Because, As A Result, Because Of, As A Consequence Of, Since, Therefore

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1. Read the paragraph below.

  Fill in the missing conjunctions:

because, as a result, because of, as a consequence of,  since,
      There are several possible reasons why my father is in excellent health, even
though he is over eighty years of age. For one thing, he is in excellent condition
………. he has stopped smoking cigarettes. He quit smoking cigarettes
……………whenever he climbed stairs he would invariably stop several times and
cough loudly. His good health is also ……………….his cutting down on the
wrong kinds of foods. For example, whereas before he would eat fatty red meat
and deep-fried dishes several times a week, nowadays he seldom does so. He has
more energy………   He is also in good physical shape ………..   his devotion to
exercise. He swims three times a week at the local gym, and on sunny days he
prefers to walk home rather than take the bus.  ……… my father is in better shape
than some of his children are! 

2. Read the paragraph below.   Fill in the missing conjunctions: due

to, therefore, as a result of, reason of, consequently, so.
The invention of the rocket has sometimes had negative effects on human society. For
example, these devices have been used in warfare. ………….people have sometimes
been killed en masse. Rocket technology has improved with time, …………..rocket
engines have come to possess greater range. Conceivably, deadly "warheads" can
………………be sent to reach targets far away from the launch site. Recently,
…………the development of nuclear power, a rocket with a nuclear warhead can be
the ……………. the deaths of millions of people in a few moments. Tens of millions
more can possibly die ……………the spread of radioactive fallout from a single

Smoking: Effects
Gapfill exercise

   Another      creates      effects      effects      final      increases      may      obvious

Smoking has many serious(1)___________. The most (2)__________ effect is the

deterioration of a smoker's health. Smoking (3)__________the risk of lung disease,
increases blood pressure, increases the risk of heart attacks, and reduces the flow of
oxygen to the brain. Smoking (4)___________respiratory problems. A smoker's cough
expels phlegm, a thick mucus in the nose and the throat that wants to escape the body.
Prolonged use (5)___________lead to emphysema and the need to hook up to a
machine to pump enough oxygen into the lungs. (6)___________effect of this habit is
that smoking breeds halitosis; a smoker's breath always smells foul and repulsive.
Smoking frequently (7)__________ in social isolation because fewer people smoke or
want to be in the presence of second-hand smoke. Friends and acquaintances often tell
their smoking friends that they don't want the smell in their cars or in their homes. The
strong, offensive odor of smoke clings to smokers' clothing, hair, and skin. The
(8)________________  effect of smoking is that it depletes the pocketbook. Smoking is
now an expensive habit, and the price of cigarettes continues to rise. The
(9)___________ of smoking are many, which leaves one wondering why intelligent
people do not find a way to break their harmful addict.

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