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Woorrkk IInnssttrruuccttiioonn
Offshore and Industrial Services
Branch Office Abu Dhabi

Inspection and Testing an E.O.T Crane

Doc. No. 0940-LE-205 Rev.0

Prepared by: Soori M. Released by: H. Fahim

Signature: Signature:

Date: March 1999 Date: March 1999

No part of this document shall be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission from
Germanischer Lloyd Abu Dhabi Office
Work Instruction
Inspection and Testing an E.O.T Crane
Doc. No. 0940-LE-205 Rev.0 Offshore and Industrial Services


1. Safety Procedures to be used when Inspecting and Testing an E.O.T. Crane

a) Site Condition
b) Design of the Crane
c) Weather Condition
d) Test Weights

2. Procedure for Inspection and Testing of Electrical Overhead Crane

2.1 Object
2.2 Reference Standards
2.3 Intervals of Overload Test
2.4 Responsibilities
2.5 Preparation for the Test
2.5.1 Determination of the Test Load
2.5.2 Test Weight and Tackles
2.5.3 Position of Test Load
2.5.4 Action Plan
2.6 Pre-test Thorough Examination
2.7 SWL Test or Full Load Test
2.7.1 Safe Working Load (SWL) Test Main Hoist Travel Motion Deflection Test
2.8 Overload Test
2.9 Post Test Examination
2.10 Certificate of Test and Thorough Examination
Work Instruction
Inspection and Testing an E.O.T Crane
Doc. No. 0940-LE-205 Rev.0 Offshore and Industrial Services

1. Safety Procedure to be used while Inspecting & Testing an E.O.T. Crane

1.1. A test is carried out to prove an Overhead Crane of its capacity to handle the Safe Working Load
to which it is designed for and hence it should be borne in mind that the crane might not
withstand the loading applied in all the cases. Due importance must be given also to the gantry
structure on which the crane is installed. It is therefore necessary to ensure that all safety
requirements are carefully followed.

1.2. All necessary safety precautions must be taken to ensure the safety of both the inspector and any
other persons who are involved in the activity or likely to enter the testing area.

1.3. The inspector can proceed with the examination and test of a crane only after ensuring that all the
necessary steps have been taken with regards to the safety of personals involved, other equipment
underneath the subject crane and the crane under test itself.

1.4. The safety precautions to be taken must include the following:

a) Site Condition:
Due importance must be given to the clearances and conditions of the area / bay where the tests
are to be carried out.
There must be sufficient clearances in the bay, to travel the crane with safe working load and
overload through out its length.
The site must be of sufficient area and have head-room clearance to allow the unobstructed
movement of the crane and load throughout all its appropriate test movements.
The test area must be cleared of all personnel not essential to the test.
The test area or bay must be roped off and notices posted prohibiting unauthorized entry.
b) Design of the Crane:
Prior to load testing the crane, it is necessary to check the design and construction of the crane
to verify that the design of the crane will permit the imposition of the test loads that will be
A check must be made of any manufactures recommended testing procedures that are available.
The test overload must not exceed any limitations imposed by the manufacturer.
Work Instruction
Inspection and Testing an E.O.T Crane
Doc. No. 0940-LE-205 Rev.0 Offshore and Industrial Services

C) Weather Conditions:
In the case of Out-door duty cranes and especially Gantry (Goliath) Cranes, prior to the load
test, careful attention must be given to the prevailing weather conditions.
Certain weather conditions will affect the cranes safe operation. These include conditions such as:
i) Strong Winds.
ii) Heavy Rain.
iii) Blowing Sand.
iv) Thick Fog.
v) And other adverse weather conditions, particularly, ice and snow in colder climates.

The limitations on wind speed for testing a crane may be lower than the limitations for normal
operation and this must be established.
The crane must not be operated in wind speeds that are in excess of those specified in the
operating instructions for the crane.
Gusting wings conditions may have an additional adverse effect on the safe handling of the load
and the safety of the crane and must be taken into account when load testing.
Tests must never be undertaken when the crane or load cannot be easily seen because of fog or
blowing sand.

d) Test Weights.
In order for a load test to proceed in is important to use the correct weight of load, therefore, the
inspector must be sure that the test weights are of a known weight and he must ascertain that the
weights are correct.
Only test weights with a proven accuracy to within +/- 1% should be used.
Weights proven on a weigh-bridge should only be used if the weigh-bridge has been calibrated
within the last 12 months.
Weights such as water bags or concrete blocks can be suspended from a calibrated weighing
device (i.e. Load Cell or Dynamometer,) provided that the device has a certificate of calibration
dated within the last 12 months.
Work Instruction
Inspection and Testing an E.O.T Crane
Doc. No. 0940-LE-205 Rev.0 Offshore and Industrial Services

2. Procedure for Inspection And Testing Of Electrical Overhead Crane

2.1. Object :
The objective is to define the procedure for the thorough examination and load testing of Power
Driven Overhead travelling cranes.

2.2. Reference Standards

BS 466 - Power Driven Overhead Traveling Cranes

BS 7121 - Safe Use of Cranes
BS 3579 - Heavy Duty and Special Cranes

2.3. Intervals Of Overload Test

An overload test is to subject the crane to an applied load in excess of the intended Safe
Working Load (SWL). The overload factor is dependent on the design of the crane, its capacity
and certain statutory regulations as applicable. The Inspector has to determine this after referring
to the crane design data and the relevant specifications.
An Overhead Traveling Crane shall be subjected to overload test in the following cases:-
3.1 Before putting in use, immediately after installation.
3.2 Before putting in use, immediately after re-installation.
3.3 Before putting in use, after substantial alteration or repair
3.4 At a periodic interval, not exceeding 48 months.

2.4. Responsibilities
The Overload tests shall be carried out in accordance with these procedures and
under the direction and responsibility of Inspector. The Inspector shall have to be able to detect
the defects or weakness, that is the purpose of the examination and test and to assess their
importance in relation to the safety of the equipment at the time of inspection and for the
continued use.
Work Instruction
Inspection and Testing an E.O.T Crane
Doc. No. 0940-LE-205 Rev.0 Offshore and Industrial Services

2.5. Preparation for the Test

2.5.1 Determination of Test Load

The Inspector shall decide the appropriate Test load under reference to the crane manufacturer's
data and statutory regulations and shall normally but not necessarily be 1.25 x SWL.
The test load shall include the test weights, the slings and tackles used for securing the load. In
certain cases the weight of the bottom hook block may also be included, if and only if it is
recommended by the manufacturer.

2.5.2 Test Weights and Tackles.

Only certified and marked test weights must be used for the load test of the crane. The slings and
tackles to secure these weights, also must be of duly inspected and certified. The weights shall be
placed in a convenient and pre-ensured position with sufficient clearances all around for facilitating
the pick-up and travel motions.
Test weights may be of solid dead weights or water bag type, selected to suit the site conditions. In
case of water bags being used as the test weights, a calibrated load cell or a dynamometer must be
used in conjunction with it .

2.5.3 Position of Test Load

The load test should be carried out in an area having sufficient clearances and free of any
obstruction to allow the crane to be operated through out all its motions without endangering
personnel, plant and equipment underneath.
The area for load test must clearly be marked and fenced from the safety point of view.

2.5.4 Action Plan

The Inspector shall prepare an action plan describing the procedure for the No-load, Full-load
and Over-load tests to be carried out and the safety precautions to be taken prior to beginning of
the action and distribute to all concerned. This is for the purpose of keeping the concerned fully
aware of the action and act accordingly in time.
The examination will consist of four distinct stages, as described under. Examination of documentation by the manufacturer in compliance to the right Standard. Pre-test thorough examination (No- load test and function test)
Work Instruction
Inspection and Testing an E.O.T Crane
Doc. No. 0940-LE-205 Rev.0 Offshore and Industrial Services S W L test or full load test Overload test / Proof load test Post-test examination.

2.6. Pre-test Thorough Examination.

Before any load test is carried out the crane must be subjected to a thorough examination by the
inspector. All the critical components such as
2.6.1 Supporting steel works & foundations – Access to the crane, Main crane joints i.e. Main girder
to end-carriage joints, Rails, Rail clamps, Rail joints, straightness, Span at various points, End
stoppers & Buffers, etc.
2.6.2 Hoist mechanism (Motors, Gears, Couplings, Brakes, Wire ropes, Rope drums, Hook block,
Sheaves, Rope guides, Minimum turns on the drum, etc.)
2.6.3 Bridge and Crab Travel (Motors, Gears, Couplings, Brakes, Wheels, Shafts and Axles, etc)
2.6.4 Main power supply system, Electrical Isolators, installations, control panels, Catenery cables,
Audible operating signals, Cabin & controls and grounding / earthing, etc.

During these no-load test operations, all motions must be checked for its correctness and perfection for
the full length of both Crab and Bridge travel. In addition to this, all limit switches for the following
motions must be tested on no-load and ensured of its proper functioning.

a) Main Hook hoisting & lowering motions,

b) Aux. Hook hoisting & lowering motions,
c) Longitudinal (Bridge) Travel - forward & reverse motions
d) Cross (Crab) Travel to & from motions

Besides this, in case micro movements are provided for any of the motions, same also must be
checked as described.

2.7. SWL Test or Full Load Test

2.7.1 Safe Working Load (SWL) Test :
Check test weights are certified, of correct weight. Check the test area is fenced off, clear of
obstruction, unnecessary personnel and safe. Proceed as follows:
Work Instruction
Inspection and Testing an E.O.T Crane
Doc. No. 0940-LE-205 Rev.0 Offshore and Industrial Services Main Hoist :

i) The SWL should be raised to demonstrate full hoist control & limiting
ii) For this test the crane shall be rigged in accordance with the crane
specification including all ropes pulley blocks and hooks. Travel Motions :

i) The SWL should be traversed from one end of the bridge to the other and the full
length of the down-shop lead (Bus-bar system) to demonstrate all control and
limiting systems. Deflection Test :

i) A deflection test shall be carried out with the SWL at the central position on the
crane bridge to verify that the vertical deflection of the crane bridge does not
exceed 1/750 of the span, as per BS: 466.

2.8. Overload Test

2.8.1 The crane shall be tested such that each lifting unit, each crab and the crane as a whole are
subjected to 125% of the safe working load.
During the tests the crane motions shall be tested as follows:- Main Hoist :
i) The main hoist units drum shall be rotated through one revolution such that all
gear teeth are tested under overload conditions. Crab Motion :
i) The crab shall be traversed from one end of the bridge to the other. Long Motion :
i) The crane shall be moved sufficiently to ensure that each gear tooth of the long
travel motion is subjected to the overload condition.
ii) The test shall be carried out with the crab at each end of the traverse.
Work Instruction
Inspection and Testing an E.O.T Crane
Doc. No. 0940-LE-205 Rev.0 Offshore and Industrial Services

2.9 Post Test Examination :

On completion of the overload test the crane shall be examined by the competent person to
establish that all parts have satisfactorily withstood the test program without signs of strain or
damage. the examination will comprise :-
2.9.1 Check Crane bridge, hoist trolley, end carriages and supporting steel work for strain or damage.
2.9.2 Check main hoist drive unit for damage or distortion.
2.9.3 Check all sheaves are rotating correctly.
2.9.4 Check all wire ropes are correctly housed in their respective sheaves.
2.9.5 Check the wire ropes are correctly spooled on the hoist drum.
2.9.6 Check hooks for damage or distortion.
2.9.7 Check all brakes are functioning correctly.
2.9.8 Visually check all wire ropes for damage.
2.9.9 Ensure that any adjustments carried out to a load limiting device for the purpose of the test, are
returned to normal.

2.10. Certificate of Test and Thorough Examination

On conclusion of test and examination with satisfactory results, the inspector shall issue a
Certificate of Test and Thorough Examination’ of E O T Crane in the format attached.

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