Types of Riba: Tutorial Chapter 1

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Tutorial Chapter 1

Types of Riba

Riba Al-Duyun Riba Al-Buyu’

Riba Al Qard Riba Al Jahilliyah Riba Al Fadl Riba Al Nasi’ah

Definition: the increase levied on

Definition: increase (interest) on the borrower for late repayment Definition: Happen in unequal Definition: Due to the extension of
the principal sum of the loan Is exchange of its counterpart. time of delivery.
or failure to repay the financial
agreed upon at the point of Example: a sale of 100 kg of dates
contract. Example: Exchange 10 grams to be paid back with 120 kg six
Example: Ali wants to borrow Example: Ali agreed to give Abu a of gold for 12 grams of gold. month later.
RM1,000 from Abu. But Abu set a loan of RM500 and is required to This type of exchange is illegal
condition that Ali must repay the repay one month from now. But if because it is supposed that
debt of RM1,200. The surplus of both must be of equal weight
Abu fails to pay Ali’s debt before
RM200 is riba ad-Duyun type of al- (example: 10 grams or 12
or in the 1 month, then Abu is
Qardh. grams).
required to pay Ali RM600. The
surplus of RM100 is riba Al Duyun
type of al-Jahiliyyah.

Types of Gharar
Minor Gharar
Major Gharar

Definition: Minor gharar is forgiven as it does not render Definition: The gharar that causes a contract to be
a sale contract defective. It is a gharar which does not invalid is major (excessive) gharar.
affect the principal components of the contract and
necessary conditions of the essential elements.

Example: a fisherman sells 100 KG of fish that he hasn’t

Example: asset, price, language of the contract caught yet

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