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Killing bites

Welcome to the world of killing bites, where the

one with the sharpest fangs wins.
In this 'near future' version of earth humanity has achieved a milestone in genetic
manipulation, they successfully hybridized humans and animals creating
Therianthropes or as they are more commonly called Brutes through a surgical

This procedure grants the patient the strengths of the animal that they were hybridized
with, be it actual strength, senses, regeneration, and sometimes even a mindset while
in an alternative form they can activate at will typically growing fur, scales, claws,
fangs, and the like depending on their animal.

These Brutes were originally small in number but now are in the public domain, the
destroyal, Killing Bites, however is what they are best known for.

Here is 1000 CP for your choices

Time and place

Roll a 1d4 for starting time


Pre-Brute: you will, assuming you are rich enough or are a subject/patient, get to see the
rise of the very first Brutes.

Amid the squabbles: Brutes have arrived and they are still, relatively, hidden from the
public at large, though they are already being put in death matches

In the thick of it: you have dropped in a little before the manga/anime officially starts

The past is past: it's too late you missed the plot, a shame really oh well, plenty of other
interesting girls- I mean things to be done in this world.

Roll 1d8 for starting place or pay 100 CP to choose

In a cage: you are in a cage...I only pray whatever has/is going to happen to you was/is
painless and quick.

The lab: you are in a lab of some sort. You seem to be healthy. What is going on?

The streets: you wake up in a dirty alleyway...I really don't like how that group of
homeless are eyeing you. I would get a move on...quickly.

Home: you wake up in a home/apartment, is it yours or did you just commit a B&E
without the B?

Office: you workaholic you, you fell asleep at your desk again!...this is your desk right?

CEO's office:...I am not sure if you want to be caught in here I am pretty sure they take
care of shuffles in this part of the building permanently

Cargo crate: you wake up in a cargo crate, one of the big ones, it's cold and awkward as
hell on your back do you think it's unlocked?

Bathroom(humor): you come to on the can, pants down, and a wicked smell in the air it's
enough to make any one sick, flee quickly lest you suffocate and die.

Test tube/tank: you wake up floating in a test tube/tank being monitored by several
scientists...or at least they look like scientists, and they seem excited to see you up.

Pick your spot


Drop-in: you, just you no history no effects just popped into the story as you are.

The sea of humanity: you are just one of many in the sea of humanity with no great
powers or ambition, however being easy to miss has its own benefits.

Doctor, doctor!: you are a medical inclined individual and have a history steeped in the
blood and wounds of many, maybe you even worked on creating Brutes?

Old Guard: you were once and maybe still are a soldier, someone trained to fight and kill,
either for your country or for a private group. Your skills have kept you alive so far. Let's
see how far you can go.

CEO(300 CP): you are the CEO of one of the killing bites contributors. You are skilled in
business and negotiation.

Age & Gender

Roll 1d20 for your age or pay 50 CP to choose
Remain the same(free)

Change gender(50 CP)


futa(50 CP) futas actually exist in this world though if you pick this you may face some
discrimination as a malformed brute or a descendant of one even if you don't choose to
be a brute.



Brute(100 CP) pick one animal as your base be it mammals, fish, reptile, amphibian,
mollusc, or insect

One perk, from race and origin, worth 100 CP is free the rest of the perks from your
origin and race a half off

Drop-in Origin

Unknown(100 CP): you exude a strange presence that makes people and animals
unsure how to deal with you, expect to be avoided and potentially attacked by the overly

Friends everywhere(100 CP): you gain friends at a near supernatural rate, not to say
that you are immune to pissing them off or losing there friendship but it makes it far
easier to crawl into the hearts of those near you

Friend of the world(200 CP): you aren't an invader to this world in fact you were invited
to shake things up, this will typically work out for you if you actually put effort into
it...not to say that it'll make the impossible happen for you but if you want millions of
dollars and randomly wonder you may wind up at the bank can't take with invader

Other worldly beauty(200 CP): its a well known fact that the prettier you are the easier
your life can be, with this perk you appear to be gorgeous by this world's standards this
will carry over if you are a brute as well

Other worldly constitution(400 CP): your body is not of this earth, not even of this
dimension and as such it contents don't affect you as it should either failing completely
or causing odd but harmless reactions

Sea of humanity Origin

Boring(100 CP): your actions, baring the extreme or crimes, will be seen as boring
especially so when in a crowd

Plain(100 CP): you looks are plain, not overly plain mind you but...well if someone needs
to remember your face or pick you from a crowd they may as well guess can't take with
other worldly beauty

Everyday Joe(200 CP): you are extremely relatable to the common people of this world
allowing you more sway with crowds and the public at large

Now not later(200 CP): you can and will do things you said you would, no more rancid
sink, or rotted trash, and more importantly no more broken promises promising to do an
action or task will now be backed by this perk enforcing your mind and will to do said

An ear when needed(300 CP): something about your normality makes you good at
lending an ear, people are more likely to talk to you about sensitive or secretive topics

Doctor, doctor! Origin

Healing(100 CP): you have a more than passing ability to patch up near fatal wounds

Your body is my playground(200 CP): you know a lot about the human body and the
most common Brutes easily able to identify what may help or hinder their bodies be it
drugs to surgery

Mad Doctor(300 CP): you specialize in mad science with time and resources you could
revolutionize the world, if you don't drive your patients mad or get locked in a cell for
crimes against humanity

Brute creation(300 CP): you know how to create Brutes maybe you could start
advancing the field given time

Break it all(400 CP): due to your history as a medical professional or maybe it was
simply instincts you have innate knowledge of how to disable and kill humans and
Brutes actual appling that knowledge can be very difficult with Brutes though

Old Guard Origin

Hardened warrior(100 CP): time has been a harsh teacher, little but the extremely
unexpected surprises you during combat

Skilled warrior(100 CP): you know how to handle yourself in a fight, when to dodge,
block, or run and how to throw punches

Improv weaponry(200 CP): when all your weapons are gone or broken one can only rely
on themselves and their surroundings, you are particularly good at spotting and making
use of improv weapons

Long distance(200 CP): you were a soldier yes but you also had extensive training with
guns, specifically those of the stay far away from me variety

The second coming of John Wick(400 CP): you are nearly supernatural in your ability to
fight your way out of situations even the best laid plans can fall at your skilled hands,
though you may not be in the best of shape afterwards

CEO Origin

Charm(100 CP): you are particularly swave for a CEO able to sell salt to someone
stranded in the ocean with enough time

Beloved(200 CP): you are beloved by you fellows and other words you aren't
likely to be assassinated for your spot unless you piss off enough people

Time isn't cheap(300 CP): people who want to make a deal with you will become more
desperate the longer you put off talks this does have a limit a man wanting to make a
deal for his company probably wouldn't be willing to offer his wife or daughter to you,
unless he is morally corrupt and one who isn't may simply increase their money offer till
they are nearly in the deep red

Advantageous position(400 CP): your company and family are pretty high on the ladder
giving you access to resources others may not have such as rarer or higher quality

Racial perks


Disregarded(100 CP): humans are somewhat understandably disregarded most of the

time as a non-threat and in comparison to some Brutes it's understandable you are as a
result often underestimated

Tools(100CP): as a human you excel at tool use and can quickly grasp and use them
with relative skill regardless of complexity when given time

Non-threatening and adorable(200 CP): Brutes more often than not don't see you as a
threat and find your squishiness to be adorable, pray that you don't squeak or this could
get messy

Lucky(300 CP): humans get lucky every so often for you it's more often you may find a
lucky penny on the sidewalk or accidentally avoid a strike or bullet that would've taken
you out permanently however luck can run out so be careful


Guided by instinct(100 CP): your body and mind are uniquely in tune with your new
beastly abilities allowing you to learn and grow quickly

Partial transformation(100 CP): you can now selectively transformation parts of your
body while keeping the rest of the transformation at bay

Awakened senses(200 CP): even when entirely human your beastly senses remain

Born a beast(300 CP): you were born a brute and are capable of becoming an origin

Ancient blood(300 CP): your beastly side is capable of regressing to an ancient and
more powerful form increasing your abilities to a ridiculous degree

In line for the throne(300 CP): you're a natural leader and most of your fellow Brutes will
respect you


Handgun(50 CP): a pistol useful on just about anything baring a thick skinned brute

Debit card(50 CP): a debit card with the equivalent of 1 million US dollars

Phone and charger(100 CP): you have a prepaid phone with unlimited data, it has
access to the internet regardless of where you are but it is no more secure than a
regular phone so mind what sights you go to

AI(200 CP): a very basic Ai has been granted to you for the duration of this jump and
possibly beyond should you wish it, the ai may reach singularity in 10 years it will be
dedicated to your online protection preventing your digital fingerprint from being
recognized anywhere, everyone is so focused on the flesh a little machine might be

Apartment(200 CP): there is a single apartment under your name, it has running water
and electricity and is even paid off for a year, whether that apartment passes health
regulations however is up to debate

Mystery drug(400 CP): a mysterious drug that'll permanently boost your baseline from
standard to peak, be it human or brute opening a whole new world of potential

Access code to servers(600 CP): you know those really secure servers that companies
use to guard their secrets and skeletons? Well you have a neat little piece of paper that
updates itself with the appropriate codes to access them, all the way from basic
employees to CEOs, no one is safe and it's all neatly organized for your pleasure


Companion import(100 CP): you bring a companion with you to this world...beware
though their existence may cause waves if they don't fit the standard biology or abilities
of the world

Companion creation(200 CP): you get to custom build a companions sex, build, and
personality as well as 600 CP to customize their abilities

Canon Companion (400 CP): a Canon character has become your companion they will
have a deep loyalty towards you and depending on your persuasion their affection as
well, neither they nor others will question the sudden changes in the character

Draw backs

Bloodlust(+100 CP): something is...wrong your mind has twisted you can't help but
crave violence

Beast's embrace(+200 CP): regardless of race picked you will see a ridiculous increase
in the three Fs Feed, Fight, Fuck you will be unable to go more than an hour a day
without one of the Fs interrupting your thoughts

The weakness of genetics(+200): something went wrong or rather something is wrong

with your genes, be it cancer or a malformed body something is wrong with you and
being a Brutes doesn't solve the usual issues gained during your time as a human these
are not fatal by themselves but they will be painful and disorienting

Beastly traits[brute exclusive](+300): whatever animal is your base you inherit a few
behaviors from them, be it easily distracted a deep desires to claim territory to an
irrational degree or a cowardly disposition

Subservient(+300 CP): every third month of your ten year stay you will be unable to deny
a request this request could come from anyone at anytime during that period the only
exception being commands to commit suicide

Invader(600 CP): you are an invader a fiend and the world along with its residents
acknowledge you as such you will have no allies this jump

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