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7, JULY 2017 5265

Torque Ripple and Harmonic Current Reduction

in a Three-Level Inverter-Fed Direct-Torque-
Controlled Five-Phase Induction Motor
Yogesh N. Tatte, Student Member, IEEE, and Mohan V. Aware, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—In a switching-table-based direct torque con- to DTC of the three-phase induction motor, the freedom of
trol method (ST-DTC), the torque ripple reduces with in- selecting the optimal voltage vector is increased in case of DTC
creasing number of levels of the torque comparator. The of the five-phase induction motor. After development of DTC
number of levels is decided by the availability of the number
of voltage vectors according to the topology of the inverter. of the five-phase induction motor, research in this area is further
This paper proposes the seven-level torque comparator to getting accelerated to improve its performance [14]–[16].
reduce the torque ripple in the DTC-controlled five-phase While designing the DTC scheme for a five-phase induction
induction motor fed by the three-level five-phase inverter. motor, the x − y stator flux must be eliminated otherwise the
In the five-phase induction motor, an elimination of x − y stator current will be distorted. In [14]–[16], the x − y stator flux
stator flux is inevitable otherwise the stator phase current
will be distorted. In order to eliminate the x − y stator flux, elimination algorithm is implemented. Additionally, in [14] sen-
the virtual voltage vectors are formed. Experimental results sorless DTC, in [15] DTC scheme for low-speed performance
are presented to validate the proposed DTC method. improvement, and in [16] space vector modulation DTC for
Index Terms—Direct torque control (DTC), three-level
torque ripple reduction are presented. Though in the multiphase
five-phase inverter, torque ripple, x − y stator flux com- induction motor the torque ripple has lower magnitude, when it
ponent. is controlled by the ST-DTC method, the torque ripple will be
increased. The detailed analysis of torque ripple reduction is pre-
sented in [17], where a modified five-level torque comparator
is proposed against the classical five-level torque comparator
HE direct torque control (DTC) is the most actively re-
T searched control scheme in the fraternity of speed control
techniques of an induction motor due to its fast torque response
to reduce the torque ripple in case of DTC of a dual three-
phase permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) fed by a
two-level inverter. Since in this scheme dual time calculation is
and simple structure; however, on other side, the DTC scheme involved for the x − y stator flux elimination, the control algo-
suffers from the higher torque ripple due to the involvement of rithm becomes complex. The torque ripple reduction obtained
the torque hysteresis controller. Several techniques are presented using the modified five-level torque comparator can be further
in order to reduce the torque ripple in case of a three-phase in- minimized with the increase in levels of a torque comparator. In
duction motor [1]–[9]. order to increase the number of levels of the torque comparator
Multiphase induction motor is nowadays receiving attraction more voltage vectors are required.
of the researchers due to the advantages it offers such as higher The space vector pulse width modulation technique is ex-
torque density, reduction in torque ripple, and fault tolerance. tended for the five-phase three-level inverter which increases
Owing to these advantages, the five-phase induction motor can the availability of more voltage vectors [18]–[20]. Since the
be used for the particular applications where reliability of the number of voltage vectors available is more, the most accurate
drive is the main concern such as ship propeller drive, traction voltage vector can be employed as compared to the two-level
drive, aircraft drive, and hybrid electric vehicle drive [10]–[12]. five-phase inverter. Hence by using the three-level five-phase
In order to control the five-phase induction motor, the hysteresis neutral-point-clamped (NPC) inverter, the problems in the five-
controller based or switching table DTC (ST-DTC) of a three- phase induction motor, such as torque ripple, current distortion,
phase induction motor [1] is extended for a five-phase induction common-mode voltage, low speed region demagnetization, etc.,
motor [13]. As the number of voltage vectors are more compared can be resolved more efficiently as compared to the two-level
five-phase inverter. This three-level five-phase NPC inverter has
Manuscript received August 26, 2016; revised November 24, 2016 and shown its capability in improving the performance of five-phase
January 4, 2017; accepted January 31, 2017. Date of publication March induction motor drives, in context of torque ripple, current dis-
2, 2017; date of current version June 9, 2017.
The authors are with the Visvesvaraya National Institute of Tech- tortions, common-mode-voltage, etc. [21]–[24].
nology, Nagpur 440010, India (e-mail:; mva_win@ In this paper, a seven-level torque comparator is proposed to reduce both the torque ripple and current distortion in the
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at hysteresis controller based DTC scheme in a five-phase induc-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2017.2677346 tion motor fed by a three-level five-phase NPC inverter. In case
0278-0046 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Similarly remaining pole voltages can be represented.

The phase voltages with respect to load neutral “N” is ex-
pressed in matrix form as [25]
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤
VA N 4 −1 −1 −1 −1 VA Z
⎢VB N ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ 2 ⎢ −1 4 −1 −1 −1 ⎥ ⎢ VB Z ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
⎢VC N ⎥ = ⎢ −1 −1 4 −1 −1 ⎥ ⎢ VC Z ⎥ . (2)
⎢ ⎥ 5⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
⎣VD N ⎦ ⎣ −1 −1 −1 4 −1 ⎦ ⎣VD Z ⎦
VE N −1 −1 −1 −1 4 VE Z
The five-phase induction motor drive can be described in two
orthogonal and decoupled planes d–q and x − y as (θ = 2π/5)
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤
vd 1 cos θ cos 2θ cos 3θ cos 4θ VA N
⎢ vq ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ 2 ⎢ 0 sin θ sin 2θ sin 3θ sin 4θ ⎥ ⎢VB N ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
Fig. 1. Three-level five-phase inverter-fed five-phase induction motor. ⎢vx ⎥ = ⎢ 1 cos 2θ cos 4θ cos θ cos 3θ ⎥ ⎢VC N ⎥ .
⎢ ⎥ 5⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
⎣ vy ⎦ ⎣ 0 sin 2θ sin 4θ sin θ sin 3θ ⎦ ⎣VD N ⎦
vz 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 VE N
of DTC of the five-phase induction motor fed by a two-level (3)
five-phase inverter, the maximum levels of torque comparator is The zero sequence components (z-axis) can be neglected be-
five due to availability of limited number of voltage vectors, i.e., cause of the star connection of the winding with isolated neutral
25 = 32. Therefore, the three-level five-phase inverter is used to point. Two space planes exist in the five-phase induction mo-
feed the five-phase induction motor so that required number of tor, i.e., d–q and x − y. The fundamental supply component plus
voltage vectors can be employed from the available 35 = 243 supply harmonics of the order 10n ± 1 (n = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . .) map
to build the seven-level torque comparator. The virtual voltage into the d–q space plane and the supply harmonics of the order
vectors are formed which select the actual voltage vectors de- 10n ± 3 (n = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . .) map in the x − y space plane. The
pending upon the location of x − y stator flux which in turn d–q stator flux (λsdq ), rotor flux (λrdq ), and x − y stator flux (λsxy ),
eliminate the x − y stator flux. rotor flux (λrxy ) of the motor considering stationary reference
The proposed seven-level torque comparator DTC scheme frame can be written as [26]
preserves the simplicity of the ST-DTC scheme by not involv- 

ing the complex dual time calculation for the x − y stator flux λdq =
vdq − isdq rs dt (4)
elimination. Since the three-level five-phase NPC inverter is 
used, the proposed DTC scheme can be used for high-power

λrdq = r
vdq − irdq rr dt (5)
medium-voltage drive applications. In order to justify the ability
of the proposed seven-level torque controller in torque ripple and 

current harmonics reduction, it is compared with the modified λsxy = s

vxy − isxy rs dt (6)
five-level torque controller. In both the seven-level and modi- 
fied five-level torque comparator DTC schemes, the three-level

λrxy = r
vxy − irxy rr dt (7)
NPC inverter is used to feed the motor. Extensive simulation
and experimental results are presented in order to validate the λsdq = (Lls + Lm ) isdq + Lm irdq (8)
proposed DTC method.
λrdq = (Llr + Lm ) irdq + Lm isdq (9)
λsxy = Lls isxy (10)
The schematic of the three-level five-phase inverter-fed five- λrxy = Llr irxy (11)
phase induction motor is shown in Fig. 1. The three-level where s
vdq , r
vdq , s
vxy , r
and , isdq , irdq , isxy , irxy
represent stator
five-phase inverter has 243 voltage vectors consisting of 240 d − q x − y, rotor d − q x − y voltage, and current complex
active and 3 zero [18]. The switch function of these volt- vectors. The rs , rr , Lls , Llr , and Lm are the stator resistance,
age vectors is represented as S = [SA SB SC SD SE ]T , where rotor resistance, stator leakage inductance, rotor leakage induc-
Si = 2 or 0 or 1, state 2 represents turning “ON” of upper two tance, and mutual inductance. The electromagnetic torque can
switches, state 0 represents turning “ON” of lower two switches, be expressed as
and state 1 represents turning “ON” of middle two switches,
5 Lm
whereas remaining switches for the particular state remain Te = P Im[λsdq .λrdq ∗] (12)
“OFF.” The “A” phase voltage with respect to dc-link mid-point 2 σLs Lr
“Z” (pole voltage) is expressed as [19] where leakage coefficient (σ) = 1 − LLsmL r , P is the number of
SA − 1 pole pairs, “∗” denotes the complex conjugate, Ls is the stator
VA Z = Vdc . (1) inductance, and Lr is the rotor inductance.

Fig. 2. (a) Voltage vectors mapped in the d − q space plane. (b) Voltage vectors mapped in the x − y space plane. (c) Oppositely located voltage
vectors mapped in the x − y space plane. (d) Virtual voltage vectors mapped in the d − q space plane.

III. FORMATION OF VIRTUAL VOLTAGE VECTORS The voltage vectors map in the d − q space plane as shown
in Fig. 2(a) is mapped at different position in the x − y space
It is aforementioned that the x − y space plane is present plane as shown in Fig. 2(b). For example the voltage vectors V3 ,
in the five-phase induction motor which is orthogonal and de- V13 , V23 , and V33 have the same direction in the d − q space
coupled to d − q space plane. Only d − q component takes plane; however, in the x − y space plane the voltage vectors V3
part in producing an electromagnetic torque [see (12)], whereas and V23 are located opposite to voltage vectors V13 and V33 as
x − y component distorts the machine phase current which shown in Fig. 2(c). In this way, only 40 main voltage vectors
leads to increase the losses in the machine. Therefore, it is are found to be located opposite to each other which are eligible
necessary to eliminate the magnitude of x − y stator flux for eliminating the x − y stator flux. In order to eliminate the
components (λsxy ). x − y stator flux, the virtual voltage vector groups are formed

[15], [27]. These groups are divided into three types, i.e., large,
medium, and small. The voltage vectors V1 − V10 and V11 − V20
are represented by a group of large virtual voltage vectors (VL X ),
V11 − V20 , and V21 − V30 are represented by group of medium
virtual voltage vectors (VM X ) and V21 − V30 and V31 − V40
are represented by group of small virtual voltage vectors (VS X ),
where X = 1 − 10. The zero voltage vectors V0 and V41 remain
as it is.
Once the virtual large voltage vector is selected by the control
strategy, the actual voltage vector which initiates the switching
action in the inverter will be selected either from V1 − V10 or
from V11 − V20 depending upon the location of x − y stator
flux. For example, if large virtual voltage vector VL 3 is selected
and if x − y stator flux is located in left half of the x − y space
plane, the actual voltage vector V3 will be selected as depicted
in Fig. 2(c), because V3 is located opposite to left half of the
x − y space plane. The selection of V3 or V13 will be done by
the following procedure:
1) Check the location of x − y stator flux (α =
tan−1 (λsy /λsx ) in Fig. 6).
2) If x − y stator flux lies in sector (V–IX), V3 will be
3) If x − y stator flux lies in sector (X–IV), V13 will be
Similarly actual voltage vectors from remaining medium and
Fig. 3. Representation of different torque comparators: (a) modified
small virtual voltage vectors will be selected. The selection of five-level torque comparator [17] and (b) proposed seven-level torque
opposite voltage vectors to the location of x − y stator flux comparator.
eliminates the x − y stator flux [15], [27]. The selection of
virtual voltage vectors depends on torque and flux controller
status and d − q stator flux location, whereas actual voltage compared to [15] and [17]. The question is how much higher
vectors are selected depending on the location of x − y stator level torque comparator can be implemented by using the
flux. The 30 virtual voltage vectors and two zero voltage vectors voltage vectors from the three-level five-phase inverter. It is
are divided into ten sectors as shown in Fig. 2(d). very much clear that while reducing torque ripple, the x − y
stator flux must be eliminated. Maximum 40 active voltage
vectors are available opposite to each other in the x − y space
IV. PROPOSED SEVEN-LEVEL TORQUE COMPARATOR plane which give x − y stator flux elimination. By using these
The classical five-level torque comparator which is the ex- 40 voltage vectors (30 virtual voltage vectors), maximum
tended version of the classical three-level torque comparator seven-level torque comparator is possible to implement.
is implemented in DTC of the five-phase induction motor in
[15]. In order to reduce the torque ripple, the classical five-level
A. Design and Analysis of the Proposed Seven-Level
torque comparator is modified and is implemented in DTC of
Torque Comparator
the dual three-phase PMSM machine as shown in Fig. 3(a) [17].
In order to implement the classical or the modified five-level The proposed seven-level torque comparator as represented
torque comparator in the DTC-controlled five-phase induction in Fig. 3(b) is the extension of the classical five-level torque
motor with virtual voltage vectors strategy, 32 voltage vectors comparator. The classical five-level torque comparator has five
are required. The two-level five-phase inverter can provide these different levels for selecting five different voltage vectors, two
many voltage vectors. Therefore, using the two-level inverter, levels on positive side, two on negative side, and remaining one
the five-level torque comparator proposed in [15] and [17] can be lies at the center. The proposed seven-level torque comparator
implemented in the DTC-controlled five-phase induction motor. has three levels on positive side for increasing the actual torque,
It is already investigated in the literature [9] and [17] that three levels on negative side for decreasing the actual torque,
with increasing number of levels of the torque comparator and remaining level lies at the center. Outer two levels HB_3
the torque ripple of machine can be reduced. So in order to on positive side and –HB_3 on negative side select the large
increase the number of levels of the torque comparator, more virtual voltage vectors, middle two levels HB_2 on positive side
voltage vectors are required. Therefore, it is a need to go for the and –HB_2 on negative side select the medium virtual voltage
three-level five-phase inverter to have the availability of more vectors, inner two levels HB_1 on positive side and –HB_1 on
voltage vectors so that the higher level torque comparator can negative side select the small virtual voltage vectors, and center
be implemented which in turn gives reduced torque ripple as level selects zero voltage vectors. The outer levels on both sides

of the comparator give fast dynamic response and middle, inner,

and center levels reduce the torque ripple.
The length of V1 − V10 , V11 − V20 , V21 − V30 , and V31 − V40
voltage vectors are 0.647, 0.4, 0.2472, and 0.2Vdc , respectively.
The virtual large voltage vectors consisting of actual voltage
vectors V1 − V10 and V11 − V20 have the dc-bus length of
(0.647 + 0.4) /2 = 0.5235Vdc . (13) Fig. 4. Torque ripple pattern according to motor speed: (a) low speed
and (b) high speed.
The virtual medium voltage vectors consisting of V11 − V20 and
V21 − V30 have the dc-bus length of
term of slope m4 as
(0.4 + 0.247) /2 = 0.3236Vdc . (14)
Te0 rs 5 Lm  
The virtual small voltage vectors consisting of V21 − V30 and m4 = − + P ωm (λsd λrd + λsq λrq ) . (20)
σLs 2 σLs Lr
V31 − V40 have the dc-bus length of
From (13) to (20), the comparison between the absolute value
(0.247 + 0.2) /2 = 0.2235Vdc . (15) of torque variation due to virtual large voltage vectors (m1 ),
virtual medium voltage vectors (m2 ), and virtual small voltage
The torque variation is expressed as [2]–[4], [9]
vectors (m3 ) for incrementing the torque is given as
dTe rs rr 1
= − Te0 + m1 > m2 > m3 . (21)
dt Ls Lr σ
5 Lm s  The comparison between the absolute value of torque varia-
+ P Im (vdq − jωm λsdq )jλrdq (16) tion due to virtual large voltage vectors, virtual medium voltage
2 σLs Lr
vectors, virtual small voltage vectors, and zero voltage vectors
where Te0 is the torque at current instant and ωm is the motor (m4 ) for decrementing the torque is given as
angular velocity.
From (16), it is clear that the torque variation is influenced m1 > m2 > m3 > m4 . (22)
by the length of applied voltage vector. Since the rotor time
All the types of virtual voltage vectors are responsible for
constant Lr /rr is negligible compared to stator time constant
incrementing as well as decrementing the torque, whereas zero
Ls /rs ), the simplified (16) can be represented in terms of the
voltage vectors are responsible for only decrementing the torque
torque variation (slope), when large, medium, and small virtual
due to its zero dc-link utilization. With a small sampling time Δt,
voltage vectors and zero voltage vectors are applied [9].
the slopes m1 , m2 , m3 , and m4 can be considered to be constant,
When the large virtual voltage vector is applied, the torque
because the dynamics of speed and flux are not so fast [2]–[4].
variation can be given in term of slope m1 as
Therefore, these slopes can be considered as straight lines as
Te0 rs 5 Lm  shown in Fig. 4. The width of the levels of the comparator
m1 = − + P −(vds λsq + vqs λsd )
σLs 2 σLs Lr are decided based on the ratio of magnitude of virtual voltage
 vectors which can be calculated as follows [17]:
− ωm (λsd λrd + λsq λrq ) . (17)
HB 2 −HB 2 0.3236Vdc
Since the dc-bus length of virtual medium voltage vector or = = 0.618,
HB 3 −HB 3 0.5235Vdc
and virtual small voltage vector are, respectively, 0.618 and
0.427 times the dc-bus length of virtual large voltage vector, the HB 1 −HB 1 0.2235Vdc
or = = 0.427.
torque variation can be given in term of slope m2 , when the HB 3 −HB 3 0.5235Vdc
virtual medium voltage vector is applied and slope m3 , when
the virtual small voltage vector is applied, respectively, as
Te0 rs 5 Lm  B. Selection of Virtual Voltage Vector
m2 = − + P −0.618(vds λsq − vqs λsd )
σLs 2 σLs Lr The virtual voltage vector is selected for increasing or de-
 creasing the flux (FI and FD) and the torque (TI and TD) as
− ωm (λsd λrd + λsq λrq ) (18)
shown in Fig. 5. For example, when the stator flux enters into
Te0 rs 5 Lm  the first sector and suppose it needs to be increased (FI_1) and
m3 = − + P −0.427(vds λsq − vqs λsd )
σLs 2 σLs Lr motor actual torque needs to be decreased fast (TD_–3), the
 large virtual voltage vector VL 9 will be selected for very short
− ωm (λsd λrd + λsq λrq ) . (19)
time Ts . Because the selection of VL 9 increases the stator flux
It is clearly shown in (17)–(19) that the slopes m1 , m2 , and (λs7 > λsdq ) and advances it in reverse direction (assume an-
m3 depend on the length of applied nonzero voltage vectors. ticlockwise is the forward direction). Similarly other virtual
Since the zero voltage vector has zero dc-bus length, the voltage voltage vectors for all possible torque and flux comparator
term in (16) becomes zero and then by simplifying, the torque outputs will be selected. Table I depicts the selection of suit-
variation when zero voltage vector is applied can be given in able virtual voltage vector group according to the output from

diagram of the control strategy of the proposed DTC scheme.

This system consists of outer speed loop, inner torque, and flux
loop. The reference for the inner torque loop is obtained from
the outer speed loop through proportional and integral controller.
The control scheme involves two look-up tables, Table I gives
virtual voltage vector and Table II selects actual voltage vector.
The selection of virtual voltage vector is as same as the selection
of voltage vector according to classic DTC strategy, whereas the
selection of actual voltage vector needs only the information of
Table I and the position of x − y stator flux (α).

The proposed seven-level torque comparator is compared
with the modified five-level torque comparator through the
MATLAB simulations. Onwards, the DTC method with
the modified five-level torque comparator will be called
as DTC-I and with the proposed seven-level torque com-
parator will be called as DTC-II. A small around 1 Hp
cage-type symmetrical five-phase induction motor is taken.
It has rs = 0.8 Ω, rr = 0.6 Ω, Lls = 2.6 mH, Llr = 2.6 mH,
Lm = 151 mH, rotor inertia (J) = 0.047 kg · m2 , P = 2, and
Vdc = 300 V. The rated torque and flux are 6 Nm and 0.54 Wb,
Fig. 5. Selection of virtual voltage vector: (a) sector I and (b) details respectively.
of (a).
Figs. 7 and 8 show the simulation results of the steady-state
operation of the DTC-I and DTC-II methods, respectively. The
TABLE I motor is operated at the rated load, i.e., 6 Nm and rated speed,
VIRTUAL VOLTAGE VECTOR SELECTION LOOK-UP TABLE i.e., 1500 r/min. The results of the estimated torque of both
the schemes show that the torque of the DTC-II method has
dλ dT Sector the lower ripple than the torque ripple of the DTC-I method.
The current waveforms are also provided for both the schemes.
1 3 VL 3 VL 4 VL 5 VL 6 VL 7 VL 8 VL 9 VL 1 0 VL 1 VL 2 It is seen that the current waveform obtained in the DTC-II
2 VM 3 VM 4 VM 5 VM 6 VM 7 VM 8 VM 9 VM 1 0 VM 1 VM 2 method is well regulated and better controlled than the current
1 VS 3 VS 4 VI S 5 VS 6 VS 7 VS 8 VS 9 VS 1 0 VS 1 VS 2
0 V0 V4 1 V0 V4 1 V0 V4 1 V0 V4 1 V0 V4 1 waveform obtained in the DTC-I method. The effect of the
–1 VS 9 VS 1 0 VS 1 VS 2 VS 3 VS 4 VS 5 VS 6 VS 7 VS 8 proposed seven-level torque comparator can also be observed
–2 VM 9 VM 1 0 VM 1 VM 2 VM 3 VM 4 VM 5 VM 6 VM 7 VM 8 in terms of reduction in distortion in the current waveform. The
–3 VL 9 VL 1 0 VL 1 VL 2 VL 3 VL 4 VL 5 VL 6 VL 7 VL 8
0 3 VL 4 VL 5 VL 6 VL 7 VL 8 VL 9 VL 1 0 VL 1 VL 2 VL 3 trajectories of the d − q and x − y stator flux in both the DTC
2 VM 4 VM 5 VM 6 VM 7 VM 8 VM 9 VM 1 0 VM 1 VM 2 VM 3 schemes are also shown. In the DTC-II method, the effect of
1 VS 4 VS 5 VS 6 VS 7 VS 8 VS 9 VS 1 0 VS 1 VS 2 VS 3 the proposed comparator can be seen in terms of improvement
0 V4 1 V0 V4 1 V0 V4 1 V0 V4 1 V0 V4 1 V0
–1 VS 8 VS 9 VS 1 0 VS 1 VS 2 VS 3 VS 4 VS 5 VS 6 VS 7 in the behavior of d − q stator flux trajectory compared to the
–2 VM 8 VM 9 VM 1 0 VM 1 VM 2 VM 3 VM 4 VM 5 VM 6 VM 7 DTC-I method. The virtual voltage vectors are implemented in
–3 VL 8 VL 9 VL 1 0 VL 1 VL 2 VL 3 VL 4 VL 5 VL 6 VL 7 both the DTC methods which have eliminated the x − y stator
flux in both the DTC schemes.

flux comparator, torque comparator, and the location of d − q

Fig. 9 shows laboratory prototype of the proposed DTC
drive which consists of the five-phase induction motor con-
C. Selection of Actual Voltage Vector nected to the dc machine, TMS320F28377S floating point DSP,
The selection of actual voltage vector from Table II is based an insulated-gate bipolar transistor inverter, three-phase uncon-
on the output of Table I and the location of x − y stator flux. trolled rectifier, and sensor circuit consisting of four LEM LA
For example, if VL 9 is selected from Table I and the x − y 25-P current sensors and LEM LV 20-P voltage sensor. HEDS-
stator flux lies in sector VIII–II, the actual voltage vector V19 5645-I13 encoder is used for speed sensing. The sampling fre-
will be selected, because the voltage vector V19 lies opposite quency of the control algorithm is set to 15 kHz. The parameters
to x − y stator flux location VIII–II. Similarly remaining actual of the drive for the experimentation are the same as in simula-
voltage vectors will be selected. The selection of actual voltage tion. The viability of the proposed seven-level torque controller
vector is explained in Section III also. Fig. 6 shows the block is checked in the steady state and under transient condition.


Virtual large voltage vectors VL 1 VL 2 VL 3 VL 4 VL 5 VL 6 VL 7 VL 8 VL 9 VL 1 0

x − y stator flux location (sectors) (IX–III) (II–VI) (V–IX) (VIII–II) (I–V) (IV–VIII) (VII–I) (X–IV) (III–VII) (VI–X)
Actual voltage vector selection V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V1 0
x − y stator flux location (sectors) (IV–VIII) (VII–I) (X–IV) (III–VII) (VI–X) (IX–III) (II–VI) (V–IX) (VIII–II) (I–V)
Actual voltage vectors selection V1 1 V1 2 V1 3 V1 4 V1 5 V1 6 V1 7 V1 8 V1 9 V2 0
Virtual medium voltage vectors VM 1 VM 2 VM 3 VM 4 VM 5 VM 6 VM 7 VM 8 VM 9 VM 10

x − y stator flux location (sectors) (IX–III) (II–VI) (V–IX) (VIII–II) (I–V) (IV–VIII) (VII–I) (X–IV) (III–VII) (VI–X)
Actual voltage vectors selection V2 1 V2 2 V2 3 V2 4 V2 5 V2 6 V2 7 V2 8 V2 9 V3 0
x − y stator flux location (sectors) (IV–VIII) (VII–I) (X–IV) (III–VII) (VI–X) (IX–III) (II–VI) (V–IX) (VIII–II) (I–V)
Actual voltage vectors selection V1 1 V1 2 V1 3 V1 4 V1 5 V1 6 V1 7 V1 8 V1 9 V2 0
Virtual small voltage vectors VS 1 VS 2 VS 3 VS 4 VS 5 VS 6 VS 7 VS 8 VS 9 VS 1 0
x − y stator flux location (sectors) (IX–III) (II–VI) (V–IX) (VIII–II) (I–V) (IV–VIII) (VII–I) (X–IV) (III–VII) (VI–X)
Actual voltage vectors selection V2 1 V2 2 V2 3 V2 4 V2 5 V2 6 V2 7 V2 8 V2 9 V3 0
x − y stator flux location (sectors) (IV–VIII) (VII–I) (X–IV) (III–VII) (VI–X) (IX–III) (II–VI) (V–IX) (VIII–II) (I–V)
Actual voltage vectors selection V3 1 V3 2 V3 3 V3 4 V3 5 V3 6 V3 7 V3 8 V3 9 V4 0

Fig. 6. Control block diagram of the proposed DTC method.

A. Steady-State Operation
Figs. 10 and 11 depict the steady-state operation of differ-
ent DTC strategies. During steady-state operation, the reference
speed is fixed to 1500 r/min and 6 Nm load is applied to the mo-
tor. It is seen that the proposed DTC-II method has reduced the
torque ripple compared to the DTC-I method. The stator current
in both the DTC schemes is well controlled with lesser total
harmonics distortion (THD) in the proposed DTC-II method.
The obtained less distorted current with the seven-level torque
comparator is the essence of the proposed DTC method. The
d − q stator flux follows almost circular trajectory in both the
DTC schemes with better performance in the DTC-II method.
The x − y stator flux has been eliminated in both the DTC
schemes. This shows that the algorithm of virtual voltage vector Fig. 7. Simulation results of steady-state operation of DTC-I: (a) esti-
formation in both DTC schemes for x − y stator flux elimination mated torque, (b) phase current, and (c) d − q and x − y stator flux.
has been successfully implemented in this paper. In context to
torque ripple, stator current and d − q stator flux quality, it is to be checked compared to DTC-I; however, the flux comparator
seen that the proposed DTC-II method is superior to the DTC-I remains the same.
method. However, compared to DTC-I, DTC-II is little complex. Fig. 12 shows the performance of both the presented DTC
In DTC-II, two more conditions of the torque comparator have methods in context of torque ripple and THD of phase cur-

Fig. 8. Simulation results of steady-state operation of DTC-II: (a) esti-

mated torque, (b) phase current, and (c) d − q and x − y stator flux.

Fig. 10. Experimental results of steady-state operation of DTC-I:

(a) estimated torque and rotor speed (torque 2 Nm/div, 100 ms/div, and
speed 500 r/min/div, 100 ms/div), (b) phase current, (c) current THD,
(d) stator flux, and (e) x − y stator flux.

rent with respect to different wide range of operating condi-

tions. The torque ripple is calculated by using the torque ripple
equation [17]:

Te ripple =  (Te0 − Teav )2 (23)
n i=1

where Teav represent the average values of torque. It is deduced

that the proposed DTC-II scheme significantly minimized the
torque ripple by around 40% and the distortions in current by
around 45% compared to the DTC-I technique. It is observed
that the torque ripple is almost the same with the change in load
Fig. 9. Experimental setup of the proposed DTC method. and speed conditions, whereas current harmonics are reduced
with increase in load and almost the same with varying speed

Fig. 12. Comparison between DTC-I and DTC-II methods in context of

torque ripple with respect to varying (a) speed conditions and (b) load
conditions and current THD with respect to varying (c) speed conditions
Fig. 11. Experimental results of steady-state operation of DTC-II: and (d) load conditions.
(a) estimated torque and rotor speed (torque 2 Nm/div, 100 ms/div, and
speed 500 r/min/div, 100 ms/div), (b) phase current, (c) current THD,
(d) stator flux, and (e) x − y stator flux. almost the same dynamic performance during change in speed
operation, because the lengths of large virtual voltage vectors
as well as the bandwidths of outer levels on both sides of the
comparators are the same in both the DTC methods.
B. Transient Operation 2) Dynamic Response to External Load Distur-
1) Dynamic Response to Speed Change: The dy- bance: The performance of the proposed method is checked
namic performance of the different DTC methods is analyzed when external load of 3 Nm (half of the rated) is imposed on
and the results are presented. Figs. 13 and 14 show the oper- the motor. Fig. 15 shows the operation of the different DTC
ation of different DTC methods for change in speed operation methods. In this operation also, the proposed DTC-II method
without load. It is seen that the proposed DTC-II method has has considerably reduced the torque ripple. It is seen that the
significantly reduced the torque ripple compared to the DTC-I torque and speed response of both the methods are almost the
method. During the transient process, the actual torque needs to same, because of the same reason explained for the change in
follow the reference torque which attains momentarily higher speed operation.
value. Therefore, in both the DTC methods, in order to mini- Fig. 16 shows the average switching frequency with respect
mize this large torque error, large virtual voltage vector will be to wide range of speed condition. It is seen that in proposed
employed. It is worth noting that though the torque comparators the DTC-II method, the average switching frequency is slightly
in both the presented DTC methods are different, they show increased compared to the DTC-I method.

that the proposed DTC-II technique successfully reduced the

torque ripple and the current distortions at the expense of slight
increase in average switching frequency and little complexity
due to two more number of torque controller checks compared
to the DTC-I method.

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Yogesh N. Tatte (M’16) was born in India, in

1988. He received the B.E. degree from Nag-
pur University, Nagpur, India, in 2010, and the
M.Tech. degree from the Raisoni Engineering
College, Nagpur, India, in 2013, both in electri-
cal engineering.
His current research interests include
power electronics and drives and digital-signal-
processing-based control applications.

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