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Current issue of competition

Competition is the activity or condition of striving to gain or win something by

defeating or establishing superiority over others. The competitions nowadays do not
take place just to pass time. They have become an industry with large profits and
highly valued awards. In the world has different various of competition, but we need
to know the guidelines that have been given to us by the people against Islamic law.
There is the current issues that we as the Muslims care as a guide.

The first current issues of competition is about the Terenganu athletes will be in
syariah - compliant attire in 2019. The government has given reforms to athletes for
implement the concept of syariah - compliant application. The steps taken to
implement this concept are in line with the policy of the state government that puts
Islam as the backbone of the government, including sport aspect to ensure it is in line
with the demand of Islam. The chairman of the state youth sports committee and non-
governmental organizations said that at the start of the policy, it was initiated with the
all muslim footballers under the Terenganu State Football Association required to
wear clothing to the Shariah during the tournament. However, the authorities have not
taken drastic steps in relation for this matter, but will ensure that all athletes are fully
prepared before they become the law. It because the state of government wants to
impart education and awareness to athletes on the importance of using syariah-
compliant so on that they can abide by the rules themselves, not by force. The
government of Terenganu has changed the way of consumption for athletes in the
state to open their minds, and to know that in all cases it is necessary to obey the rules
set by the Creator.

Islam encourage the adherent to maintain their health and to increase their mental
health. Thus Islam promotes leisure activities that enhance physical and mental
strength. Nonetheless, Islam never allows their adherent to be left alone to do
anything without any guidance or restrictions. Regarding to the current issues, in
Islam the adherent must guarded their aurah . Aurah is a crown of honor regardless of
women or men. In terms of language, aurah comes from arabic word meaning
disgrace or shameful. According to islamic law, aurah is a part of human body that
must be proctected from public view. From the definition of aura itself it can be
understood that exposing the aura is an act of shame. So the person who is healthy in
his feelings, perfectly moral and sensible in his nature and nature will surely keep his
aura perfectly and will soon cover his exposed aura in any way.

Allah said in Holy Quran :

And tell the believing women to reduce (some) of their vision and guard their
private parts and not expose their adornment except that which (necessarily)
appears there of and to wrap (a portion of) their head covers over their chests
and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their
husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their
brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women, that which their right hands
possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who
are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp
their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to
Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed. (al-Nur:

According to Shari'ah, the law of closing the aura is compulsory, and exposing it
is also illegal with the Quran, hadith and ijma 'of Muslims and is a great sin.
Therefore, the aura must be carefully guarded and closed in line with the requirements
of syariah when acting both men and women. It is a mistake when society considers
that wearing clothes that cover the aura complicates movement during sports. The
heat, the mobility, and the lack of choice can be said to be the reason for the enemies
of Islam to be absorbed into the minds of Muslims. While closing the aurah is a must
for all Muslims. There is no relaxation according to the rules' in the matter of closing
the aura during this sport even among men or women.
Abu Sa'ed al-Khudri Radhiallahu 'anhu said that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi
wasallam said: That is: "Let not a man think of a woman's (another's) aura and not a
woman (look) to a woman's (other) aurah.." (Hadith history imam muslim)
If that so, the first current issues that is useful to the Muslim community and
athletes as it can fulfill religious demands in closing down aurah even during
competitions. It not only the athletes in Terenganu, but this issue will opens the mind
everyone that no one is exempt from following the demands of closing the aura

The next issue is Beyblade competition as it has become a new trend and has its
own fans. From Beyblade games helps the orphans. This issues applies in Shah Alam.
The competition is to help orphans with in such way had a beyblade competition.
Shah Alam Brotherhood and Neighborhood Organization has taken the initiative to
raise funds by organizing an beyblade curst competition to be held at the Mosque.
With the proceeds of payment the fee will be given to the group. According to the
organizers there are two categories offered at the organizers of this competition, under
12 and open.and for the under-12 category, an entry fee of RM5 will be charged while
the open category will be RM10.

The question is, is the money raised from the collection allowed to be given to
such groups and can the organizer raise the participant fees ? The original rules of the
competition are allowed but there are certain conditions to who will participate or to
the person who organizes them. To the participants of this competition, it is important
to know whether the competition has any elements that are not convincing. There is
guidelines set by Mufti. Before participating in any contest, participants must research
and understand the following:
i) The form and operation of the contest.
ii) The terms and conditions of the contest are clear.
iii) Ensure that the contest involved does not contain elements that are in conflict with
Islamic law such as gambling, waste, exploitation, doubt and loss to participants. iv)
Ensure that the charges incurred against them are the same as those charged before the
contest is held if the contest involves telephone conversations and SMS methods.
iv) The contests involved are beneficial and do not contain the elements of extreme
entertainment, negligent activities and the like.
v) Participants should consult the relevant authorities in case of any doubt about a
contest, especially from the standpoint of Islamic law and national law.
vi) Participants are advised not to be overly enthusiastic and enthusiastic about any
contests they attend and thus leave a mandatory task.

And for those the organizer must check the guideline of Additional fees: i) The
Organizer shall not charge any fees or fees to the participants as a registration fee to
participate in organized contests to avoid the existence of gambling and betting
elements. ii) No additional charges will be charged to contest participants such as
management fees, charges per set of contest questions and the like. iii) If the contest is
organized over the phone and the like, the organizer cannot raise the telephone and
SMS chat charges from the current charge to avoid any gambling element.

There is the guidelines for a gifts firstly, contest prizes provided by the organizer
must be from a lawful source. Second is contest prizes cannot be taken from the
participants' fund either through participation fees, charges and the like. The thirds
must the source of gift funds should not be deducted from the cost of service charges
applied to sms and the like. And next, the prizes provided by the organizer must be
valuable, useful and meet the specifications stated in the contest terms and conditions.
The fifth is contest prizes must be provided in advance of any contests to avoid any
fraudulent elements. And the last, the duration of the prize giving to participants must
be specified and specified in the contest terms and conditions.

The conclusion is the guidelines given explain that the participants fees can raise
but not to be their reward as a winner . And the most importance that the participant
and the organizer of competition that what are guidelines they need to follow and
need to avoid being wrong.

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