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Required Question:
1. Michael Sugrue compared the categorical imperative to the golden rule. What are the
differences and similarities between the two?

Categorical Imperative and Golden rule are both enforced by the logical mind where the aspiration is
what is good for the universality. Basically, the categorical imperative is man’s duty to act something
he intended and the maxim of his action could become a universal law of nature. Thus, we make the
fundamental principle or rule of conduct for ourselves and for other people as universal moral duty.
In the Categorical Imperative you act right not only with self desires but also for the good of other
people around you as a goodwill. Then a goodwill encourages us to act the moral principles. If you
do this moral law for personal reason then that is where your achievement of autonomy will happen.
In Golden rule, it’s principle is that you treat others as you treat yourself. This means it encourages
the person to treat others fairly and with respect. The way you treat yourself should be the same as
the way you treat others. For example, when other people are kind to you, you should be kind to
them too. The difference between the Golden rule and the Categorical Imperative is that the golden
rule chooses what should be done to another person or thing as the standard for everyone, while the
categorical imperative requires everyone to submit to the universal standard. If we go back to the
golden rule example, you only become kind to people who are also kind to you, and not to everyone
you can give your trust and kindness to. This means that moral law cannot be apply to all rational
agents. In Kan'ts Categorical imperative is applied to any rational agent because all individual human
beings have their obligation. To achieve the ultimate morality is to apply moral law to all agents. For
example, framer of constitution enacted a law that prohibiting lying as universal standard. This
means that any person can restrain himself from lying because his action is controlled by not doing
so .

Preferred Questions:
1. What is Categorical Imperative?

First of all, in categorical imperative Kant’s emphasized the question about the basis of
moral principles. Every human has it’s laws to follow or something that motivates him to
achieve morality. For Aristotle, you should act right to achieve eudaimonia and for
Thomas Aquinas that choosing the right one is according to the principle of maximizing
pleasure. However , Kant’s states that Principle of Morality is always deal towards the
Principle of Reason. These means that human beings are rational creature whom naturally
follow moral laws through their logical thinking. Human has autonomy guided with
reason to decide what is right for him. For example , he intended to do something not for
self desires but because it is out of his duty and no things force him to do it except his
right thinking. The realization of actions in categorical imperatives goes beyond in three
formulation. First is when it is universal maxims , the duty to fundamental principles for
universal standard. For example , the law of prohibiting unvaccinated individual to ride
on public transportation . This is universal because it promotes public safety and health of
the majority. Whereas, the government duty is to protect and promotes the health of the
people . Second formulation of categorical imperative is to treat a person as an end.
These means that every human person has dignity and value and must be treated well. For
example, you love a woman and it is your duty to treat her as special. Avoid the intention
of self desires that you may used her only for your self-benefits, after then you left her
alone. Third, treat other people as part of the Kingdom ends where they will treat with
respect and not only by used. If they work on your company then treat them as part of it.
Always think goodwill actions to carry out moral principles.

2. Explain the principle of “Equal Consideration of Interest”.

In my understanding regarding these principle is to properly balance the relevant interest
of a species with another species. In other words, it is an application of equal
consideration of relevant human interest with other human, as well as the balance
consideration towards non-human animal interest. Through the view of human there is
what we called Sexism and Racism. Sexism is a discrimination based on sex specially in
women. Some politics in other parts of the world limits the rights of women through
participation. They have no right to vote or act their interest as men can do. Based on
balance consideration of interest , women must have the freedom to execute also their
relevant interest , it is unmoral to restrict women capabilities because they have also their
interest to act something. The same with the case of Racism , freedom and prosperity are
not only applicable for whites. The common interest must be apply also for black people
to achieve the balance consideration of interest. When it comes to non-human animals it
must also address their interest. We should always think that some animals such as dog,
cats , dolphin , chimpanzees and the likes- are aware of these world. They have also the
interest of freedom and not to get on small cage , as well as the interest to care and not to
get in pain. Some of the people is too harsh on animal . They beat dogs or cats and kill
them in pain. These unethical action to non-human animals is a kind of speciesism which
violates the rights of animals. As a human , we are obliged to care other species in the
world. We should always think that animals have the interest to live well as human
interest too. So we must consider animals interest by treating them equal and not to abuse
our superiority on them.

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