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Report Generator

Report Generator
User Guide Extension V190.8
2018-05-24 Magnus Gustafsson
31 First Lastname
Report Generator Date: 2018-05-24
User Guide Extension V190.8

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 3
2. MODEL ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1. GEOMETRY .............................................................................................................................. 6
2.1.1. General information ....................................................................................................... 6
2.1.2. Pump Housing ................................................................................................................ 6
2.1.3. Point Mass ...................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.4. Distributed Mass ............................................................................................................ 8
2.1.5. Part list summary ........................................................................................................... 9
2.1.6. Point mass list summary ................................................................................................. 9
2.2. MATERIAL PROPERTIES ........................................................................................................... 9
2.3. COORDINATE SYSTEMS ......................................................................................................... 10
2.3.1. Local Coordinate System ............................................................................................. 10
2.4. CONNECTIONS ....................................................................................................................... 11
2.4.1. Contacts ........................................................................................................................ 11
2.4.2. Contacts Summary........................................................................................................ 11
2.5. MESH .................................................................................................................................... 12
2.5.1. Global mesh settings .................................................................................................... 12
2.6. NAMED SELECTIONS ............................................................................................................. 13
3. STEADY-STATE THERMAL.................................................................................................. 16
3.1. ANALYSIS SETTINGS ............................................................................................................. 16
3.2. CONVECTION INSIDE .............................................................................................................. 16
3.3. CONVECTION OUTSIDE .......................................................................................................... 17
3.4. TEMPERATURE ...................................................................................................................... 18
4. THERMAL RESULTS .............................................................................................................. 19
4.1. TEMPERATURE ...................................................................................................................... 19
5. STATIC STRUCTURAL .......................................................................................................... 20
5.1. ANALYSIS SETTINGS ............................................................................................................. 20
5.2. BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ....................................................................................................... 21
5.2.1. Frictionless Support ..................................................................................................... 21
5.3. LOADS ................................................................................................................................... 22
5.3.1. Bearing Load ................................................................................................................ 22
5.3.2. Bolt Pretension 1 .......................................................................................................... 23
5.4. IMPORTED LOAD (A6) ........................................................................................................... 24
6. STRUCTURAL RESULTS ....................................................................................................... 25
6.1. PUMP HOUSING RESULTS ....................................................................................................... 25
6.2. BOLT REACTION .................................................................................................................... 27
6.3. TOTAL DEFORMATION ........................................................................................................... 28
6.4. CONTACT RESULTS ............................................................................................................... 29
6.4.1. Pressure ........................................................................................................................ 29
7. BOLT 1 REACTION FORCE .................................................................................................. 30
8. CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................................................... 31

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Report Generator Date: 2018-05-24
User Guide Extension V190.8

1. Introduction
This project demonstrates the use of the ACT tool Report Generator for an ANSYS Mechanical
This user guide is created entirely from this tool based on the Workbench project
"ReportGenerator_V190.8.wbpj" without any additional editing except for some figure cropping or
additional page break. A copy of the project archive file is included in the extension installation

This chapter shows the global settings in Mechanical for figure size and quality how to use the
toolbar. The rest of the document is showing how to use Comments, Figures and Images in the

To create a report using the Report Generator first set up the analysis project as usual. The order of
the report will always be Thermal before Structural before Modal etc. independent of the model tree

The Report Generator uses the global settings for figures defined in Mechanical options for "Report"
and "Graphics", see figures below.
The "Chart" and "Graphics" width and height should be defined based on the Word template page
width. Word uses 96 dpi (or 3.78 dpmm) so 640 pixels will give a 169 mm wide image (640/3.78).
To enhance the picture quality it is recommended to use Graphics Resolution "Enhanced Print
Quality (2:1). To set the background white change the setting for "Background" in Graphics options.

The Report Generator toolbar has a number of buttons used to prepare the report.

"Default Comments" will initiate the Report Generator and create the needed standard comments
and the tag "Report" used to select items to be included in the report. It may also perform renaming
of objects according to the report template definition.

"Tag Object Report" will tag the selected objects to be included in the report. You may un-tag an
object from the standard "Tags" window.

"New Comments" will add a Comment to the selected objects and tag them to be included in the

"New Figures" will add a Figure to the selected objects and tag them to be included in the report.

"New Images" will take a snapshot of the selected objects, save it to "user_files", add as a "Static
Image" and tag them to be included in the report.

"Create Report" will create, open and save the report in the "user_files" folder of the project.

"Update Figures" will export all Figures of the project to the folder "ReportName_images" in the
"user_files" folder of the project. This button can also be used to update the images in the report in
case you change the view or contour bar etc. and don't want to lose any edits done in Word after the
export. Note: this will only work if you are using the "docx" Word document format.

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User Guide Extension V190.8

"Insert Appendix" will insert a list of the available appendix files. Any .html or .htm file in the
"user_files" folder will be included in the list if the name is different than the report name. You may
remove or re-order the items in the list.

"Help" will open the help documentation report.

"Open preference File" will open the preference file for editing formatting options or selecting
Word template file.

The default comments are used to transfer information to Word. Don't change the name of these
comments. Fill in "Author", "Subject" and "Prepared for" in the project details by clicking on the
project folder in the model tree. Also rename the project as this will be the title of the Word report.

ReportName: File name of Word document, e.g. "ReportGeneratorHelp.docx". Note: Using ".doc"
will create a word document where the pictures are saved in the document and using ".docx" will use
linked images. A ".docx" document can be saved as a pdf to include the pictures in the document or
by breaking the links to all pictures from the menu "File>Edit Links to Files".
Introduction: Text for first section of the report. Note: Adding a "Image from File..." and include
"Introduction" in the image name will place the image in the "Introduction" section of the report.
Conclusions: Text for the final section of the report.

Figure 1. Introduction - Report

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User Guide Extension V190.8

Figure 2. Introduction - Graphics

Figure 3. Introduction - Mechanical

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2. Model
2.1. Geometry
2.1.1. General information
When using a comment with the standard name "Comment" this will not give a heading in the report.
By setting a name of the comment you will get a heading with heading level one level below the
parent object.

All parts that are tagged will be included in the part list summary. To avoid duplicate lines from e.g.
many bolts you may only tag one of the bolts to simplify the list.

You can add "User Defined Graphics Annotations" to set names in the figures.

Figure 4. Pump assembly

2.1.2. Pump Housing

Here you can add a comment to describe the part, add Commands and/or add an image. The image
can be a photo or a detail from the model saved to a file.

The pump housing is an aluminum pressure die cast component.

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Figure 5. Pump housing Commands (APDL)

! Commands inserted into this file will be executed just after material
definitions in /PREP7.
! The material number for this body is equal to the parameter "matid".

! Active UNIT system in Workbench when this object was created: Metric (mm, t, N,
s, mV, mA)
! NOTE: Any data that requires units (such as mass) is assumed to be in the
consistent solver unit system.
! See Solving Units in the help system for more information.

! Command object to perform some actions

! keyopt,matid,1,0

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2.1.3. Point Mass

Figure 6. Point Mass

2.1.4. Distributed Mass

Figure 7. Distributed Mass

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2.1.5. Part list summary

Part name Stiffness Material name Nonlinear Mass [tonne] #Elements #Nodes
Pump Housing Flexible Aluminum Alloy True 1.9630e-03 35081 55706
Impeller Flexible Polyethylene True 3.8377e-05 11953 21596
Pulley Flexible Structural Steel True 6.5744e-04 21212 35209
Shaft Flexible Structural Steel True 2.8900e-04 180 955
Nut Flexible Structural Steel True 6.4569e-05 32 272
Base Flexible Structural Steel True 2.6249e-03 1616 9541
Bolt.1 Flexible Structural Steel True 2.2015e-05 231 1220
Total 5.9233e-03 72054 133463
Table 1. Part list summary

2.1.6. Point mass list summary

Point mass name Point mass type Mass [tonne] X [mm] Y [mm] Z [mm]
Point Mass Point mass 1.0000e-05 8.1298e-17 -3.2519e-16 8.5000e+01
Distributed Mass Distributed mass 1.0000e-04 - - -
Table 2. Point mass list summary

2.2. Material Properties

Temp Ex Nuxy Temp Density Temp Alpx Yield limit Ultimate limit
Material name
[C] [MPa] [-] [C] [Mg/mm^3] [C] [-/C] [MPa] [MPa]
0 71000 0.330
Aluminum Alloy 0 2.770e-09 0 2.30e-05 280 310
200 65000 0.330
Polyethylene 0 1100 0.420 0 9.500e-10 0 2.30e-04 25 33
Structural Steel 0 200000 0.300 0 7.850e-09 0 1.20e-05 250 460
Table 3. Structural material properties (solver consistent units)

Temp Kxx Kyy Kzz Temp C

Material name
[C] [mW/(mm C)] [mW/(mm C)] [mW/(mm C)] [C] [mJ/(Mg C)]
-100 1.140e+02
0 1.440e+02
Aluminum Alloy 0 8.750e+08
100 1.650e+02
200 1.750e+02
Polyethylene 0 2.800e-01 0 2.960e+08
Structural Steel 0 6.050e+01 0 4.340e+08
Table 4. Thermal material properties (solver consistent units)

Note: Material name: "Aluminum Alloy" contains "Isotropic Hardening" not printed.

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2.3. Coordinate Systems

2.3.1. Local Coordinate System

Figure 8. Local Coordinate System

Property Value
Type Cartesian
Origin -
Origin X 0 [mm]
Origin Y 0 [mm]
Origin Z 0 [mm]
Directional Vectors -
X Axis Data [ 0. -1. 0. ]
Y Axis Data [ 1. 0. 0. ]
Z Axis Data [ 0. 0. 1. ]
Table 5. Local Coordinate System

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2.4. Connections
2.4.1. Contacts General contact information

Tagging a contact object will include the contact properties in a contact summary table. Also like for
parts you may include command objects and imported pictures.

Figure 9. Contact overview

2.4.2. Contacts Summary

Contact Name Type Friction Coeff Behavior Formulation
No Separation - PumpHousing To Impeller NoSeparation N/A Asymmetric AugmentedLagrange
Bonded - PumpHousing To Pulley Bonded N/A Asymmetric AugmentedLagrange
No Separation - PumpHousing To Shaft NoSeparation N/A Asymmetric AugmentedLagrange
Frictional - PumpHousing To Base Frictional 0.14 Asymmetric AugmentedLagrange
No Separation - Bolt.1 To PumpHousing NoSeparation N/A Asymmetric AugmentedLagrange
Bonded - Impeller To Shaft Bonded N/A Asymmetric AugmentedLagrange
Bonded - Nut To Impeller Bonded N/A Asymmetric AugmentedLagrange
Bonded - Pulley To Shaft Bonded N/A Asymmetric AugmentedLagrange
Bonded - Shaft To Nut Bonded N/A Asymmetric AugmentedLagrange
Bonded - Bolt.1 To Base Bonded N/A Asymmetric AugmentedLagrange
Table 6. Contact settings summary

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2.5. Mesh

Figure 10. Global mesh

2.5.1. Global mesh settings

Property Value
Simplified Mesh Sizing UI Yes
Defaults -
Physics Preference Mechanical
Sizing -
Element Size 8 [mm]
Mesh Defeaturing Yes
Defeature Size 1 [mm]
Growth Rate 1.8
Capture Curvature Yes
Curvature Min Size 2 [mm]
Max Size 16 [mm]
Curvature Normal Angle Default (70°)
Capture Proximity No
Quality -
Check Mesh Quality Yes, Errors
Error Limits Standard Mechanical
Target Quality Default
Advanced -
Straight Sided Element No
Triangle Surface Mesher Program Controlled
Topology Checking Yes
Pinch Tolerance Default
Generate Pinch on Refresh No
Table 7. Global mesh settings summary
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2.6. Named Selections

Named selections may be included in the report if it is tagged.

2.6.1. Impeller

Figure 11. Impeller

Scope -
Scoping Method Geometry Selection
Geometry 1 Body
Definition -
Send to Solver Yes
Solver Name IMPELLER
Program Controlled Inflation Exclude
Statistics -
Volume 4.0397e+04 [mm^3]
Table 8. Details of "Impeller"

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2.6.2. Inside

Figure 12. Inside

Scope -
Scoping Method Geometry Selection
Geometry 19 Faces
Definition -
Send to Solver Yes
Solver Name INSIDE
Program Controlled Inflation Exclude
Statistics -
Surface Area 2.4352e+04 [mm^2]
Table 9. Details of "Inside"

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2.6.3. Inside_nodal

Figure 13. Inside_nodal

Scope -
Scoping Method Worksheet
Geometry 3199 Nodes
Definition -
Send to Solver Yes
Program Controlled Inflation Exclude
Table 10. Details of "Inside_nodal"

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3. Steady-State Thermal
3.1. Analysis Settings
Step EndTime [sec] Time Stepping Defined By Initial Minimum Maximum
1 1 ProgramControlled N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 11. Time steps summary

Property Value
Solver Type ProgramControlled
Weak Springs ProgramControlled
Large Deformation False
Inertia Relief False
Solver Units System ConsistentNMM
Table 12. Analysis settings summary

Tagging the Analysis Settings will create a summary table for the load steps (time, substeps etc.) and
the analysis settings.

3.2. Convection inside

Figure 14. Convection inside - oil spash

Time [sec] Convection Coeff. [W/(mm^2 C)] Temperature [C]

0 0 22
1 0.01 70
Table 13. Convection inside

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3.3. Convection outside

Figure 15. Natural convection outside

Time [sec] Convection Coeff. [W/(mm^2 C)] Temperature [C]

0 0 22
1 0.0001 22
Table 14. Convection outside

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3.4. Temperature

Figure 16. Fixed temperature - Base

Time [sec] Temperature [C]

0 22
1 95
Table 15. Temperature

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4. Thermal Results
4.1. Temperature

Figure 17. Steady state temperature

Details of: Temperature

Definition -
Type Temperature
By Time
Display Time 1. [s]
Results -
Minimum 68.121 [C]
Maximum 95. [C]
Average 76.180 [C]
Minimum Occurs On Pump Housing
Maximum Occurs On Base
Minimum Value Over Time -
Minimum 68.121 [C]
Maximum 68.121 [C]
Maximum Value Over Time -
Minimum 95. [C]
Maximum 95. [C]
Table 16. Details of "Temperature"

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5. Static Structural
5.1. Analysis Settings
Step EndTime[sec] Time Stepping Defined By Carry Over Initial Minimum Maximum
1 1 ProgramControlled N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2 2 ProgramControlled N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
3 3 ProgramControlled N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 17. Time steps summary

Property Value
Solver Type ProgramControlled
Weak Springs Off
Large Deformation False
Inertia Relief False
Solver Units System ConsistentNMM
Table 18. Analysis settings summary

Figure 18. Load summary

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5.2. Boundary Conditions

By grouping load objects you create a section where the group name becomes the heading name.

5.2.1. Frictionless Support

Figure 19. Frictionless Support Base

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5.3. Loads
5.3.1. Bearing Load

Figure 20. Bearing Load

Time [sec] X [N] Y [N] Z [N]

0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
2 1.000e+03 =0 =0
3 1.000e+03 =0 =0
Table 19. Bearing Load, Global Coordinate System

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5.3.2. Bolt Pretension 1

The same bolt pretension is applied to all eight bolts.

Figure 21. Bolt Pretension

Step Define By Preload [N] Preadjustment [m] Increment [m]

1 Load 20000 N/A N/A
2 Lock N/A N/A N/A
3 Lock N/A N/A N/A
Table 20. Bolt Pretension 1

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5.4. Imported Load (A6)

To make pictures from imported load you may take any result object (direct from the
"Imported Load" or from "Thermal") and apply selections, section planes etc. and save figure to file
using "New Static Images". Then insert the image on any object (Image from File...) and tag the
imported image with "Report". The difference betwen ANSYS standard function "Image" and the
Report Generator "New Static Images" is that the former only works for one object at the time with
the current graphic size and background color and the later works for multiple objects and uses the
report settings graphic size and background color. If you delete the "Image" object in the tree the
picture file is still saved in the "user_files".

Figure 22. Imported Body Temperature

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6. Structural Results
6.1. Pump housing results
By grouping result objects you create a section where the group name becomes the heading name.
Grouping results objects (contour, path and probe) of the same type and tagging the group but not the
objects will create a summary table of result details. You may include figures from the result objects
if the "Figure" object is tagged.

Figure 23. Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress - Pump housing 1

Figure 24. Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress - Pump housing 2

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Figure 25. Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress - Pump housing 3

Equivalent Stress - Pump Equivalent Stress - Pump Equivalent Stress - Pump

Details of:
housing 1 housing 2 housing 3
Definition - - -
Equivalent (von-Mises) Equivalent (von-Mises) Equivalent (von-Mises)
Stress Stress Stress
By Time Time Time
Display Time 1. [s] 2. [s] 3. [s]
Results - - -
Minimum 0.0184 [MPa] 0.5411 [MPa] 0.5417 [MPa]
Maximum 268.37 [MPa] 288.18 [MPa] 288.18 [MPa]
Average 13.743 [MPa] 18.652 [MPa] 18.653 [MPa]
Minimum Occurs On Pump Housing Pump Housing Pump Housing
Maximum Occurs On Pump Housing Pump Housing Pump Housing
Minimum Value
- - -
Over Time
Minimum 0.0184 [MPa] 0.0184 [MPa] 0.0184 [MPa]
Maximum 0.5417 [MPa] 0.5417 [MPa] 0.5417 [MPa]
Maximum Value
- - -
Over Time
Minimum 268.37 [MPa] 268.37 [MPa] 268.37 [MPa]
Maximum 288.18 [MPa] 288.18 [MPa] 288.18 [MPa]
Table 21. Pump housing results summary list

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6.2. Bolt reaction

Grouping results objects (contour, path and probe) of the same type and tagging the group but not the
objects will create a summary table of result details. You don't need to have "Figure" objects.

Details of: Bolt 1 reaction Bolt 2 reaction Bolt 3 reaction Bolt 4 reaction
Definition - - - -
Type BoltPretension BoltPretension BoltPretension BoltPretension
Boundary Condition Bolt Pretension 1 Bolt Pretension 2 Bolt Pretension 3 Bolt Pretension 4
Options - - - -
Display Time Last Last Last Last
Results - - - -
Adjustment 0.0937 [mm] 0.0883 [mm] 0.0959 [mm] 0.0954 [mm]
Working Load 2.1455e+04 [N] 2.1573e+04 [N] 2.1487e+04 [N] 2.1471e+04 [N]
Maximum Value Over Time - - - -
Adjustment 0.0937 [mm] 0.0883 [mm] 0.0959 [mm] 0.0954 [mm]
Working Load 2.1456e+04 [N] 2.1573e+04 [N] 2.1487e+04 [N] 2.1471e+04 [N]
Minimum Value Over Time - - - -
Adjustment 0.0937 [mm] 0.0883 [mm] 0.0959 [mm] 0.0954 [mm]
Working Load 0 [N] 0 [N] 0 [N] 0 [N]
Table 22. Bolt reaction summary list

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6.3. Total Deformation

Figure 26. Total deformation LS 3

Details of: Total Deformation

Definition -
Type Total Deformation
By Time
Display Time 3. [s]
Results -
Minimum 0 [mm]
Maximum 0.5869 [mm]
Average 0.1672 [mm]
Minimum Occurs On Base
Maximum Occurs On Impeller
Minimum Value Over Time -
Minimum 0 [mm]
Maximum 0 [mm]
Maximum Value Over Time -
Minimum 0.0725 [mm]
Maximum 0.5869 [mm]
Table 23. Details of "Total Deformation"

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6.4. Contact Results

6.4.1. Pressure

Figure 27. Contact pressure

Details of: Pressure

Definition -
Type Pressure
By Time
Display Time 3. [s]
Results -
Minimum 0 [MPa]
Maximum 339.99 [MPa]
Average 57.943 [MPa]
Minimum Occurs On Pump Housing
Maximum Occurs On Bolt.4
Minimum Value Over Time -
Minimum 0 [MPa]
Maximum 0 [MPa]
Maximum Value Over Time -
Minimum 280.55 [MPa]
Maximum 339.99 [MPa]
Table 24. Details of "Pressure"

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7. Bolt 1 Reaction force

Tagging a graph object will create a section at the end of the report before the "Reference" section.

Figure 28. Bolt 1 Reaction force

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8. Conclusions
This project shows how to set up a report using the Report Generator ACT application by

The Word template can be customized by the user to modify the layout and text styles. Open and
edit the Word template from

The Word template name, Table, caption and UCO style can be defined in the file
"" found in the same folder.

The tool can be further customized to your needs to include other fixed headings, text objects etc.
Also the content and information from the model can be modified e.g. detailed material properties
listings and more. Contact EDRMedeso for more information.

To update a new default version of Report Generator to a customized version first install the new app
version and then replace the files "ReportGenerator.dotm", "" and
"" with your modifed versions from previous app version.

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