Quantitative Inquiry Into The Factors Affecting Modular and Online Class

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Quantitative Inquiry into the Factors Affecting Modular and Online Class


Paras, Mark Anthony S.

Sunga, Janet R.

Sunga, John Aldrien

Sunga, Johnny M.

Sunga, Pauline U.

Sunga, Jaime M. Jr.

Yabut, Jennifer Q.


First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty, for his showers
of blessings throughout our research work to complete successfully.

We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our professor Mr.
Lindon Q. Batayola, for giving us the opportunity to do research; it was a great privilege
and honour to work and study under his guidance.

The completion of this Research could not have been possible without the
participation and assistance of so many people whose names may not all be enumerated.
Their contributions are sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledged.
To all relatives, friends and others who in one way or another shared their support, either
morally, financially and physically, Thank you.



Envision a student roaming around the room with his or her  device in hand,

seeking for a place to sit and connect to a steady connection. The pupils are all working

on different things at different speeds in various grades and classes. This picture may

appear chaotic and out of control, yet to others, it is a typical scenario that occurs

frequently during blended learning. According to Oliver and Trigwell (2015), the phrase

blended learning merely needs two or more distinct types of items that may then be

combined. They contended that because of the variety of interpretations, practically

anything may be considered blended learning. Driscoll (2002) also asserted that blended

learning has taken numerous forms, including the incorporation of web-based technology,

pedagogical methods, instructional technologies, and actual work duties. She stated,

however, that the purpose of blended learning is that it means various things to different

individuals, illustrating "the untapped potential of blended learning."

Nonetheless, the primary focus of this research is on the factors influencing

blended learning (modular and online class). Zachary (2019) investigated the

characteristics that influence blended learning. These factors might be classified as

exterior or internal. And, according to Raman (2020), there may be additional forces at

work in this scenario. As a conclusion, the researcher focuses on the factors that affect

blended learning in this research (modular and online class). The study's scope is limited

to Senior High Students studying at schools around Masantol. Pampanga.

Conceptual Framework:

Students are
disturbed in their
Survey everyday online,
A Quantitative
modular and blended
Inquiry into the
learning and they
factors influencing
know the factors and
the Blended Learning.
reasons that affecting
it. They also consider
these factors that
have the most impact
on it: Location,
Gadgets, Internet
Distractions at home
and, Power

Statement of the Problem:

The study's purpose is to identify the most prevalent factors that would have an influence

on the Blended learning being implemented on the schools around the area of Masantol,

Pampanga. The researchers’ goal is to answer the following questions:

1. The profile of the Participants in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Grade and Strand

2. The students learning method:

2.1 Modular

2.2 Online class

2.3 Blended Learning

3. Factors that may affect online and modular learning include:

3.1 Location

3.2 Gadgets at home

3.3 Internet signal

3.4 Time

3.5 Distractions

3.6 School Schedules

3.7 Work

3.8 Power interruption

3.9 Weather



- Students are disturbed in their everyday online, modular and blended learning.

- Students know the factors and reasons that affect their modular, online and blended


- Students consider these factors that have an impact on their everyday modular, online,

and blended learning. (Location, Gadgets, Internet Connection, Distractions at home,

School schedules, Work, Power Interruptions, and Weather).


- Students are not disturbed in their everyday online, modular and blended learning.

- Students do not know the factors and reasons that affect their modular, online and

blended learning

- Students do not consider these factors that have an impact on their everyday modular,

online, and blended learning. (Location, Gadgets, Internet Connection, Distractions at

home, School schedules, Work, Power Interruptions, and Weather)

Significance of the study

The study was significant since it looked at the factors which influence students'

modular and online classes. It is useful to future researchers since it may be used as a

reference in the future. The study's purpose is to identify the most probable factors

influencing the modular and online classes of SHS students.

•To Students

This study would help students understand the possible factors that may affect their

modular and online education.

•To Teachers

This study will serve as a reference for teachers to assess whether these potential

factors are affecting their students and current modular and online sessions.

•To Parents

This research will provide parents with guidelines for determining whether or not

their child's modular and online classes are being impacted by these potential factors.

Scope and delimitation

This study focuses solely on senior high school students. In completing the survey,

50 Senior Students were used as a sample. Its primary goal is to determine the potential

factors influencing their modular and online courses.

This research takes into account every relevant variable that might effect a student's

online and modular education, such as their location, Gadgets, Internet signal, time and

distractions at home, school schedules, work, power outage, and weather. Each

respondent is given the identical questionnaire to complete, and this study focuses on

current Senior Students studying at their respective school for the school year 2021-2022.

Definition of Terms:

Aim- A purpose or intention, a desired outcome.

Allowance- A small amount of money that a parent regularly gives a child.

Aspect- A particular part or feature of something.

Blended learning- A style of education in which students learn via electronic and online

media as well as traditional face-to-face teaching.

Coverage- The extent to which something deals with or applies to something else.

Determine- Ascertain or establish exactly, typically as a result of research or calculation.

Factor- A circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or outcome.

Modular- Of, relating to, or based on a module or a modulus.

Respondent- A person who replies to something, especially one supplying information

for a survey or questionnaire or responding to an advertisement.

Survey- Examine and record the area and features of (an area of land) so as to construct a

map, plan, or description.


Research design

Quantitative research was performed in the study to investigate the parameters

influencing the modular and online classes of Senior High students.

Quantitative research focuses on numerical and unchangeable data as well as

precise, convergent thinking rather than divergent reasoning. It also focuses on collecting

numerical data and generalizing it across groups of individuals or explaining a specific

occurrence. Quantitative methods emphasize objective measurements and statistical or

numerical analysis of data gathered through polls, questionnaires, and surveys, as well as

through modifying pre-existing statistical data using computing techniques.

This study falls under Quantitative Research since the researcher wished to identify

the major factors influencing the modular and online classes of Senior Students this

school year 2021-2022.

Research Locale:

The study was conducted at the senior high schools around Masantol, Pampanga

during the school year 2021-2022. This location was selected for determining the factors

affecting the modular and online class of the senior high school students. The researcher

gathered information from Grade 11 to 12 senior high students studying around Masantol

through online survey.

Research Participants:

The participants of this study are 50 Senior high school students and were chosen

through simple random sampling. (25) Grade 11 Students and (25) Grade 12 Students.

Sampling Technique:

The participants were chosen using simple random sampling by the researcher. The

researcher's core informants are the Senior students studying this school year 2021-2022. 

In this approach, each individual is picked completely at random, and every member of

the population has an equal chance, or probability, of being chosen, reducing selection

bias. It has the distinct benefit of being the most straightforward method of probability


Research Instrument:

Through online interaction, the researcher conducted a survey to Grade 11 and 12

Senior Students studying this school year 2021-2022

Data Collection:

The participants of this study are 50 Senior High school students in total. The

participants are all SHS students studying around Masantol. In terms of Gender and

section, there are (17) females and (8) males from Grade 11, and (15) females and (10)

males from Grade 12. While in terms of Age, there are (17) students that are 16 years old:

(23) student that are 17 years old, (8) students that are 18 years old, and (2) students that

are 19 years old.

Statistical Treatment:

To interpret the data effectively, the researcher will employ the following statistical

treatment. The Percentage is the tool use to interpret data.


This will employ to determine the frequency counts and percentage distribution

of personal related variables of the participants.

Formula: % = F/N x 100

(%) is the percentage,

(F) is the Frequency, 

(N) is the total number of participants,

and (100) is a constant value.




This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered

according to the specific problems of this study

Profile of the Grade 11 and 12 Students

According to their Age: The ages of the Grade 11 and 12 students is presented in Table

Table 1

Profile of Grade 11 and 12 Students in terms of Age

Age Frequency Percent

16 17 34
17 23 46
18 8 16
19 2 4
TOTAL 50 100

As shown in Table 1 it is clear that students in the age of 17 got the highest

frequency with 23 or 46%; followed by the students in the age of 16 with the frequency

of 17 or 34%; third, are the students in the age of 18 with the frequency of 8 or 16 %;

lastly, are the students in the age of 19 with the lowest frequency which is 2 or 4%. The

total of the frequency are 50.

According to their Gender: The gender of the Grad 11 and 12 students is presented in

Table 2

Table 2

Profile of Grade 11 and 12 Students in terms of Gender

Gender Frequency Percent

Female 32 64
Male 18 36
TOTAL 50 100

As shown in Table, it’s clear that the frequency of Female is higher than male.

The frequencies of female are 32 or 64% while the male has the frequency of 18 or 36%.

According to their Section: The section of the Grade 11 students is presented in Table 3

Table 3

Profile of Grade 11 Students in terms of Section

Section Frequency Percent

ABM 6 24
GAS 6 24
HUMSS 8 32
ICT 1 4
STEM 4 16
TVL 0 0
TOTAL 25 100

As shown in Table 3, HUMSS has the highest frequency which is 8 or 32%,

followed by the ABM and GAS with the frequency of 6 or 24%: next is the STEM with

the frequency of 4 or 16%. Lastly, is the ICT with 1 or 4%

Table 4

Profile of Grade 12 Students in terms of Section

Section Frequency Percent

ABM 4 16
GAS 4 16
HUMSS 8 32
ICT 0 0
STEM 0 0

TVL 9 36
TOTAL 25 100

As shown in Table 4, TVL has the highest frequency which is9 or 36%, followed

by the HUMSS with the frequency of 8 or 32%: lastly is the ABM and GAS with the

frequency of 4 or 16%.



Learning Modality
Blended Learning



Figure 1 shows that 48% of the participants are studying ONLINE while the other

38% are MODULAR: and 14% for BLENDED LEARNING.


1. Does your everyday modular and online class was being disturbed? ( If you
answered YES or SOMETIMES, please proceed to question number 3.)



Figure 2 shows that 62% of the participants answered SOMETIMES while the

other 38% of participants answered YES (always): and 0 for NO. Which also show that

the everyday modular and online class of the participants was being disturbs but not that



Do you know tyhe factors and reasons that affects your modular and online class




Figure 3 shows that 92% of the participants answered YES while the other 8%

answered NO. Which also mean that most of the students know the factors or reasons that

disturb their modular and online classes.


Do these factors affect your daily modular and online class?

Figure 4

Work (32%); 16
Distraction at home (88%);
Weather (46%); 23 44

Time (58%); 29
Gadgets (62%); 31

School Schedules (48%); 24

Internet Connection (86%);

Power Interruptions (54%); 43
27 Location (54%); 27

Figure 4 shows that most of the participants answered YES to these factors:

Distraction at home got the highest percentage of 88%; followed by Internet Connection

with the percentage of 86%: then Gadgets with 62%, Time with 58%: both location and

power interruption got 54%.

Do these factors affect your daily modular and online class?

Figure 5

Distraction at home (12%); 6

Gadgets (38%); 19

Work (68%); 34
Internet Connection (14%); 7

Location (46%); 23
Weather (54%); 27

Time (42%); 21

Power Interruptions (46%);


School Schedules (52%); 26

Figure 5 shows that most of the participants answered NO to these factors: Work

got the highest percentage of 68%; followed by Weather with the percentage of 54%:

then School schedules with 52%.


This chapter presents the summary of findings; the conclusions made and the

recommendations offered.


The purpose of the conducted study by the researcher is to ascertain and to

quantify the most possible factors affecting the modular and online class of the SHS

students studying around Masantol, the researcher used Quantitative Research as the

research design and carryout a survey through online/social media in the School year

2021-2022 under the supervision of Mr. Lindon Batayola.

This study was conducted in Masantol, Pampanga with a total of randomly

selected fifty participants. Simple random sampling was used in this study. The

researcher carryout a survey in order to quantify and determine the most possible factors

that affects the modular and online class of the students. It aims to find out the

appropriate answers to the following questions: The students Learning modality; Does

the everyday modular and online class of the participants was being affected?; Do the

participants know the factors or reasons that affects their modular and online class? Do

these possible factors such as the location, gadgets, internet connection, time, school

schedules, weather, work and distractions at home affects the participant’s modular and

online class?

Through this problems stated, the researcher came up with the following hypothesis. HA:

Students are disturbed in their everyday online, modular and blended learning. And that

students know the factors and reasons that affect their modular, online and blended

learning and consider these factors that have an impact on it. (Location, Gadgets, Internet

Connection, Distractions at home, School schedules, Work, Power Interruptions, and

Weather). On the other hand, Ho: Students are not disturbed in their everyday online,

modular and blended learning and do not know the factors and reasons that affect their

modular, online and blended learning thus, do not consider these factors that have an

impact on it. (Location, Gadgets, Internet Connection, Distractions at home, School

schedules, Work, Power Interruptions, and Weather).

After conducting the survey, the researcher observes the conclusions based

on the data gathered, and the overall result is: Students are disturbed in their everyday

online, modular and blended learning and they know the factors and reasons that

affecting it. They also consider these factors that have the most impact on it. (Location,

Gadgets, Internet Connection, Distractions at home and, Power Interruptions).


According to the findings of this research, students are disturbed in their everyday

online, modular and blended learning and they know the factors and reasons that

affecting it. They also consider these factors that have the most impact on it: Location,

Gadgets, Internet Connection, Distractions at home and, Power Interruption.


Based on the conclusions made, the following recommendations are given: that a

more concentrated research on the factors that affects the modular and online class of the

students shall be made by the future researchers to determine a more focused result; that

Students need to give more attention to what affects their class during blended learning;

that a more thorough research on study habits be made by future researchers to determine

the possible factors that affects the modular and online class.











Survey Questionnaire
Name (optional):

Learning modality:
 Modular
 Online
 Blended learning


Direction: To answer, kindly put check (✓) to box provided
1. Does your everyday modular and online class was being disturbed? (If you
answered YES or SOMETIMES, please proceed to question number 2.)
 NO

2. Do you know the factors or reasons that affect your modular and online class?
 NO

To ascertain the factors influencing your modular and online classes, please check the
boxes under YES/ NO if they answer the question...
Do these factors have an impact on your everyday modular and online classes?
No. Possible Factors YES NO

1. Your location

2. The gadgets you’re using

3. Your internet connection (Wi-Fi or load)

4. Your everyday time

5. The distractions at home

6. School Schedules

7. Work

8. Power interruption

9. Weather



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