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The emigration from Romania, an opportunity or failure?

Ghindeanu Elena-Sidonia

Starting with the assumption that population is the most valuable

treasure for a country, we will analyze a demographic phenomenon,
which it is manifested intense from 1990 in Romania- migration.
Migration can be defined as a displacement into a population
teritory, in which a territorial and administrative boundary is exceeded,
in other words the migration represents that movement to outside or
inside a contry. Migration has two sides : the emigration, that
represents the movement outside the country, and the immigration, that
is the movement inside the country.
On European Continent,starting with 1990, once with the collapse
of the Totalitarian Regimes, was recorded a strong flow of population
from east to west, from less developed countries to those with multiple
The large number of emigrants began a concern in political
debates,but what was not discussed is a unique concept – the
feminization of emigrants. This kind of emigration happened in 2002 in
Romania,with the age group between 25-35, and in 2005 with de age
group between 30-40, in which the loss women was with 1,4% more than
The main reason for leaving the country was to search for a well
paid job and a high living standard. The emigrants want a better paid
job to fulfill many wishes in economica and social field. And once with
the gender equality, women wanted independence and financial
stability. Another reason for which Romanian people choose for a job
abroad is that they want to work in countries with major opportunities,
with a growing economy and where their efforts are more appreciated
than in Romania.
The emigrants bring in homeland new elements of civilization,
better mentality, a labor discipline, and knowledge of advanced
But labor emigration has serious consequences for families :
marriage rate and natality rate falls. The emigration influences the
relationship between gender, because women learned how to become
economically independent. Outside employment offers them more
safety, a logical judgement and confidence. Considering that are leaving
just young women, the natality rate classified Romania on the last place
on earth. Then, the large number of children left in the care of relatives
started a real social problem about their care supervision, frustration
feelings ans school absenteeism.
The labor emigration generates what we would call family crisis,
as a social institution. The feminization of emigration deepens this
crisis so much so a family may not be formed or in a family in which
the wife is missing may not work as well. The negative impact falls on
the children's education.
Having a job in other country creates a real national satisfaction,
but we as population must do everything is depending on us for job
creation of many jobs in our country, that will not allow anyone to
In my opinion, it may seem forced, but as there are laws which
prohibided hunting, for the protection of babies and for carring on the
species, it would be neded some regulations which can protect human
babies, so they grown along with mother, in a favorable habitat.

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