Cell Structure: Lesson Quiz Review

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Name ___________________________ Class _______________ Date ____________

Lesson Quiz Review

8.2 Cell Structure
Use the information below to review the correct answers on the Lesson Quiz.
1. Both plant and animal cells contain a Golgi apparatus. Plant cells are surrounded by a cell
wall, but animal cells are not. Both plant and animal cells contain a nucleus. Plant cells
contain chloroplasts, but animal cells do not.

2. The organelles involved in protein synthesis include the ribosomes, endoplasmic

reticulum, and Golgi apparatus. Proteins are assembled on ribosomes. The endoplasmic
reticulum is where lipids are synthesized, along with proteins and other materials that are
exported from the cell. The Golgi apparatus modifies, sorts, and packages proteins and
other materials from the endoplasmic reticulum for storage in the cell or release from the
cell. In plant cells, chloroplasts capture the energy from sunlight and convert it into
chemical energy stored in food during photosynthesis. Animal cells do not contain

3. The cell’s DNA contains the coded instructions for making proteins and other important
molecules. In eukaryotic cells, the DNA is contained within the nucleus. The cytoplasm is
the portion of the cell outside the nucleus. The endoplasmic reticulum is where lipids are
synthesized, along with proteins and other materials that are exported from the cell.

4. Centrioles help organize cell division. Cytoplasm is the portion outside the nucleus. The
cytoskeleton helps the cell maintain its shape and is also involved in movement.
Lysosomes break down lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins into small molecules that can
be used by the rest of the cell. Ribosomes produce proteins in the cell. Vacuoles store
materials like water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates.

5. The lipid molecules that make up the lipid bilayer of the cell have oily fatty acid chains
attached to chemical groups that interact strongly with water. The fatty acid portions are
hydrophobic, or “water-hating,” while the opposite end of the molecule is hydrophilic, or
“water loving.” When these lipids, which are common in cell membranes, are mixed with
water, which is present outside the cell, their hydrophobic fatty acid “tails” cluster
together, while their hydrophilic “heads” are attracted to water. A lipid bilayer is the result.
The hydrophilic head groups of lipids in a bilayer are exposed to the outside of the cell,
while the fatty acid hydrophobic tails form an oily layer inside the membrane that keeps
water out.

6. Neither cell walls nor chloroplasts are present in animal cells. All animal cells contain
nuclei, but each cell contains only one nucleus. Enzymes are proteins. Proteins, such as
enzymes, are synthesized on ribosomes in the cell. Therefore, pancreas cells, which
produce enzymes, are likely to contain an abundance of ribosomes.

Lesson Quiz Review

Name ___________________________ Class _______________ Date ____________

7. All cells contain DNA at some point during their life cycle. In plant cells and animal cells,
the DNA is enclosed in the nucleus of the cell. In prokaryotic cells, which do not contain a
nucleus, the DNA is found in the cytoplasm. All cells are surrounded by a cell membrane,
but only prokaryotic cells and plant cells have cell walls. Animal cells do not have cell
walls. Cells must convert chemical energy in food to energy the cell can use. These
reactions take place in mitochondria in plant and animal cells. In prokaryotes, these
reactions take place in the cytoplasm rather than specialized organelles. In plant cells,
photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts. Photosynthesis occurs in some prokaryotic
cells in association with internal photosynthetic membranes, not chloroplasts. Animal cells
do not carry out photosynthesis and thus do not contain chloroplasts.

Lesson Quiz Review

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