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List of Publications

Sr. Name of Paper Name of National or Date

No conference or Internationa
. Journal l
1 Small sample dataset IJREAM National AUG 2021
classification by extending
2 Dataset Classification by IJREAM National AUG 2021
Adding Attribute Information
for Improving Classification

List of Figures
1.1 System overview…………………………………………………… 2
5.1 Work Breakdown Structure ………………………………………… 12
5.2 MTD Function ……………………………………………………… 13
5.3 (a) Low overlap (b) High overlap………………………………….... 14
5.4 Building Up the Fuzzy-Based Transformation Function…………… 15
The transformation function building process for each attribute of
5.5 16
samples in class 1……………………………………………………
6.1 Use Case Diagram………………………………………………….. 20
6.2 Sequence Diagram for Attribute Selection………………………… 21
6.3 Sequence Diagram for MTD Function…………………………….. 22
6.4 Sequence Diagram for Attribute Construction……………………. 23
6.5 Activity Diagram…………………………………………………… 24
6.6 State Chart Diagram……………………………………………….. 25
6.7 DFD (Level 0)……………………………………………………… 26
6.8 DFD (Level 1)……………………………………………………… 27
6.9 Component Diagram………………………………………………. 28
6.10 Deployment Diagram……………………………………………… 29
6.11 Functional dependency graph…………………………………….. 31
7.1 Sequence diagram for MTD Function …………………………… 32
7.2 User Interface for loading data set……………………………….. 34
Performance of the Heart stat-log data set for only class possibility
7.3 34
method for SMO classifier………………………………………...
7.4 Average Accuracy for Heart stat-log dataset using class possibility... 35
Performance of the Heart stat-log data set for synthetic attribute
7.5 36
method for SMO classifier…………………………………………
Average Accuracy for Heart stat-log dataset using synthetic attribute
7.6 36
Performance of the Heart stat-log data set for combine method for
7.7 37
SMO classifier………………………………………………………
7.8 Average Accuracy for Heart stat-log dataset using combine method... 37

List of Tables

2.1 Table representing Literature Survey ………………………………. 8

6.1 Functional Dependency……………………………………………. 31
7.1 Test Cases for all modules …………………………....................... 38
8.1 Data Set Information …………………………………………….. 40
8.2 Attribute Extended for each data………………………………… 42
8.3 Correlation coefficient for Bladder Cancer dataset……………… 42
8.4 Pairs of Attributes for Bladder Cancer dataset …………………. 43
8.5 Accuracy of Bladder Cancer dataset for 3 training samples (6-fold)... 43
8.6 Accuracy of Bladder Cancer dataset for 6 training samples (3-fold)... 44
8.7 Accuracy of Bladder Cancer dataset for 9 training samples (2-fold)... 44
8.8 Accuracy of Heart Statlog dataset for 10 training samples (27 fold)... 44
Accuracy of BUPA Liver disorder dataset for 10 training samples (23
8.9 45


List of Publications
List of Figures
List of Tables
1 SYNOPSIS…………………………………………………………… 1
1.1 Objectives……………………………………………………. 1
1.2 Motivation…………………………………………………… 1
1.3 Hypothesis…………………………………………………… 2
1.4 Strategy Plan………………………………………………… 2
Names of at least two conferences where paper (Sem III and Sem IV)
1.5 3
can be published…………………………………..
Review of Conference/ Journal Papers supporting dissertation
1.6 4
1.7 Plan of Dissertation execution……………………………… 5
1.8 Problem Statement………………………………………….. 5
1.9 Efficiency Issues and Outcomes……………………………. 6
1.10 Categories and Subject Description………………………… 6
1.11 Technical Keywords………………………………………… 6
2 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................. 7
2.1 Dissertation Idea.................................................................... 8
2.2 Present Theories and Practice used/Literature Survey............ 9
3 PROBLEM DEFINITION AND SCOPE........................................... 10
3.1 Problem Statement................................................................. 10
3.2 Scope...................................................................................... 10
4 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION.......................... 11
4.1 Requirements analysis.......................................................... 11
4.1.1 Normal Requirements.................................................. 11
4.1.2 Expected Requirements............................................... 11

4.1.3 Excited Requirements................................................. 11
4.2 Validation of Requirements.................................................. 11
4.2.1 Validation of Normal Requirements........................... 15
4.2.2 Validation of Expected Requirements......................... 15
4.2.3 Validation of Excited Requirements........................... 15
4.3 Software Requirements........................................................ 15
4.4 Hardware Requirements....................................................... 16
5 SYSTEM DESIGN.......................................................................... 17
5.1 Breakdown Structure........................................................... 17
Module 1: Building a Mega-Trend Diffusion Function for each
5.1.1 18
Module 2: Computing the Overlap Area of MTD
5.1.2 19
Module 3: Building Up the Fuzzy-Based Transformation
5.1.3 20
5.1.4 Module 4: Attribute Construction................................. 23
5.1.5 Module 5: Build SVM Model...................................... 25
6 MODELING..................................................................................... 26
6.1 Analysis Model...................................................................... 26
6.2 Behavioural Modeling............................................................ 26
6.1.1 Use Case Diagram........................................................ 26
6.1.2 Sequence Diagram....................................................... 28
6.1.3 Activity Diagram........................................................ 31
6.1.4 State Chart Diagram................................................... 32
6.3 Function Modeling.............................................................. 33
6.3.1 Level 0 DFD.............................................................. 33
6.3.2 Level 1 DFD.............................................................. 34
6.4 Architectural Modelling....................................................... 35
6.4.1 Component Diagram................................................. 35
6.4.2 Deployment Diagram................................................. 36

6.5 Mathematical Model........................................................... 36
7 IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING........................................ 41
7.1 Module Representation using Sequence Diagram............... 41
7.2 Implementation Steps.......................................................... 42
7.3 Snapshots............................................................................ 59
7.4 Testing & Results............................................................... 64
7.5 Testing................................................................................ 64
7.5.1 Unit testing............................................................... 65
7.5.2 Integration testing..................................................... 65
7.5.3 Validation testing..................................................... 65
7.5.4 GUI Testing............................................................. 65
7.5.5 Test Cases................................................................ 65
8 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS............................................... 67
8.1 Datasets............................................................................ 67
8.1.1 Australian credit approval Data Set........................ 67
8.1.2 Bladder Cancer Data Set........................................ 68
8.1.3 BUPA liver disorders Data Set............................... 68
8.1.4 Heart-Statlog Data Set............................................. 68
8.1.5 Iris Plants Data Set.................................................. 68
8.1.6 Pima Indians Diabetes Data Set.............................. 69
8.1.7 Wine recognition Data Set...................................... 69
9 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE.................................. 76
Annexure..................................................................................................... 77
References................................................................................................... 97


Classification is the process of finding a model or function that describes and distinguishes
data classes or concepts, for the purpose of being able to use the model to predict the class
of objects whose class label is unknown. The derived model is based on the analysis of a
set of training data. To improve classification performance with small data set, a method is
needed which can work on two class or multi class problem. Even though the available
training data set is small, more information can be extracted from it and can be added to it.
The Attribute extension approach uses Mega Trend Diffusion function to add attribute
information as class possibility values and synthetic attributes are constructed by
computing correlation coefficient among each pair of attributes and then by using
constructive operators on moderately or highly correlated attributes.

Keywords - Attribute construction, Correlation coefficient, Mega-trend diffusion function,

two class problem.

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