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Summary of Classical Lamination Theory

(CLT) Calculations
Summary of Classical Lamination Theory
(CLT) Calculations
Numerical examples illustrating discussion in:
Summary of Classical Lamination Theory
(CLT) Calculations
Numerical examples illustrating discussion in:

Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When Loads

Are Known
Summary of Classical Lamination Theory
(CLT) Calculations
Numerical examples illustrating discussion in:

Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When Loads

Are Known

Section 6.8.2: A CLT Analysis When Midplane

Strains and Curvatures are
Summary of Classical Lamination Theory
(CLT) Calculations
Numerical examples illustrating discussion in:

Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When Loads

Are Known

Section 6.8.2: A CLT Analysis When Midplane

Strains and Curvatures are
(Sections 6.8.1 and 6.8.2 are nearly identical…)
Summary of Classical Lamination Theory
(CLT) Calculations
Numerical examples illustrating discussion in:

Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When Loads

Are Known

Section 6.8.2: A CLT Analysis When Midplane

Strains and Curvatures are
(Sections 6.8.1 and 6.8.2 are nearly identical…)
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
1. Define the problem:
a) Specify number of different materials used
b) Specify properties for each material
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
1. Define the problem:
a) Specify number of different materials used
b) Specify properties for each material
Example: Suppose two materials are used…graphite-epoxy
and glass epoxy. From Table 3.1, typical properties are
Mat’l Mat’l E11 (psi) E22 (psi) ν12 G12 (psi) α11 α22 Ply thick
Name Number (in/in-ºF) (in/in-ºF) (in)
6 6 6
Gr/Ep 1 25 x 10 1.5 x 10 0.30 1.9 x 10 -0.5x10-6 15 x10-6 0.005
Gl/Ep 2 8.0 x106 2.3 x 106 0.28 1.1 x106 3.7x10-6 14 x10-6 0.005
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
1. Define the problem:
a) Specify number of different materials used
b) Specify properties for each material
c) Specify laminate description
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
1. Define the problem:
a) Specify number of different materials used
b) Specify properties for each material
c) Specify laminate description
[0 / 30 / 90 / − 30]T A 4-ply laminate. This
description is adequate if same
material is used for all plies.
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
1. Define the problem:
a) Specify number of different materials used
b) Specify properties for each material
c) Specify laminate description
[0 / 30 / 90 / − 30]T A 4-ply laminate. This
description is adequate if same
material is used for all plies. For
illustrative purposes assume
Gr/Ep used for 0º and 90º plies
Glass/Epoxy and Gl/Ep used for ±30º plies
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
1. Define the problem:
a) Specify number of different materials used
b) Specify properties for each material
c) Specify laminate description
Example: Total laminate thickness = 4(0.005in) = 0.020in
z0 = −t / 2 = −(.020in) / 2 = −0.010in
z1 = z0 + t1 = −0.01 + 0.005m = −0.005in
z 2 = z1 + t 2 = −0.005 + 0.005in = 0.000in
z3 = z 2 + t3 = −0.000 + 0.005in = 0.005in
z 4 = z3 + t 4 = 0.005 + 0.005in = 0.010in
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
1. Define the problem:
a) Specify number of different materials used
b) Specify properties for each material
c) Specify laminate description
d) Specify mechanical and thermal loads
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
1. Define the problem:
a) Specify number of different materials used
b) Specify properties for each material
c) Specify laminate description
d) Specify mechanical and thermal loads
Example: N xx = 520 lbf/in M xx = −4.0 lbf − in/in
N yy = 377 lbf/in M yy = 0.22 lbf − in/in
N xy = 64.4 lbf/in M xy = −0.0854 lbf − in/in
Tcure = 350° F Tservice = 75° F ⇒ ∆T = −275° F
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
2. Calculate the [ABD] matrix:
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
2. Calculate the [ABD] matrix:
a) Calculate the [Q] matrix for each material
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
2. Calculate the [ABD] matrix:
a) Calculate the [Q] matrix for each material
 2   ν 12 E11E22  
E 11    (0) 
 E11 − ν 12
E22   E −ν 2 E 
 11 12 22  
Q11 Q12 0   
 ν 12 E11E22   E11E22 
[Q] = Q12 Q22 
0 =     (0) 
 E − ν 2 E   E −ν 2 E 
 0 0 Q66   11 12 22   11 12 22  

 (0) (0) (G12 )
 
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
2. Calculate the [ABD] matrix:
a) Calculate the [Q] matrix for each material
Example: 25.14 x10 6 0.452 x106 0 
 
[Q]Gr / Ep = 0.452 x10 1.508 x10
6 6
0  psi
 0 0 1.90 x10 6
 

8.184 x106 0.659 x106 0 

 
[Q]Gl / Ep = 0.659 x10 6 2.353 x10 6
0  psi
 0 0 1.10 x106 
 
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
2. Calculate the [ABD] matrix:
a) Calculate the [Q] matrix for each material
b) Calculate the [Q ] matrix for each ply
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
2. Calculate the [ABD] matrix:
a) Calculate the [Q] matrix for each material
b) Calculate the [Q ] matrix for each ply

Q11 Q12 Q16 

[ ]  
Q = Q12 Q 22 Q 26 
Q Q Q 
 16 26 66 
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
2. Calculate the [ABD] matrix:
a) Calculate the [Q] matrix for each material
b) Calculate the [Q ] matrix for each ply
Q11 = Q11 cos 4 θ + 2(Q12 + 2Q66 ) cos 2 θ sin 2 θ + Q22 sin 4 θ
Q12 = Q 21 = Q12 (cos 4 θ + sin 4 θ ) + (Q11 + Q22 − 4Q66 ) cos 2 θ sin 2 θ
Q16 = Q 61 = (Q11 − Q12 − 2Q66 ) cos 3 θ sin θ − (Q22 − Q12 − 2Q66 ) cos θ sin 3 θ
Q 22 = Q11 sin 4 θ + 2(Q12 + 2Q66 ) cos 2 θ sin 2 θ + Q22 cos 4 θ
Q 26 = Q 62 = (Q11 − Q12 − 2Q66 ) cos θ sin 3 θ − (Q22 − Q12 − 2Q66 ) cos 3 θ sin θ
Q 66 = (Q11 + Q22 − 2Q12 − 2Q66 ) cos 2 θ sin 2 θ + Q66 (cos 4 θ + sin 4 θ )
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
2. Calculate the [ABD] matrix:
a) Calculate the [Q] matrix for each material
b) Calculate the [Q ] matrix for each ply
Example: For ply 1,

25.14 x10 6 0.452 x106 0 

0° ply  
[Q ]Gr / Ep = 0.452 x10 1.508 x10
6 6
0  psi
 0 0 1.90 x10 6
 
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
2. Calculate the [ABD] matrix:
a) Calculate the [Q] matrix for each material
b) Calculate the [Q ] matrix for each ply
Example: For ply 2,

5.823 x10 6 1.563 x106 1.784 x106 

30° ply  6
[Q ]Gl / Ep = 1.563 x106 6
2.907 x10 0.741x10  psi
1.784 x106 0.741x106 2.00 x10 6 
 
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
2. Calculate the [ABD] matrix:
a) Calculate the [Q] matrix for each material
b) Calculate the [Q ] matrix for each ply
Example: For ply 3,

1.508 x106 0.452 x10 6 0 

90° ply  
[Q ]Gr / Ep = 0.452 x106 25.14 x10 6
0  psi
 0 0 1.90 x106 
 
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
2. Calculate the [ABD] matrix:
a) Calculate the [Q] matrix for each material
b) Calculate the [Q ] matrix for each ply
Example: For ply 4,

 5.823 x10 6 1.563x106 − 1.784 x106 

−30° ply  6
[Q ]Gl / Ep =  1.563x106 2.907 x106 − 0.741x10  psi
− 1.784 x106 − 0.741x106 2.00 x106 
 
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
2. Calculate the [ABD] matrix:
a) Calculate the [Q] matrix for each material
b) Calculate the [Q ] matrix for each ply
c) Calculate the [Aij], [Bij], and [Dij] matrices
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
2. Calculate the [ABD] matrix:
a) Calculate the [Q] matrix for each material
b) Calculate the [Q ] matrix for each ply
c) Calculate the [Aij], [Bij], and [Dij] matrices
191.4 x103 20.15 x103 0 
{ }   lbf
Aij = ∑ Q ij ( z k − z k −1 ) = 20.15 x103 162.3 x103 0 
k =1  3  in
 0 0 39.04 x10 

Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
2. Calculate the [ABD] matrix:
a) Calculate the [Q] matrix for each material
b) Calculate the [Q ] matrix for each ply
c) Calculate the [Aij], [Bij], and [Dij] matrices
 − 778 27.8 − 89.2
{ }
Bij = ∑ Q ij ( z k2 − z k2−1 ) =  27.8 330 − 37.0 lbf
2 k =1 k
− 89.2 − 37.0 2.59 
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
2. Calculate the [ABD] matrix:
a) Calculate the [Q] matrix for each material
b) Calculate the [Q ] matrix for each ply
c) Calculate the [Aij], [Bij], and [Dij] matrices
 9.34 0.672 − 0.446
{ }
Dij = ∑ Q ij ( z k3 − z k3−1 ) =  0.672 − 0.185 lbf − in
3 k =1 k
− 0.446 − 0.185 1.30 
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
2. Calculate the [ABD] matrix:
a) Calculate the [Q] matrix for each material
b) Calculate the [Q ] matrix for each ply
c) Calculate the [Aij], [Bij], and [Dij] matrices
d) Assemble the [ABD] matrix
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
2. Calculate the [ABD] matrix:
a) Calculate the [Q] matrix for each material
b) Calculate the [Q ] matrix for each ply
c) Calculate the [Aij], [Bij], and [Dij] matrices
d) Assemble the [ABD] matrix
 A11 A12 A16 B11 B12 B16 
A A22 A26 B12 B22 B26 
 12
 Aij Bij   A16 A26 A66 B16 B26 B66 
[ABD] =  B =
Dij   B11

 ij B12 B16 D11 D12 D16 
 B12 B22 B26 D12 D22 D26 
 
 B16 B26 B66 D16 D26 D66 
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
2. Calculate the [ABD] matrix:
a) Calculate the [Q] matrix for each material
b) Calculate the [Q ] matrix for each ply
c) Calculate the [Aij], [Bij], and [Dij] matrices
d) Assemble the [ABD] matrix
Example:  191x103 20.1x103 0 − 778 27.8 − 89.2 
 
162 x103 0 27.8 330 − 37.0 
 0 0 39.0 x103 − 89.2 − 37.0 2.59 
[ ABD] =  
 − 778 − 27.8 − 89.2 9.34 0.672 − 0.446
 
 − 27.8 330 − 37.0 0.672 2.46 − 0.185
 − 89.2 − 37.0 2.59 − 0.446 − 0.185 1.30 
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
3. Calculate the [abd] = [ABD]-1 matrix:
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
3. Calculate the [abd] = [ABD]-1 matrix:

 a11 a12 a16 b11 b12 b16 

a a22 a26 b21 b22 b26 
 12
−1 a16 a26 a66 b61 b62 b66 
[abd ] = [ABD] =  
 b11 b21 b61 d11 d12 d16 
b12 b22 b62 d12 d 22 d 26 
 
b16 b26 b66 d16 d 26 d 66 
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
3. Calculate the [abd] = [ABD]-1 matrix:

 9.09 x10 −6 − 0.811x10 −6 0 0.827 x10 −3 − 0.129 x10 −3 0.862 x10 −3 
 −6 −4 
 − 0.811x10 8.64 x10 −6 0 − 0.196 x10 − 4 − 1.16 x10 −3 0.203x10 
 0 0 26.9 x10 −6 0.381x10 −3 0.454 x10 −3 0.226 x10 −3 
[abd ] =  
 0.827 x10 −3 − 0.196 x10 −4 0.381x10 −3 0.188 − 0.044 0.114 
 −3 
 − 0 .129 x10 − 1.16 x10 −3 0.454 x10 −3 − 0.044 0.586 0.025 
 0.862 x10 −3 0.203x10 −4 0.226 x10 −3 0.114 0.025 0.870 
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
4. Calculate thermal stress and moment resultants:
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
4. Calculate thermal stress and moment resultants:
a) Calculate effective thermal expansion
coefficients for each ply
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
4. Calculate thermal stress and moment resultants:
a) Calculate effective thermal expansion
coefficients for each ply
α xx = α11 cos 2 (θ ) + α 22 sin 2 (θ )
α yy = α11 sin 2 (θ ) + α 22 cos 2 (θ )
α xy = 2 cos(θ ) sin(θ )(α11 − α 22 )
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
4. Calculate thermal stress and moment resultants:
a) Calculate effective thermal expansion
coefficients for each ply
Ply Mat’l αxx αyy αxy
Number Number (in/in- ºF) (in/in- ºF) (in/in- ºF)
1 1 0 -0.5x10-6 15 x10-6 0
2 2 30 6.28 x10-6 11.4 x 10-6 -8.92 x 10-6
3 1 90 15 x10-6 -0.5x10-6 0
4 2 -30 6.28 x10-6 11.4 x 10-6 8.92 x 10-6
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
4. Calculate thermal stress and moment resultants:
a) Calculate effective thermal expansion
coefficients for each ply
b) Calculate thermal stress & moment resultants
{[ ] }
N Txx ≡ ∆T ∑ Q11α xx + Q12α yy + Q16α xy [z k − z k −1 ]
k =1

{[ ] }
N Tyy ≡ ∆T ∑ Q12α xx + Q 22α yy + Q 26α xy [z k − z k −1 ]
k =1

{[ ] }
N Txy ≡ ∆T ∑ Q16α xx + Q 26α yy + Q 66α xy [z k − z k −1 ]
k =1
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
4. Calculate thermal stress and moment resultants:
a) Calculate effective thermal expansion
coefficients for each ply
b) Calculate thermal stress & moment resultants
M Txx ≡
∆T n

2 k =1
{[ ][
Q11α xx + Q12α yy + Q16α xy z k2 − z k2−1
M Tyy ≡
∆T n

2 k =1
{[ ][
Q12α xx + Q 22α yy + Q 26α xy z k2 − z k2−1
M Txy ≡
∆T n

2 k =1
{[ ][
Q16α xx + Q 26α yy + Q 66α xy z k2 − z k2−1
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
4. Calculate thermal stress and moment resultants:
a) Calculate effective thermal expansion
coefficients for each ply
b) Calculate thermal stress & moment resultants
N Txx = −129lbf / in M Txx = −0.401 lbf − in / in
N Tyy = −123lbf / in M Tyy = 0.0005 lbf − in / in

N Txy = 0 M Txy = −0.0246 lbf − in / in

Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
5. Calculate midplane strains and curvatures
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
5. Calculate midplane strains and curvatures

ε xx
o 
 a11 a12 a16 b11 b12 b16   N xx + N Txx 
 o    T 
ε yy  a12 a22 a26 b21 b22 b26   N yy + N yy 
 o  a  T 
γ xy  16 a26 a66 b61 b62 
b66  N xy + N xy 
  =   T 
κ xx   b11 b21 b61 d11 d12 d16   M xx + M xx 
κ  b12 b22 b62 d12 d 22 d 26  M yy + M Tyy 
 yy    
κ xy  b16 b26 b66 d16 d 26 d 66   M + M Txy 
 xy
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
5. Calculate midplane strains and curvatures
ε xx
o 
 0 
 o   −6 
ε yy  − 1300 x10 in / in 
 o   900 x10 −6 rad 
γ xy   
 = −1 
κ xx   − 0.50 in 
κ   −1 
0.40 in
 yy   − 
κ xy   − 0.20 in 1 
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
6. For each ply:
a) Calculate ply strains in x-y coordinate system
(usually at ply interfaces)

ε xx  ε xxo  κ 
   o   
ε yy  = ε yy  + z κ yy 
γ   o   
 xy  γ xy  κ xy 
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
6. For each ply:
a) Calculate ply strains in x-y coordinate system
(usually at ply interfaces)

------- -0.100E-01 0.005000 -0.005300 0.002900

------- -0.500E-02 0.002500 -0.003300 0.001900
------- 0.000E+00 0.000000 -0.001300 0.000900
------- 0.500E-02 -0.002500 0.000700 -0.000100
------- 0.100E-01 -0.005000 0.002700 -0.001100
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
6. For each ply:
a) …usually also transform strains to 1-2
coordinate system

 ε11   ε xx 
   
 ε 22  = [T ] z  ε yy 
γ / 2 γ / 2
 12   xy  z
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
6. For each ply:
a) …usually also transform strains to 1-2


-0.10000E-01 0.005000 -0.005300 0.002900
-0.50000E-02 0.002500 -0.003300 0.001900
Example: -------------------------------------------------------------
-0.50000E-02 0.001873 -0.002673 -0.004073
0.00000E+00 0.000065 -0.001365 -0.000676
0.00000E+00 -0.001300 0.000000 -0.000900
0.50000E-02 0.000700 -0.002500 0.000100
0.50000E-02 -0.001657 -0.000143 -0.002821
0.10000E-01 -0.002599 0.000299 -0.007218
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
6. For each ply:
b) Calculate ply stresses in x-y coordinate system
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
6. For each ply:
b) Calculate ply stresses in x-y coordinate system

σ xx  Q11 Q12 Q16  ε xx − ∆Tα xx 

    
σ yy  = Q12 Q 22 Q 26  ε yy − ∆Tα yy  (for each ply)
τ  Q Q 66  γ xy − ∆Tα xy 
 xy   16 Q 26
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
6. For each ply:
b) Calculate ply stresses in x-y coordinate system


Example: 1
-0.10000E-01 0.12169E+06 0.42794E+03 0.55100E+04

-0.50000E-02 0.59756E+05 0.23131E+04 0.36100E+04

-0.50000E-02 0.23372E+05 0.57335E+04 0.63146E+04
0.00000E+00 0.10155E+05 0.69006E+04 0.13317E+04
0.00000E+00 0.55707E+04 -0.34266E+05 0.17100E+04
0.50000E-02 0.27052E+04 0.14874E+05 -0.19000E+03
0.50000E-02 -0.27044E+04 0.82159E+04 0.32505E+04
0.10000E-01 -0.12352E+05 0.10865E+05 0.42260E+04
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
6. For each ply:
b) usually also transform stresses to 1-2 coord

σ 11  σ xx 
   
σ 22  = [T ] σ yy 
τ  τ 
 12   xy 
Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When
Loads Are Known
6. For each ply:
b) usually also transform stresses to 1-2 coord


Example: 1
-0.10000E-01 0.12169E+06 0.42794E+03 0.55100E+04

-0.50000E-02 0.59756E+05 0.23131E+04 0.36100E+04

-0.50000E-02 0.24431E+05 0.46744E+04 -0.44802E+04
0.00000E+00 0.10495E+05 0.65610E+04 -0.74342E+03
0.00000E+00 -0.34266E+05 0.55707E+04 -0.17100E+04
0.50000E-02 0.14874E+05 0.27052E+04 0.19000E+03
0.50000E-02 -0.27893E+04 0.83009E+04 -0.31034E+04
0.10000E-01 -0.10208E+05 0.87202E+04 -0.79402E+04
Summary of Classical Lamination Theory
(CLT) Calculations

Numerical examples illustrating discussion in:

Section 6.8.1: A CLT Analysis When Loads Are Known

Section 6.8.2: A CLT Analysis When Midplane Strains and

Curvatures are Known

(Sections 6.8.1 and 6.8.2 are nearly identical…)

Section 6.8.2: A CLT Analysis When
Midplane Strains and Curvatures Are Known
1. Define the problem:
a) Specify number of different materials used
b) Specify properties for each material
c) Specify laminate description
d) Specify midplane strains/curv & therm loads
Section 6.8.2: A CLT Analysis When
Midplane Strains and Curvatures Are Known
1. Define the problem:
a) Specify number of different materials used
b) Specify properties for each material
c) Specify laminate description
d) Specify midplane strains/curv & therm loads
Example: ε xx
=0 κ xx = − 0 .50 in − 1
ε oyy = − 1300 µ in / in κ yy = 0 .40 in −1
γ xy
= 900 µ rad κ xy = − 0 .20 in −1
Tcure = 350 ° F Tservice = 75 ° F ⇒ ∆ T = − 275 ° F
Section 6.8.2: A CLT Analysis When
Midplane Strains and Curvatures Are Known
2. Calculate the [ABD] matrix
a) Calculate the [Q] matrix for each material
b) Calculate the [Q ] matrix for each ply
c) Calculate the [Aij], [Bij], and [Dij] matrices
d) Assemble the [ABD] matrix

(in this case do not need the [abd] matrix)

Section 6.8.2: A CLT Analysis When
Midplane Strains and Curvatures Are Known
3. Calculate thermal stress and moment resultants:
a) Calculate effective thermal expansion
coefficients for each ply
b) Complete calculation of thermal stress and
moment resultants
Section 6.8.2: A CLT Analysis When
Midplane Strains and Curvatures Are Known
3. Calculate thermal stress and moment resultants:
a) Calculate effective thermal expansion
coefficients for each ply
b) Complete calculation of thermal stress and
moment resultants
N Txx = −129lbf / in M Txx = −0.401 lbf − in / in
N Tyy = −123lbf / in M Tyy = 0.0005 lbf − in / in

N Txy = 0 M Txy = −0.0246 lbf − in / in

Section 6.8.2: A CLT Analysis When
Midplane Strains and Curvatures Are Known
5. Calculate stress and moment resultants
o   NT 
 N xx   A11 A12 A16 B11 B12 B16  ε xx xx
N     o   T 
 yy   A12 A22 A26 B12 B22 B26  ε yy   N yy 
 N xy   A16     T 
A26 A66 B16 B26 B66 γ xy   N xy 
M  =   − T 
 xx   B11 B12 B16 D11 D12 D16  κ xx   M xx 
M yy   B12 B22 B26 D12 D22 D26  κ yy  M Tyy 
      
 M xy   B16 B26 B66 D16 D26 D66  κ xy   M 
   xy 
Section 6.8.2: A CLT Analysis When
Midplane Strains and Curvatures Are Known
5. Calculate stress and moment resultants
o   NT 
 N xx   A11 A12 A16 B11 B12 B16  ε xx xx
N     o   T 
 yy   A12 A22 A26 B12 B22 B26  ε yy   N yy 
 N xy   A16     T 
A26 A66 B16 B26 B66 γ xy   N xy 
M  =   − T 
 xx   B11 B12 B16 D11 D12 D16  κ xx   M xx 
M yy   B12 B22 B26 D12 D22 D26  κ yy  M Tyy 
      
 M xy   B16 B26 B66 D16 D26 D66  κ xy   M 
   xy 
(this is the only difference in calculation….)
Section 6.8.2: A CLT Analysis When
Midplane Strains and Curvatures Are Known
5. Calculate stress and moment resultants

 N xx   191E 3 20.1E 3 0 − 778 27.8 − 89.2   0   − 129 

N    − 1300µ   − 123 
 yy   20 .1E 3 162 E 3 0 27 .8 330 − 37 .0    
 N xy   0 0 39.0 E 3 − 89.2 − 37.0 2.59   900µ   0 
M   =  −
  
 xx   − 778 − 27 .8 − 89 .2 9 .34 0.672 − 0 .446  − 0.50   − 0.401 
M yy   − 27.8 330 − 37.0 0.672 2.46 − 0.185  0.40   0.0005 
      
 M xy   − 89.2 − 37.0 2.59 − 0.446 − 0.185 1.30   − 0.20  − 0.0246
Section 6.8.2: A CLT Analysis When
Midplane Strains and Curvatures Are Known
5. Calculate stress and moment resultants
 N xx   520 lbf/in 
N   
 yy   377 lbf/in 
 N xy   64.4 lbf/in 
M  =  
 xx   − 4.0 lbf - in/in 
M yy   0.22 lbf - in/in 
   
 M xy  − 0.085 lbf - in/in 
Section 6.8.2: A CLT Analysis When
Midplane Strains and Curvatures Are Known
6. For each ply:
a) Calculate ply strains in x-y and 1-2 coordinate
systems (at ply interfaces)
b) Calculate ply stresses in x-y and 1-2 coordinate
systems (at ply interfaces)
Analysis complete!

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