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A Technical Seminar Report Submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the award of the degree of


Department of Computer Science and Engineering


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This is to certify that the project report entitled “TELEPORTATION”

submitted by valasingam mounika bearing H.T.No: 18N81A0586, Department of
Computer Science and Engineering in the partial fulfilment of the requirement for
the award of degree of Bachelor of Technology in CSE as a specialization in
SPHOORTHY ENGINEERING COLLEGE, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological
University Hyderabad is a record of bonafied work carried by them, under our
guidance and supervision from2021-2022

Mr. P. Ram Mohan Rao;

Dept. of CSE


The completion of this technical seminar work gives me an opportunity to

convey my gratitude to all those who have helped me to reach a stage where I have
the confidence to launch my career in the competitive world in the field of Electronics
and Communication Engineering

I express my sincere thanks to Dr. J. B. V SUBRAHMANYAM., Principal,

Sphoorthy Engineering College for providing all necessary facilities in completing
my report.

I express my deep sense gratitude to P. Ram Mohan Rao, Head of the

Department of COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, who encouraged
me to select the topic and setting deadlines for completing the technical report well
ahead of time.

I take the opportunity to express my gratitude to the Management, Teaching

and Non Teaching Staff of Sphoorthy Engineering College for their kind co-operation
during the period of my study.

Finally, I would like to thank my parents and my friends for their continuous
encouragement and support during entire course of this Technical Seminar.



1. ABSTRACT.............................................................................................0

2. HISTORY...............................................................................................1

3. TELEPORTATION....................................................................................2

4. PROCEDURE................................................................................................3

5. PRINCIPLES OF TELEPORTATION...................................................4-7

6. QUANTUM TELEPORTATION.............................................................8-9


8. HUMAN TELEPORTATION......................................................................11

9. QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY.................................................................11

10.ADVANTAGES ......................................................................................12


12. APPLICATIONS....................................................................................13


Teleportation is the name given by science fiction writers to the feat of making
an object or a person disintegrate in one place while a perfect replica appears
somewhere else. A teleportation machine would be like fax machine except
that it would work on three dimensional objects as well as documents, it would
produce an exact copy rather than an approximate facsimile, and it would
destroy the original in the process of scanning.

uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics, which forbids any measuring or

scanning process from extracting all the information in an atom or other object.
Scientists found a way to make and end-run around this logic, using a
celebrated and paradoxical feature of quantum mechanics known as the
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen effect. The future is promising that we can even
teleport man.

Teleportation involves dematerializing an object at one point, and sending the

details of that object's precise atomic configuration to another location, where it
will be reconstructed. What this means is that time and space could be
eliminated from travel - we could be transported to any location instantly,
without actually crossing a physical distance.

Most of us were introduced to the idea of teleportation, and other futuristic

technologies, by the short-lived star Trek television series (1966-69) based on
tales written by Gene Roddenberry. In 1993, the idea of teleportation moved
out of the realm of science fiction and into the world of theoretical possibility.
It was then that physicist Charles Bennett and a team of researchers at IBM
confirmed that quantum teleportation was possible, but only if the original
object being teleported was destroyed.

Teleportation was not taken seriously by scientists, because it was thought to violate th

In 1993 an international group of six scientists Richard Jozsa, Willian K.

Wpploters, Gilles Brassard, Claude Crepeau, Asher Peres and IBM Fellow
Charles H. Bennett, confirmed the intuitions of the majority of science fiction
writers by showing that perfect teleportation is indeed possible in principle, but
only if the original is destroyed.

This revelation, first announced by Bennett at an annual meeting of the American

Physical Society in March 1993, was followed by a report on his findings in the
March 29, 1993 issue of Physical Review Letters. Since that time, experiments
using photons have proven that quantum teleportation is in fact possible.
 In 1998, physicists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), along with
two European groups, turned the IBM ideas into reality by successfully teleporting
a photon, a particle of energy that carries light. The Caltech group was able to
read the atomic structure of a photon, send this information across 3.28 feet (about
1 meter) of coaxial cable and create a replica of the photon. As predicted, the
original photon no longer existed once the replica was made.

In subsequent years, other scientists have demonstrated teleportation

experimentally in a variety of systems, including single photons, coherent light
fields, nuclear spins, and trapped ions. 

In 1998, physicist at California Institute of Technology (CALTECH) transported a

photon, a particle of energy that carries light, across 3.28 feet(1 meter) of coaxial

In 2002, researchers at the Australian National University successfully teleported

a laser beam.

The most recent successful teleportation experiment took place on October 4,

2006 at the Neil's Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark. Dr. Eugene Polzik and
his team teleported information stored in a laser beam into a cloud of atoms

in 2010, the team of researchers at the University of Science and Technology of

China in Shanghai, successfully teleported a photon over 16km. Now that same
team has released new findings, in which they claim to have teleported photons


Teleportation is the transfer of matter from one point to another, more or less
instantaneously. It is a recent phenomenon developed in the 1990’s. It is the 21st
century alternative to travel

The word teleportation was coined in 1931 by American writer Charles Fort to
describe the strange disappearances and appearances of anomalies, which he
suggested may be connected. He joined the Greek prefix tele- (meaning "distant")
to the Latin verb portare (meaning "to carry"). Fort's first formal use of the word
was in the second chapter of his 1931 book, Lo! "Mostly in this book I shall
specialize upon indications that there exists a transportry force that I shall
call Teleportation."

Teleportation is the process of moving from one place to another without
travelling through the intervening space.
Teleportation involves dematerializing an object at one point, and sending the
details of that object's precise atomic configuration to another location, where it
will be reconstructed. What this means is that time and space could be eliminated
from travel -- we could be transported to any location instantly, without actually
crossing a physical distance.


The general idea behind the process of teleportation seems to be that the original
object is scanned in such a way as to extract all the information from it, then this
information is transmitted to the receiving location and used to construct the
replica, not necessarily from the actual material of the original, but perhaps from
atoms of the same kinds, arranged in exactly the same pattern as the original.
The steps are

Firstly, the object is completely scanned to extract all the information about it. For
example, this may mean that some device scans a space explorer on board her
spaceship to find out what she's like. This includes finding her height, her mass,
the colour of her hair, what sort of shoes she is wearing etc..

As it’s difficult to send the whole information simultaneously thus after the
extraction of data at the sending station the object is disassembled to send the bit
by bit information about the object to the receiving end. It means nextly the
machine "disassembles" the space explorer and sends or "beams" all the things
that she's made up of to some uncharted planet nearby. These include, for
example, all the atoms in her body. The machine also sends a message to the
planet containing everything that it found out about her.

Finally, after collecting all the data sent, at the receiving station the object is again
reassembled to get the exact replica of the object sent i.e. we resemble the space
explorer on the nearby planet using all the things she's made up of and the
message. Teleportation is now complete.


Teleportation involves dematerializing an object at one point, and sending the

details of that object's precise atomic configuration to another location, where it
will be reconstructed. What this means is that time and space could be eliminated
from travel -- we could be transported to any location instantly, without actually
crossing a physical distance.
In performing the experiment, the Caltech group was able to get around the two

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, the main barrier for teleportation of objects

larger than a photon.
Entanglement, the basis of teleportation

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

·    Statement
This principle states that it’s impossible to determine both the location and speed
of an object simultaneously. Measurement of one value changes the others value.

·     Limitation
 According to the uncertainty principle, the more accurately an object is scanned,
the more it is disturbed by the scanning process, until one reaches a point where
the object's original state has been completely disrupted, still without having
extracted enough information to make a perfect replica. This sounds like a solid
argument against teleportation: if one cannot extract enough information from an
object to make a perfect copy, it would seem that a perfect copy cannot be made.
In order to teleport a photon without violating the Heisenberg Principle, the
Caltech physicists used a phenomenon known as entanglement.

It solves the difficulty of measuring that we encountered in Heisenberg
Uncertainty principle. Two particles are said to be entangled when they come in
contact. Measurement of one of the entangled sub-system puts the other sub-
system in the corresponding state.

·    What is Entanglement??
Entanglement is a term used in quantum theory to describe the way that particles
of energy/matter can become correlated to predictably interact with each other
regardless of how far apart they are.
Particles, such as photons, electrons, or qubits that have interacted with each other
retain a type of connection and can be entangled with each other in pairs, in the
process known as correlation. Knowing the spin state of one entangled particle -
whether the direction of the spin is up or down - allows one to know that the spin
of its mate is in the opposite direction. Even more amazing is the knowledge that,
due to the phenomenon of superposition, the measured particle has no single spin
direction before being measured, but is simultaneously in both a spin-up and spin-
down state. The spin state of the particle being measured is decided at the time of
measurement and communicated to the correlated particle, which simultaneously
assumes the opposite spin direction to that of the measured particle.

·    Principle
·    Two photon  E1,K ,and a beam splitters are required
·    We direct one of the entangled photons, say E1, to the beam splitter.
·    Meanwhile, we prepare another photon with a polarization of 45 degree, and direct
it to the same beam splitter from the other side, as shown.

·    This is the photon whose properties will be transported; we label it K. We time it
so   that both E1 and K reach the beam splitter at the same time.                      
 The E1 photon incident from above will be reflected by the beam splitter some of
the time and will be transmitted some of the time. Similarly for the K photon that
is incident from below. So sometimes both photons will end up going up and to
the right as shown.

  Similarly, sometimes both photons will end up going down and to the right.

 However, in the case of one photon going upwards and the other going
downwards, we cannot tell which is which. Perhaps both photons were reflected
by the beam splitter, but perhaps both were transmitted.
   This means that the two photons have become entangled.

    How Entanglement is performed??

In entanglement, at least three photons are needed to achieve quantum

·     Photon A: The photon to be teleported
·     Photon B: The transporting photon
·     Photon C: The photon that is entangled with photon B

If researchers tried to look too closely at photon A without entanglement, they

would bump it, and thereby change it. By entangling photons B and C, researchers
can extract some information about photon A, and the remaining information
would be passed on to B by way of entanglement, and then on to photon C. When
researchers apply the information from photon A to photon C, they can create an
exact replica of photon A. However, photon A no longer exists as it did before the
information was sent to photon C.

Quantum entanglement allows qubits that are separated by incredible distances to

interact with each other immediately, in a communication that is not limited to the
speed of light. No matter how great the distance between the correlated particles,
they will remain entangled as long as they are isolated.
Entanglement is a real phenomenon (Einstein called it "spooky action at a
distance"), which has been demonstrated repeatedly through experimentation.
Much current research is focusing on how to harness the potential of entanglement
in developing systems for quantum cryptography, quantum computing and


·     Introduction
Quantum teleportation has achieved a new milestone or, should we say, a new ten-
milestone: scientists have recently had success teleporting information between
photons over a free space distance of nearly ten miles, an unprecedented length.
The researchers who have accomplished this feat note that this brings us closer to
communicating information without needing a traditional signal, and that the ten
miles they have reached could span the distance between the surface of the earth
and space.

·     Definition

Quantum teleportation, or entanglement-assisted teleportation, is a technique

used to transfer quantum information from one quantum system to another
It does not transport the system itself, nor does it allow communication of
information at superluminal (faster than light) speed. Neither does it concern
rearranging the particles of a macroscopic object to copy the form of another
object. Its distinguishing feature is that it can transmit the information present in a
quantum superposition, useful for quantum communication and computation.

·     Procedure
Stated more precisely, quantum teleportation is a quantum protocol by which a
qubit a (the basic unit of quantum information) can be transmitted exactly (in
principle) from one location to another. The prerequisites are a conventional
communication channel capable of transmitting two classical bits , and an
entangled Bell pair  of qubits, with b at the origin and c at the destination. 

Quantum teleportation involves entangling two things, like photons or ions, so

their states are dependent on one another and each can be affected by the
measurement of the other's state.
When one of the items is sent a distance away, entanglement ensures that
changing the state of one causes the other to change as well, allowing the
teleportation of quantum information, if not matter. However, the distance
particles can be from each other has been limited so far to a number of meters.
Teleportation over distances of a few hundred meters has previously only been
accomplished with the photons traveling in fiber channels to help preserve their
state. The two photons are entangled using both spatial and polarization modes
and sent the one with higher energy through a ten-mile-long free space channel. It
was found that the distant photon was still able to respond to changes in state of
the photon they held onto even at this unprecedented distance.

Quantum teleportation across the Danube River
In 2004, a quantum teleportation experiment was conducted across the Danube
River in Vienna, a total of 600 meters. An 800-meter-long optical fiber wire was
installed in a public sewer system underneath the Danube River, and it was
exposed to temperature changes and other environmental influences. Alice must
perform a joint Bell state measurement (BSM) on photon b, the input photon, and
photon c, her part of the entangled photon pair (photons c and d). Photon d, Bob's
receiver photon, will contain all of the information on the input photon b, except
for a phase rotation that depends on the state that Alice observed. This experiment
implemented an active feed-forward system that sends Alice's measurement
results via a classical microwave channel with a fast electro-optical modulator in
order to exactly replicate Alice's input photon. The teleportation fidelity obtained
from the linear polarization state at 45° varied between 0.84 and 0.90, which is
well above the classical fidelity limit of 0.66.

Generalizations of the teleportation protocol
The basic teleportation protocol for a qubit described above has been generalized
in several directions, in particular regarding the dimension of the system
teleported and the number of parties involved (either as sender, controller, or

d-dimensional systems
A generalization to -level systems (so-called qudits) is straight forward and was
already discussed in the original paper by Bennett et al. the maximally entangled
state of two qubits has to be replaced by a maximally entangled state of two qudits
and the Bell measurement by a measurement defined by a maximally entangled
orthonormal basis. All possible such generalizations were discussed by Werner in
2001. The generalization to infinite-dimensional so-called continuous-variable
systems was proposed in and led to the first teleportation experiment that worked

Multipartite versions
The use of multipartite entangled states instead of a bipartite maximally entangled
state allows for several new features: either the sender can teleport information to
several receivers either sending the same state to all of them (which allows to
reduce the amount of entanglement needed for the process) or teleporting
multipartite states or sending a single state in such a way that the receiving parties
need to cooperate to extract the information. A different way of viewing the latter
setting is that some of the parties can control whether the others can teleport.


We, human are made up of approximately 10 ^ 28 atoms.

For a person to be transported, a machine would have to be built that can

pinpoint and analyze all of the 10 ^ 28 atoms that make up the human body.

This machine would then have to send this information to another location,
where the person’s body would be reconstructed with exact precision.

Molecules couldn’t be even a millimeter out of place, lest the person arrived
with some severe neurological or physiological defect.

In science fiction movies a machine called a transporter performs teleportation.

The transporter is basically a platform that the characters stood on, while
switches are adjusted on the control boards.

The transporter machine then locked onto each atom of each person on the
platform, and used a transporter carrier wave to transmit those e-molecules to
wherever the object wanted to go.

Viewers see the body dissolving into a shiny glitter (energy) before
disappearing and then rematerializing instantly on some distant place.


Teleportation technologies are being applied to quantum cryptography, a

communications procedure so secure that any attempt at interception of an
encrypted code by an eavesdropper would result in a message's immediate


Vast implications for the future of national security and international intelligence.

Teleportation allows a more natural form of conversation as compared to video

conferencing. People achieve a sense of presence that cannot be gained from any
other technology.

It can save our organization’s time and money and enhance our internal and
external communication network.

It would reduce environment degradation i.e. pollution, global warming etc.

It would help in sustainable development of the mankind.


Teleportation when not done properly can cause medical issues.

As the teleportation include sending of atom one after another , misplacement of

single atom can cause psychological problems


Human and object teleportation: It would help us to teleport human as well as

associated objects instantly without crossing physical distance.

Quantum computer: Computer that has data transmission rates many times
faster than todays most powerful computers.

Suspended animation: By creating a copy many years after the information was

Backup copies: To create a copy of recently stored information if the original

being involved in a mishap.

Super-dense coding: In this two quantum bits can be transmitted for the price of


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