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DAY 2 BI 今日挑战

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1. Jason can ________ guitar.

A play
B plays
C played
D playing

2. Alice ________ to school by bus.

A go
B goes
C going
D went

3. May and Jane are good friends. They ________ in the same school.
A study
B studies
C studying
D is studying

4. Aaron ________ a movie last night.

A watch
B watched
C watches
D watching

5. I ran out quickly and ________ out that she had fainted.
A find
B finds
C found
D finding

6. She has ________ as she knows a lot in planting.

A all ears
B green fingers
C broken-hearted
D cold shoulder

Karen: Hi, my name is Karen. What ________ (7) your name?

Nick: Hi, my name is Nick. Nice to meet you.
Karen: ________ (8) is your favourite colour?
Nick: I like blue.
Karen: ________ (9) siblings do you have?
Nick: I have a brother and a sister.
7. A is 8. A When 9. A When
B are B What B Who
C was C Who C How many
D were D Where D How much

10. Alvin and Kelvin ________ in their bedroom last night when the fire broke out.
A is sleeping
B are sleeping
C was sleeping
D were sleeping
11. We ________ to visit Museum Negara with Teacher Alex next Monday.

A is going

B are going

C was going

D were going

Raymond is _________ (12). He seldom ________ (13) sick. He likes

________ (14) fish, fruit and vegetables. During his free time, he goes ________ (15)
with his father. He leads a healthy lifestyle.

12. A fit B weak C wealthy D unhealthy

13. A fall B falls C fell D felt

14. A eat B ate C eats D eating

15. A fishing B jogging C windsurfing D skateboarding

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