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July 27, 2021

The Honorable (First Name) (Last Name)

(City, State, Zip)

Dear (Title) (Last Name),

As Congress crafts legislation investing in infrastructure and support for

families, we would like to highlight two areas where federal investments are
needed: namely, the Pell Grant program, and campus infrastructure.

University of Illinois As we noted in our May 21 letter to you, “the Pell Grant program is the
President Timothy L. Killeen cornerstone of the federal student aid system, and provides essential support to
roughly 50,000 low- and moderate-income students annually across our 12
Chicago State University
President Zaldwaynaka Scott

Unfortunately, federal spending on Pell has not kept up with student need. In the
Eastern Illinois University
mid-1970s, the maximum Pell Grant award covered more than three quarters of
President David M. Glassman
the cost of attending a four-year public college. Today the maximum grant of
$6,495 covers less than one third of these costs.1 We urge Congress to double
Governors State University
the maximum award to $13,000 and index the grant to inflation.
President Cheryl F. Green

Illinois State University

In addition, we ask Congress to ensure that infrastructure legislation addresses
President Terri Goss Kinzi the needs of the country’s public universities and our diverse student bodies.
Reductions in state funding for higher education over the past decade, including
Northeastern Illinois University capital investment, have resulted in lengthy deferred maintenance backlogs at
President Gloria J. Gibson many public universities. The problem has worsened during the COVID-19
pandemic, as construction projects have been delayed or cancelled and
Northern Illinois University university budgets have suffered. The collective cost of addressing deferred
President Lisa C. Freeman maintenance across our universities is estimated at over $4.6 billion.

Southern Illinois University Federal funding is needed to improve or replace facilities and upgrade
President Daniel F. Mahony technology, which will support not just our universities but also the communities
in which we sit. We urge Congress to support the proposal from the Association
Western Illinois University of Public and Land-grant Universities and the American Association of State
President Guiyou Huang Colleges and Universities for a $48 billion program to support state investments
in public university infrastructure.

Thank you for your service to the people of Illinois.


Double Pell - Mini Policy Paper
University of Illinois Northeastern Illinois University
President Timothy L. Killeen President Gloria J. Gibson

Chicago State University Northern Illinois University

President Zaldwaynaka Scott President Lisa C. Freeman

Eastern Illinois University Southern Illinois University

President David M. Glassman President Daniel F. Mahony

Governors State University

President Cheryl F. Green Western Illinois University
President Guiyou Huang

Illinois State University

President Terri Goss Kinzy

Double Pell - Mini Policy Paper
September 15, 2021

Dear Member of Congress,

University of Illinois We write to offer our perspective on the reconciliation legislation

President Timothy L. Killeen currently being assembled in the House of Representatives. We are
extremely pleased by proposals to increase investments in higher
Chicago State University
education, research and research infrastructure, such as retention and
President Zaldwaynaka Scott
completion grants for states. We are concerned, however, that the draft
Eastern Illinois University legislation does not do enough to boost funding for Pell Grants.
President David M. Glassman
We wrote in May and again in July to underscore the crucial role that
Governors State University Pell Grants play in allowing low- and middle-income students to attend
President Cheryl F. Green college. At the time, we expressed our support for doubling the
maximum Pell award to $13,000 and indexing the grant to inflation.
Illinois State University
The administration’s American Families Plan proposed increasing the
President Terri Goss Kinzy
maximum award – currently $6,495 – by approximately $1,400 as a
Northeastern Illinois University “down payment on President Biden’s commitment to double the
President Gloria J. Gibson maximum award.”

Northern Illinois University Unfortunately, the reconciliation legislation approved on Friday by the
President Lisa C. Freeman
House Education and Labor Committee would provide only a $500
increase to the maximum award. We appreciate that there are many
Southern Illinois University
President Daniel F. Mahony
competing priorities. However, after years of inadequate funding for
Pell, it is time for Congress to take stronger action to support students
Western Illinois University and families. Accordingly, we ask that you urge congressional
President Guiyou Huang leadership to ensure that reconciliation legislation includes more robust
funding for Pell.

Thank you for your attention to this important issue.

University of Illinois Northeastern Illinois University
President Timothy L. Killeen President Gloria J. Gibson

Chicago State University Northern Illinois University

President Zaldwaynaka Scott President Lisa C. Freeman

Eastern Illinois University Southern Illinois University

President David M. Glassman President Daniel F. Mahony

Governors State University Western Illinois University

President Cheryl F. Green President Guiyou Huang

Illinois State University

President Terri Goss Kinzy

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