Justin Reading Quiz: Reading Comprehension: Choose The Best Answers

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Justin Reading Quiz

Reading Comprehension: Choose the best answers.
1. What does Jack guess that Via’s boyfriend is 2. What does Via want to do for a living?
a. be an actress
a. a machine gun
b. be an artist
b. a fiddle
c. be a geneticist
c. a guitar

3. Dad gets their dog Daisy from: 4. How would Justin describe his parents?

a. an animal shelter a. neglectful

b. a puppy farm b. affectionate

c. a homeless guy c. abusive

5. Who gets the lead female role in Our Town? 6. How do Julian, Miles and Henry torment Jack?

a. Charlotte a. they elbow him in the sides

b. Olivia b. they make throw up noises behind him

c. Miranda c. they take his money

7. Who bought August the astronaut helmet? 8. Justin is surprised that Miranda is ________.

a. Olivia a. nicer than he thought

b. his mother b. stuck up

c. Miranda c. so pretty
9. What does Justin compare Via to? 10. What does Justin think about the Universe?

a. a lost bird a. it’s fair

b. a strong tree b. it’s cruel

c. a beautiful flower c. it’s random

True or False: Write T for true and F for false.

11. ______ Via is very creative and likes to use old things to make new ones.

12. ______ Justin can’t wait to meet Via’s parents.

13. ______ When Justin is nervous all his tics start to come out.

14. ______ Justin knew that Via and Miranda used to be best friends.

15. ______ Justin uses his fiddle to scare Julian and his friends.

18. Via doesn’t tell her parents about Justin’s play because she doesn’t want August to go.

1) Why doesn’t she want him there?

2) How does she feel about not telling them about the play? Why?
















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