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FMM (22445)
Unit Test I ( Progressive Test 1 )

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Saish Dashrath Pawar

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Mass per unit volume is


Mass Density

Specific Weight

Specific Volume

Unit of Specific Volume is





Specific Gravity or Relative Density is

Ratio of the density (or weight density) of a fluid to the density (or weight density) of a standard

property of fluid which offers resistance to the movement of one layer of fluid over another
adjacent layer of fluid

ratio between the dynamic viscosity and density of fluid

volume of a fluid occupied by a unit mass of fluid

Which one is not Related to viscosity

the property of fluid which offers resistance to the movement of one layer of fluid over another
adjacent layer of fluid.

dimensionless quantity and is denoted by symbol S.

Shear stress is proportional to the rate of change of velocity with respect to y

shear stress required producing unit rate of shear strain.

which one is exact statement for Newton’s Law of Viscosity

Interspace between the molecules is larger and so the intermolecular cohesion is negligible

Shear stress on a fluid element layer is directly proportional to the rate of shear strain

Intermolecular cohesive force decreases with rise of temperature

Increase in temperature the viscosity of a liquid decreases.

The viscous force the relative motion between the adjacent layers of a fluid in
motion. Which one of the flowing fits best in the sentence?

a) opposes

b) never affects

c) facilitates

d) may effect under certain conditions

Which one of the following is not a unit of dynamic viscosity?

a) Pa-s

b) N-s/m2

c) Poise
d) Stokes

Calculate the magnitude of capillary effect in millimeters in a glass tube of 7mm

diameter, when immersed in mercury. The temperature of the liquid is 25℃ and the
values of surface tension of mercury at 25℃ is 0.51 N/m. The angle of contact for
mercury is 130°

a) 140

b) 280

c) 170

d) 210

Determine the minimum size of glass tube that can be used to measure water level
if the capillary rise in the tube is restricted to 5mm. Consider surface tension of
water in contact with air as 0.073 N/m

a) 5.95mm

b) 11.9mm

c) 2.97mm

d) 4.46mm

Find the capillarity rise or fall if a capillary tube of diameter .03m is immersed in
hypothetical fluid with specific gravity 6.5, surface tension 0.25 N/m and angle of
contact 147°

a) 0.44mm fall

b) 0.88mm fall

c) 0.44mm rise

d) 0.88mm rise
The surface tension of fluid in contact with air at 25℃ is 0.51N/m. The pressure
inside a droplet is to be 0.05 N/cm2 greater than outside pressure. Determine the
diameter of bubble

a) 4.08mm

b) 8.16mm

c) 2.04mm

d) None of the mentioned

Which of the following contribute to the reason behind the origin of surface

a) only cohesive forces

b) only adhesive forces

c) neither cohesive forces nor adhesive forces

d) both cohesive forces and adhesive forces

A soap bubble of d mm diameter is observed inside a bucket of water. If the

pressure inside the bubble is 0.075 N/cm2, what will be the value of d? (Take
surface tension as 0.075 N/m)

a) 0.4

b) 0.8

c) 1.6

d) 4

Which one of the following is true about Bulk Modulus of elasticity

a) it is the ratio of compressive stress to volumetric strain

b) it is the ratio of compressive stress to linear strain

c) it is the ratio of tensile stress to volumetric strain

d) it is the ratio of tensile stress to linear strain

Bulk Modulus, Pressure, Force, Stress – Which one of these won’t have the same
unit as the others?

a) Bulk Modulus

b) Pressure

c) Force

d) Stress

The device used to measure the fluid pressure is _____________

a) Hygrometer

b) Calorimeter

c) Manometer

d) Thermometer

Which one of the following is the unit of pressure?

a) N

b) N/m

c) N/m2

d) N/m3

what is density of water in kg/m3





pressure which is measured above the atmospheric pressure is

Absolute Pressure

Gauge Pressure

Vacuum Pressure

Atmospheric pressure

Which one is not types of Simple manometers

Dead weight pressure gauge


U-tube manometer

Single column manometer

Choose the correct relationship

A) Specific gravity = gravity × density

(B) Dynamic viscosity = kinematic viscosity × density

(C) Gravity = specific gravity × density

(D) Kinematic viscosity = dynamic viscosity × density

If no resistance is encountered by displacement, such a substance is known as

A) Fluid

(B) Water

(C) Gas

(D) Ideal fluid

Venturimeter is use to measure


Average velocity

Velocity at point

Pressure at point

The term Z in Venturimeter is known as

Potential Energy

Pressure Energy

Kinetic Energy

None of the above

The term V2/2g in Venturimeter is known as

Potential Energy

Pressure Energy

Kinetic Energy

None of the above

Specific Gravity of mercury is





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