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This chapter serves as a general information and will present the background of the study,

research goals, specific objectives, research questions and significance of the study, general

objectives, statement of the problem, limitations, scope of the study and the organization of the

study. The main purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of what processes a journalist

must go through when creating and curating the news, especially if they are being influenced by

their morals, beliefs and opinions or internal factors in making news decisions. Even external

factors can influence a journalist such as the news organization and universal ethics.

Background of the Study

News has become a major part of the society, as it provides a relevant information that

public is seeking for. According to McNair(1998), News is foundational to society. It shapes and

defines the environment “within which events and issues are viewed as important [and are] made

available for public discussion” and action. News is not an event that is necessary to happen, it

should be relevant and not an ordinary event. Like for example , "When a dog bites a man, that is

not news, because it happens so often. But if a man bites a dog, that is news."(Bogart, 1921).

This phrase helps to identify another accurate definition of a word “news”. Wondering what are

the sources of the news. News can be heard in the radio broadcast, can be read in a newspaper,

can be watch on television, and can be search, click, read and watch on the internet. According to

Nergiz(2015), The elements of the mass media such as newspapers, radio, television and

online newspapers that focus on delivering news to the public are what we called News Media.

Nowadays, seeking for the truth is not only based on individual’s perception, people look

for the news that is made of true events and stories. Now, as we understand that some media
content is made without honesty, it can affect the newsworthiness of different news stations

According to, news journalists report on events and issues happening locally,

nationally and internationally for various media outlets that keep the public informed. Hence,

news journalists need to have strong communication and research skills and may be required to

seek out and interview subjects in order to write their stories. News journalists are independent in

deciding what topics are important to disseminate to the public and how. The question is, on

what way do they write the news or the stories? Through this question, this will measure the

truthfulness of the news as well as how the integrity of a news journalist will remain in their job.

There are some news journalists from different countries had questioned the

newsworthiness and their honesty in circulating their news or stories. Some have internal and

external factors on how they made their news.

In Hong Kong, a journalist association was being accused of bias by the National

Security Chief. According to, Secretary for Security Chris Tang Ping-

keung accused the HKJA of having biased political views and thus favouring pro-democracy

news organisations such as Apple Daily and Stand News. He also claimed that the HKJA may

have received funds provided by foreign political groups, without providing evidence. The Hong

Kong journalist association was accused because of its external factor which involves political

preferences in creating their news. External factors that may affect the story of the news and can

make a change.

In the Philippines, there are also existing issues based on how journalists write their news

with internal and external factors to be considered.

ABS-CBN,  is a media and entertainment organization in the Philippines.  According to

Cepeda(2020), ABS-CBN Integrated News and Current Affairs chief Regina "Ging" Reyes
defended the network against accusations of political bias, telling lawmakers their journalists

keep their biases in check and rectify errors as needed. Reyes said that they are not perfect amd

they also strive to keep biases in check. Same as what happened in Hong Kong, Phillipines also

prone to same accusation that says “ there are internal and external factors such as biases that can

change an entire story of a news” hence, factors that will affect the way how news journalist

write their news with or without thinking the truthfulness and honesty in the world of journalism.

This study will focus on the factors affecting the presentation of media content among the

news station journalist of Cotabato City.

ilm1-2015210168.pdf (

What is News Meaning Definition and Sources of News | Study Lecture Notes

Newsworthiness Guidelines for a Socially Responsible Press: Aligning Definitions at the Intersection of

Journalism, Ethics, and the Law (

What is a News Journalist? (

Hong Kong: National security chief accuses journalist association of bias - IFJ

ABS-CBN news chief Ging Reyes: 'We're not perfect, we strive to keep biases in check' (

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