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Nymeryth Chakrian Wofl Saint angelica NCSKCBChaotic Crazy

Character Name Player Alignment Current XP Next Level XP XP Change

8 Soul Knife/7 Chosen of BaArtathi Ba en aset
Class Race Campaign Deity
15 Medium Female Jaguar
Level Size Age Gender Height Weight Eyes Hair
Temp Temp Nonlethal Damage
Ability Score Mod Score Mod TOTAL Current HP Damage Hit Dice Reduction

STR 18 +4 HP 158 158 15d10

DEX 18 +4 AC 30 = 10 + 8 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 3
TOTAL Armor Shield Dex Size Natural Deflect Misc
CON 14 +2
INT 18 +4 Touch 22 Flat-footed 26 Light
Total Dex Misc
WIS 13 +1
INIT +4 = 4 + 0 Med
Load 200
CHA 16 +3
Action Points Speed Armor Type Load 300

Ability Magic Misc Temp
Head 300
Saving Throws Total Base Mod Mod Mod Mod

FORTITUDE +13 = 7 + 2 + 0 + 4 + 0 Off
Ground 600
REFLEX +15 = 7 + 4 + 0 + 4 + 0
WILL +12 = 7 + 1 + 0 + 4 + 0 Drag 1500

Total Attack Bonus Base Attack Bonus Str Mod Size Mod Misc Mod Temp Mod

MELEE +17/+12 = 13/8 + 4 + 0 + 0 + 0

RANGED +17/+12 = 13/8 + 4 + 0 + 0 + 0
Total Attack Bonus Base Attack Bonus Dex Mod Size Mod Misc Mod Temp Mod

Weapon Total Attack Bonus Damage Critical Range

Soul Knife (shaped around claws) +1wf 1d8 30

Special Properties Ammunition Weight Size Type
Psychokinetic +1d4 ectoplasma( +3 att/dmg +2 ability
Weapon Total Attack Bonus Damage Critical Range

Special Properties Ammunition Weight Size Type

Weapon Total Attack Bonus Damage Critical Range

Special Properties Ammunition Weight Size Type

Weapon Total Attack Bonus Damage Critical Range

Special Properties Ammunition Weight Size Type

Armor/Protective Item Type AC Bonus Check Pen Max Dex

+5 Ectoplasmic Skin 8 -5 4
Special Properties Weight Spell Fail Speed
Nimbleness, Landing fall 60ft no dmg, Freedom (freedom of movement 2
Shield/Protective Item Type AC Bonus Check Pen Max Dex

Ring of protection +5
Special Properties Weight Spell Fail Speed

Skills Max Rank 18 / 9

Feats & Special Abilities
Key Skill Ab Misc
Skill Name Ab CC Mod Mod Rank Mod ~Racial Traits~ ~Class~
Concentration Con +20 = 2 + 18 + 0 Low Light Vision Mind Blade

Balance Dex +45 = 4 + 18 + 23 +2 hide/move silently (+6 hide in t Weapon Focus (Mind Blade)
+6 balance checks Wild Talent
Craft Int +4 = 4 + 0 + 0
+2 Dodge Bonus Throw Mind Blade
Tumble Dex +24 = 4 + 18 + 2
Claws: 1d6 (sheathed claws 1d3 su Psychic Strike 2d8
AutoHypnosis wis +11 = 1 + 10 + 0
+2 Mind Blade
Knowledge (Psionics) Int +19 = 4 + 15 + 0 flaw: ambidexterity Free Draw
Profession (Soldier ) Wis +15 = 1 + 14 + 0 flaw: Deep Impact [Psionic] Shape Mind Blade
Listen Wis +9 = 1 + 8 + 0 Mind Blade Enhancement +1

Move Silently Dex +19 = 4 + 8 + 7 Speed of Thought

Unarmed attack Bonus +7/+4/+1
Spot Wis +9 = 1 + 8 + 0
lvl 1: Power Attack Unarmed Damage 1d8
Knowledge (Religion) Int +9 = 4 + 5 + 0
lvl 3: cleave AC bonus +3
Climb Str +6 = 4 + 2 + 0
lvl 6: Practiced Mind Blade Unarmed Strike, Evasion, Detect Ev
Hide Dex +14 = 4 + 3 + 7 lvl 9: Psionic Meditation Stunning Fist, Aura of Courage
Jump Str +7 = 4 + 3 + 0 lvl 12: Mind Cleave Divine Grace, Purity of body
Appraise Int +4 = 4 + 0 + 0 lvl: 15 Psionic Weapon [Psionic] Improved Trip, Wholeness of Body
Bluff Cha +3 = 3 + 0 + 0
Decipher Script Int +4 = 4 + 0 + 0 Other Possessions
Diplomacy Cha +3 = 3 + 0 + 0 Item (lbs) Loc
Disable Device Int +4 = 4 + 0 + 0 ectoplasmic skinn 6,000gp 5000+25000+15,000+33 84750
Disguise Cha +3 = 3 + 0 + 0 HEARTSEEKING throat AMULET 3000gp melee touch
Iron ward diamond, greater dr 5/- up to 50 dmg daily armor
Escape Artist Dex +4 = 4 + 0 + 0
Bracers of lightning 1d6 electricity damage 11000
Forgery Int +4 = 4 + 0 + 0
Boots of speed Haste self 10 rounds total per day 12000
Gather Information Cha +3 = 3 + 0 + 0
Ring of protection +5 50000
Handle Animal Cha +3 = 3 + 0 + 0 Mantle of the Predator +5 hide/move silently +1d6 s 8000
Heal Wis +1 = 1 + 0 + 0 BELT OF BATTLE 1 charge: 1 move action. 2 charges: 12000
Intimidate Cha +3 = 3 + 0 + 0 Ring of the darkhidden (invis from darkvision) 2000
Knowledge (2) Int +4 = 4 + 0 + 0 Ring of brief blessing 1/day weapon attack or unarm 1000

Knowledge (3) Int +4 = 4 + 0 + 0 191750

Lesser Wand Bracelet (holds 1 item
Open Lock Dex +4 = 4 + 0 + 0
Backpack(alice pack) 2
Perform ( ) Cha +3 = 3 + 0 + 0
Figurine of Wondrous Power: Silver Raven .5 3800
Ride Dex +4 = 4 + 0 + 0
Journal 1
Search Int +4 = 4 + 0 + 0 Ink (1 oz. vial) x4 24gp -
Sense Motive Wis +1 = 1 + 0 + 0 Ink Pen 1sp candle x5 5cp signet ring 5gp -
Sleight of Hand Dex +4 = 4 + 0 + 0 Wand of Cure Light Wounds 50/50 750 1

Spellcraft Int +4 = 4 + 0 + 0 Survival Pouch 3300 Belt

Survival Wis +1 = 1 + 0 + 0
Swim Str +4 = 4 + 0 + 0
Use Magic Device Cha +3 = 3 + 0 + 0
Use Rope Dex +4 = 4 + 0 + 0
= + +
= + +
= + +
= + +
= + +
= + +
= + +
= + +
= + +
= + + Total Weight: 4.5

= + +
= + +
Total Skill Points: 133

Spell Saves Spells & Powers

Save Spells Bonus Number of Spells/Powers Known (Bards, Sorcerers, Psions & Psi Warriors)
DC LEVEL /Day Spells 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
0 0 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th

1st # Cast # Cast

Spell/Power Name /Mem Spell/Power Name /Mem
2nd Mystic Discliples
Light 6
Fleetness of Foot (expeditious retreat) 6
4th Daylight 5
Fireball 3
5th Telekinesis 2
Improved Invisibilty 2
Lesser Geas 1


Manifester Key
Level Ability

Base Bonus Max Current


Common Artathi

Description Personality
+2 Dex -2 Con
+1 int +1 str +1 Cha
str 8 con 2 int 2 cha 2

Character Traits Character Flaws

High Metabolism [General]

Contacts / Friends Enemies

Skin of Ectoplasmic Armor 6000gp This skin grants
you a +8 armor bonus. The
skin has a maximum Dexterity bonus of
+2, a –6 armor check penalty, and a 25%
arcane spell failure chance. It is treated as
light armor for the purpose of affecting
class features and movement.

Statistic Block

Condition and Effects Additional Information

practiced mind blade: soulknife 4lvls higher (mind blade Mythic Races Book pg27
+3, enhancement +2) half dragon ritual

Other Notes
Nymeryth is the offspring of her mother, a Jaguar artathi, and her casual lover Vishtra of the Tiger Caste. They had
come together a few nights before her reluctant marriage with Chiselth. Their marriage occurred at the peak of her
heat as custom, for a child born from the wedding night indicated a long and healthy marriage. What her Mother did
not realize was that her lover's seed had taken hold in the early stage of her cycle, so when it came that she learned
of the pregnancy, her Mother did not suspect anything amiss. Months later Nymeryth was born and the Cats Eye
marking on her forehead singled her out as a Chosen of Be en Aset. Her leopard patterns came through strong, giving
no one cause to suspect her mongrel heritage. She was specially trained. Those born as Chosen are rigorously trained
in mind and body. It is believed they must purify themselves to truly unlock the gifts of Be en Aset.

As she grew into budding maturity she began to manifest energy. The signs of psionic power were present and she
received a more focused education. As a member of the Jaguars her tutors believed her best suited in combat, as the
Jaguars are the foot soldiers of the Artathi. She learned the ways of a Soul Knife, honing her psionic ability for combat.
Due to her training she made few actual friends, but those she has, she treasures. Kintri the Jaguar, Linomyth the
Lion, Fayla the Tiger where her three closest childhood friends. Fayla was the daughter of Vishtra, now married for
several years. Vishtra watched Nymeryth with guarded curiosity, for when the two friends where together it was easy
to see certain similarities, such as the angle of their eyes and the way they walked. If Vishtra suspected Nymeryth
was his, he kept it to himself.
3EProfiler™ Character Sheet, © 2003 by M. J. Eggertson.


+2 Dex -2 Con
+1 int +1 str +1 Cha
str 8 con 2 int 2 cha 2



High Metabolism [General]

Skin of Ectoplasmic Armor 6000gp This skin grants you a +8 armor bonus. The
skin has a maximum Dexterity bonus of
+2, a –6 armor check penalty, and a 25%
arcane spell failure chance. It is treated as
light armor for the purpose of affecting
class features and movement.

Reach gauntlets: 500 gp expent 1pp to exten 5ft reach melee 1 round



practiced mind blade: soulknife 4lvls higher (mind blade +3, enhancement +2)

Mythic Races Book pg27
half dragon ritual

Nymeryth is the offspring of her mother, a Jaguar artathi, and her casual lover Vishtra of the Tiger Caste. They had come together a few nights before her
reluctant marriage with Chiselth. Their marriage occurred at the peak of her heat as custom, for a child born from the wedding night indicated a long and
healthy marriage. What her Mother did not realize was that her lover's seed had taken hold in the early stage of her cycle, so when it came that she learned of
the pregnancy, her Mother did not suspect anything amiss. Months later Nymeryth was born and the Cats Eye marking on her forehead singled her out as a
Chosen of Be en Aset. Her leopard patterns came through strong, giving no one cause to suspect her mongrel heritage. She was specially trained. Those born
as Chosen are rigorously trained in mind and body. It is believed they must purify themselves to truly unlock the gifts of Be en Aset.

As she grew into budding maturity she began to manifest energy. The signs of psionic power were present and she received a more focused education. As a
member of the Jaguars her tutors believed her best suited in combat, as the Jaguars are the foot soldiers of the Artathi. She learned the ways of a Soul Knife,
honing her psionic ability for combat. Due to her training she made few actual friends, but those she has, she treasures. Kintri the Jaguar, Linomyth the Lion,
Fayla the Tiger where her three closest childhood friends. Fayla was the daughter of Vishtra, now married for several years. Vishtra watched Nymeryth with
guarded curiosity, for when the two friends where together it was easy to see certain similarities, such as the angle of their eyes and the way they walked. If
Vishtra suspected Nymeryth was his, he kept it to himself.

In Nymeryth's late teens she came across an injured bird, instead of killing it she took it back to her home, wanting to nurse it. Her Father took it from her
upon arrival and cracked its neck. Nymeryth was then made to eat it, to teach her that caring for lesser creatures was wrong. Nymeryth ate the bird, and over
the years she shed her kinder qualities. Her early twenties found her more hardened, though not cruel. She entered the military and aided in the conquest of
the Jungles north of her tropical home. Her early military years were filled with excitement and danger. She worked her way up, eventually commanding a
small squad of Jaguar Artathi.

In her 27th year she went into battle with a three horned Saurian who shattered the mind blade and threw her too the ground. Instinctively she unsheathed
her claws and struck back. After a few blows she focused herself and summoned the energy from her mind around her claws and struck, felling the Saurian
with a slash of the throat. From then on she coated her claws with the psionic energy of her soul knife. During the next two years the Suarians where pushed
back till the Artathi and the Saurians where once more in an uneasy peace. During the two years Nymaryth gained more prestige as a cunning warrior.
Towards the end of the campaign Nymaryth began to manifest the powers of the Chosen.

She came home with honors and a few scars on her upper left arm that had healed nicely about a year ago. She was happy to see her family again and found
she now had a younger brother. The three year old Jaguar was a perfect blend of her Mother and Father. It was not long though before she was working again.
With her reaching the beginning of the Chosen powers she entered another stage of her training. Some days she meditated under pristine water falls. Some
days she jogged for miles, pushing her endurance. Many days where spent in combat practice. Her new instructors focusing on balance and precision in
combat with the use of mystic disciplines. At first she could only create light.

During the next year a young Jaguar male tried to gain her affections. His name was Timor and while he was a nice looking Jaguar she wasn't very interested.
She was too focused on honing herself at the time to think about settling down. The thrill of battle suited her and she enjoyed seeing new places. She did
spend time with Fayla and Kintri on days off. Fayla was engaged to a young Tiger as befit her Caste while Kintri had been in another regiment of the military,
fighting the same war but not earning as many honors. They spent their free time swimming in clear rivers on hot summer days and climbing trees to view the
stars at night. Time passed with relative normalcy for the next three years, but once again the Arthathi wanted more land, more resources, and they began to
push to the east in the land of the reptile-like troglodytes.

The war was not only fought in the jungle but in tunnels below the jungle and in ruins from civilizations long forgotten. Nymeryth's ability to summon daylight
allowed her to lead forays into the dark tunnels. The fighting was more dangerous than before and she gained her share of battle scars in the years of
expansion into troglodite territory. By the time the Artathi finished expanding Nymeryth had grown in power and reknown.

But she had changed as well.

The years of battle had sobered her greatly. The Artathi always conquered, always expanded, but with loss. Inevitably the majority of loss was in the Jaguar
and other clans of lower caste. Many people she had befriended, even causally, where snuffed out for ambition. Their lands are plenty, they lack not for food
or shelter, yet they continue the wars to expand. Upon returning home she spent some time with her family. Her younger brother was now ten years old and in
training to become a warrior. She realized that one day, she might lead him into battle as well. She took several weeks to meditate at her old waterfall to
contemplate what she needed to do. At the end of it, she came to an conclusion. She would show them another way. The only question was, what way would
be right? She was not yet sure but it stayed in her mind for consideration.

Years went by, Nymeryth assisted with the training of young Jaguars from time to time in order to supplement her own training. The people of the Artathi
sometimes called her Blade Dancer. The nickname had started in the military but over time spread out. Her friend Fayla became pregnant. Kintri became a
Marshall. In the cool months of her 42nd year Linomyth suddenly came back into her life. He was full of bitterness and resentment, for his Father had denied
him the Clan Counsel seat that was customarily passed onto the son. For what reasons he never shared and Nymeryth didn't find out. It was a chance
encounter. She was heading out for patrol, and he was coming back from the woods. He simply eyed her, grunting when she tried to greet him and then was

The next several months would bring reports of villages to the northwest being destroyed. Refugees began to trickle into the capitol, telling of an unusually
sized war party of orcs and goblinoids. At first the Artathi responded with a small military force, for they viewed the Orcs like the local races, as lesser
creatures. The Artathi force was obliterated and more refugees where coming in to the capitol. A larger army was sent out, Nymeryth with them. She led a
sizable war party now. When the fighting began she was dismayed by how quickly the Goblinoid army went through Artathi forces, as if they knew the warring
race's tactics. The Artathi rarely dealt with Orcs so far south so their tactics proved unfamiliar and deadly. Her war party was destroyed and she was injured
badly. She was left with the dead, thought to be no longer living. To survive she withdrew her conscious, entering a meditative state where body functions slow
and time passes with little change. She was found, not by her people, but by a group of Emerald Knights passing through the aftermath of the battle. She had
remained in near death for four days.

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