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Republic of the Philippines

Itogon I District
Baguio Gold, Tuding, Itogon, Benguet


Total GAA of Agency:

GAD Mandate/Gender Cause of Gender Issues GAD Result Statement/GAD Relevant GAD Activity Output Performance Indicators GAD Budget Source of Responsible
Issues Objectives Agency and Targets Budget Unit/Office

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Client Focused

Conduct Gender Sensitivity Division Coordinator-

Issues and concerns Lack of awareness and To increase the level of awareness and
Seminar/ information and education PSDS- School Head-
including legal mandates understanding of Gad issues and understanding of the teachers and School Based 147 learners
campaign for student leaders and 1,000.00 MOOE GAD Focal Point
on GAD among teachers concerns including legal mandates on students on GAD concepts, issues and –Access 7 teachers
teachers in different platforms which System
and students GAD among teachers and students concerns
includes online medium Bookkeeper

RA 6949: Mandatory Insensitivity on Women's rights and To intensify the sensitivity of learners, MFO 2: Basic Integrate women's rights and privileges on 7 teachers participated
School Celebration of privileges parents and school personnel on Education ADM Modules and activities such as 90 Stakeholders and 147 learners
Women's Month women’s rights and privileges in the Services Women's Forum, Poster-slogan making School Head- GAD
workplace contest and the like in different learning 1,500.00 MOOE Focal Point System
platforms Bookkeeper

Poor awareness of rights- Low awareness of teachers and Promote receptiveness of teachers and MFO: 2: Basic Lecture on Violence Against Women 8 School Personnel and 90 Parents
bearers and duty bearers parents relative to the implementation parents on the social issues on the Education during the Kick-off activity
School head/GFPS
on VAW and in eliminating of Violence Against Women (VAW) implementation of VAW Services
2,000.00 MOOE School CPP coordinator
gender-based violence

DepED Order # 40, s. 2012 Unresponsiveness of teachers and To strengthen the response of MFO 2: Basic Ensure the advocacy of Child Protection 7 teachers and all parents
(Child Protection Policy ) parents to child abuse and bullying teachers and parents to bullying cases Education Policy and its application online and offline participated/attended
inside the premises of schools including online cases as brought by Services or in different platforms of communication 100% of advocacy platforms
this current health crises and transacting with other people conducted
Reluctance of CPC in processing School head/GFPS
bullying cases from the beginning to Intensify the promptness of CPC in Organize SLAC on Child Protection Policy 500.00 MOOE School CPP coordinator
the end of the school year processing bullying cases of learners and its applications to the new normal 7 teachers including staeholders Bookkeeper
following CPP guidelines CPC members attended

DepED Order 32, s. 2017 Uncertainties in the implementation of DO 32, s. 2017 integration within and MFO 2: Basic Review on the provisions of DO 32, s. 8 school personnel capacitated on
(Gender Basic Responsive DO 32, s. 2017 across the different learning areas Education 2017 such as: DO 32 s. 2017
Education) Services a) Employee Welfare to include a) catered employees welfare
psychosocial, mental and spiritual well- particularly on psychosocial, mental
School head/GFPS
being/aspects and spiritual well-being/aspects 1,500.00 MOOE
School GAD coordinator
b) Observance and Celebrations GAD b) all learners participated in GAD
related activities for learners(DO 32 p.8) related activities

DO 32, s. 2017 Ensured equal opportunities of learners Participation of school personnel in the 8 School Personnel capacitated on
(Observance of Gender- on continuous learning delivery mode in Division/District ADM Modules developing ADM Modules
Responsive the new normal Development Webinars
Basic Education Policy in 4,500.00
the preparation of LRMD - MFO 2: Basic Develop ADM Modules compliant to the
Learning Continuity Plan Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on provisions of DO 32, s. 2017 MOOE/ School Head
learnes continuing education LGU-SEF Teachers
Guarenteed the availability and Printing and distribution of ADM Modules All enrolled learners availed and
accesibility of GAD compliant LRs and compliant to DO 32, s. 2017 utilized all developed ADM Modules
ADM Modules in various formats for compliant to DO 32, s. 2017
GAD Mandate/Gender Cause of Gender Issues GAD Result Statement/GAD Relevant GAD Activity Output Performance Indicators GAD Budget Source of Responsible
Issues Objectives Agency and Targets Budget Unit/Office

Organization Focused
GAD Focal Point System Unpreparedness of GAD Focal Point To strengthen and build capacity of Conduct training on Gender 100% Attendance in GAD seminars
on Gender Mainstreaming System on Gender Mainstreaming GAD Focal Point System Mainstreaming and GAD Planning
capacity and COVID 19 and Responding to Pandemic
Response To ensure the provision of appropriate Production and distribution of School head/GFPS
and sufficient supplies and facilities to inforgraphics/posters or other information School GAD coordinator
3,000.00 MOOE
help the community in coping up with and education campaign in support to District Nurse
the COVID 19 crisis Gender Mainstreaming and GAD Planning Bookkeeper

Poor awareness of rights- Low awareness of employees Increase awareness on the rights and MFO: 2: Basic Lecture/SLAC on Violence Against 8 School Personnel and 75 Parents
bearers and duty bearers relative to the implementation of privileges of women Education Women during the Kick-off activity School head/GFPS
on VAW in eliminating Violence Against Women (VAW) Services MOOE
School GAD coordinator
gender-based violence 1,000.00 PTA
District Nurse

Women’s rights and Insufficient knowledge on Women’s To increase women’s awareness on MFO: 2: Basic SLAC and practice of the provisions of 8 School Personne
privileges in the workplace Welfare their rights and privileges of women in Education Women’s Rights and Privileges School head/GFPS
the workplace Services School GAD coordinator
1,001.00 MOOE
District Nurse

Republic Act (RA) 1172, s. Level of awareness and acceptability Commendable level of awareness and MFO 2: Basic Conduct offline/online Kick - off and 8 employees participated
2006 - Declaring of male and female employees acceptability of male and femal Education Culminating activities through
November 25 to December employees relative to the Services dissemination campaign, poster & slogan School head/GFPS
12 as the 18 Day Implementation of Violence Against making contest, lecture on the School GAD coordinator
Campaign to End Violence Women implications of VAWC 2,000.00 MOOE
District Nurse
Against Women and Their Bookkeeper
Children (VAW)

Reluctant Monitoring and Institutionalizin the implementation of Institutionalized GAD M & E programs MFO: Basic Ensure GAD M & E in the school level 8 school personnel monitored all
Evaluation of GAD M & E to GAD related programs and activities Education GAD related programs and activities School head/GFPS
activities and programs Services School GAD coordinator
1, 000.00 MOOE
District Nurse

SUB-TOTAL 21,001.00
GRAND TOTAL 21,001.00

Prepared by


Teacher School Head

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