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Pangasinan State University

Bayambang Campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan


Course, Year and Sec: BSBA 2-1


Assignment No. 2
Figure 1
Direction: Using the question mark label below, construct your own questions about the topic.

Who are the other

economists who have What are the significant impacts
potential contribution on of those economic theories to the
economic theory aside from flow of economy in one’s state?
Thomas Robert Malthus and
Joseph Schumpeter?
When does a certain economic
theory are applicable to solve
the problem about economy?
Are the economic institutions
will be able to use a certain
economic theory every time
they encounter economic

Why studying Where do we find theory that deals about

the allocation of resources among different
and to be familiar
uses with the use of price as a guiding
on economic
mechanism? Thomas A. Weber also
theories are
connote that it is also concerned in terms
essential for the
of the creation and transfer of value which
progression on a
includes the trade of goods and services
state’s economic among different agents?

How the actors of the economy which

are the households and firms can be
able adjust to their situations after
knowing theories such as The
Malthusian Theory of Population? Are
they still being able to satisfy their
unlimited wants and desires and are
the firms can still be able to produce
desired outcome?

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