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With abortion rights under attack in many

states, here's a roundup of some of the biggest


By Emma Batha

LONDON, Sept 15 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Women in the United States

are facing an "all-out assault" on abortion rights with a record number of
restrictions passed this year, reproductive health research organization the
Guttmacher Institute has said.

Texas made headlines in September after enacting a near-total ban on abortion -

the toughest such law in the United States.

But a federal judge has temporarily blocked the ban following a challenge from

President Joe Biden's administration after the U.S. Supreme Court allowed it to
take effect.
Abortion is one of the most divisive issues in the United States, with opponents
citing religious beliefs to declare it immoral, while abortion rights advocates say a
woman should have the right to choose on matters affecting her body.

Some lawmakers are making moves to overturn a landmark 1973 U.S. Supreme
Court ruling known as Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion nationwide.

The Supreme Court has a 6-3 conservative majority after former President Donald
Trump made three appointments during his term, including Justice Amy Coney
Barrett, a vocal supporter of abortion restrictions.
"2021 has clearly become a defining year for abortion rights in the United States,"
said Elizabeth Nash, the Guttmacher Institute's policy lead on U.S. state issues.

Here is a snapshot of what is happening in some U.S. states: 

MISSISSIPPI - The Supreme Court will hear a pivotal case in December in which
Mississippi will defend its law banning abortions after 15 weeks of
pregnancy.Mississippi's Republican attorney general is asking the court to overturn
the 1973 ruling that legalized abortion nationwide. 

LOUISIANA - Lawmakers have approved a similar ban but it will not take effect
before Mississippi's law is decided upon.

TEXAS – A law to ban abortions at six weeks came into effect on Sept 1, but has
since been suspended following a legal challenge.The law is among a number of
"heartbeat" abortion bans enacted in Republican States seeking to prohibit
terminations once a fetal heartbeat can be detected, usually at six weeks and often
before a woman even realizes she is pregnant.The Texas law also grants citizens
the right to sue doctors who perform terminations beyond the cut-off mark.
Abortion rights groups say 85%-90% of abortions in Texas are obtained after six
weeks, meaning many clinics would likely have to shut.In June, the state also
passed a "trigger law" banning most abortions, which will come into effect if Roe v
Wade is overturned.

ARKANSAS - In March, Arkansas banned all abortions except in medical

emergencies, making no exceptions in cases of rape or incest. Supporters of the
law hope it will force the Supreme Court to revisit Roe v Wade.
A federal judge has blocked enforcement of the ban pending a legal challenge by
Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, and the American Civil
Liberties Union. 
OKLAHOMA – Republican Governor Kevin Stitt signed an outright ban on
abortion except when a patient’s life is endangered in April, which is due to come
into effect in November.In anticipation of potential legal challenges, he also signed
an alternative law banning abortion from six weeks, which also states that a doctor
performing an abortion after this time would be guilty of homicide.

ARIZONA - Republican Governor Doug Ducey signed into law in April a measure
banning abortions performed because of genetic disorders like Down's
syndrome or cystic fibrosis, unless the condition is considered lethal. The law is
scheduled to take effect on Sept. 29. 

SOUTH DAKOTA – A measure barring abortion based on a fetus' confirmed or

suspected diagnosis of Down's syndrome was signed into law in March, and went
into effect on July 1.

MONTANA - The Republican-led legislature has passed several bills restricting

access to abortion, including banning terminations after 20 weeks. A judge has
suspended enforcement of the laws pending a legal challenge by Planned

NEW HAMPSHIRE – Lawmakers in June voted to ban abortion from 24 weeks,

with no exception for rape, incest or fatal fetal conditions. The law, which is the
state’s first bar on late-term abortion, is due to come into effect from January 2022.

SOUTH CAROLINA - Republican Governor Henry McMaster signed a law in

February outlawing abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected. The law is on hold
pending a legal challenge by Planned Parenthood.
TENNESSEE - The state passed a sweeping measure in 2020, which included
banning abortion as early as six weeks, and requiring patients to be told about a
possibility of reversing medication abortions, which is disputed by many medical
experts.Most of the law has been blocked due to a legal challenge. However, a
provision banning abortions based on a Down's syndrome diagnosis is in effect.   

OHIO - A federal appeals court ruled in April that Ohio can enforce a 2017 law
banning abortions when medical tests show that a fetus has Down's syndrome.
Ohio also approved a bill last year requiring fetal tissue be cremated or buried.

KENTUCKY - The attorney general has asked the Supreme Court to reinstate its
ban on the dilation and evacuation method, typically used in second trimester
abortions. The ban was signed into law, but struck down by a court in 2019.
Abortion rights advocates say it would effectively outlaw abortions after 15
weeks of pregnancy.

IDAHO  – The state's governor in April signed a "trigger law" that would ban most
abortions after six weeks of pregnancy and would go into effect 30 days after any
U.S. appeals court upholds a fetal heartbeat abortion ban in another state. 
The law would include exemptions for cases of rape, incest, or serious health

PENNSYLVANIA - In March, abortion providers lost a court challenge to a ban

on the use of state Medicaid funds for terminations. They have filed an appeal with
the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

MISSOURI - A 2018 law banning abortions after eight weeks is on hold due to
legal challenges.

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