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Grade level: 9

Program focus: Consumerism

Title: Introduction to Consumerism and Quality of Life

Brief explanation:
This lesson plan will introduce students to the topic of consumerism. It will help them to understand/define what
consumerism is and to recognize how it affects their daily lives. This lesson will also introduce the topic of
quality of life, and it will examine how consumerism can impact a person’s quality of life.

Big Ideas: Inquiry Questions that will guide inquiry in the

● What is consumerism?
● How does the promotion of consumerism ● What areas of our lives are impacted by a focus on
impact the quality of life of Canadians and ● How are consumerism and identity interrelated?
others around the world? ● What are some things that influence consumers?

Understandings: Skills and Process:

Students will: Students will be able to:

9.2.2 appreciate the relationship between ● Define consumerism
consumerism and quality of life ● Recognize consumerism, and identify
elements of consumerism, in their daily lives
9.2.4 Compare and contrast the principles and ● Generate informed and critical opinions about
practices of market and mixed economies by exploring consumerism and elements of consumerism
and reflecting upon the following questions and ● Evaluate the costs and benefits of
issues: consumerism on both a personal and societal
● What is the role of the consumer in market and level
mixed economy? ● Define quality of life and identify indicators of
● To what extent do consumer actions reflect quality of life
individual and collective identity? ● Explain how consumerism impacts quality of
9.2.5 Assess, critically, the relationship between
consumerism and quality of life in Canada and the
United States by exploring and reflecting upon the
following questions and issues:
● What are the indicators of quality of life?


Performance Task: Other Evidence:
I will ask students to participate in
Students will need to fill out a ‘Checking for Understanding’ worksheet classroom discussion by posing questions
that will cover the material covered in the lecture and YouTube videos. throughout my lecture. Students will
participate by raising their hands to
This worksheet will help me assess whether they are understanding answer the questions. This will give me
the topic or not. the opportunity to formatively assess if
students are understanding/following
along with the material. I will also be able
to correct any possible misconceptions
they have during this time.

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005)

STAGE 3 – LEARNING PLAN (60 minutes)
Preparation: I will hand out the ‘Checking for Understanding’ worksheet out to the students before beginning
the lesson. I will also have the PowerPoint/videos ready to be played.

Hook (10 minutes): I will begin the lesson by playing the following YouTube video: I will then ask students to share their thoughts on the video
(How did you feel watching that video? What message do you think the video was trying to convey?). Students
will participate by raising their hands to answer and share their opinions.

PowerPoint Presentation (35 minutes): I will go through the presentation that I have created on consumerism
and quality of life. There are several points throughout this presentation where I will engage with the students
by asking them questions (What are some things that influence you as a consumer? Which of these views
about factors that affect consumer behavior are most similar or dissimilar to your own views?). There is also
another short 2-minute video included on Slide 12.

Think-Pair-Share Activity (15 minutes): I will then ask students to partner up and discuss the following
question: How does individual consumer behavior impact quality of life? Students will be given around 5
minutes to think and discuss their ideas with their partner. Then, we will spend the remaining 10 minutes going
over the ideas that everyone came up with together as a class. Students will be asked to volunteer the ideas
they’ve brainstormed with the rest of the class.

Strategies for Differentiation:

● The presentation, videos, and worksheet will all be made available online for students who prefer to
use technology.
● Students will have the ability to use the Google read-and-write on the presentation, so that students
who have difficulty reading can listen to the information on the slides.
● During the short class discussion, students who do not feel comfortable speaking out loud or sharing
with the rest of the class will be allowed to write down their ideas instead.
● Students with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or other exceptionalities may receive
body-breaks when needed and access to fidget toys.
● Class notes will be recorded in a Google Doc and presented to the class as well as shared online via
D2L for students to access after the lesson.
● Gifted students can write in more detail to challenge themselves further.
● During the class discussion at the end of the Think-Pair-Share activity, students who do not feel
comfortable speaking out loud or sharing with the rest of the class will be allowed to write down their
ideas instead.
● The Think-Pair-Share activity is a form of cooperative learning and can give ELL students the
opportunity to use language and interact with fluent English speakers in a less formal and more
comfortable setting.
o It also gives students feedback opportunities in a natural context that reduces self-
consciousness and anxiety while allowing for them to participate, learn from others, and make

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005)


Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005)

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