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4’l IONS


II. 13wxr 01: ):l.m--rRm l3ERm wRf:m

The small-signal gain of the lice-electron laser relevant to on-going high-gain experimental work at
(I-IL) is the quantily of prime importance in dcrcr- long wavelcngrhs 19 1, as well as planned expcrimenlal
nlining whcfhcr lasing is poaMe. For an FEL opcral- work at short wavelcnglhs [ lo- 12 1. Most of I hc new
ing willi a very lossy rcsimm~r. or opmting wilhouL results in this paper are numerical. Since the theoretic-
il resonahr by means of amplilied spontaneous cmis- al analysis has been published previously. we rnerclq
sion. very high gain is ncccssary. In this high-gain rc- suinmarizc the physical situation, tcrminolog~, and
gimc the gain per puss incrcascs cxponenrially with basic cqurtions before prcsenling I he numerical rc-
rhc length /. of the wiggler 1I ?I!1: and maximal gain is sulls. We ncglecl emittancc and assume that I~C clcc-
obtained when the clcctron speed is nearly resonant Irons propagate parallel to rhe z axis. Both the elec-
with lhal 01’ the por1deromoWc potential. This is in iron transvcrsc density ilislribulion iulll the laser field
confrast lo lhe niorc familiar small-gin rcginie, whcrc arc taken IO bc axially symmetric. ‘I’hc polariration
the gain increases (ii1 bcsl) as 1.j and is anlisymrnelric may bc either linear or circular, depending on the
abour rcsonancc. lype of wig&r. The cleclron cnergics are assumed IO
In previous work [3,4 1 WC andy~cd the high-gain he uncorrelaled wilh radial position and to have a
Slllilll-Sigllill rcgiiiic 01’ lhc free-cleclroii laser for single lorcnlzian dislribution. Wilh this distribution WC have
liqucncy. uniform-wiggler operation, taking diffrac- SIIOWII l6.7.41 Ihal energy spread ~111be accoun~cd
tion inl.0 accounI. Exponentially growing modes wcrc for very simply by giving an imaginary parr IO the
found willi profiles iridepcndcnt of fh l0ngi~udinill pilriWEWr p measuring energy &tuning from rcso-
c00rdinillc. I lcrc wc prescnl im cxtcnsion of our prc- imcc.
vious work to the ci1.Wwhere 1here is a spread in rhc Exccp~ TOI some rzrnarks near the c11dof the pa-
cnergj ilislrihi~~ion or’thc clcctron bcan~. Our primurj per, we reslricr our consideration to a uniform sharp-
concern is wilh I hc pin of the fastesl-growing mode. edgedtransvcisc clcclron distribuiion U(T), such that
This mode iloniiriat~s over more slowly growing U(T) = (irU2) I Ibr r <u and u(r) = 0 for r > a. Then
modes in the Iiigh-gain rcgimc. the fundamcmal paranieter of i hc theory is ihc scaled
While lhc L?ffccls of diffraction 1.3 5 1 or electron clcctron-beam radius ri, dcfincd by i = ui;uC.where
cncrgy sprcutl [4.6-S] have beeii discusscil prcvious-
ly for the high-gain FEL, this paper is the first lo pre-
SWI gain ciddaiions where both effects arc taken in- WC inrcrprer a, as ihc Icngtl1 OVCIwhich diffraction
to accounl sirnuhaneously. Thcsc results should be cslablishcs ~rar~src~~c coherence in the high-grin FEL.

0 (!.10--IOI & 55 W.3.30 5 I:lscvicr S<iCilc’CPuNi\li~r~ I%\‘. I?1

(Sorlll-l I~!llilllil I)li>siC3 I’llblislii~l~ IX\ i\loil)
Here I is the currcnl. H is rhe RMS magnetic ticld of ‘The high-gain modes oi lhc FEL. are oblainctl h)
the wiggler, ltic cons1imI rj is one for a tlCtiCill wiglcr numcricatly finding values of x and 0 which are simul-
and a well-known diffcrcncc of Bessel functions for a t,ancous solutions of cqs. (5) and (6). This is done bh
linear wigglclY h, is the Iascr wavclcng~ti, X,, is ihc a Ycwton-Raphson procedure. The gain per unit Icnglh
wiggtcr wavelcngtti. and M is related 10 the clcctron is given b>
mass WI hb
fi -: 2 Kc($) = I;‘.‘k,u;. (10)
M=rrrll t(rBX,li’?nrrrc)*ll’*. (2)
For large ri diffraction is unimportrnl, and onc-dinicn-
i = In1(d2)hi2. (11)
sional theory gives the corrccI gain. For small ci the
gain is less than that predicted by one-dirriensional The physical meaning of the scaled gain i can he
theory. seen by noting that g and k vary proportionally when
A mode I:, with longitudinal dependence cxp(@) a is changed and all other physical paramelcrs arc
has the transverse depcndencc held consiam. For each mode ri is a function of t,hc
tMrillllCtCrS li, j. and L'. It is typically 011 the order 01
I:;(r) = .I(,( x+7) for I < u. 0)
unity or less. and is only slightly sensitive to small (fac-
toi 01' Iwo) changes in ir when ri is small. If wc let
I:;(r) = hH,$gr/u) for r > II. (4)
I.,, - ifi = k,u: lx ;I characteristic gain length of I hc
where Jo is the Bcsscl function of order zero, I-/,, is I-‘I: t., c ( IO) shows that wc can interpret uC =
the Hanket funcrion of the first kind of order Lero. h (Gk,) as the diffraction width associated wirh
is a constant, and x and Q are complex numbers. The I I& gain lcngt h.
complex number ~3tics in Ihe lirst quadrant and is rc- For large i and modes of low order, diffraction cf-
latcd to fi according ro 0’ = Xp*i$, where k, = ?r/X,. facts are unimportant and x takes on values near suc-
In order that I;‘, and its firs1 derivative be continuous ccssivc Lcros ofJo. tr is a good approximation then fo
ar r = ~2,wc require rtiat ~qlcct x2 in cq. (6). which becomes a cubic equation
li)r o*. This approximation is equivalent to treating
@/iI (Q)J(I(X) =x.~l(W()(o). (5)
t,hc FLIL by a one-dimensional theory. l’hc low-order
In addilion. x and 4 arc related by the cquar ion IIWJCS all have ncnrly the same gain. There is at IIWSI
one root of the cubic for which I$’ has a positive ima-
x2 = 0’ . ($/ti* . p) 2n (0)
where P is a dimensionless cncrgy detuning paramclcl.
For rhe cast of a monoencrgelic clcctron beam. cc
nicasurcs tlic detuning of the electron energy 1. from
rcsonancc according 10 .‘I

I:‘= Afc~(X&~,)I.* 1I + Xyh,jl/(4W$ I. (7) O
This equation definesp.
dctuning fi used in rcfs. [3pI
(Note thar P is related 10 lhc
according ro P =’.)
I I.
1 0.5 ,

WC assume rhat the second term in square hrackels is 1.0

much less than one. For a lorcntsian distribution 01 1.5

elcclron cnergics of I tic form
f’(jJ)=(tln(i?ll +(p /$,X2) I: (8, ::
5 3 - 5
which is cenlerctl at ;U and has width U: WC mercl!:
need 14.0.7 I IO make rhe reptacemcnl

I-c+p ii.’ (‘1)

in cq. (6).

\‘ollllllr .54. IlllllllWr 2 OPI’K’S ~‘oMHI:XI~‘~~TIoss

@nary part. Such a root. as shown by eq. (I 1). leads b


IO amplification. The gain obtained hy solving the CU-

hit equation is shown in fig. I. This,figure shows
curves of 2li’ “g as a function of li2’$i for various
VdlJeS ol’li’ ‘3L!. Peak gain is obtained for ii = 3 ’ I21,:.
II’ii’= 0. the peak gain isi = 3”2/2ri2!’ and iilllpliih :. ‘\,u :!
tiori is possihlc for jIi < 3(2ii) 2 “. II’ 1.’> OFthen arn-
plificiltil~rl is possihlc for ji > (rib’) ‘. Clearly dc-
crcilSirlg u irlCrC;lSeS IhC gain arid thC gain bariclwid~h.
as well IS rllikkirlg thC gain ICSSsensitive to energy
SpWild. He shall see that these Cl’fCcts persist when ri
is rCl~ucCd 10 SrTlall VdlJeS. hlJt that quarllitiltivc~!,
~hcy ilrC grcutly Inotlilietl by diffraction. WC tind that
diffraction is unimportant for ri .a 20, is riiodcrarcly
important for li = I. illld is a d0rui~Ulrlt CffCCl for i;
srllall ri. Since the ;iChiCveablCcurrent I is 1101inclepen- I :

1ler11 in practice of the clcctron-beam radius, o11C Ciul-


riot say iii general whcrher it is bcttel to operalc with /’ --\...., u -0

IilVW ,,,,,.
z Or SlllUll ““.,,,,,““‘,,,,,.,,,,,,,,

U. ;. ,,,,,,,,.,,.”
WC prcscm results in this paper only for the lowest- I
li .
order irodc. which is the mode for which x approach-
es I~IC firs1 dero of’.l,, as li + z:. This rnodc has the
IargCst gain. The gairl is rllaximal above rcsonancc, but
is ncarlq iriaxirrlul on rcsonarIcCif L = 0.
Fig. 3 Shows IIIC gain #iIS ;1 firnclion
Of p for Vilr-
iOUS VilllJCS Of I, WhCll li= CnCrgy
2. /\S CxpCClCl~.
spread tlCcrC;lsCsthC gairl and thC gain bandwidth. ‘,‘, ‘;, ,: - _.
_ __ .- _

ThC dcllJrlirlg giViilg rllilXirlllJl?l gairl dots rlol dcpclld

apprccinbly OII 1.: While the bardwidth for C = 0 cx-

tends well beyond the cutofl’al J(4) 2LJ * I .I9 pre-

dicted by one-dirncnsional theory, the bandwidth for
li = 0.5 does riot cxlcrtd in the negativeii direction as
far as lhc cutoff al I prediclcd by one-dirriensional
theory. Moreover, there is also a cutoffal posilivc ji.
Fig. 3a shows thC gain as il function Of deturiing ill
i = 0.04 Tar 15’= 0 autl for 1; = 0.025. Fig. 3b shows
the peak near resonance on 811 expanded scale. In
cornparisori with fig. 2. we see that the peak piri for
U = 0 has incrcascd by ahm~t ;1 f:lCtor oi three. Also,
the gain is reduced by a lesser pcrccntag for a given
amount of’encrgy spread. Considering that ci has been
rcduml by a factor ol’ SO, both of these changesarc
quite sr~~all. The rnosf dramatic chgc in reducing ri
from 2 to 0.04 is the large increase in the gain band-
width. This large bandwidth sugcsts that it co11lt1 bc
difficult to achievesin@-frequency operation in situ- known analytically lsee cq. (3)j inside the electron
ations where diffraction is a dominant cffcct. As beam. I lowevcr, the limiting casesof large and small
shown in rel’s. [3.4J. positive dctuning increases the beam radius are easy to treat. II’ the beam dcnsily at
width of the laser mode and the divergenceol’ the its peak is nearly uniform over a width much greater
wavefronts. while negative detuning concentrates the than uC, one-dimensional theory should give the cor-
laser mode within rhc electron hcam and gives wcll- rect gain, provided that the ratio ol’ current to laser
collimated wavefronts. mode area is replaced by the peak current density.
Ifi is smil~l, il is strdightfonwrd to derive an This assunlcs, however, that transverse excursions ol’
analytic cxprcssion Ibr the gain on resonance, whcrc the electrons due to cmittancc and betatron oscilla-
it is nearly maximal. In this cast one can neglect the tions arc much less then+ lfci Q I, it can be shown
first term O2 on the righl side of cq_(6) to get thal cq. (13) is valid for an arbitrary distribution u(r).
providctl that u is defined by the condition
x = (g/G? + L>’ 1. (12)
It turns out that Q2 is mostly imaginary and x is mosl-
32ir2 $ dr f u(r) In(alr) j dr’ r u(f’) = I .
Iy real. Also. 0 is very small, and x is fairly small.
0 0
Using small-argument approximations For the f’unc-
tions in q. (5). and also using cq. (I I). wc derive Let us consitlcr a deiinitc physical example. We
choose I = IO A, B = 0.24 T. X,, = 3.2 cm, rj = 1, and
ln(2jti) = (Ink)/2 + q t ?(a t G)? - 114. (13)
A, = 10 /AIll. kille CC]. (1 ), WC GlkUkitC! that UL’ = 0.843
whcrc yl, = 0.577 is the Euler-Maschcroni constant. mm. Then, using cq. (7), we see that the deviation 15/z
Lcl. ( 13) rctluces for 1.’= 0 to a rcsuh dcrivcd in rcfs. of the mean cleci.ron energy from the resonant energy
[3.41. I:(i is
Fig. 4 shows curves of the maximal gain g as a furls-
SE,X(, = (2.85 x IO “)ji. (14)
tion of ri Ibr scvenl values of L?. Thcsc curves were
obtained using NJ. (13) i’or small ri, one-dimensional Also. using cq. (I 0). the gain is
I heory Ibr large ir. and cxacl numerical calculation in
g = i$2.34!m). (IS)
the intermediate regime.
For an arbillary norm&cd transverse clcctron The results in fig. 2 apply il’ri = 2 and u = 1.61 mm.
distribution U(T). WC expect exact calculation of the In lhis case the maximum gain for L’ = 0 is # = 0.47
high-gain modes to bc somcwhat harder than I’or the and R = I .052!lni. The rcsulls in lip. J apply ifli = 0.04
sharp-edgeddislribulion. since the field ES(f) is not and N = 33.7 /,HII. In the lultcr USC the maximum gain
Ibr (.’ = 0 isi = I .33 and g = ?.%!m. Fig. 3 indicates
1hill appreciablegain is possible cvcrl wheu c%;:‘/~~, bc-
comus ol’o~dcr unity. -rhe prcscfil theoretical formula-
tion is villid. howcvcr, only whcrl SE//.,j is small. II is
unfortunate’ rhat IIIC iurge increase in gain bandwidth
ill small li is accompaniedby such a small increase in
tolcrancc 10 energy spread.

This rcsc;lrcll was supported in part by the 1i.S.

Ol’licc 01’ Naval Rcscurch.


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