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on; an older English form was ``adjustage''), a mouthpiece

north-western coast of North America. The Aleutian Islands

with a letter from the pope, declaring that by beneficium

of the British public furnished several large general

is humorously supposed to have greeted Eve: ``Madam, I'm Adam!''

development from local conditions, not only apparent by its

1655 the rout of Ochmatov arrested their progress; but in

the Spanish government published a proclamation stating

and bordering mountains 5000 to 6000 ft. high; the second

this sum the greater part was divided amongst the institutions

with all England then prized. In 1598 he was chosen provost

by Sir John Sinclair in a note to the report of a select

current. A small piece of iron placed in this field tends to move

greatest soldiers of the war, and Grant's three generals, all

on literary and scientific merit. The principal academies

publishes from time to time illustrated descriptions of all

balloon, of 90,000 cub. ft. capacity, on the condition that

grounding in philology and philosophy had accustomed him to

as 237,000, that of the vilayet of Iannina as 552,000. The

monoxide, the latter escaping and being burnt to carbon dioxide

petrels, and belonging, like them, to the order Tubinares.

The Book of Husbandry begins with a description of the

the order of Barefooted Augustinians, and assumed the name

the approaching foe and was told by Zebul, ``You see the

tended to return into the hands of its former occupiers as

which the last and consolidating act was that of 1873.

a representative House of Commons committee:10 ``that all

shore. On a second expedition of his own he proved to his

The chief results obtained by European experts showed

stating that the goods are not adulterated within the meaning

August 410 Alaric and his . Goths burst in by the Salarian

a college of letters and science, a school of engineering,

form of commissioners appointed by the Board of Agriculture,

Among the important matters which claimed his attention at

By electrolysing a solution of potassium ethyl succinate,

about 117 m. E. by N. of Pittsburg. Pop. (1890) 30,337;

are widely distributed in sedimentary rocks, such as

at Rome rather than at Alexandria. In that city, however,

carefully preserved, and of several rare and peculiar birds,

his chagrin was that Simonides' elegy on the heroes slain at

indiscriminate removal of restrictions, and they were reimposed in

did not at once practise. The close of the war had opened

method of obtaining it unalloyed. It was soon discovered

longer due to sugar, as used to be the case, but to saccharine

vehicles still embarrass the traveller who desires to find

ploughs, harrows and press drills. Since 1850 there has

earlier half of the 7th century B.C. In the next century

enormously, particularly in England. A very large fraction

(6) The goods may be deliverable by the terms of the bill

(in this case it is the loftier portion). On each alp there

1910. The other measure arising out of the report of the

there, especially at Idar, the stones operated on are

treaty of Uccialli, and eventually, in a great battle, fought at

species. Many species are also common to East Africa and to

a republic, as well as the state to which they belong. It

curiosity which was destined presently to spread far outside

a circle of Christian friends, and his reputation led to

till 1836, things went fairly well. At once firm and

parentage and residence, was born in Germantown, now part of

definitely excluded by Paul's narrative of events before the

century. Under the earlier dynasties Arabian or Moorish culture

first consulship of Julius Caesar (59 B.C.), minutes of

was adjunct professor of ancient languages and literature

Alexander was almost forgotten. The romance of Alexander

banks (south of Botzen) are Trent and Rovereto, in Tirol,

universelle, vol. x. chap. v. (Paris, 1885). For latest

Medvescak, contains the palace of the ban and the natural

Afghans, have been strong in their belief of it; and though

AMIOT, JEAN JOSEPH MARIE (1718-1793), French Jesuit missionary,

at Wolverhamiton, this town being chosen on account of its

negative flint. These chromatic errors of systems, which

1885 61,498,864 15,832,843 77,331,707

but was taken from them by Hyder Ali. In 1789 it was ceded

the segmentation cavity. The embryo now consists of two

Although Adams's researches on Neptune were those which attracted

native of Britain, and is of therapeutic and toxicological

in regard to the rebellion, in a paper called the Freeholder,

Laplace proposed to the members of the French Academy of

image, e.g. a focussing screen, intersects the ray passing

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