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Global Institute

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Assessment Cover Sheet

Student Name Manoj Ghale

Student ID GI180334
Unit Code / Unit Name BSBADM502 Manage meetings
Assessment No. 1
Date of Submission 7/12/2021

Student Declaration:
I certify that:
 I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source.
 I have read the Assessment and Student Handbook and I understand all the rules and guidelines for undertaking
 I give permission for my assessment material to be used for continuous improvement purposes.

Student Signature:------------------------------------------------------ Date:-

Result: □ Satisfactory | □ Not Satisfactory
Trainer/Assessor Feedback

Student Declaration: I declare that I have been Trainer/Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have
assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
result. I also am aware of my appeal rights. student, and I have provided appropriate feedback
Name: _______manoj ghale________ Name: ____________________________
Signature: ____________________________ Signature: __________________________
Date: 7/11/2021 Date: ____/_____/_____

Tear off from


Assessment Acknowledgement Receipt

Student Name: manoj ghale Student ID: GI180334
Unit Code /Name: BSBADM502 Manage meetings Assessment No: 1
Trainer/Assessor Signature: Date:

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Assessment Task 1 BSBADM502

Assessment Task 1 - Plan and prepare for a meeting

Performance objective
You will demonstrate the skills and knowledge necessary to prepare for a meeting in accordance with
organisational requirements. The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor.

Assessment description
For this assessment you are required to plan and prepare meeting requirements and action plan for the

Note: The work completed for this assessment task provides the basis for completing Assessment
Task 2.

1. Read the scenarios provided at the end of the assessment and select one.
2. Identify the selected scenario for your meeting where you are responsible for planning,
conducting and follow up of the meeting (as a chairperson).

3. Develop agenda for the meeting

4. Determine the meeting requirements by completing the Meeting Requirements Form

template in Appendix A provided on Moodle. Make sure you select a meeting style and
format appropriate to your meeting’s purpose and participants.

5. Identify your meeting participants and the individuals in your learning group and record in

6. As part of completing this template, ensure that you include identification and description of
the following as they apply to your meeting:
a. organisational requirements
b. applicable conventions
c. legal and ethical requirements

7. Use the Meeting Preparation Action Plan template in Appendix A on Moodle to detail the
tasks required to make the meeting arrangements you have identified and who is responsible for
completing them.

8. Email the invitation of the meeting to all the participants including:

 Message with meeting agenda
 attached meeting requirement form and action plan template
 take screenshot of the email

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Assessment Task 1 BSBADM502

You must submit:

● a completed Meeting Requirements Form (Appendix A provided on Moodle)

● a completed Meeting Preparation Action Plan (Appendix A provided on Moodle)

● screen shot of email sent to participants

Your assessor will be looking for:

 apply conventions and procedures for formal and informal meetings including:
o developing and distributing agendas and papers

o identifying and inviting meeting participants

o organising and confirming meeting arrangements

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Assessment Task 1 BSBADM502

Meeting scenarios

Meeting Scenario 1
The purpose of your meeting is to discuss the introduction of an Occupational Health and Safety exam
for all employees.

The intention is that the exam is to be completed every six months by all employees to test their
understanding of organisational safety policies and procedures.

During your meeting you are to discuss the feasibility of introducing this exam and how it could

Meeting Scenario 2
The purpose of your meeting is to develop a set of organisational meeting guidelines.

These guidelines will be published across the organisation to ensure consistency in the way in which
meetings are planned, conducted and recorded.

During your meeting you are to agree on a set of guidelines and how these guidelines will be
published within the organisation.

Meeting Scenario 3
The purpose of your meeting is to discuss the planning requirements for organising the company
Christmas party.

The company has 100 employees, who work Monday to Friday morning and afternoon shift.

During your meeting you are to agree on the details of the Christmas party and agree on the plan for
making these arrangements.

Meeting Scenario 4
The purpose of your meeting is to develop a company travel policy.

The intention of this policy is that it will apply to all employees within the organisation that travel for
work related purposes.

During your meeting you are discuss the details of the policy, agree on what will be included and how
it will be rolled out across the organisation.

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Assessment Task 1 BSBADM502

Company Christmas party

The purpose of your meeting is to discuss the planning requirements for organising the
company Christmas party.

Christmas party planning

I. what should have to decide
securing a venue, Theme, time, date, guest count, food and beverage , budget

II. options:
securing a venue(global hotel, global restaurant) , Theme(chrismas party, year-end party),
time(4pm-10pm, 6pm – 12pm), date(23 saturday, 24 sunday), guest count(100), food and
beverage (buffet, BBQ, Japanese food), budget($5,000)

III. Decide
we decide open the party on week end because all the staffs can come.

securing a venue(global hotel) , Theme(chrismas), time(4pm-10pm), date(23 sauterday), guest

count(100), food and beverage (buffet) budget($5,000)

IV. Decide on Alcohol Consumption Levels and Limits

closing the bar early, or offering drinks only during the meal to help cut costs further and limit
the risk of employees getting too rowdy at a company event.

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Assessment Task 1 BSBADM502

V. Remind Employees of Proper Etiquette

Pre-training to prevent accidents etc (avoiding excessive drinking, eating, complaining, arriving
too early or leaving too late, wearing improper attire),

VI. Coordination
securing a venue(global hotel) , Theme(chrismas), time(4pm-10pm), date(23
sauterday), guest count(100), food and beverage (buffet), budget($5,000), Alcohol
Consumption Levels and Limits, Remind Employees of Proper Etiquette

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