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Name: _________________________________________ Date: __________________

Course and Section: ______________________________

Module 3
Evaluation #1

Digital Technology and Social Change

Magic Squares are square grids with a special arrangement of numbers in them. These numbers are special
because every row, column and diagonal adds up to the same number. So, for the example below, 15 is the
magic number. You must place the numbers 1 – 9 in the square without repetition.

A. Instruction: Complete the magic square with the numbers 1 – 25. The magic number is 65. (20 pts)
Clue: Identify what is being describe with the numbers below and put the numbers in the corresponding terms.

Digital Competi-
Development tiveness

25 18 9
Digital Technology
21 3 10
Agility Digital

20 22 4
Transformation Digital

7 16 23
Profit Gartner

1 8 24

2 – use and application technology

5 – characterized by electronic and especially computerized technology
6 – media that uses electronic devices
11 – certainly a factor in higher education
12 – the sum of any techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services
13 – the only way to approach such a large initiative is to increase this
14 – change in form or appearance
15 – money that is earned in trade or business
17 – formed digital ecosystem model
19 – from IT modernization to digital optimization (5 + 14)
B. Instruction: Complete the magic square with the numbers 1 – 36. The magic number is 111. (20 pts)
Clue: Identify what is being describe with the numbers below and put the numbers in the corresponding terms.


25 20 11 24 15

23 18 19 14 10
Invention Communica-

21 22 13 12
Innovation Technology

2 6 34 33
Social Transport

32 36 1 5
Pollution Technological

31 4 30 8


3 – more technology, more damage to environment

7 – application of the invention
9 – change of cultures and societies over time
16 – more demand, more pressure on earth
17 – electronic medias
26 – creation of a new product
27 – how fast others begin to adopt the innovation
28 – mobility for goods and peoples
29 – the sum of any techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services
35 – an increase in the efficiency of a product or process

Additional: Complete the magic square. You can input any number. The sum of every row, column and
diagonal must be the same. (10 pts)

9 15

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