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Secrets of the cosmetic industry revealed…


to making your own natural skin, hair and
body care products

4th Edition
Chapter Extract eB11:

natural skin care

17 Tytler Street, Forres, Moray, IV36 1EL, Scotland

Tel: +44 (0)1309 696900 Fax: +44 (0)1309 696911
© Copyright 2009, Aromantic


Making Anti-Aging &

Skin Rejuvenation

We would all like to stay forever can occur. Of particular importance is

young and keep our skin like that of a that free radical damage accumulates
newborn baby, but it is not possible. with age and some studies suggest that
We can however reduce the skins aging free radical damage is the cause of aging.
process which starts as soon as we are If left unchecked, free radicals may cause
born when the free radicals start the heart damage, cancer, cataracts, and a
oxidation (destruction) process of all weak immune system.
our connective tissues. We slow this
On the skin level, free radicals damage
process by using antioxidants like
cells found in the connective tissue such
Rosemary Antioxidant CO2 Extract and
as elastin and collagen. Left untreated,
Vitamins A, C & E.
this will cause wrinkles. By applying
What are Antioxidants? an Antioxidant through the medium
of Creams, Lotions or Oils on the skin
Antioxidants are substances that may every day, this damage can be halted.
protect cells from the damage caused So, ideally, the best way to protect the
by unstable molecules known as free skin from aging is to start applying
radicals. Oxygen, an essential element Antioxidants to the skin when we are
for life, can create damaging by-products children!
during normal cellular metabolism.
Recipes for Skin Rejuvenating Toners
Antioxidants counteract these cellular by-
products, called free radicals, and bind
with them before they can cause damage. Rose Rejuvenating Toner
When Antioxidants perform this cellular
repair, or transform the free radicals into 80ml Rose Water
non-damaging compounds, they are said
to ‘scavenge’ the free radicals. This is why 5ml/g Ginseng Tincture
Antioxidants are known as ‘free radical 5ml/g Siberian Ginseng Extract
scavengers’. 5ml/g Aloe Vera Concentrate
Normally, the body can handle free 4ml/g NFF Moisturiser
radicals, but if Antioxidants are
unavailable, or if the free-radical Preservative (for amount, see Table 2)
production becomes excessive, damage

Neroli Rejuvenating Toner • Third Stage (40-35°C)

3ml Kiwi Seed Oil
84ml Neroli (Orange Blossom) Water
4ml/g Vitamin E Oil (undiluted)
6ml/g Aloe Vera Concentrate
1ml/g Vitamin C
5ml/g Hyaluronic Acid Gel
2ml/g Hyaluronic Acid Gel
2ml/g Pseudocollagen
1ml/g Vitamin A Palmitate
2ml/g NFF Moisturiser
2ml/g NFF Moisturiser
Preservative (for amount, see Table 2)
2ml/g Remodelling Intense
Preservative (for amount, see Table 2)
Method for making Rejuvenating
• Fourth Stage (40-35°C)
10-15ml Aloe Vera Gel
Simply measure all of the ingredients • Fifth Stage (35-25°C)
and pour into bottles/spray bottles,
12-15 drops Essential Oils
secure the cap or spray cap, label. Tip:
If the toner is for use at home, you can 8 drops Lactic Acid
leave out the Preservative, but use the
toner within 6 months of making it.
Method for making Anti-Wrinkle/
Recipe for an Anti-Wrinkle/Skin Skin Rejuvenation Creams
Rejuvenation Cream using Base
Emulsifier 1) Fat Stage: Heat the Fat Stage
ingredients in a double boiler until
This Recipe makes 100-105ml. all of the ingredients have melted and
the temperature has risen to 75-80°C.
There is no need to use a whisk at this
Dry/Mature/Sensitive Skin

• Fat Stage (75-80°C) 2) Water Stage: After boiling the Spring

Water in a Kettle, measure it according
4ml Sunflower Oil
to the Recipe and pour it over the
3ml Apricot Kernel Moisturiser, which you have put into a
2ml Macadamia Nut Oil separate double boiler. Then allow the
mixture to heat to 75-80°C.
2g Cetearyl Alcohol
3) When both Fat and Water Stages are
5ml/g Base Emulsifier
over 75°C, remove both double boilers
• Water Stage (75-80°C) from the hob, keeping the Water Stage
56ml Boiling Spring Water mixture hot by leaving it on the top half
of the double boiler.
2ml/g Glycerine
contd/ 4) Now pour the melted Water Stage into
the Fat Stage in a thin, steady stream, while
continuously whisking the mixture from
side to side for 5 minutes. If necessary, use

a spatula to scrape the mixture from the An Oil Serum will feel dry on the skin
sides of the saucepan (or bowl). as it is usually absorbed quickly by the
skin. This is because Oil Serums should
5) Allow the mixture to cool, stirring
contain thin, dry Oils rich in Omega 3
all the time. You can speed up by the
& 6 Essential Fatty Acids combined with
cooling process by replacing the hot
Antioxidants. And so important Oils
water in the double boiler with very
for making Serums are Kiwi Seed, Chia
COLD water. In the process of cooling
Seed, Camelina, Rosehip Seed, Hemp
down, the mixture becomes a Cream and
Seed, Evening Primrose, Borage and
will reach its thickest consistency when it
Thistle. Serums are used on specific parts
is has cooled down to room temperature.
of your skin to effect an intensive cure.
6) Third Stage: Whisk in the Third Stage
Table 13 on the following page shows
ingredients, little by little, when the
the ingredients of a range of Extra
mixture has cooled to under 40˚C.
Intensive Rejuvenating Face Oil Serums
7) Add the Preservative. for various skin types.
8) Then add the Aloe Vera Gel until you
get the right consistency.
9) Fourth Stage: Continue stirring until
the mixture has cooled to under 35°C,
whisk in up to 15ml Aloe Vera Gel
(based on 1% Xanthan Gum) little by
little until smooth.
10) Fifth Stage: When the mixture has
cooled to under 35°C, thoroughly mix
in the Essential Oils and the Lactic Acid.
11) Pour the Cream into one big jar or
smaller jars and label.

Rejuvenating/Anti-Aging Oil Serums

for the Face

You can help reduce the signs of aging

in the face and around the eyes by using
super potent active raw materials in an
Oil Blend called a ‘Serum’. A Serum is best
applied in the evenings after you have
cleansed your face and applied Toner.
Serums prevent premature signs of
aging as they contain high doses of
antioxidants, which work on the skin
if used regularly and thereby reducing
damage caused by the aging of the
connective tissue such as elastin and

Table 13: Recipes for Extra Intensive Rejuvenating Face Oil Serums

Dry/ Dry/ Mature Mature/ Sensitive Sensitive Oily/

Raw Material Sensitive Sensitive Black Sensitive Black Sensitive
1 2 Skin Skin

Chia Seed Oil 15 10 20

Vit. E Oil 25 30 25 30 25 29 10
20 10 10 10
Primrose Oil
Hemp Seed
10 20
Kiwi Seed Oil 30 30 20 24 32 20 24
Squalane 10 10 10 10
Rosehip Oil 30 10 18 15
Vit. A
1 2 1 1 2 2 2
Nut Oil
Avocado Oil 30 5 30
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Buckthorn 1 1 1 1
CO2 Extract
10dr 10dr 10dr 10dr 10dr 10dr 10dr
Essential Oils 0.5ml 0.5ml 0.5ml 0.5ml 0.5ml 0.5ml 0.5ml
Total % 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
The following are pages which are
referred to in the preceding text.

About Double Boilers/Bain- supermarkets and never tap water,

except for shampoos/liquid soaps as the
maries detergent helps to preserve the products
as well. Here it is always a good idea to
When we refer to a double boiler, or a boil the water for at least 10 minutes
bain-marie, we are referring to a cooking beforehand.
vessel consisting of two nested pans,
designed to allow slow, even cooking Other challenges
or heating of ingredients in the upper
pan, without scorching or denaturing, by Other challenges to the preservative
the action of water boiling in the lower effect in products the German producers
pan. It is very important that the water of Preservative 12 have told us about
in the lower half of the double boiler is is when you use food products in your
actually boiling – this will ensure that cosmetics e.g. ground almonds in an
the ingredients in the upper pan or bowl exfoliating cream, etc.
will melt successfully. You can improvise
Too many Ingredients can spoil the
a double boiler, if you don’t already have
Preservative Effect
one – with two saucepans or a saucepan
at the bottom and an ovenproof or
The more active ingredients one has in
stainless steel bowl at the top. It is not
a product, the more challenging it is to
essential to buy specialist equipment if
preserve it. Having said that, the Anti-
you are making products for your own
Wrinkle Cream we make on Courses
has a maximum amount of actives in
it and we have used a dosage of 0.6%
Preservatives Preservative 12 without any problems.

Taking responsibility
We’ve expanded this section on
Preservatives to help you use them in At the end of the day, you, as a producer,
your products more effectively. We also need to take responsibility for how much
have a handy table on what dosages to preservative you choose to put into your
use for the different Preservatives and products. I would recommend doing
whether you are using herbs in your basic stability testing for anyone selling
products or not. products to the general public and so
Using the Right Kind of Water that they get an idea of their shelf life.
The basic standard industry method is
to put into a glass jar at 45°C in an oven
What we’ve seen from feedback from
for 3 months, check it every 2 weeks,
two of our customers whose creams
note their observations including colour,
went off using Preservative 12 is that
smell, texture and skin feel.
they used normal tap water, which is an
unnecessary challenge to the product. If it survives 3 months with no changes
Other customers have used osmosis then it is deemed to be probably stable
water, and that too can be a challenge. for 12 months at room temperature.
More elaborate industry methods involve
I have always recommended using
putting the product through temperature
reputable bottled spring water from
cycles of cooling and heating.

The minimum that you should do is to products is to weigh them on a very good
put samples in clear glass jars on sunny scale that weighs down to 0.1 grams. If
window sills and test them as above. The you still decide to continue using drops
longer you have seen it stay stable, the to measure our Preservatives, we now
longer the shelf life you can write on the recommend using different quantities
label. depending on which of our Preservatives
you are using in your products. In
At least make sure it is stable for 1
our recipes that you may have from
month in this way before you start
old Newsletters, our books and recipe
selling to the general public. If possible,
brochures, you’ll often find that we don’t
you should also store and observe
say which preservative to use, we simply
samples in the airing cupboard. But
say ‘x’ number of drops of ‘Preservative’
ideally, it would be good to invest in a
in the recipe. As I mentioned before,
45°C oven.
you need to decide how much of a
The best weigh to measure Preservative you will put into your own
Preservatives! products, but shown in Table 2 are
my new recommendations. For more
The best method for measuring the information on each of the preservatives
Preservatives when adding to your see Tables 2&3.

Table 2: Recommended dosage for Aromantic’s Preservatives

New recommended
amounts per
suggested New recommended
100ml/g of product
amounts per amounts per 100ml/g
containing herbal
100ml/g of of product
infusions or

22 drops using
20 drops using small
Preservative Eco - small 0.7mm
0.7mm dropper/1g/1%

20-25 drops using large 25 drops using large

Preservative 12 12 drops 2mm dropper/0.8- 2mm dropper/0.9ml/
1g/0.8-1% 1g/1%

12-15 drops using large 25 drops using large

Preservative K 12 drops 2mm dropper/0.5- 2mm dropper/0.9ml/
0.6g/0.5-0.6% 1g/1%

Still 12 drops using 20 drops using large

12 drops large 2mm dropper/ 2mm dropper/0.72ml/
(Aromantic Blend)
0.5g/0.5% 0.8g/0.8%

Table 3: Conversion Table for Aromantic’s Preservatives

1 gram of Aromantic Approximate no. of Density/Specific Gravity (grams

Preservative drops* per cubic centimetre)

approx. 20 drops using

Preservative Eco 1.018-1.118g/cm3 at 21°Celsius
small 0.7mm dropper

approx. 25 drops using

Preservative 12 1.09g/cm3 at 20°Celsius
large 2mm dropper

approx. 25 drops using

Preservative K 1.105g/cm3 at 20°Celsius
large 2mm dropper

Parabens approx. 25 drops using

1.125g/cm3 at 25°Celsius
(Aromantic Blend) large 2mm dropper

• NB Drops refers to drops from Aromantic’s bottles with dropper lids we supply our
Preservatives in.

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