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Terms & Conditions

Campaign for PENJANA SME Digitalisation Grant

1. The Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Digitalisation Grant Initiative ("Initiative") is offered to small and medium enterprises under the 2020
Budget to obtain digitalisation services listed in the Initiative from Telecommunication Service Provider and/or Technology Solution Provider
such as Maxis to guide and provide digitalisation services to SMEs
2. In order to apply for the grant, you must be a SME and must fulfill the following eligibility requirements:
(a) SME is at least 60% owned by Malaysian individuals;
(b) SME is registered under the relevant laws of Malaysia and classified as SME; and
(c) For SMEs which has been in operation for one (1) year, SME is required to have an annual sales turnover of RM100,000.00 for the first year;
(d) For SMEs which have been in operation for two (2) years or more, SME is required to have a minimum sale turnover of RM50,000.00 for
the preceding two (2) consecutive years.
3. You must submit all relevant documents required together with the declaration form to proceed with the application for the grant.
4. We reserve the right to reject your application if you have any outstanding payments with us.
5. You must only subscribe to Maxis as sole service provider to participate in this Initiative. You are only entitled to one (1) matching grant under
the Initiative and shall be in accordance to the conditions:
(a) You may claim the Grant for a combination of the Services, and the claim amount will be stated in accordance with Clause 8 below.
(b) You will not be eligible for the Initiative in relation to any future subscription by you if you have already made the first claim of the Grant
via Maxis.
(c) Maxis will only claim and process on your behalf based on the first subscription of the Services by you under this Initiative.
6. You must be our new customer subscribing the Services to participate in this Initiative. Existing Maxis customers can only claim for the grant
under new subscription of the Services.
7. Existing Maxis customers who have subscribed to new Services under the grant where new Services have been merged into an existing
account will need to change their billing cycle to the 28th of the month. If any Charges commences on a date other than the 28th of the month,
the Charges due for that calendar month shall be rated pro-rata for the following month.
8. For existing Maxis customers who have subscribed to new Services under the grant, you agree that data quota will not be refreshed (if
applicable) until the next billing cycle.
9. You must be among the first 100,000 SMEs nationwide who signed up for this Initiative to be eligible for the Grant.
PENJANA SME Digitalisation Grant (“Grant”)
10. The Grant:
(a) The amount allocated by the Ministry of Finance of Malaysia through the appointed Technology Solution Provider/ Telecommunication
Service Provider for each eligible SME to carry out the digitalisation process and obtain the Services, is 50% of the total amount invoiced
by Maxis or up to RM5,000.00 (Ringgit Malaysia: Five Thousand Only), whichever is lower; or
(b) If the Services is bundled together with Maxis’ connectivity product(s) and the Services, the amount allocated by the Ministry of Finance
of Malaysia through the Technology Solution Provider/ Telecommunication Service Provider for each eligible SME to carry out the
digitalisation process and obtain the Services, is 30% of the total amount invoiced by Maxis or up to RM3,000.00 (Ringgit Malaysia: Three
Thousand Only), whichever is lower.
11. This Grant is available for the following products and services (“Services”) offered by Maxis which will be reflected in the invoices:
(a) Maxis Business Postpaid (h) Webstore Build Lite (n) Business Voice Go
(b) Maxis Business Fibre (i) Digital Marketing Lite (o) Microsoft Office 365
(c) MaxisONE Go WiFi (j) Digital Marketing Starter Kit (p) eSMS (Medium Plus/ONE Biz Lite)
(d) Cloud POS Retail (k) mWorkforce (Lite/Standard/Business) (q) Business Voice Connect
(e) Cloud POS F&B (l) mDrive Plug & Play (r) Managed UC (Microsoft Teams)
(f) Cloud POS Lite (m) mDrive Wired (s) Digital Workspace
(g) mPOS
12. You are responsible for payment of all Charges associated with the Services both during and after the Minimum Period of Service. Charges are
excluding of applicable taxes.
Minimum Period of Service(s) and Termination
13. The Minimum Period of Service(s) and Termination of each Service(s) subscribed under this Offer shall be referred to its respective Service
Specific Terms and Conditions which can be found at
14. Maxis reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate the Services under this Offer if Maxis believes that you have undertaken fraudulent
practice and/or activities or other activities harmful to this Initiative or the submission process. Fraudulent activities are deemed to include but
not be limited to the following: -
(a) any act of deceit and/or deception and/or cheating; or
(b) submission of multiple registration with different Telecommunication Service Provider and/ or Technology Solution Provider (full list can
be found at in relation to this Initiative; or
(c) has obtained multiple matching grant offer from different Telecommunication Service Provider or Technology Service Provider.
15. You shall still be liable for all monies due and owing by you as at the date of discontinuance or termination.
16. You undertake and agree to indemnify and hold Maxis and its respective employees, directors, officers, suppliers, contractors and agents
harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, damages, loss, costs, charges, liabilities and expenses (including solicitor’s
fees and costs) of every nature directly and indirectly, arising out of or in connection with this Agreement.
17. Notwithstanding the above, Maxis reserves the right to reject any company to participate in this Initiative at its sole and absolute discretion
without assigning any reason whatsoever.
18. The use of the Services is subject to the General Terms & Conditions (“GTC”), Service Specific Terms & Conditions (“SSTC”),
Maxis Fair Usage Policy and any other applicable terms and conditions, all at and
19. Capitalised terms herein have the same meaning as defined in the GTC.
20. Any conflict or inconsistency between the terms and conditions herein, SSTC, the GTC and Summary Terms and Conditions (“STC”), shall be
construed in the following order of precedence: (a) the terms and conditions herein, (b) SSTC; (c) GTC; and (d) STC.
21. We reserve the rights without further notice, to revise these terms and conditions, SSTC, the GTC, and our pricing. Where reasonably
practicable, we will give you reasonable advance notice of such changes and all previous versions of our user guides or leaflets will be
superseded. You accept you are responsible for regularly reviewing information on the Services at, including changes
to the Agreement. Your continued use of the Services (after the Effective Date of any revision/change to the terms and conditions of the
Agreement, Services, and/or plan(s)) shall constitute unconditional acceptance by you of such revisions/changes and you shall be bound by
the same. If you do not accept such revisions/changes, you will terminate the use of the Services by giving us notice within 28 days from the
Effective Date failing which you are assumed to have accepted the changes.
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Terms & Conditions
Campaign for PENJANA SME Digitalisation Grant

Declaration in Connection with the SME Digitalisation Grant Initiative (“Initiative”)

I/We, (full name as per NRIC), NRIC No.:

, being the authorized representative(s) of
(name of applicant SME), Company Registration No. , (hereinafter referred to as the “SME”) hereby
acknowledged that I/we have read and understood the Campaign for PENJANA SME Digitalisation Grant –Terms & Conditions and hereby
declare that:

1. the SME is at least 60% owned by Malaysian individuals;

2. the SME is registered under the relevant laws of Malaysia and classified as SME;
3. the SME has been in operation for at least one (1) year; and
4. the SME has been in operation for one (1) year and has a minimum annual sales turnover of RM100,000 for the first year.
the SME has been in operation for two (2) years or more and has a minimum annual sales turnover of RM50,000 for the preceding
two (2) consecutive years).
The Services which I/we would like to apply for the PENJANA SME Digitalisation Grant are as follows:
Maxis Business Postpaid Webstore Build Lite Business Voice Go
Maxis Business Fibre Digital Marketing Lite Microsoft Office 365
MaxisONE Go WiFi Digital Marketing Starter Kit eSMS (Medium Plus/ONE Biz Lite)
Cloud POS Retail mWorkforce (Lite/Standard/Business) Business Voice Connect
Cloud POS F&B mDrive Plug & Play Managed UC (Microsoft Teams)
Cloud POS Lite mDrive Wired Digital Workspace

(a) I/We further declare that:-All information and documents given by me/us for my/our application for the PENJANA SME Digitalisation
Grant and this declaration is true and no material facts are withheld.
(b) I/We have not submitted any documents to any other Telecommunication Service Provider and/or Technology Solution Provider in
obtaining the PENJANA SME Digitalisation Grant.
(c) I/We have not obtained any matching grant from other Telecommunication Service Provider and/or Technology Solution Provider in
relation to this Initiative.
(d) To the best of my/our knowledge and belief, having made all reasonable enquiries, I/we are not an undischarged bankrupt and no
liquidation and/or dissolution proceedings and/or order for winding up (whether voluntary or otherwise) has been commenced, made
or threatened against me/us and the SME, or are intended or anticipated by me/us and the SME.
(e) In the event that my/our application for the PENJANA SME Digitalisation Grant is approved and the information given by me/us is found
to be false, I/we understand and agree that Maxis reserves its right to terminate the Services and/or impose any other condition(s) on
me/us including but not limited to require me/us to pay the full Charges or any Early Termination Charge to you (if applicable).
(f) In the event that my/our application for the PENJANA SME Digitalisation Grant is rejected by whatsoever reasons, I/we shall be liable
for the full Charges for the Services subscribed by me/us stated in the respective invoices.
(g) I/We understand that Maxis reserves the absolute right to approve or decline my/our application for the Services as Maxis deems fit
without assigning any reason.
(h) I/We agree to the subscription of the Minimum Period of Service(s) as stated in the SSTC. We further agree to the following:
(i) In the event I/we choose to upgrade of the Services, there will be no changes to the amount of the Grant received by me/us;
(ii) In the event I/we choose to downgrade the Services, Early Termination Charge or applicable penalties will apply to us in
accordance with the terms and conditions stated in the SSTC.
(i) I/We agree to be bound by all the terms of conditions of the Campaign for PENJANA SME Digitalization Grant which can be found at and all future amendments thereto.
(j) I/We have read and agreed with the Maxis' Group Privacy Statement which can be obtained from the Maxis' website.

Company’s Stamp

Authorised Signatory’s Signature

NRIC/Passport No.:
Company Name:
Date (DD/MM/YY):

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