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What are the main causes and effects of individual success?

სახელი გვარი

ნაშრომის ტიპი

ფაკულტეტი, პროგრამა

კურსის ხელმძღვანელი : სახელი გვარი


თბილისი, 2021
Individual success is purpose that everyone tends to achieve. It is defined
miscellaneously for different persons; It is up to them what they consider as success. For
most of them success is favorable outcome what their work has, career achievements, for
others success is pondered as completed personal life. Some of them believe, that they will be
successful if combine successful occupation and private life. On this way to the
achievements, people need great effort to gain different skills, knowledge and experience,
that will become causes of their success.

The main reason why people succeed is to have desire and special motivation.
Nothing is impossible if we want and try to do everything while striving for the set goals.
Desire does not mean purposefulness. A person may want something, but do not aspire to do
it and do not act. The first step for people to take action is setting a goal and turning simple
desire into a great goal. That is the second reason why successful people have taken their
place in society, the basis of that is purposefulness, the ability that leads us to something. It is
admitted, that anyone becomes what and how much he or she does. So, people should begin
to act towards their goals.

Another cause of becoming successful is sanity, positive mental attitudes, good

psychical condition. To acquire fulfillment a lot of time and effort are needed, experience
and knowledge are required, eventually, everyone seeking for success needs patience and
stable psychic. They should have a sense of responsibility, sense of obligation towards
themselves and commitment to the set goals. The reason why people become successful is
that they overcame the harmful habit of laziness and irresponsibility and felt great crave to
achieve goals. Organization, time management, sense of punctuality, regular and daily,
intensive work are also key factors on the way to success

Effects of receiving individual success is great. It is believed that time-consuming

work that is done intensively every day by a person is very productive and time spent for it is
rationally used up, because in this process person intakes a lot of skills. In the conclusion, it
will definitely have result and this result will be precisely success.

As a result, after achieving success, you have sense of fulfillment and feel yourself
confident. You can see and appreciate what you have created, get the encouragement from it,
and then value yourself even more, that is the greatest thing, that the person can ever

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