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The Impact of Social Media to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 STEM Students in Far

Eastern University Roosevelt Marikina, SY 2021-2022.


Background of the Study

Are students having poor or efficient academic performances in their classes with the presence of
social media? The advent of social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and a
slew of other sites has had a significant impact on students'  academic achievement.  

         By the end of 2026, social media is predicted to have impacted around 91 million Filipino residents,
with over 80 million out of 108 million having access to the internet in 2020. Despite the fact that 81
percent of 18 to 24-year-olds were already online, just 12 percent of persons aged 55 and older were able
to utilize the internet. (Statista Research Department, August 12, 2021). Social media has both positive
and negative impacts on the 81 percent of persons aged 18 to 24, which is close to our age bracket and is
primarily made up of students. With so many pupils touched by social media, their academic performance
will surely be affected.

Students' use of social media has lately increased due to easy access to internet-connected devices
such as computers, smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Addiction to social media usage has skyrocketed in
recent years. The dangers of its consequences on the academic performance of over-involved kids are
concerning. Academic performance, as represented by student grades, is a major worry. Students who
spend an inordinate amount of time on social media get dependent on it, and it is believed that their
academic performance suffers accordingly.

Social media has expanded as a category of online discourse in which individuals produce, share,
bookmark, and network at an alarming rate. Because of its simplicity of use, speed, and reach, social
media is rapidly influencing our public conversation and creating trends and agendas in fields ranging
from the environment and politics to technology and the entertainment sector (Asur and Huberman,
2010). The online world has changed tremendously in the last 10 years, because of the introduction of
social media, young men and women today communicate thoughts, sentiments, personal information,
images, and videos at an incredible rate. Nevertheless, for the purposes of this study, social media has
been defined as the usage of the internet via Facebook, whatsapp, Twitter, Skype, and Yahoo Messenger
for conversation, sharing of ideas, and sharing of photographs and videos by users. What began as a
hobby for certain computer-literate individuals has evolved into a social norm and way of life for people
all over the world. Teenagers and young adults have embraced these sites in particular as a means of
connecting with their friends, sharing information, reinventing their identities, and showcasing their social
life. According to findings (Asur and Huberman, 2010), the more pupils who use Facebook, the worse
their academic achievement.

Academic brilliance or accomplishment is vital in an individual's placement, whether in academic

institutions or in a career. As a result, many people are concerned about how they might improve their
academic performance. The emphasis on academic success, which is also prominent globally, has
prompted many investigations into the factors that foster it. Academic accomplishment will always play a
part in predicting one's life success, as well as academic placement in schools to higher education
institutions and one's level of employability in one's job.

Despite being regarded as a significant resource for student learning, studies reveal that students
use social networking sites such as Facebook for pleasure, to pass time, to meet current friends or to
create new ones. Although it has been suggested that students spend a significant amount of time involved
with social networking activities, with many students blaming the media platforms such as facebook for
their continued decrease in grade point averages, it has also been illustrated that only a small number of
students are aware of the academic and professional networking opportunities provided by the sites.

The goal of this study is to see if social media has an impact on students' academic achievement.
Given the association of social media websites, the study's researchers are determined to learn and grasp
the students' capacities to learn and understand academic learning throughout this online learning set-up.
The impact of technology, particularly social media, on student performance is critical in determining
whether or not students are truly learning while being in a virtual classroom.

Research Problem

The researchers want to build up a solid end to the problem that would get the job done and fulfill
each waiting inquiry that worries the predicament by determining the impact of social media on the
academic performance of grade 11 STEM students in Far Eastern University Roosevelt Marikina.

More specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. How long do students use social media per day?

2. Why do the students use social media?
3. What specific social media apps do the students use?
4. How are students’ academic performance affected by their social media usage?

Significance of the Study

This study is beneficial to the following:

Students. They are going to be the utmost beneficiaries of this study since they are the ones who
have more access in today's social media websites. They will be provided information about how the
students will develop their all-around academic performance with the use of social media.

Parents/Guardians. In this study, parents and guardians are going to be aware of their child's
performance in school with the effect of social media taking place. They will know how to motivate their
children to improve their academic standing.

Academic Teachers. In this study, teachers and educators will know what really are the effects
of social media through the perspective of the students. This will also help in determining conflicts that
social media might drive in line with students’ academic performance. 

To the Future Researchers. This study can be their source for their future studies. This study
provides them information about the effects of social media usage to students’ academic performance.

Scope and Delimitations

This study is primarily focused on the effects of social media to the students' academic
performance. This research is limited to the Institute of Education at Far Eastern University Roosevelt
Marikina, specifically the Grade 11 STEM students; enrolled during the SY 2021-2022.
Theoretical Framework

According to Bandura's Social Learning Theory, students who use social media for educational
reasons will gain skills and information that will help them improve their academic performance. We
investigate academic self-efficacy as a mediator between social media usage and academic achievement
in this study.
Amin, Z., Mansoor, A., Hussain, S. R., & Hashmat, F. (2016) They use these sites for fun
because these social websites are helpful in their academic work. Students' use of these interactive social
media sites has become a normal habit; they spend the majority of their time on these sites for amusement
while simultaneously concentrating on their schoolwork. Students are a valuable asset to any country.
They complete their academic work while having fun on these social networks.

 Alshuaibi, M.S.I., Alshuaibi, A.S.I., Shamsudin, F.M., & Arshad, D.A. (2018) noted, findings
show that social media has the potential to be employed in a learning environment since it increases
students' cognitive engagement in class and, as a result, their academic performance and achievement.

 Goel, D., & Singh, M. (2016). As a result, one of the most important consequences of this study
is for management institutions and educators to examine the academic use of social media technologies
and to investigate the different techniques and possibilities for reaching students with learning materials
via social media.

Conceptual Framework
Figure 1. A paradigm showing how social media affects the academic performance of a student.
Figure 1 depicts the study paradigm that was founded on and evolved from Bandura's Social Learning
Theory principles. Individuals, according to the notion, will self-initiate, control, and make a purposeful
endeavor to learn knowledge via their own efforts, creating, and connecting information. The number of
hours a student spends utilizing educational social media programs is critical in improving or even
enhancing their academic efficiency. The use of these Education Social Media Applications will assist
them in acquiring new skills and information in order to improve their academic performance. In this
situation, social media is being used for educational reasons, so kids will learn more. If students prioritize
using Social Media as a platform to learn new strategies or gain new knowledge about studying, their
performance will improve over time.

Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of this study, the following terms are defined in the context of this

Academic Brilliance. The capacity to perform, achieve, and/or exceed in academic tasks. It is the most
complete development of your intellectual abilities and skills in service to mankind.

Distance/Online Learning. A method of studying where classes are conducted over the internet while
teachers and students are physically separated. 

Gadgets. A mechanical or electronic device or tool which does something useful.

Internet. A global system of interconnected computers across the planet, allowing individuals to
exchange information and interact from anyplace with an Internet connection.

Social Media. A computer-based system that promotes the exchange of ideas, concepts, and information
via virtual networks and communities.

Technology. This refers to methods, systems, and devices which are the result of scientific knowledge
being used for practical purposes.

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