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Story – Mountain Climbing Trip

Writing PBD 4.1.4 & 4.1.5

A Story

experienced hikers burn up the foot of the hill

venture out anywhere alone school semester break mountain climbing trip

During the ______________________, I joined a ______________________

up Gunung Bintang. It was a week after Hari Raya and I was eager to
______________________ the calories consumed during the festival. The trip was
organised by a local youth club and most of the participants were
______________________. There were 30 of us including 10 first timers like me. I
was so excited for the trip when we gathered at ______________________ early
Sunday morning, 7th June, 2021. We listened to a briefing by the leader and then,
assigned to small groups. We were also reminded to never

rained the night before took photographs minimum of necessities

steep path a magnificent scenery

It was hard work going up the ______________________, carrying all our

things on our back. I had been told to bring a ______________________ for the
overnight trip but still, the bag was heavy. It ______________________ so the trails
were wet and slippery. We had to balance ourselves on old tree trunks, hold onto roots
to drag ourselves up or squeeze among tall ferns during the journey. After a short
break for lunch, we continued our way. When we reached the peak, we were rewarded
with ______________________ around us. Then, someone brought out the “Jalur
Gemilang" and a banner so we ______________________ as a group and individual.
We were so thrilled of our accomplishment that none of us complained of being tired.

much easier breathtaking view came searching for us

beautiful sunrise left behind set up our tents

After that, we ______________________ as quickly as we could so we were

able to watch the sun going down. It was a ______________________. As expected,
everyone was asleep after dinner although it was definitely uncomfortable.
Nevertheless, we got up early the next morning to watch the
______________________. The journey down began immediately after breakfast.
Going down seemed ______________________ and some of us chatted all the way.
Suddenly, a friend in my small group began to have leg cramps which slowed our
movements. Within minutes we were ______________________ and later realised
that we had been separated from the main group. Between the two of us, none had
experience in jungle trekking. We recalled about not to be panicked and to look for a
stream and follow it down stream if we ever got lost. However, we were lucky that we
had been missed and suddenly we heard shouts. They were the experienced
members of the team who ______________________.

It was a relief that the other members of the group realised that we were not
around and quickly informed the leader. It ended well in spite of the near tragedy that
happened to us. Mountain climbing is a thrilling experience and I look forward to
another trip in the future. That first trip was an experience that I would always

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