SIP Annex 8 Root Cause Analysis

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ANNEX 8 Root Cause Analysis Overview


K to 6 IO1 Problem: During the current school year, there were five pupils who
were at risk of dropping out from Kinder to Grade 3.

Because of lack of interest of

pupils in attending school

Why do pupils Home-school

Why are pupils
lack partnership
at risk of
interest in attending to address pupils’ interests
dropping out?
school? and needs

Because of inappropriate strategies of parents in

sending the their children to school and unprepared
teachers to inspire children in school

Because of negative attitude of

children/parents towards basic education

Why do children/parents Community-school

Why are pupils
have negative attitude partnership
at risk of
dropping out? towards basic education?in the education of children.

Because of the unstable income and unfavorable

socio-economic background of families concerned
ANNEX 8 Root Cause Analysis Overview

K to 6_IO2 Problem: 1 out of 9 teachers produced localized instructional materials

Because of lack of technical knowhow/skills of

teachers and enough opportunity/time
allotment in completing such project

Setting of school
Why do teachers lack of technical priorities and focusing
Why only one teacher was able to on the goals for the
knowhow/skills of teachers and
produce localized instructional improvement of the
enough opportunity/time
material? achievement of all
allotment in completing such
project? learners

Because of overlapping school, district, and division

level co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
coinciding with the clerical and laborious work in the

K to 6_IO3 Problem: The school has a score of 28 out of 39 or 72% in the Child-
Friendly School Survey

Because of the large area of the school to

maintain and improve which cannot be
funded/supplied sufficiently by the current
school resources

Why does the school Prioritize projects

Why the school has a score of which must be funded
28 out of 39 or 72% in the unable to sufficiently
fund/supply the needs of and completed
Child-Friendly School
Survey? the school?

Because of the limited support from funding agencies

ANNEX 8 Root Cause Analysis Overview

K to 6_IO4 Problem: 33 out 282 or only 12% of pupils are active in joining co-
curricular and extra-curricular activities inside and outside the school

Because most of the activities were

contests/competitions such as sports, quiz
bees, skills competitions and the like so
contestants were chosen to represent the
school with limited financial resources

Why does the school Prioritize projects

Why only 12% of pupils is which must be funded
were active in joining co- unable to sufficiently
fund/supply the needs of and completed
curricular and extra-
curricular activities? the school?

Because of the limited support from funding agencies

K to 6_IO5 Problem: Based from the PhilIRI post-test results, there were 137
pupils in Grades 2 to 6 who fall under frustration level in
their corresponding grades in English.

Because of poor reading comprehension of

pupils in English

Reading program
Why are the reading Why is the through shared effort
level in English reading comprehension of all stakeholders to
of 137 pupils under skills of pupils poor? establish a reading
frustration? community

Because of poor vocabulary and low mastery of

basic reading skills
ANNEX 8 Root Cause Analysis Overview

K to 6_IO5 Problem:
The Average Level of Performance in
Classroom Reading Comprehension
Activities of Pupils is below 75%

Reading strategies and Reading materials do Reading habits are not Teachers are not
activities are not not meet curriculum reinforced outside the efficient and effective
engaging and facilitative standards classroom with pupils reading

Reading Insufficient Reading habits Limited

activities and instructional are not enhancement
strategies are materials for established at trainings of
not interesting to reading home/ in the teachers in
pupils community reading

Reading Reading Reading Lack of

activities are not materials are not homework is not professional
interactive within the done effectively development
interest of the activities for
pupils teachers

Language Reading materials Lack of school- Teaching

barrier issues are content home partnership reading methods
outdated/ not in the program for reading are not effective
context of the comprehension
learners development
ANNEX 8 Root Cause Analysis Overview

K to 6_IO6 Problem:

20 - 30% of the Pupils Repeatedly Display Behavior Problems in

School which hinders their full development

Limited varied activities Failure to consider Holistic Approaches in Teaching- Low Learners’
according to pupils’ interests Multiple Intelligences and Learning Strategies are not Motivation
Learning Styles. updated

Lack/limited Teachers’ Routinized

Insufficie Lack of time to activities
nt TV and prepare/ develop understandin Individual
LCD IMs g of MIs and differences/unresp
projectors. onsive-ness to
Lack of skills to No trainings Individual
attended on No/Limited
MOOE not prepare & develop trainings on new difference and
for TV/ICT generated MIs & LS learning styles
& current
Equipment lessons/activities effective trends.
exceeding Lack of
p15000 initiative to Uninteresting
Confinement to upgrade self mode of
traditional on MIs & LS Lack of
Difficulty methodologies monitoring.
of sourcing Inappropriat
out Number of e activities
donations. Teachers’ pupils per
Indifference on class
TV/ICT generated
teaching-learning Unpreparedn

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