GAR Questionnaire

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GAR Questionnaire

Application Questionnaire
1. Statement: All applicants must answer the following questions to determine current and former
employees of Intel’s external auditor or record to assure there is no conflict of interest.
1.1 Are you a current or former employee of Ernst & Young? (Required)
a. ☐ Yes (If yes, please answer question 1.2)
b.  No
1.2 Are you a current or former partner of Ernst & Young?
a. ☐ Yes
c.  No

2. Are you an immediate family member (parent, child, sibling, spouse/partner) of a partner at Ernst
& Young who is based out of the San Jose, California office?  (Required)
a. ☐ Yes
b.  No

3. Have you previously been employed by Intel? (Required)

a. ☐ Yes
b.  No

4. Have/do you work(ed) for an Intel Subsidiary? (Required)

a. ☐ Yes
b.  No

5. Are you currently, or did you work on an Intel related project in the past 12 months, as a supplier
employee or supplier contingent worker, or 3rd party subcontractor? (Required)
a. ☐ Yes
b.  No

6. If you have previously worked for Intel in any capacity, please input your WWID.
a. WWID Number

7. Did you sign any non-competition or non-solicitation agreement with your current employer (or
other company) that might impact or prevent you to work in any way for Intel? (Required)
a. ☐ Yes
b.  No

8. Do you own or control or have an economic interest in any intellectual property right (patents,
trademarks or copyrights)? (Required)
a. ☐ Yes
b.  No

9. If hired, do you intend to maintain any secondary non-Intel employment or engage in a non-Intel
business activity?  If yes, please note that such employment or activity may be subject to review
and approval. (Required)
a. ☐ Yes
b.  No

10. I understand and agree that any false information, misrepresentation, or omission of facts in this
document or in any document I have completed or supplied regarding my application for
employment will be considered as dishonest and deception, as such, justification for refusal to
hire, or immediate termination of employment without recourse. (Required)
a.  I certify and warrant that the information and details supplied by me in this document
are true, accurate and correct, as well as up-to-date
b. ☐ I do not wish to agree

11. Are you legally entitled to work in the country/countries for which you are applying and can
provide evidence? (Required)
a.  Yes, by virtue of the citizenship
b. ☐ Yes, I have a work authorization visa
c. ☐ No, I would need an employment pass/visa

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