Daraz - PK (Online Shopping in Pakistan) : Software Requirements Specification Version 1.0 Approved October 4, 2015

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pk(Online Shopping in Pakistan)

Software Requirements Specification
Version 1.0 approved
October 4, 2015

Somia Ali 2013-ag-4324

Afifa Naqi 2013-ag-4330
Lead Software Engineer

Prepared for
WSU-TC CptS 322—Software Engineering Principles I
Instructor: A. David McKinnon, Ph.D.
Spring 2015
Daraz.pk(Online Shopping in Pakistan)

Revision History

Date Description Author Comments

<10/4/15> <1.0> Group-1 SRS 1.0

Table of Contents

REVISION HISTORY...............................................................................................................................................III

1. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................................1

1.1 PURPOSE...............................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 SCOPE...................................................................................................................................................................1
1.3 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS, AND ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................................1
1.4 REFERENCES.........................................................................................................................................................2
1.5 OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................................2

2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION....................................................................................................................................2

2.1 PRODUCT PERSPECTIVE........................................................................................................................................2

2.2 PRODUCT FUNCTIONS...........................................................................................................................................2
2.3 USER CHARACTERISTICS......................................................................................................................................4
2.4 GENERAL CONSTRAINTS.......................................................................................................................................4
2.5 ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES......................................................................................................................4

3. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................................5

3.1 FUNCTIONALITY....................................................................................................................................................5
3.1.1 Sell Configuration to Ordered Products............................................................................................5
3.1.2 Provide comprehensive product details………………………..………………………………….5
3.1.3 Detailed product Categorizations………………………………………..…………………………6
3.1.4 Provide Search facility. …………………………………………………..………………………..6
3.1.5 Maintain customer profile. …………………………………….…………………………………..6
3.1.6 Provide personalized profile…………………………..…………………………………………...6
3.1.7 Email confirmation. …………………………….………………………………………………….7
3.1.8 Detailed invoice for customer.……………………………….…………………………………….7
3.1.9 Provide shopping cart facility………………………………………..…………………………….7
3.1.10 Provide multiple shippingmethods………………………………………………………………….8

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3.1.11 Allow multiple payment methods……………………………………………………...……….…..8

3.1.12 Allow online change or cancellation of order…………………………………………...………….8
3.1.13 Allow Online Product reviews and ratings………………………………………………..………..9
3.1.14 Online Purchase of products……………………..…………………………………………………9
4.1 USER INTERFACE……………………………………………………………………………………………9
4.2 HARDWARE INTERFACES.................................................................................................................................11
4.3 SOFTWARE INTERFACES..................................................................................................................................11
4.4 COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACES......................................................................................................................11
5. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................................................12
6. NON- FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................................................12
6.1.1 Performance Requirements……………………………………………………………………………….12
6.2.2 Security Requirements……………………………………………………………………………….........13
6.3.3 Business Rules………………………………………………….…………………………........................13
7. ANALYSIS MODELS............................................................................................................................................14

7.1 DATA F LOW DIAGRAM..........................................................................................................................................14

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Daraz.pk(Online Shopping in Pakistan)

1. Introduction
“On-Line Shopping System” is a web-based project which is made for remote-shopping or shopping
through Internet. As the technology is being advanced the way of life is changing accordance. Now a day’s we
can place the order for anything from our home. There is no need to go the shop of the things we want. The
order can be placed online through Internet. The payment, the confirmation of purchasing; we can do
everything we want. 

1.1 Purpose

Daraz.pk is a famous online shopping site. Customer can easily buy goods by sitting at home,
online. It reduce the time consuming by going to any shop. It is convenient and hassle free way
of online shopping in Pakistan. It also provides Cash on Delivery (COD) service. Daraz.pk takes
your style statement into a whole new territory by placing an extensive variety of top-class
brands within easy reach. The method of buying goods is to select item and order for it by a
specific process. The order is confirmed by the customer before sending.

1.2 Scope

The scope of Daraz.pk is to develop a system which will be used for online shopping. Customer
will be able to check product online and make an order. System will keep a history of all
products sold. System will also keep a check on all existing products. Customer can
purchase/order one or more than one products. System will also track the shipment details and
successful delivery of products.

Daraz.pk will help for a quick hustle free shopping experience.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

Configuration It means a product which is available / Selected from a catalogue can be


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1.4 References

 https://www.scribd.com/doc/76128028/Online-Shopping-Documentation-SRS

 http://csis.pace.edu/~marchese/SE616/new_Software%20Requirements

 https://www.scribd.com/doc/20467513/CaseStudy-Online-Shopping-Cart

1.5 Overview

The remaining sections of this document provide a general description, including characteristics
of the users of this project, the product's hardware, and the functional and data requirements of
the product.  General description of the project is discussed in section 2 of this document. 
Section 3 gives the functional requirements, data requirements and constraints and assumptions
made while designing the Daraz.pk.  It also gives the user viewpoint of product.  Section 3 also
gives the specific requirements of the product.  Section 3 also discusses the external interface
requirements and gives detailed description of functional requirements. Section 4 is for model

2. General Description

2.1 Product Perspective

Daraz.pk will provide an interface for customers to shop online. Customer can view products
with different images. Specification of each product will be available along with product.

2.2 Product Functions

All available products will be available online for searching and purchasing. A visitor will be
able to select the product, quantity, size and color.
Visitor will provide his credit card information and will allow for payment. Visitor can also
select the option of on spot payment.

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Daraz.pk(Online Shopping in Pakistan)

Shopping for Customer

Select Product

Add to Cart

Make Payments

This use case provides the overview of customer shopping.

1. Customers check the product and select to purchase.

2. Customer click on Cart Icon to add to Cart
3. Customers make a payment thorough Credit Card or Cash on Spot option.

Dispatching Order by User

Receive Orders

Check Payment

Dispatch Order

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This use case provides the overview from user perspective.

1. Users receive order notification

2. Users check payment option.
3. Users select dispatch method and dispatch order.

2.3 User Characteristics

The users can login/logout the System. He/she can view his/her product details and buy their
product. The users can just view the information whereas he/she could not make changes in the

2.4 General Constraints

Database Design

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

Following must be considered after go live with this project:

Daraz will be required a safe connection for paypal for online payments.

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Daraz need to place on reliable servers so that uptime should be maximum.

Database support will be required to fine tune queries in future
If sales data increase purging of data will be required.
Backup and recovery must be handled by experts.

3. Specific Requirements
The specific requirements are:


3.1 Sell Configured to Ordered Products

1. The system shall display all the products that can be configured.

2. The system shall allow user to select the product to configure.

3. The system shall display all the available components of the product to configure

4. The system shall enable user to add one or more component to the configuration.

5. The system shall notify the user about any conflict in the current configuration.

6. The system shall allow user to update the configuration to resolve conflict in the current

7. The system shall allow user to confirm the completion of current configuration

3.2 Provide comprehensive product details

1. The system shall display detailed information of the selected products.

2. The system shall provide browsing options to see product details.

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3.3 Detailed product Categorizations

1. The system shall display detailed product categorization to the user.

3.4 Provide Search facility

1. The system shall enable user to enter the search text on the screen.

2. The system shall enable user to select multiple options on the screen to search.

3. The system shall display all the matching products based on the search

4. The system shall display only 10 matching result on the current screen.

5. The system shall enable user to navigate between the search results.

6. The system shall notify the user when no matching product is found on the search.

3.5 Maintain customer profile

1. The system shall allow user to create profile and set his credential.

2. The system shall authenticate user credentials to view the profile.

3. The system shall allow user to update the profile information.

3.6 Provide personalized profile

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1. The system shall display both the active and completed order history in the customer

2. The system shall allow user to select the order from the order history.

3. The system shall display the detailed information about the selected order.

4. The system shall display the most frequently searched items by the user in the profile.

5. The system shall allow user to register for newsletters and surveys in the profile.

3.7 Email confirmation

1. The system shall maintain customer email information as a required part of customer

2. The system shall send an order confirmation to the user through email.

3.8 Detailed invoice for customer

1. The system shall display detailed invoice for current order once it is confirmed.

2. The system shall optionally allow user to print the invoice.

3.9 Provide shopping cart facility

1. The system shall provide shopping cart during online purchase.

2. The system shall allow user to add/remove products in the shopping cart.

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3.10 Provide multiple shipping methods.

1. The system shall display different shipping options provided by shipping department.

2. The system shall enable user to select the shipping method during payment process.

3. The system shall display the shipping charges.

4. The system shall display tentative duration for shipping.

3.11 Allow multiple payment methods

1. The system shall display available payment methods for payment.

2. The system shall allow user to select the payment method for order.

3.12 Allow online change or cancellation of order

1. The system shall display the orders that are eligible to change.

2. The system shall allow user to select the order to be changed.

3. The system shall allow user to cancel the order

4. The system shall allow user to change shipping, payment method.

5. The system shall notify the user about any changes made to the order.

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3.13 Allow Online Product reviews and ratings

1. The system shall display the reviews and ratings of each product, when it is selected.

2. The system shall enable the user to enter their reviews and ratings.

3.14 Online Purchase of products

1. The system shall allow user to confirm the purchase.

2. The system shall enable user to enter the payment information.

4. External Interface Requirements

4.1 User Interfaces

i. Following will be main page for customer to browse and select the product.
Customer will be able to use filter product based on gender/price and color.

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ii. Use will click the required item and it will be directed to page for purchasing and
selecting size etc.

iii. User will select size and click on Buy. It will be added in cart and cart will be
updated to 1.

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4.2 Hardware Interfaces

Since the application must run over the internet, all the hardware shall require to connect
internet will be hardware interface for the system. As for e.g. Modem, WAN – LAN,
Ethernet Cross-Cable.

4.3 Software Interfaces

1. The daraz system shall communicate with the Configuration to identify all the
available components to configure the product.

2. The daraz shall communicate with the content manager to get the product
specifications, offerings and promotions.

3. The daraz system shall communicate with bill Pay system to identify available
payment methods, validate the payments and process payment.

4. The daraz system shall communicate to credit management system for handling
financing options.

5. The daraz system shall communicate with Sales system for order management.

6. The daraz system shall communicate with shipping system for tracking orders and
updating of shipping methods.

7. The daraz system shall communicate with external Tax system to calculate tax.

8. The daraz system shall communicate with export regulation system to validate export

9. The system shall be VeriSign like software which shall allow the users to complete
secured transaction. This usually shall be the third party software system which is
widely used for internet transaction.

4.4 Communications Interfaces

The daraz system shall use the HTTP protocol for communication over the internet and
for the intranet communication will be through TCP/IP protocol suite.

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5. Functional Requirements

The online daraz application would have the following basic functions:

a) Description

The customer who is shopping needs to be registered first. It has a high priority in
the project as this feature is necessary for shopping from site.

REQ-01: Customer can search products by name/price range/category etc.

REQ-02: Customer can edit cart.
REQ-03: Customer can manage products as he wants.
REQ-04: Customer can place order.
REQ-05: Customer can pay by the way he wants from listed ways.
REQ-06: Administration is capable of displaying the customer cart/shopping/wish
list details.
REQ-07: Administration stores the shopping history of customer.
REQ-08: Administration is able to manage catalog.
REQ-09: Administration is able to handle quantity of products.
REQ-10: Administration will keep the record to product.
REQ-11: Administration will keep the daily sell.
REQ-12: Administration will keep details about the product it is delivered or not
REQ-13: Administration is capable of storing products selected by the customer
in temporary storage.
REQ-14: Administration will handle complains/feedbacks given by the customer.

6. Non-Functional Requirements
These are some non-functional requirements of daraz:
6.1.1 Performance Requirements
Databases administrators will have to follow up for database optimization and performance

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tuning. System may be slower with passage to time due to sales records and increasing of
products in warehouse.

6.1.2 Security Requirements

As system has a functionality of online shopping so visitor data security and credit card
information is a really sensitive issue. Back office has to monitor for any hacking activity.

6.1.3 Business Rules

Following business rules are implemented in Daraz online shopping system.

1. User will be able to search any product.
2. User will not be able to order a product which is out of stock.
3. User will not be able to order more than available stock.
4. Daraz will verify the credit card valid information otherwise will reject the transaction
and sent an alert to back office.

6.2 Logical Database Requirements

The Microsoft Access database used in this project will consist of two tables “Table Customers”
and “Table Products” and will be used for storing customer’s records and products information.
The search engine located on each Customer Screen will interact with the way of retrieving data
from the database via the user interface. The screens associated with the database use will be
Data Display Screen and Manage Database Screen. The functionality of this subsystem will be
carried out through GUI components such as buttons, text input boxes, URL buttons, images,
tables, navigation bars, labels and message boxes.

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7. Analysis Models
7.1 Data Flow Diagram(DFD)

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