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Icban, Aerel Jaye GEC_CEA26

WEEK3-LP2 Use external and internal criticisms to test the authenticity

of Pigafetta's writing

One of the primary sources in readings in Philippine history first voyage around the
world by Antonio Pigafetta. He was born in Vicenza in 1492, and he was an Italian
scholar and explorer. He served on board the galleys of the Knights of Rhodes, and
accompanied the papal nuncio, Monsignor Chieregati, to Spain. He accompanied
Ferdinand Magellan, together with Juan Sebastián Elcano in the famous expedition to
Moluccas which began in August 1519 and ended in September 1522. The first voyage
around the world by Antonio Pigafetta was treated on board one of the five ships that
was first to circumnavigate the world during the expedition there was led by the
Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan and after his death during the voyage by Juan
Sebastian Elcano the expedition started in 1519 and ended in Spain in 1522. “Armada
de Molucca” was the name of the Spanish fleet led by Ferdinand Magellan which
included the five ships: Trinidad, San Antonio, Conceptión, Victoria and Santiago. Tt the
end of the voyage Antonio Pigafetta the author of the book was on board the Victoria
this was the only ship that was able to return to Spain. His original diary was loss and
it's not known in what language it was written but 4 manuscript version survive one
written in Italian and the three in French. since Magellan and his crew cross the
international dateline there is one day added to the original dates that Antonio Pigafetta
wrote in his book for the better perspective of us Filipinos. The contribution of the
document in understanding the narration in Philippine History was big, it elaborated the
lifestyle back then and it described what the local islanders wore what they ate how
they communicated and how they live. Pigafetta's journal is the only known document
about Lapu-Lapu's life. It was considered as the best source today of the customs and
usages of the Filipinos in the early 16th century due to the daily notes Pigafetta took in
details about the expedition that he wrote about. It contains the first vocabulary of the
Visayan words ever penned by European. Relevance of The Document august 10 1519
starting point of the first expedition around the world of Magellan. The books serve as
an evidence that the world is around and not flat. This book aids the researchers and
students of today in understanding the context of the Magellan expedition and how the
whole Europe Philippines conflict commenced. Growing up we've understood this issue
just simply as the start of the Spanish era and Magellan being the Philippine’ villain
without taking into debate the context and different reasons of the expedition. It helps
us in knowing how the early Filipinos live by the account of a primary source who
witnessed it firsthand. This also help us understand how the Filipinos of the past lived
and how they cope with Magellan and his men came to the Philippines. Pigafetta’s
journal was also a vital piece not only of the Philippine history but also, of the world
history he narrated the events that transpired in a way that gives the readers of his
journal a clear picture of what it was like to be a part of the first voyage around the

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