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Código Versión Fecha Edición Vigencia

F-AC-003 00 27/11/18

Name: Eduardo Javeir Flores Adame. Student Number: 193087

A fossilized bone has been found, after analysis the amount of C14 is 1/1000 if the original amount.

- Determine the age of the bone assuming that the mean lifetime of the C14 is 5600 years.

Model: 𝑑𝑄
= −𝑘𝑄

Where: 𝑄0 is the initial quantity of C14 in t=0

K is the constant of disintegration of C14
T= Mean lifetime of 5600 years

dq Qo/2 = Q (5600)
dt Qo/2 = Qoe5600k
DQ/Q = kdt 5600k = in1/2 = -in2
dQ/Q = kdt K = -(in2)/5600
∫ ∫ K = -0,0001237
In|Q| = kt +c
Q(t) = Qoe-0,0001237e
Q = ek+c
Q(t) = Qo/1000
Q = (ek+)( ec)
Qo/1000 = Qoe-0,0001237e
Q = ektc
¿ 1000
Q(t) = ektQo T= = 55,800 years

F-002 Rev 00 Página 1 de 1

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