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TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................i-ii


A. Background ......................................................................................1
B. Research Question ...........................................................................4
C. Objective of The Research...............................................................4
D. Significance of The Research ..........................................................4
E. Scope of The Research ....................................................................5


A. Previous Research Related....................................................................6

B. Some Partinent Ideas ............................................................................8
1. The Concept of Anxiety ...................................................................8
a. Definnition of Anxiet ...................................................................8
b. Factor of Anxiety..........................................................................9
c. Tips for Giving a Speech When You Have Social Anxiety .........10
d. Cause of Anxiety ..........................................................................12
e. Strategy to anxiety in Proposal Seminar ......................................13
2. The Concept of Seminar Proposa.....................................................14
3. The Concept of Presentation ............................................................16
a. Definnition of Presentation...........................................................16
b. Factor of Presentation ...................................................................16
c. Criteria of Good Presentation .......................................................17
4. The Concept of Public Speakin ........................................................18
a. Definnition of Public Speaking ..................................................18
b. Tips of Public Speaking ..............................................................19

c. Types of Public Speaking ............................................................20

C. Conceptual Framewo ............................................................................21


A. Research Design ......................................................................................25

B. Research Subject .....................................................................................26
C. Research Variables and Indicators ..........................................................29
D. Research Instruments ..............................................................................29
E. Procedure of Collecting Data ..................................................................31
F. Procedure of Data Analysis .....................................................................33


A. Conclusion...............................................................................................31
B. Suggestion ...............................................................................................32




This chapter discusses about background, research problem, objective of the

research, significance of the research, the scope of the research. It is designed to

determine the problem that will be studied.

A. Background

Before completing study at tertiary education level, all final semester students

are required to submit their work in the form of a thesis. The student must provid a

scientific paper that has been written based on the results of research conducted by

students independently. In the process of writing the thesis, the students will be guided by

lecturers or supervisors to develop ideas relate to the topic being studied.

Before doing research, students must make a proposal and present it to the

examiners through a seminar. Proposal seminars in general are one way to convey a

student's final project research plan in front of an examiner and attended by students who

are the audience from the same department by presenting the final results.

A seminar proposal is usually conducted directly in front of the examiners and

audience. However, due to the covid-19 outbreaks, all the educational processes are done

online, including the proposal seminar. Unlike in offline seminars, in online proposal

seminar students must prepare tools that are needed to run the seminar from home. They

are required to master and to get used to online conference applications that will be used

to present the slides in front of the examiners.

The process of online proposal seminar is quite similar to regular seminar. The

students will present the proposal starting from chapter 1 to 3. After these will be

question and answer sessions where the examiners and the audience may give question or

comment in the presentation and the content of the proposal. The presenters are supposed

to answer the questions correctly and clearly. Lastly the proposal seminar is closed with a

conclusion, and the proposal must be corrected before conducting research so that

everything is easy and smooth without any problem.

In fact, presenting roposal seminars through online media offers a different

seminar experience to the students. Many of in doing it. However, presenting proposal

seminars through online media is not easy. Because one of the main causes is anxiety

which makes students feel insecure and nervous and insecure. The problem that is almost

the same for every final semester student of each college is the problem of anxiety. In this

context, for example, the problem of completing a thesis proposal which incidentally is

one of the mandatory requirements for holding an S1 degree for students. With the

increasing number of students each year and the imbalance in the number of graduation

and new students, it causes a variety of complex problems. Especially in an era like this,

education that is completely online, and without face-to-face makes it more difficult for

the author to absorb and understand the lessons, even writing proposals must also be done

with the online seminar process, so that it makes researchers even more anxious because

of the lack of guidance and the limitations made by researchers and supervisors in the

guidance process, plus the state of the country that was hit by the COVID-19 outbreak

forcing all of us students to do online lessons.

According to Ottens (2005:9), academic anxiety refers to the disturbing

patterns of thought, physiological and behavioral responses that follow from concerns

about the possibility of poor performance on academic tasks. One form of academic

assignment is working on a thesis. This anxiety occurs because students have never

experienced this, such as guidance with lecturers, seminars with several lecturers in the

room, and the influence of the stories about theses they get from seniors and their friends.

This causes students to have thoughts that will form anxiety so that when making

presentations students will be nervous and anxious when conducting seminars.

Based on the explanation of the background of the problem above, it can be

seen that the problems experienced by students in facing the proposal seminar can cause

anxiety. Because of that, researchers are interested in further researching how

"Investigating Students' Anxiety in Online Proposal Seminar at English Department of

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar".


B. Research Question

Based on the above background, the authors conclude that the problem

formulation of this thesis proposal is:

1. What are the causes of students’ anxiety in conducting online proposal seminar at

English Department of Muhammadiyah University Makassar ?

2. What strategy do the students use to deal with their anxiety in conducting online

proposal seminar ?

C. Objective of The Research

The objective of this research is to describe the causes of students’ anxiety and

how they strategy with anxiety problems in doing online proposal seminar at English

Department of Muhammadiyah University Makassar.

D. Significance of The Research

The results of this study are expected to be useful information for English

Department students and for teachers to add information to the teaching and learning

process by presenting the results of the proposal seminar through social media. In

addition, this research is expected to provide additional information for future


E. Scope of The Reseach

In this study, the researcher observed and analyzed the causes of student anxiety

in presenting the results of the proposal seminar through social media in the English

department at the college level at the University Muhammadiyah of Makassar.




This chapter discussed about review of related literature. It explained about

previous research related and some pertinent ideas and conceptual framework.


Jones and Vaseyn (2011), found that anxiety is a common thing experienced by

every student when speaking in public through proposal seminars to be able to complete

their final project. Anxiety itself can increase if it is done using a foreign language. This

paper aims to provide a specific description of student anxiety in delivering presentations

in English and provide solutions to deal with these worries. There are several factors that

influence student anxiety, namely internal factors which include fear of mistakes, fear of

criticism, emotional conflicts, language anxiety, negative experiences, fear of forgetting

presentation material, fear of being stopped, and negative thoughts, and external factors

which include room conditions, failure to practice, gender, and physical factors. There are

strategies that students can do to overcome their anxiety in English presentations, namely,

(a) positive thinking, (b) making optimal preparation, (c) practicing repeatedly (d) being

confident, and (e) doing relaxation.

In addition Panicker and Ritika (2014) explained that rapid growth and easy

access to the Internet have facilitated its influence on the lifestyle of youth. Apart from

some of its benefits, this technological tool also has an overuse problem which has

become obvious resulting in "Internet Addiction". Students who are going to study are

students who are vulnerable to problematic Internet use to be able to run online proposal


Khairatunnisa (2020) based on the results of her study, concludes that is thesis

proposal seminar is one of the requirements for English Education Department students

to process their thesis. Students should present a thesis proposal that provides information

about the research. Nowadays, the thesis proposal seminar not only present in offline but

also online presentation. For making a great presentation, students should organize the

components of preparation for both online and offline presentation. This research focuses

on the preparation of online and offline presentations. This is descriptive qualitative

research that is used to describe students’ preparation by using questionnaire and depth-

interview. The subjects of this research were the English Education Department’s

students who have done thesis proposal seminar presentations both online and offline.

Based on the results showed that there were some students’ preparation for making a

great presentation in online and offline. In online preparation, those are planning the

event times, practicing the presentation, setting up the environment, maximizing audio

quality, and have a backup plan. On the other hand, in offline preparation, those are

practicing oral presentations with others, preparing good PowerPoints, remembering the

methodology, audio recording to listen to fluent speaking, and video recording for

looking at the body language of presentation and mental presentation.



1. The Concept of Anxiety

a. Definnition of Anxiety

Walker and Rosenhan (2001:3), anxiety (also called anxiety or anxiety)

is a psychological and physiological state characterized by somatic,

emotional, cognitive, and behavioral components. It is an unpleasant feeling

of fear and concern. The basic meaning of the word anxiety is 'irritating or

distress'; whether or not there is psychological stress, anxiety can create

feelings of dread, worry, anxiety, and dread during to proposal seminar.

However, anxiety should not be confused with fear either face-to-face or via

online media, it is more of a feeling of fear about something that appears

intimidating and can overcome a person. Anxiety is considered a normal

reaction to stressors. It can help a person to deal with a demanding situation

by encouraging them to cope with it. However, when anxiety becomes

overwhelming, it may fall into the classification of an anxiety disorder.

Kirkwood and Melton (2002), anxiety disorder is one of the mental

disorders most frequently encountered by public speakers. People who feel

anxious when speaking in public in conducting proposal seminars by

presenting them to examiners tend to avoid situations where students have to

appear, but when students face such situations, they suffer from intense stress

and anxiety.

G.D (2010:7) stated that students who experience an explicit increase or

worsening of anxiety during a certain point in the process of speaking in

public to examiners, mentors and audiences using online media at proposal

seminar activities are considered to have state-based anxiety. This anxiety can

occur independently or simultaneously from and with one another.

Riegel (2013:45) states that student anxiety about public speaking is not

directly proportional to the number of seminar attendees. Some of your

audience might scare you. He suggests that when this fear hits the material

bearer, they need to implement a strategy that will allow them to present it

with confidence and enthusiasm. The presentation procedure must be

transactional with constant exchanges between the presenter and the

audience. The presenter should ask questions regularly to engage a more

active audience that requires more dialogue than monologues. A basic

strategy like this can make a visible difference and can help individuals

overcome their fear of public speaking and facilitate them in building calm

when speaking online.

b. Factors of Anxiety

Setiadi and Junaid (2020), the results showed that there were 3 factors

that caused students' anxiety in their presentation at the English Department

proposal seminar like; lack of preparation, lack of confidence and lack of


c. Tips for Giving a Speech When You Have Social Anxiety

Meanwhile Cuncic (2015), there are 7 tips for giving a speech when

you have social anxiety in online proposal seminar, like:

1) Exercise

Getting daily exercise can help to manage anxiety, and a good run

or cardio workout on the morning of the day of your speech will keep your

endorphins running high and anxiety levels low. On presentation days,

many speakers maintain a ritual of a morning run or strenuous workout to

“burn off the nerves,” redirect their energy, and benefit from the so-called

“runner’s high.”

2) Dress for Success

Choose an outfit that you are comfortable in, that makes you feel

good, and that is appropriate for the occasion. If you wear something that

you dislike or that doesn’t fit you well, you will be distracted from giving

your speech.

3) Practice and/or Imagery

Practicing giving your presentation or talking in front of friends

or family can help take some of the anxiety away. When something is new

it can be more overwhelming, but if you have already given this

presentation before, it will decrease the anxiety. Also, imagery can be a

great tool. You can imagine yourself giving the presentation and anticipate

how you will feel. You can even practice relaxation techniques while you

are doing it. This is all part of exposure which helps decrease anxiety.

4) Take a Breath

When you're anxious, you tend to take rapid, shallow breaths that

come from the chest, which can result in increased heart rate, dizziness,

muscle tension, and other physical sensations. Before you get started,

practice a deep breathing exercise (abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing)

to stay in the moment and settle yourself down. Taking a break to breathe

while speaking can also help lower your anxiety in the moment.

5) Meet Your Audience

Unfamiliar faces can seem threatening, particularly when you are

in the spotlight. Try to talk with some audience members prior to your

speech. This will help you to realize that they are just people like you, and

not there to judge you. At the same time, if you are overcoming SAD

(Social Anxiety Disorder), even speaking one-on-one with a stranger might

be anxiety-provoking. Know your own limits and try to minimize stress

before your performance.

6) Maintain Good Eye Contact

When you have good eye contact with your audience, they will

feel more connected to what you are saying.4 Here is a tip-have three or

four people that you know position themselves throughout the room and

rotate your gaze among them while you speak. If you are comfortable

looking around at the audience, try to gauge whether they are keeping up

with you or if you need to slow down or explain things in more detail.

7) Focus on Content

As you speak, allow yourself to become immersed in the topic and

how it will help the members of your audience. Shifting the focus off of

yourself and onto the content of your presentation helps to seminar


d. Cause of Anxiety

Anandari. (2015). found the students feel that the obstacles and

problems that are often experienced which cause anxiety at seminar proposal to

students, namely such as;

1. The cause difficulty of finding reading sources (literature) related to

the research title.

Some students find it difficult to get references so they become

confused when composing a proposal, coupled with a presentation so that

the supervisor repeatedly gives revisions to students which then arises a

feeling that they are always blamed because some students are not

mentally ready to be criticized during guidance, causing pressure and

anxiety when going to a proposal seminar.

2. The cause difficulty of finding the examiner and students

With current conditions that force students to conduct online

guidance, and the explanations carried out by examiners are usually too

complicated and difficult to understand because the explanation is not

directly or eye-to-eye but online or video call through the presentation


3. The cause makes students afraid and anxious

Students will feel anxious about the delay in completing the

targeted online proposal seminar. Finally, this obstacle triggers anxiety in

the students themselves when conducting the Proposal seminar.

e. Strategy to anxiety in Proposal Seminar

Subandi (2003:12) found reports several benefits of relaxation,


1. Relaxation will make the individual better able to avoid that reaction

excessive because of the stressor.

2. Problems associated with stressors such as hypertension, headaches,

insomnia can be reduced or treated with relaxation.

3. Reducing the level of anxiety.

4. Reducing the possibility of stress-related distractions, and control

anticipatory anxiety before situations that arise anxiety, such as at

important meetings, interviews and so on.

5. Improve work performance, social, and physical skills.

6. Fatigue, mental activity and or physical exercise can be delayed

overcome faster by using relaxation skills.


7. Self-awareness of one's physiological awareness can increase as a result

of relaxation exercises, allowing individuals to use relaxation skills to

generate stimulation physiological.

8. Relaxation is an aid to cure certain ailments and operation.

9. An important physiological consequence of relaxation is that of a rate

individual self-esteem and self-confidence increased as a result of

control which increases to stress reactions.

10. Improve interpersonal relationships. People who relax in situations

interpersonal difficulties will think more rationally.

11. Relaxation will be effective if relaxation is done.

2. The Concept of Seminar Proposal

Pardede (2016:4). research proposal is the most important part of a

proposal, because the rest parts of the proposal are merely supports of this

section. The introduction sets the scene for the study, establishes the problem

that the study addresses, targets an audience, identifies the relevance of the

problem for the audience, defines key concepts, specify the purposes and

significance of the study, and clarifies any term that might cause different


Chand and Marwaha (2020), a proposal is a form of submission or

request, offering good ideas, ideas, thoughts, and plans to other parties to get

support, permission, approval, funding, and so forth. Research proposals are


written documents that are made to communicate to supervisors, funders, or

research sponsors about the strategies that researchers will use in solving

problems. The proposal must clearly answer the question of what, why,

how, and when about the research to be conducted. From the language point

of view, the research proposal demands the use of standard language with

concise, direct, and non-ambiguous sentence construction, so as not to cause

misunderstanding from the reader.

The word seminar comes from the Latin seminarum which means "seed".

So the seminar means "a place to plant seeds of wisdom", the Seminar is a

scientific meeting that systematically studies a specific topic under the

leadership of an expert in a particular discipline of science. In Terminology

seminar is an activity that is made for the delivery of a scientific work

from an expert or researcher that is presented to participants in order to make

the same decision on scientific work between sources and participants. The

seminar is a special meeting that has technical and academic aims to

conduct a thorough study of a particular topic by solving a problem that

requires interaction between seminar participants.

The proposal is derived from the English word 'to propose' which

means to submit. If it is associated with scientific papers, then the

proposal is a proposed activity plan.


3. The Concept of Presentation

a. Definnition of Presentation

Vangelisti (2002:6), she argued that presentation is an activity of

speaking in front of a crowd or a form of communication. Presentation is the

topic of submitting activities, opinions or information to others either directly

or through social media such as in proposal seminar activities at the final

examination stage for college students.

b. Factor of Presentation

Fadlan and Azwar (2017), they are found some of the factors that

cause language anxiety in students in their speaking ability in seminar

proposal are generally divided into two, namely internal factors and external

factors, but in the case of this study, researchers only found internal factors,

namely worries about making mistakes, worries about accepting questions

from participants, worries. will fail the seminar, the inability to choose the

right vocabulary when explaining the presentation material, the worry to be

the attention of many people or lack of confidence, lack of good English

language skills, lack of preparation and practice, poor pronunciation, feelings

of inferiority, and lack of confidence. experience in presentation.


c. Criteria of Good Presentation

Meanwhile Farhan (2020), the students on a higher level a good

presentation in online proposal seminar checks off these three boxes:

1. Informative

A good presentation contains all the necessary information and

only the necessary information to make a point. Showering your audience

with extraneous facts and figures, no matter how accurate or valid they

may be, will only send them into snooze-land.

2. Impressive.

Impressive doesn’t mean that you've got to set off fireworks or

arrange for Hollywood-style explosions to take place during your

presentation. But it does mean that your presentation needs to include

visual content to help impress your words onto your audience’s mind.

Visual content can be images, graphs, video, or even something as simple

as expressive body language and meaningful gestures.

3. Storytelling.

The human mind loves stories. Both oral information and visual

expression can quickly bore an audience if they've got no meaning, no

structure, or greater purpose. But tie the two things together in an


interesting series of events that take the audience on a journey, and you’ve

got them hooked by the nose!

4. The Concept of Public Speaking

a. Definnition of Public Speaking

Daly and Cavanaugh (2009), they found three studies of the

relationship between public speaking anxiety at a seminar activity between

students and examiners, tutors and audiences. In the first study, greater

anxiety was associated with greater concern about evaluation, performance,

and self-related problems. Study 2 focused on the construction of seminar

participants, audiences to examiners about public speaking through online

media. The highly anxious individual emphasizes negative self-oriented

constructs. In a recent study, anxious people chose topics of conversation

that were less familiar to them and reported less sensitivity to public

discourse. While previous research on public speaking anxiety has typically

examined the effects of anxiety on performance, this study suggests that

anxiety is also linked to beliefs and worries that play a major role in speech


Pull and Charles (2012), based on the results Public speaking anxiety

is a very common disorder, causing excessive psychological and

physiological reactivity. This is present in most students in the use of


Arlin (2013:9), found that public speaking anxiety is not directly

proportional to the number of attendees in a person's conversation. A small

audience may scare you just as badly as a large group. He suggests that

when this fear hits presenters, they need to implement strategies that will

allow them to stand on stage with confidence and passion. Presentation

procedures must be transactional with constant exchanges between presenter

and audience. The presenter should ask questions regularly to engage the

audience more actively which requires more dialogue than monologues.

Basic strategies like this can make a visible difference and can help students

overcome their fear of public speaking and facilitate them in building

positions when speaking in front of an audience at a seminar.

In addition, research on speech production conducted by Anandari

(2015) revealed that foreign language anxiety arises among students and that

self-reflection activities help them realize their strengths, weaknesses, and

help them in problem solving to improve their public speaking skills in

presentation. the work of proposals for seminar activities.

b. Tips of Public Speaking.

Jones and Vasey (2011), they are found the authors explored

dispositional differences in the ability to self-regulate attentional processes

in the domain of public speaking. Participants first completed measures of

speech anxiety and attentional control. In a second session, participants


prepared and performed a short speech. Fear of public speaking negatively

impacted performance only for those low in attentional control. Thus,

attentional control appears to act as a buffer that facilitates successful self-

regulation despite performance anxiety.

Potock (2019) Then try these tips covering everything but your

words to make your next presentation in seminar proposal, like;

1. Bring your own cup with a lid and straw.

2. When an audience member asks a question and you need a moment to

form an answer, pause, and take a sip of water.

3. Make sure there’s room to roam.

4. Ask to move the entire front row to the back of the room..

5. Casually wander over and stand behind the talkers.

6. Take your breaks when doing a full-day workshop.

7. Bring a second pair of shoes.

8. Cue up your playlist.

9. Don’t allow fidgets.

10. Approach the event like hosting a party.

c. Types Public Speaking

Witt & Behnke (2007:3), they are in the research was conducted to

investigation included two studies relating anticipatory public speaking


anxiety to the nature of the speech assignment. Based on uncertainty

reduction theory, which suggests that communicators are less comfortable in

unfamiliar or unpredictable contexts, two hypotheses were advanced on the

presumption that various types of assignments in informative speeches:

impromptu, extemporaneous, and manuscript reading. These findings

extend the tenets of uncertainty reduction theory to the public speaking in

seminar proposal and suggest implications for both therapeutic intervention

and pedagogical application.


Online Proposal Seminar

Student’s Anxiety

Causes of anxiety Strategies to cope with anxiety


Based on this conceptual framework, the researcher wants to use

descriptive research to analyze students taking the final exam as a requirement for

graduating at the University.

The requirement is to be able to take part in an online proposal seminar.

Which is where the seminar proposal exam is usually carried out directly in front

of the examiner and the audience. However, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, all

educational processes are carried out online, including proposal seminars. In

contrast to offline seminars, in online seminar proposals, students must prepare

the tools needed to run the seminar from home. They are required to master and

familiarize themselves with the online conference application that will be used to

present slides in front of the examiners.

Khairatunnisa (2020) based on the results of his research concluded that

the proposal seminar is one of the requirements for students who must present a

thesis proposal to be able to provide information about their research. Currently,

thesis proposal seminars are not only available offline but also online

presentations. To make a good presentation, students must organize the

preparation components for presentation well.

Seligman and Rosenhan (2001:3), anxiety (is a psychological and

physiological state characterized by somatic, emotional, cognitive and behavioral

components. It is an unpleasant feeling of fear and worry. The basic meaning of

the word anxiety is 'annoying or distressing' ; the presence or absence of

psychological stress, anxiety can cause feelings of fear, worry, anxiety, and fear

as long as students attend the proposal seminar. However, anxiety in students

should not be equated with fear either face to face or through online media, it is

more a feeling of fear of something that seems intimidating and can overwhelm a

person. Anxiety is considered a normal reaction to stressors. It can help students

to deal with demanding situations by encouraging them to cope. However, when

anxiety becomes overwhelming, it may fall under the classification of anxiety


Kirkwood and Melton (2002), anxiety disorder is one of the most common

mental disorders encountered by public speakers. People who feel anxious when

speaking in public in conducting seminar proposals by presenting them to

examiners tend to avoid situations where students have to appear, but when

students face such situations, they suffer from great stress and anxiety.

The researcher prepares the research subject by using a questionnaire in

the form of a questionnaire which aims to be able to see which students

experience anxiety in the proposal seminar exam through online media. This

research was also conducted through interviews to find out what the causes were

according to Setiadi and Junaid (2020), the results showed that there were 3

factors that caused student anxiety in their presentations at the English

Department proposal seminar, such as; lack of preparation, lack of self-confidence

and lack of motivation in the proposal seminar exam and can find out how the

students' strategies are to be able to overcome them. According to Cuncic (2015),

there are several speech strategies when experiencing social anxiety in online

proposal seminars, such as always practicing and remembering before the

presentation begins, using good applications and adequate networks, dressing

neatly, controlling your breath, maintaining good eye contact, be confident, focus

on content, and don't leave the place before the proposal seminar exam has been




This chapter discussed about this research it explained about research design,

research subjects, research variables and indicators, research instruments, and than

procedure of collecting data.

A. Research Design

This type of research in this research is descriptive research. Researchers used

descriptive research where the design of this study describes what actually happened to

the procedures about the methods that are useful in research. It is uses as a guide for

conducting research from start to finish of work. An illustration of student anxiety in the

process of an online seminar because of the Covid-19 outbreak that is rampant on the

earth's surface, therefore it is done using technological media.

This study uses a qualitative method. According to Gay (2006:39), qualitative

research is the collection, analysis, and interpretation of narrative and visual data to gain

insight into certain interesting phenomena. In addition, qualitative research obje;ctives

focus on and relate to promoting a deep understanding of certain phenomena, such as

environment, processes, or even beliefs. This study used a qualitative method to describe

the factors that influence the final semester students' speaking anxiety at the University of

Muhammadiyah Makassar, Department of English Education. The method used in this

research is to collect and analyze data in accordance with the objectives of this study to

obtain information about any factors. Subjects that can cause student anxiety in the

process of online proposal seminars.

B. Research Subjects

Oktawirawan (2020:4) state that research subjects are individuals who take part

in the research. The subjects of this research are the active students who have completed

the online proposal seminar at English Department Muhammadiyah University of

Makassar, and identified themselves to be anxious during their proposal presentation. The

subjects included in this research are they who have attended the online proposal seminar

from the 2020/2021 period whose data was taken from the study program.

1. The research subject for students who have attended a proposal seminar axam

named “HAMIDA” on the date Wednesday, 23-December-2020 of English

Education Department with a NIM number 105351120816 which has a research

title “The Influence of Using Cartoon Video on The Students’ Speaking Ability” at

the University of Muhammadiyah Makassar in the period 2020/2021.

2. The research subject for students who have attended a proposal seminar axam

named “SITI NURHALIMA” on the date Wednesday, 02-Juni-2021 of English

Education Department with a NIM number 105351136816 which has a research

title “The Use Of Spelling Bee Game In Improving Vocabulary Mastery Of

Students at SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Makassar” at the University of

Muhammadiyah Makassar in the period 2020/2021.


3. The research subject for students who have attended a proposal seminar axam

named “MUSLIYADI” on the date Wednesday, 02-Juni-2021 of English Education

Department with a NIM number 105351118816 which has a research title “The Use

of Berlitz Method to Improve Students’Vocabulary in Descriptie Text” in the

period 2020/2021.

4. The research subject for students who have attended a proposal seminar axam

named “RASTIANA” on the date Saturday, 03-Juli-2021 of English Education

Department with a NIM number 105351104116 which has a research title “

Investigating Students’ Ability and Its Factors in Writing Descriptive Text” in the

period 2020/2021.

5. The research subject for students who have attended a proposal seminar axam

named “ARNIK” on the date Saturday, 03-Juli-2021 of English Education

Department with a NIM number 105351134416 which has a research title “The

Analysis of Students’ Perception on Their Reading Comprehension Through Comic

Books” in the period 2020/2021.

6. The research subject for students who have attended a proposal seminar axam

named “KARMILA” on the date Saturday, 07-Agustus-2021 of English Education

Department with a NIM number 105351108116 which has a research title

“Improving Students Reading Comprehension In Narrative Text Using

Summarizing Technique” in the period 2020/2021.

7. The research subject for students who have attended a proposal seminar axam

named “ANDI SRI FATUL RAHMAH ” on the date Saturday, 07-Agustus-2021of


English Education Department with a NIM number 105351120516 which has a

research title “Students’ Perception On English Speaking Using Virtual System

Online LEA” in the period 2020/2021.

8. The research subject for students who have attended a proposal seminar axam

named “AFRIDA RINI FITRIWATI” on the date Saturday, 07-Agustus-2021 of

English Education Department with a NIM number 105351121716 which has a

research title “The Use of YouTube Channel VOA Learning English to Improve

Students” in the period 2020/2021.

9. The research subject for students who have attended a proposal seminar axam

named “MUHAMMAD FIQRI FAJRIN” on the date Wednesday,15-September-

2021 of English Education Department with a NIM number 105351120916 which

has a research title “The Use of Manga Comic in Improving Students’ Reading

Comprehension” in the period 2020/2021.

10. The research subject for students who have attended a proposal seminar axam

named “NUR IDAWANA” on the date Thursday, 16-September-2021 of English

Education Department with a NIM number 105351109516 which has a research

title “Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Using Start Simple Stories

Extensive Reading Method At SMPN 3 Sungguminasa” in the period 2020/2021


C. Research Variables and Indicators

1. Research Variables

Variable is one of the important elements in research, and in it there are

two kinds, namely independent and dependent variables. The independent variable of

this research is the application of the case presentation method of student anxiety in

the seminar proposal in research for action carried out online. Researchers focus on

the dependent variable. The dependent variable in this study is students’ anxiety.

2. Research Indicators

This research indicator is to find the causes of student anxiety and

strategies in presenting proposal seminar activities through online social media in

order to avoid feeling anxious in students.

D. Research Instrument

Instruments are tools needed to get information. Gay and Airasian (2000: 145)

states that the instrument is a tool used in collecting data. In this study, researchers

will use questionnaires & interviews to collect data.

1. Questionnaire

A questionnaire is a list of questions or statements given to participants.

Sugiyono (2008: 142), it is explained that the questionnaire is a data collection

technique which is done by giving several questions or statements to the respondents.


This type of instrument is in the form of a questionnaire consisting of various

statements according to student experience which aims to be able to find out who are

final semester students who experience anxiety in conducting proposal seminar

exams through online media at the Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in the

2021/2022 academic year

2. Interview

Cavanaugh (2009:25) argues that interviewing is a process of getting an

explanation by asking questions online between researchers and respondents using

interview guidelines to obtain data from students who experience anxiety in online

proposal seminars.

This can be uses to obtain information by transcribing what data the subject

said which aims to find out the causes and how to deal with it in students who

experience anxiety in presenting their research results at a proposal seminar that

takes place online based on the respondent's point of view. Furthermore, using

interviews by asking several questions that have been provided by the researchers in

this study to connect the results of the questionnaire with the opinions of students

who have completed an online proposal seminar at the University of Muhammadiyah

Makassar in the 2021/2022 academic year.


E. Procedure of Collecting Data

According to Sugiyono (2013: 224), the data collection method is the most

strategic step in research, because the main purpose of research is to obtain data or

information with the subject in order to be able to answer relevant questions,

evaluate results and make predictions about possibilities and trends or future trends.

front. Which serves to increase the researcher's understanding of the research

subject according to his experience with anxiety in facing the online proposal

seminar exam

1. Questionnaire

In this research. a questionnaire is uses to identify students who submit

proposals. There are several ways to give questionnaires to students, such as:

a. The researcher will find out who are final semester students who have carry out

online proposal seminar exams by feeling anxious in these activities.

b. The researcher will arranges a meeting schedule with students who will be the

research subjects.

c. The researcher will give questionnaire to students who are the subject of

research which will be carry out according to the subject's agreement either

through online media or a meeting of the researcher and the subject directly

which has been agree upon when and where.


d. The researcher and research subjects will introduce themselves to each other.

e. The researcher will provide questionnaires either directly or through the media

using applications such as files in the form of documents, namely the

questionnaire in the form of statements about student anxiety that will be

given to research subjects which will be fille in by choosing answers

according to the experience or opinions of students in dealing with anxiety in

take the proposal seminar exam online.

f. The researcher will collect all the questionnaires that have been give to

research subjects.

g. The researcher will calculate the results of the questionnaire using the likert

scale system for each complete student questionnaire which aims to obtain

information on anyone who has anxiety or who does not experience anxiety

in conducting proposal seminar exam activities through online media.

2. Interview

a. The researcher will find out who are the final semester students who have

taken the proposal seminar exam through the online system who will be the

subject of research at the University of Muhammadiyah Makassar in the

2021/2022 academic year.


b. The researcher sets the schedule for the time and place of the meeting to be

agree upon by the researcher and the research subject to be carried out either

through the media or directly.

c. The researcher and research subjects introduce themselves to each other.

d. The researcher uses an interview system by asking several questions that have

been provided by the researchers in this study to connect the results of the

questionnaire with the opinions of students who have complete an online

proposal seminar at the University of Muhammadiyah Makassar in the

2021/2022 academic year.

e. The researcher records the interview.

f. The researcher collect data.

F. Procedure of Data Analysis

1. Questionnaire

The researcher will analyse the data from questionnaire by using Likert Scale.

Sugiyono (2018: 93) state that "The Likert scale is uses to measure attitudes, opinions,

and perceptions of a person or group of people about social phenomena". The

questionnaire or questionnaire uses a Likert scale in the form of a checklist. The

results of this scale use interval analysis. To be calculate in quantitative form, answers

from all respondents must be given a weighte value or Likert scale as follows:

a. Score 3. Strongly Agree (SA), has a score of 3

b. Score 2. Agree (A), has a score of 2

c. Score 1. Disagree (DA), worth 1

d. Score 0. Strongly Disagree (SD), has a value of 0

You can see the number of Likert scores in the following calculation:

1. Respondents who answere Strongly Agree (SA) x 3

2. Respondents who answere Agree (A) x 2

3. Respondents who answere Disagree (DA) x 1

4. Respondents who answere Strongly Disagree (SD) x 0

So the total score is: Strongly Agree (SA) + Agree (A) + Disagree (DA) + Strongly

Disagree (SD)

a.. Score Calculation:

1. Maximum Score = 100 x 3 = 300 (number of respondents x highest Likert


2. Minimum Score = 100 x 0 = 0 (number of respondents x lowest Likert score).

3. Index (%) = (Total Score / Maximum Score) x 100.

4. Index (%) = Total score of respondents x 100.


Index (%) = Total Score Total respondents %.

b. Rating Intervals:

1. Index 0% to 19.9% means Strongly Disagree (SD).

2. Index 20% to 39.99% means Disagree (DA).

3. Index 60% to 79.99% means Agree (A).

4. Index 80% to 100% means Strongly Agree (SA).

2. Interview

The data from interview will be analyzed by using the following steps :

a. The researcher will transcribe the records interview.

b. The research will reduce the data.

c. The research will classify the data.



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Appendix I: Qustionnaire
Example intruments questionnaire of anxiety in online proposal seminar of one by one students
majoring in English final semester at the Muhammadiyah University of Makasssar in the academic
year of 2021/2022.


Name :……………………………..

Class :……..……………………….

Age :……………………………… years


1. Read the statements below carefully.

2. You are asked to rate your anxiety below.
3. And you are asked to give an answer according to your situation objectively by
putting a cross (X) on one of the statements that you think is most appropriate.
4. The score given does not contain the value of true and false answers but shows
the suitability of your assessment of the contents of each statement.
5. The answer options available are:

SA = if you feel strongly agree (Strongly Agree)

A = if you feel agree (Agree)
D = if you feel disagree (Disagree)
SD = if you feel strongly disagree (Strongly Disagree)

6. It is requested that in giving an assessment there is no statement missed.

7. The results of this study are for academic purposes only. Your identity will be
kept confidential and only known by researchers. The results of this study will
have no effect to your status and does not affect your value in lectures.

NO Ekspressions


1 I am not confident in my ability in speak.


2. I get nervous when my teacher asked me to do some

presentationsin English.

3. When I feel anxious then I forget some vocabulary i know


4 It's so hard for me to be volunteer to speak English.


5. I feel worried about making error in presentation.

6. I start to panic when I have to do a presentation without


7. Sometimes I have negative things think when I have

something spoken during presentation.

8. I can feel my heart pounding when will i be called in


9. I always feel that others students speak English better than


10. I am still anxious even though I am have prepared to practice

beforehand presentation starts.

NO Ekspressions Options

11. I am afraid of other students will laugh at me when I make

error in presentation. SA A D SD

12. Before doing some of my presentations feel very confident

and relaxed.

13. I feel confident when I do something presentation.

14. I feel like I'll enjoy it forever speaking in the learning process
in presentations.

15. This is a symptom of speech anxiety, give ( X ) if it is symptoms that occur to you when you
deliver multiple presentations :

Quick breath Forgetfulness

Heart pounding Worried

A cold sweat Nervous

Sweaty palms Lost concentration

Tremor Feeling pressure in the chest

Appendix II: Interview Question

Examples intruments questions for interview in online proposal seminar of one by one students

majoring in English semester 10 at the Muhammadiyah University of Makasssar in the academic

year of 2021/2022.

1. What effect do you feel when you think about starting an online proposal seminar presentation?

2. What feelings did you feel when the online proposal seminar presentation started?

3. When you think about starting an online proposal seminar presentation, how does it affect your
sleep patterns?

4. What did you experience during the online proposal seminar presentation?

5. What is the cause of your anxiety when you experience anxiety in the online proposal seminar
presentation process?

6. What strategies do you do when you experience anxiety in the progress of online proposal
seminar presentations?

Appendix III :
The subjects included in this research are they who have attended the online proposal seminar from the
2020/2021 period whose data was taken from the study program at University Muhammadiyah of



1. HAMIDA H 105351120816 Wednesday The Influence of Dr. Nur 082393482138

23-December- Using Cartoon Qalby.,
2020 Video on The SS.,M.Hum
Speaking Ability Ariana,
T S.Pd.,M.Pd

A Junaid, S.Pd.,

U 2. SITI SN 105351136816 Wednesday The Use Of Dr.Syamsiarn 085395598996

NURHALIMA 02-Juni-2021 Spelling Bee a Nappu
N Game In M.Pd
Vocabulary Dr. St. Asriati
A Mastery Of AM. S.Pd.,
Students at SMA M.Hum
J Muhammadiyah
4 Makassar Uyunnasirah
A Hambali
S.Pd., M.Pd

Firman S.Pd.,
A M.Pd

3. MUSLIYADI M 105351118816 Thursday The Use of Dr.Nur 085211822111

03-Juni-2021 Berlitz Method Qalby, SS.,
2020-2021 to Improve M.Hum
Vocabulary in
Descriptie Text

4. RASTIANA R 105351104116 Saturday Investigating Sulfasyah,Ms. 085256638608

03-Juli-2021 Students’ Ability Pd., MA.,
and Its Factors Ph,D
in Writing
Descriptive Text


5 ARNIK A 105351134416 Saturday The Analysis Dr. St. Asriati 082243493387

T 03-Juli-2021 of Students’ AM. S.Pd.,
Perception on M.Hum
A Reading
Through Comic
H Book

U 081354555157
6.6. KARMILA K 105351108116 Saturday Improving Dr.H. Bahrun 081354555157
07-Agustus- Students Amin,
2021 Reading M.Hum
N Comprehension
In Narrative
Text Using
A Summarizing

J 7. ANDI SRI ASFR 105351120516 Saturday Students’ Sulfasyah,Ms. 085241462005

FATUL 07-Agustus- Perception On Pd., MA.,
RAHMAH 2021 English Speaking Ph,D
A Using Virtual
System Online

8. AFRIDA RINI ARF 105351121716 Wednesday The Use of Dr.St. Asriati 081373369615
A FITRIWATI 07-Agustus- YouTube AM, S.Pd.,
2021 Channel VOA M.Hum
Learning English
N to Improve

2020-2021 9. MUHAMMAD MFF 105351120916 Wednesday The Use of Manga Dr.St. Asriati 081335607199
FIQRI 15- Comic in AM, S.Pd.,
FAJRIN September- Improving M.Hum
2021 Students’ Reading


T 10. NUR NI 105351109516 Thursday Improving .Hasnawati
IDAWANA 16- Students’ Latief, M.Pd
A September- Reading
2021 Comprehension Eka
H Using Start Prabawati
Simple Stories Rum, S.Pd.,
U Extensive M.Pd
Reading Method
N At SMPN 3 Muhammad
Sungguminasa Arief Muhsin,
A S.Pd., M.Pd

J Dr.H. Bahrun
A M.Hum






In the current situation with COVID19, universities, especially at the

University of Muhammadiyah Makassar, show clear and convincing evidence of the


Students' anxiety in learning English, especially on seminar exams from the

work of student proposals which are carried out by presentation via online media to the

supervisor. And there are stages that cause student anxiety in online proposal seminars,

especially in the English Department, namely the difficulty stage of finding reading

sources (literature) related to the research title, the stage is difficult to find examiner

and the stage of making students afraid and anxious.

And as for the strategies that are carried out so that students do not experience or

prevent anxiety in online proposal seminars by presenting them to supervisors,

especially in the English Department in universities, namely a strategy for making

preparations and a strategy for making peace with fear.


This research will conducted to be useful to be able to provide information uses at

the University by students which is useful for preventing anxiety in a person when

taking a proposal seminar exam through online media, especially in learning English


Appendix 1


Name : ……………………………..

Class : ……..………………………

Age : ……………………………. . years



1. Read the statements below carefully.

2. You are asked to rate your anxiety below.
3. And you are asked to give an answer according to your situation objectively by
putting a cross (X) on one of the statements that you think is most appropriate.
4. The score given does not contain the value of true and false answers but shows
the suitability of your assessment of the contents of each statement.
5. The answer options available are:

SA = if you feel strongly agree (Strongly Agree)

A = if you feel agree (Agree)
D = if you feel disagree (Disagree)
SD = if you feel strongly disagree (Strongly Disagree)

6. It is requested that in giving an assessment there is no statement missed.

7. The results of this study are for academic purposes only. Your identity will be
kept confidential and only known by researchers. The results of this study will
have no effect to your status and does not affect your value in lectures.

NO Ekspressions


1 I am not confident in my ability in speak.


2. I get nervous when my teacher asked me to do some

presentationsin English.

3. When I feel anxious then I forget some vocabulary i know


4 It's so hard for me to be volunteer to speak English.


5. I feel worried about making error in presentation.

6. I start to panic when I have to do a presentation without


7. Sometimes I have negative things think when I have

something spoken during presentation.

8. I can feel my heart pounding when will i be called in


9. I always feel that others students speak English better than


10. I am still anxious even though I am have prepared to practice

beforehand presentation starts.

11. I am afraid of other students will laugh at me when I make

error in presentation.

12. Before doing some of my presentations feel very confident

and relaxed.

13. I feel confident when I do something presentation.

14. I feel like I'll enjoy it forever speaking in the learning process

in presentations.

15. This is a symptom of speech anxiety, give ( ) if it is symptoms that occur to you when you
deliver multiple presentations :

Quick breath Forgetfulness

Heart pounding Worried

A cold sweat Nervous

Sweaty palms Lost concentration

Tremor Feeling pressure in the chest

Appendix III : The subjects included in this research are they who have attended the online proposal
seminar from the 2020/2021 period whose data was taken from the study program at
University Muhammadiyah of Makassar.



1. HAMIDA H 105351120816 Wednesday The Influence of Dr. Nur 082393482138

23-December- Using Cartoon Qalby.,
2020 Video on The SS.,M.Hum
Speaking Ability Ariana,
T S.Pd.,M.Pd

A Junaid, S.Pd.,

2. SITI SN 105351136816 Wednesday The Use Of Dr.Syamsiarn 085395598996
J NURHALIMA 02-Juni-2021 Spelling Bee a Nappu
Game In M.Pd
A Improving
Vocabulary Dr. St. Asriati
R Mastery Of AM. S.Pd.,
Students at SMA M.Hum
A Muhammadiyah
4 Makassar Uyunnasirah
N Hambali
S.Pd., M.Pd

Firman S.Pd.,
2020-2021 M.Pd

3. MUSLIYADI M 105351118816 Thursday The Use of Dr.Nur 085211822111

03-Juni-2021 Berlitz Method Qalby, SS.,
to Improve M.Hum
Vocabulary in
Descriptie Text

4. RASTIANA R 105351104116 Saturday Investigating Sulfasyah,Ms. 085256638608

03-Juli-2021 Students’ Ability Pd., MA.,
and Its Factors Ph,D
in Writing
PERIOD Descriptive Text


5 ARNIK A 105351134416 Saturday The Analysis Dr. St. Asriati 082243493387

T 03-Juli-2021 of Students’ AM. S.Pd.,
Perception on M.Hum
A Reading
Through Comic
H Book

U 081354555157
6.6. KARMILA K 105351108116 Saturday Improving Dr.H. Bahrun 081354555157
07-Agustus- Students Amin,
2021 Reading M.Hum
N Comprehension
In Narrative
Text Using
A Summarizing

J 7. ANDI SRI ASFR 105351120516 Saturday Students’ Sulfasyah,Ms. 085241462005

FATUL 07-Agustus- Perception On Pd., MA.,
RAHMAH 2021 English Speaking Ph,D
A Using Virtual
System Online

8. AFRIDA RINI ARF 105351121716 Wednesday The Use of Dr.St. Asriati 081373369615
A FITRIWATI 07-Agustus- YouTube AM, S.Pd.,
2021 Channel VOA M.Hum
Learning English
N to Improve

2020-2021 9. MUHAMMAD MFF 105351120916 Wednesday The Use of Manga Dr.St. Asriati 081335607199
FIQRI 15- Comic in AM, S.Pd.,
FAJRIN September- Improving M.Hum
2021 Students’ Reading


10. NUR NI 105351109516 Thursday Improving .Hasnawati
H IDAWANA 16- Students’ Latief, M.Pd
September- Reading
U 2021 Comprehension Eka
Using Start Prabawati
N Simple Stories Rum, S.Pd.,
Extensive M.Pd
A Reading Method
At SMPN 3 Muhammad
J Sungguminasa Arief Muhsin,
S.Pd., M.Pd
Dr.H. Bahrun
R Amin,


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