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Our country is located in a region called the Ring of Fire because it has many volcanoes.

Volcanoes can be dangerous—especially millions of people who live near one.

When a volcano erupts, lava, hot ash, steam, and rocks are released. In addition, volcanic
eruptions can cause other natural disasters. These include landslides, mudslides, earthquakes, and

Example: A catastrophic eruption of Guatemala’s Volcano de Fuego on June 3 affected more than
1.7 million people in three central departments, it is an extremely active volcano and had already
erupted this year in February. Guatemala’s Fuego is located on the seismically active Pacific Ring of

Fuego’s eruption on June 3 affected 1.7 million people in central Guatemala.

Fuego is highly active; it had already erupted once in 2018.

Flows of mud and ash have covered roads and crops and destroyed bridges.

It buried the place in lava and ash.

Example: in 1902 the Santa Maria Volcano erupted and caused damage to the towns of San
Martin Sacatepéquez and San Mateo. The people from they, searching for a new place to live and
can work.

A volcano is tall and cone-shaped. A composite volcano is made up of layers of rock and ash. Its
eruptions are often violent.

Volcanoes can be destructive. But they can also create new land. The Hawaiian Islands were
created by the eruptions of shield volcanoes. These large, low-lying volcanoes are made up almost
entirely of layers of hardened lava.

A Powerful Force

Volcanoes have played an important role in shaping our Earth.

Ash from volcanoes adds minerals to the soil.

This helps plants grow strong.

Healthy plants produce oxygen for humans and animals to breathe.

Volcanoes also remove heat from the Earth’s interior. This helps keep our planet cool.

In recent years, a new benefit of volcanoes has surfaced. Volcanoes to help power cities. Scientists
are exploring geothermal energy to tap into the heat beneath the Earth’s surface to generate
electricity. In Iceland, 25% of the nation’s energy is geothermal.
when a volcano erupts can cause damages to cities and also the ash cause respiratory problems,
produce rain acid, toxic gas, and greenhouse gas on the earth.

Parts of a volcano

Gas and ash cloud

Ash fall

Volcanic bombs


Vent, it’s a conduct of magma chamber to the surface

Layers of lava and ash

Pyroclastic and lava flow


Magma, reservoir of magma,

Parasitic cone, it’s like a small vents or secondary vents

Sill, it’s when some areas allow to enter magma

Laccolith, magma that did not find its way to the surface but spread 

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