliver Ledene ws: School: Silver Springs Partner Teacher: Beth Cur Field Instructor: Jef Turner NOTE: This is mot a eter of reece and wll not be ddd bythe WERKLUND SCHOOL OF EDUCATION potest mploers mower patent emplyrs ay aor hs assessment fram the state rect 1 pups of sien Fl epee nt faethe cps dimersion of sei and ctr ngage in caso ering Me Eto se capers urn «portland hers purptio nthe epson shad pose evidence of Pow ‘Since thwpatly ine dscoom av ane sb comm. 9 erp uodsundig karts of heen of seetilum nl paaogkal tales vine wld Sus erstoman The nara esse sol es eset exces Sen ita janer sures uses eng shld cmt onthe ae ches rovth len {BCT Qaly Sand (21, acleig he a sown gal sete eee frou fel exper he loving rep oe Mewes sok sub capil eo thesuesines: Where the er parca rong? Het cou he ston oo furor Merb poeta rent ad devdopmen? Yom) swat csi he ers seeds fart fe mim ase. Tuesday November 7, 2021 COiver has been working in my class for almost six weeks. In that time he has taught lessons in al subject areas. Olver consistenlly exhibits a strong, yet caring attitude toward all students. He was very quick to Team their names, and has eome to know them as individuals with diverse backgrounds, abilities and learning rnceds. Oliver has fostered an environment of positivity while teaching. Students clearly fel safe 10 participate in discussions and will risk volunteering answers, as they are always met with positive feedback. When incorrect answers are given, Oliver validates the student with responses such as, “I can see why you right think that" or, That is great hypothesis, but not quite what Iam thinking about.” liver is consistent in his expectations for classroom management. He uses appropriate pacing and varies histone and volume while speaking to keep students engaged. He uses questioning o draw out prior [Knowledge when beginning new topics. By asking questions such as, “What do you notice?" He provides multiple entry points For stunts to participate. Oliver is firm, yet friendly as he reminds students of learning. ‘cxpectations, He uses phrases suchas, “Lf lean see your eyes, | know you're listening.” He set clear expectations on noise levels and listening behavior from the fist day. (Oliver attends all staff and team meetings, and is very avareof school events and expectations as well as tad team plans and timelines. He bas planned mini units in math, sience and phys.ed, He uses a variety of Teaching tools, such as isexssions video and games. He designs tasks that are varied and engaging, and tikes exemplars o guide stalent work, Steps for assignments are usualy displayed on the board for student reference. Oliver uses technology to enhance his lessons, and has reviewed the rules of digital citizenship With the clas to ensure appropriate use by students Cover has been involved in both formative and suramative assessment in the class. He has given feedback. to studeats in all subject areas. In math, Oliver taught a complete unit on measurement and then gave a Summative assessment inthe form of atest which he marked and reviewed with students. A goal for next term would be to practice designing assessment tools for various subject areas. Oliver includes student voiee in decisions where appropriate. He has worked with a small group of students onthe “reereation committee” to plan activities for Friday gym classes. During these student-led clases, (Oliver remains ully in charge of the class while allowing the stadent leaders ownership of their activities. ‘Over the course ofthe pastsix weeks Oliver has grown as teacher. He is always professional and shows respect for al students and adults in the building. He exhibits @ love of teaching and las been an asset to our clas. We look forward to having him back with usin February. CALGARY WERKLUND SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ENDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS IN EDUCATION EDUC S40; FIELD EXPERIENCE MU PARTNER TEACHER NARRATIVE ASSESSMENT ‘PRINCIPLES OF SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ENGAGEMENT Partner Teacher's Signature: t Date: ‘Student Teacher's Signature: <——_— wre Recommendation fo the Office of Undergraduate Programs: Credit Non-Credit ‘Was this assesment reviewed with the student? Yeo" NeQ ‘+ Please remember to alsosign and date any additional pags and attach fo this form. ‘+ Please ensure the student sigs the Narrative Assessment 1 Please provide the original Narrative Assessment tothe student teacher and kecp a copy for your own records. +The student teacher is requ Instructor, as per the instruct to submit a copy of this Narrative Assessment to their Feld Experience led Experience Instructor, n order to receive thelr final grade,

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