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Purpose of the Module
Communication is an essential and powerful tool for us to deal with
people and express what we need to convey. It is our avenue in all our
undertakings; be it in commerce, relationships, work, or in whatever craft we
are into. Most often, miscommunication is the root cause of misconception,
thus ruining business transactions, relationships, projects mishaps, and work
adversities. This module will bridge the gap in communication process and
help you connect with the society and understand the people better and how
you should address the barriers especially in this globalized world where we
associate ourselves with people having different cultures.
Communicating effectively, will surely yield healthy linkages.
Expressing ourselves and interacting with a purpose help us get across our
ideas and share whatever we have in mind to the receiver of the message and
get the desired feedback we want. When we know how to communicate
effectively, we’re able to gain valuable friends, establish connections,
strengthen affiliations, and able to succeed in communicating effectively, most
especially in our field of work. Sometimes, we have plenty of ideas in mind
yet we lack the ability how to express them properly. That is why we have to
learn the craft of communicating effectively. Being acquainted with the
suitable approaches in dealing with the society brings us to a peaceful and
productive endeavors. Effective communication is our avenue for personal
growth and development as well as our key to success.


Purposive Communication is a 3-unit course that develop students’
communicative competence and enhances their cultural and inter cultural
awareness through multi-modal tasks that provide them opportunities for
communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a
local or global context. It equips students with tools for critical evaluation of a
variety of texts and focuses on the power of language and the impact of
images to emphasize the importance of conveying messages responsibly. The
knowledge, skills, and insights that students gain from this course maybe used
in their other academic endeavors, their chosen disciplines, and their future
careers as they compose and produce relevant oral, written, audio-visual
and/or web- based output for various purposes.

This module is comprised of two chapters subdivided into five lessons:
Chapter 1 The Human Communication Process in Context

Chapter 2 Communication for Various Purpose


Module Guide

This module in Purposive Communication is self-directed and

you have to go through this on your own. This is considered as an
alternative strategy of learning in lieu of face-to-face instruction in this
time of pandemic. This will aid you in learning the lessons in this
subject through the compounded discussion for each lesson. Examples
are given together with templates for you to come up with the desired
activities and outputs expected from you. Materials and gadgets like art
materials, laptop, android cellular phones, video recorder, and WIFI
connectivity are very much needed in carrying out the tasks. Practice
exercises, links to enhance learning process, and activities through
tasks with corresponding rubrics are also provided.
You will start with a pre-assessment to determine if you have
prior knowledge of the subject. Likewise, post-assessment will be
given at the end of the course to assess and determine your
understanding of the content covered. In the learning plan, the
framework of the 2Es2As will be used: Explore, Engage, Analyze, and
Apply. The detail of the module guide is provided in the table.
However, interventions may also come in, depending on the
track of outputs submitted. If there is a need for changes or
remediation, instructions will be posted in the class fb page or in the
class group chat that will be created. Deadlines will also be set to
ensure the smooth flow of recording and grading which will avoid
future complications.

Explore This is the introductory activity. It will help you become
familiar with the topic by testing, experimenting, or
Engage This is the part wherein you will put yourself into
something to activate and conceptualize ideas.
Analyze Questions will be presented in this phase and you will
process and classify what is valid and not. This part
addresses the lesson’s effectiveness – to what extent did you
understand and learn the lesson.

Apply This is the phase where problem situations, scenarios and

questions will be presented to bring you to a more practical
way of using HOW you are going to use what you have
learned and think of new ways on how it can be improve

Time Frame

Week Task Date of Submission

1 Familiarize the University mission,
vision, course module and its

Make a timeline of your activities

and list of things to prepare and to
do in this course module.
2 Chapter1: Lesson 1 ; tasks under Week 1
engage, explore, and analyze
3 task under Week 2
4 Lesson 2 : tasks under Week3
engage, explore, and analyze
5 task 1 & 2 Week 4
under apply
6 Lesson 3: : tasks under Week 5
7 Chapter2: Lesson 1; tasks under Week 6
8 Lesson 2 tasks under Week 7
engage, explore, and analyze
9 Task under Week 8

Course Outcomes: At the end of the term, students are expected to
1. Convey ideas through oral, audio-visual, and or web-based
presentations for different target audiences
2. Develop international communication business skills and
communication materials across workplace situations and

Module Requirements

For this course, you are expected to read and understand the
content of the module ad answer all the Pre-Assessment and
Post Assessment, activities, and assigned tasks provided in each
lesson. As part of the midterm evaluation, you are required to
submit the identified course outcome. Midterm exam will also
be given to assess the level of your understanding of the lessons
in this course.


Directions: Read the statements/questions carefully. Write the letter of

the correct answer on the space before the number.

1. In the process of communication, in what element does barrier

a. channel
b. Feedback
c. Sender
d. Any element

2. Why do you think message relays mostly fail?

a. The message is confusing.
b. Some players are not attentive.
c. They have different understanding.
d. All of the above

3. What principle of communication is being referred to when you

avoid using lengthy expressions and words that may confuse the
a. Creativity
b. Conciseness
c. Clarity
d. Concreteness

4. Why is it important to be ethical in communicating?

a. To be appreciated by many
b. To avoid being bashed
c. To communicate without harm
d. To gain more friends

5. If you wish to post in your social media account using quotations,

is it just okay not to credit the author?
a. Yes, because it is a public post anyway.
b. Yes, it is my account anyway.
c. No, you have to give credits, because you only borrowed it.
d. No, people won’t notice it.

6. Which of the following do you think is not an impact of

a. Globalization has improved communication.
b. It connected people of diverse orientations.
c. It encouraged recognition of difference.
d. It made people self-centered.

7. This technical component in making visuals and multimedia refers
to the distribution of perceived visual weights that offset one
a. Balance and harmony
b. Pattern
c. Proportion
d. Emphasis

8. In delivering a message, he following are essential considerations

geared towards the audience except:
a. Profession.
b. Education
c. Interest
d. Appearance

9. Multimedia presentations, is it okay to add many transitions and

a. Yes, because it will add interest.
b. Yes, because all the people love varied transitions.
c. No, because overdoing it will make it distracting.
d. No, because animations should be limited to two only

10. Do you think communication process occurred when there is no

a. Yes, because I was able to send my message
b. Yes, because the receiver has received the message.
c. No, because the receiver did not react.
d. No, because the receiver understands.

11. What kind of speech do you think is a make-up tutorial?
a. Informative speech
b. Persuasive speech
c. Demonstrative speech
d. Entertainment speech

12. What kind of speech is it when a sales agent at the supermarket

makes sure the product gets the consumer buying?
a. Informative speech
b. Persuasive speech
c. Demonstrative speech
d. Entertainment speech

13. How will you persuade your friend to follow your piece of advice?
a. Your supporting material to justify your thought.
b. Give examples.
c. Model it.
d. Be confident and competent in expressing.

14. What type of evidence will you use if you are reasoning out by
sharing some experiences?
a. Logical
b. Emotional
c. Personal
d. Both a & b

15. What type of evidence is being used in this line?

“Hey, I’m only eighteen. My heart and lungs are in great shape. I
don’t need aerobics: that’s for old people, and I’m nowhere near
thirty yet.”
e. Logical
f. Emotional
g. Personal
h. Both a & b

16. This type of speech delivery does not give you time to prepare your
a. Manuscript
b. Impromptu
c. Memorized
d. Extemporaneous

17. Which of the following modes of delivery is the safest in terms of

not losing track of ideas while delivering the message?
a. Manuscript
b. Impromptu
c. Memorized
d. Extemporaneous

18. In what part of the essay will you establish the core topic or the
a. Introduction
b. Body
c. Conclusion
d. Title

19. This part of the essay expresses a call-to-action

a. Introduction
b. Body
c. Conclusion
d. Title

20. This is where you put together all the supporting points you want to
express in your essay.
a. Introduction
b. Body
c. Conclusion
d. Title


Communication A process by which information is

exchanged between individuals
through a common system of symbols,
signs or behavior.

Ethics A set of moral principles

Principle The laws or facts of nature underlying

the working of a rule of conduct.

Plagiarism An act of copying one’s idea without

giving credits.

Globalization The increased integration of people

throughout the world marked by free
trade, free flow of capital, and the
tapping of cheaper foreign labor
markets aided by technology.

Multimedia A technique (such as combining of

sounds, video, and text) for expressing
ideas (as in communication,
entertainment, or art) in which several
media are employed.

Speech The communication or expression of

thoughts in spoken words.

Essay It refers to the literary composition

usually dealing with its subject from a
limited or personal point of view.






There are instances in our lives that we end up being misunderstood. No
matter how good our intention is, times could not be shunned, when we fail to
communicate, thus bringing off dilemmas in communication. In this Lesson,
you will learn the nature of communication; its processes; its elements;
principle; and the various context in which communication difficulties occur.

 defined as “the process of sending and receiving messages”
(Satterwhite & Olson-Sutton,2007)
 “Communication is the process of using verbal and non-verbal
messages to generate meaning within and across various
contexts, cultures, and channels.” (Engelberg & Wynn,2008)
 Communication is the transactional process by which people,
context, negotiate the meanings of verbal and non-verbal
symbols in order to achieve shared understanding.” (Hamilton
& Creel, 2011
 “Communication is the process of transferring information and
meaning between senders and receivers, using one or more
written, oral, visual, or electronic media.” ( Bovee & Thill,
1. Source
The sender may be anyone: an author of a book, a public speaker in a
special occasion, or anyone initiating communication.
2. Message
It contains the information, thoughts, and feelings that a communicator
expresses. They could mean poems, songs, essays, news article, road
signs, and even symbols.
3. Channel/medium
It is the means by which the message is conveyed like a phone call or a
4. Feedback
It is a receiver’s response to the sent message.

5. Context
It refers to the circumstances-situation, condition, environment-where
communication occurs.
6. Interference
It is also known as barrier or block that prevents effective communication
to take place.
7. Frame of reference
Communicators bring into their interactions their own value system or
culture, preferences, world views, self-concept, expectations, and

Suggested links:
Read and watch the following articles in the specified website.
 See:
The Recipe for Great Communication
 See:
The Communication Process


Michael Osborn (2009) claims that communication must meet certain

standards for effective communication to take place.
 Clarity makes speeches understandable. Fuzzy language is
absolutely forbidden, as are jargons, cliché expressions,
euphemism, and doublespeak language.
 Concreteness reduces misunderstandings. Messages must be
supported by facts such as research data, statistics or figures.
Abstract words must be avoided.
 Courtesy involves being polite in terms of approach and manner in
addressing an individual.
 Correctness refers to avoidance of glaring mistakes in grammar.
Misuse of language can damage your credibility.
 Consideration must be geared towards the audience. The sender of
a message must consider the recipient’s profession, level of
education, race, ethnicity, hobbies, interests, passions, advocacies,
and age when drafting, or delivering a message.
 Creativity means having the ability to craft interesting messages in
terms of sentence structure and word choice.
 Conciseness means simplicity and directness. Avoid using lengthy
expressions and words that may confuse the recipients.

Directions: Read the mini-

EXPLORE dialogue in making a purchase

and find out if the
conversation went well.

May: How much is this?

Sales clerk: Which one, the apples or the mangoes?
May: The mangoes.
Sales Clerk: oh, that’s P100 per kilo. They’re sweet. Last week it costs
May: Are there still a lot of these?
Sales Clerk: Yes, there are still several of them.
May: May I check them please before I decide?
Sales Clerk: Yes sure. They’re over here. Just take your time.

ENGA Directions: Reread the dialogue and

discover the flow of the conversation
through the following questions:

GE 1. Is there a barrier?
2. If there is, how was it addressed?
3. Identify the parts in the dialogue according to its elements and discuss
the process.


ANALY Directions: Recall a scenario

which happened in your
classroom where
communication breakdown

What should have been done to overcome the barriers? Explain.


Present a mini-
dialogue on a
scenario demonstrating how to communicate
properly with any of the following: a parent,
stranger, foreigner, lover, a child, a professor,
or a student.


 Style of presentation 30pts

 Facial expressions and gestures 25pts
 Diction and enunciation 15pts
 Use of communication principles 30pts

Let’s Try This!
Directions: Read and answer the following questions carefully.
Write the letter of the correct answer on the space before the

1. He initiates the communication process.

a. sender c. medium
b. message d. feedback
2. Answering a query is what element of communication?
a. sender c. medium
b. message d. feedback
3. Using a voice mail is what element of communication?
a. sender c. medium
b. message d. feedback
4. What element is it in communication when you respond to a
a. sender c. medium
b. message d. feedback
5. If there is so much noise and you can’t clearly get the message,
what element is present in communication?
a. channel c. receiver
b. context d. barrier

6. In the process of communication, in what element does barrier

a. Channel c. sender
b. Feedback d. any element

7. Why do you think communication breakdown occurs?
a. The message is not clear.
b. Receivers are not attentive.
c. We interpret differently
d. All of the above

8. What principle of communication is being referred to when

you avoid using lengthy expressions and words that may
confuse the readers?

a. Creativity
b. Conciseness
c. Clarity
d. Concreteness

9. What principle you need to have in communication when deal

with people’s hobbies, religion, and profession?
a. Consideration
b. Creativity
c. Conciseness
d. Cultural sensitivity

10. In effective communication like in the classroom setting, is it

okay to always group yourselves according to lifestyle and
a. Yes, we need to feel at ease with my groupmates.
b. Yes, things are better done with minds alike.
c. No, because we have to consider diverse cultures.
d. No, because we have to enjoy each other’s company.

Answer the following questions:
1. How much did you know about the topics before we started? What
have you learned after this lesson?

2. How can you apply what you have learned to your current life as a
student and to your future dream career?

3. What other things related to the lesson you might want more help
with? Why?

Lesson 2
Communication is the expression of our thoughts and feelings
which could be verbal or non-verbal. The message we want to
convey may vary depending on the expression of the face or our
gestures, and even our tone. This Lesson will discuss the ethical
standards in communication, its characteristics, and dilemmas.
This lesson will also discuss the impacts of globalization to


A few of the characteristics of ethical communication include:
1. all relevant information;
2. truthfulness;
3. accuracy and sincerity;
4. fairness.



 Plagiarism. The act of claiming one’s work and

claiming it your own.
 Selective misquoting. The repetition of something
someone has said in a way that is not accurate.
 Misrepresenting numbers. This is the unethical
manipulation of data by increasing, decreasing, altering
statistics, or omitting data.
 Distorting visuals. Visuals are distorted by making
them appear smaller/bigger to deceive clients.

o Globalization has improved communication between and
among different cultures.
o Due to globalization, people around the world are connected
physically and electronically.
o Globalization encourages people to recognize and value
differences in a global community.

o It is essential to enhance intercultural awareness and

Suggested links:
About Ethical Communication in Business
Ethics in Organizational Communication
Communication and Globalization

EXPLORE Directions: How do you get to

communicate effectively across cultures? Indicate whether you
agree or disagree with each of the following statements:

1. I am interested in interacting with people who are both like me and

different from me.
2. I am sensitive to the concerns of all minority and majority groups in
our multicultural society.
3. I can sense when persons from other cultures seem not to understand
me or get confused by my actions.
4. I have no fear communicating from both minor and major cultural
5. People from other cultures may get angry with my cultural affiliates.
6. I deal with conflicts with people from other cultures depending on
the situation and their cultural background.
7. My culture is inferior to other cultures.
8. I can manage my behavior when dealing with people of different
9. I show respect to the diverse communication practices of other

Directions: Virtually interview a

ENGA person who has experienced working

abroad. Ask him/her at least 5
unacceptable speaking behaviors he
/she has observed from them.

How did the person overcome those behaviors?







Directions: A. Compare and contrast local

ANALY from global communication through a Venn


Directions: Decide on the following situations:

1. Suppose you were the one who experienced being maltreated while
working abroad, how would you address the dilemma?
2. You saw a classmate oy yours who took a copy of the midterm test
paper in your English subject without the knowledge of your
teacher. Should you report your classmate to your teacher? Why


APPLY Make a caricature on the impact of

communication in the society and the
world guided by the following criteria:

 Clarity of the message conveyed 30pts

 Ethical considerations 50pts
 Creativity 20pts

Let’s Try This!
Directions: Read and answer the following questions carefully. Write the
letter of the correct answer on the space before the number.
1. You have heard from a classmate of yours that your seatmate cheated
during the exam. Should you report her to your teacher?
a. Yes, I should tell my teacher about it because it’s unfair.
b. Yes, I should tell my teacher about it because she deserves the
c. No, I have not personally seen her cheating, so it might not be true.
d. No, I don’t want her to be punished.

2. Why should you cite sources when “copying and pasting” passages?
a. To avoid plagiarism
b. To make it sound convincing.
c. To satisfy the readers.
d. To influence the readers

3. Why is it important to be ethical in communicating?

a. To be appreciated by many
b. To avoid being bashed
c. To communicate without harm
d. To gain more friends

4. If you wish to post in your social media account using quotations, is it

just okay not to credit the author?
a. Yes, because it is a public post anyway.
b. Yes, it is my account anyway.
c. No, you have to give credits, because you only borrowed it.
d. No, people won’t notice it.

5. Which of the following do you think is not an impact of Globalization?

a. Globalization has improved communication.
b. It connected people of diverse orientations.
c. It encouraged recognition of difference.
d. It made people self-centered.

Answer the following questions:
1. How much did you know about the topics before we started? What
have you learned after this lesson?

2. How can you apply what you have learned to your current life as a
student and to your future dream career?

3. What other things related to the lesson you might want more help
with? Why?

Along with communication is the technology. These two
nowadays are inseparable. With the advent of technology, people became
visually oriented. Wherever we go, and in whatever we do, we mostly
communicate with the aid of technology. It made communication easy. That is
why, being in the 21st Century where technology is the fad, people expect us to
be literate in communicating visually with the use of multimedia.


Visual literacy is the ability to read an image; to see, to understand, and
ultimately to think, create and communicate visual information. Here are the
1. Visual component. This refers to the line, shape, form, color, value,
texture, and space.
2. Principles. Design principles are used to organize the basic elements
of visual texts into pleasing and interesting images.
3. Balance and harmony. This refers to the sense of distribution of
perceived visual weights that offset one another.
4. Pattern. It is a combination of elements or shapes repeated in a
predictable, recurring, and regular arrangement.
5. Proportion. It refers to the size of objects in relation to other objects in
the image.
6. Emphasis. This draws attention to a focal point usually done by
contrasting shapes or colors.
7. Movement. This refers to changes in direction, darkness or lightness,
or connecting or overlapping shapes to imply movement.
8. Rhythm. This is created when an element is repeated over and over
again like many lines, or shapes or colors.
9. Unity. It refers to the relationship among the elements of an image that
helps them function together.
10. Perspective. It is otherwise known as point of view.

In preparing multimedia presentations for various communication

purposes, it is important to consider the following:

 Characteristics
1.visually –oriented (displayed on a monitor or projected onto a
2. uses different modalities like text, graphics, photographs, audio,
animation, and video
3. can be printed and uploaded

 Steps in Making Effective Multimedia Presentations
1. Know the purpose
2. Know the audience
3. Gather information
4. Use a variety of resources
5. Cite sources
6. Organize the information
7. Check technical issues
8. Be creative

Watch a powder detergent soap
advertisement featuring Regine
Velasquez on any of the
Philippine TV Channel you
have at home and list 5
observations that struck you

5 Most Striking Observations:


Directions: Describe what they do in the

a. What is its purpose?

b. How is the message conveyed? What strategies were used in the

c. Who is the target audience of the message?


Examine the advertisement.


a. Is it informative or persuasive? Explain.

b. If you were to decide, do you have a better way in presenting the

message? How?

Directions: Make an info-advocacy

campaign related to your course which will
be posted in your social media accounts. Be
sure to indicate all the necessary details or
information the audience needs to know.

Visual-technical aspects (Do they create a beautiful/ 15pts
Intelligible visual display?
Context (is the condition established? 10pts

Does it have a background information as basis?)
Multimodal choice(use of sounds,graphical material, 15pts
images and print)
Content and purpose 10pts
(Does it convey the gist/idea of the piece clearly?

Suggested links:
Welcome intercultural communication
Best Social Advertising Campaigns- STOP & THINK

Let’s Try This!

1. In making your power point presentation, what is the ideal number of
lines in each slide?
a. 7
b. 8
c. 9
d. 10
2. How many font styles are recommended in making visual
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
3. Is it okay to fill in the remaining space with any cartoon that you
would like to use?
a. Yes, filling it in would balance the space.
b. Yes, filling it in would make it more attractive.
c. No, we should only put caricatures or graphics related to the topic.
d. No, it doesn’t matter at all.
4. This technical component in making visuals and multimedia refers to
the distribution of perceived visual weights that offset one another.
a. balance and harmony
b. pattern
c. proportion
d. emphasis
5. In making multimedia presentations, is it okay to add many transitions
and animations?
a. Yes, because it will add interest.

b. Yes, because all the people love varied transitions.
c. No, because overdoing it will make it distracting.
d. No, because animations should be limited to two only

Answer the following questions:
1. How much did you know about the topics before we started? What
have you learned after this lesson?

2. How can you apply what you have learned to your current life as a
student and to your future dream career?

3. What other things related to the lesson you might want more help
with? Why?

Chapter 2


People communicate in various reasons and ways. Whatever is

the purpose, we
must know its types and how to deliver them with the
appropriate structure as well
as the gestures which are the most fitting to express ourselves.

What is Speech?
Speech is the process to directly connect and interact with a large number of
audience in order to transmit a message. It is defined as the sounds that
individuals use to build up words, producing sounds accurately in the right
places, coupled with an appropriate expression, clear voice, suitable pitch,
volume, and intonation to support meaning of the message being conveyed.

A. According to purpose
1. Informative Speech. This type of speech is like teaching
because it tries to impart something to the listeners. The
purpose is to clarify information as well to secure
a tour guide informing the tourists
someone telling people how to prepare something
2. Demonstration Speech. It also teaches about something,
but it focuses more on “how to do” thing with visual aids
and other materials.
Showing how to dispose garbage
A demonstration on how to prepare during calamities
A demonstration to perform an experiment
3. Persuasive Speech. It is an art of gaining fair and favorable
considerations for a point of view. The purpose is to change

people’s actions and thoughts. This is done through
arguments with justifications and evidences.
An environmentalist persuading people to plant more
A salesman persuading customers to buy a new product
A doctor persuading a patient to stop smoking

4. Entertainment Speech. The nature is to transmit a feeling

of pleasure as well as goodwill to the audience. The
purpose is to let the audience enjoy, smile, relax, and laugh
during the presentation. It provides funny stories and jokes.

A speaker sharing his past experience
A pastor or priest dramatizing a story
A politician singing a song during his speech

Basic Speech Outlines

Structural elements:
1. Introduction- establish the topic and core message; list supporting points
2. Body- explain your supporting points in paragraphs
3. Conclusion-recap main point; summarize core message; call-to-action

EXPLO Directions: Study the picture and answer

the following questions:


1. What do you see in the picture?

2. What do you think is happening in the picture?


3. How does the picture make you feel?


4. Have you experienced doing the same?



Read closely this persuasive speech.

ENGA Persuasion is the process of creating,

reinforcing, or changing people’s beliefs or
actions through arguments. Arguments are

GE consist of propositions (what you believe)

and their justifications (gathered evidences
to support the proposition. Evidences are of
three types: LOGICAL (reasoning);
( knowledge of credible source)/authority).


The way I look at it, my heart is only going to beat a certain

number of times, and I’m not going to waste some of my valuable
heartbeats on aerobics.

Well, I just can’t afford aerobic exercise. I mean, it just takes

too long. I’ve got to study and go to work, and I have an eight o’clock
every morning. I just don’t have the time.

Hey, I’m only eighteen. My heart and lungs are in great shape.
I don’t need aerobics: that’s for old people, and I’m nowhere near
thirty yet.

“Why should we care about aerobic exercise? We’re either too

young, and I can’t afford it, or don’t want to waste those valuable
heartbeats.” Too young? Autopsies done on American soldiers killed in
the Vietnam War showed that 55% of young men with the average age
of 22.1 years had arteriosclerosis (hardening of arteries). Can’t afford
aerobics? Insurance companies recognize this fact in the form of
discounts to policyholders engaged in aerobics.

Maybe we can afford it after all, but what about those

heartbeats? There is no evidence that the number of times our hearts
will beat is limited. Evidence reveals that aerobic exercise can improve
your health and can increase your life span by strengthening the heart

and improving the lungs and blood vessels. It’s time we learn
something more about aerobics.

-Adapted from Mark

By A.O. Pesirla

Directions: Identify the type of evidences revealed in the five paragraphs

in the speech, AEROBICS by Mark Dupont. Prove your answer in
complete sentences.

1. Paragraph 1

2. Paragraph 2

3. Paragraph 3

4. Paragraph 4

5. Paragraph 5


Answer the following questions by making

ANALY an outline to form a paragraph.

SIS 1. What did you realize in this time of pandemic (facing Covid19)
2. Why do you say so? Support your realization by citing instances
and real scenarios.
3. What do you think should we do in order to solve the problem we
are facing in this time of crisis? Make a point.


A. Write a 4-5 paragraph persuasive
speech on any of the following
controversial topics or on any topic
of your choice:

1. Importance of k-12 curriculum

2. Dangers of prohibited drugs
3. Global warming
4. Importance of college education
5. Face-face classes amidst covid19 pandemic
6. anti-terrorism law
Be guided by the structural elements in organizing your ideas.
 Organization of ideas 25pts
 Language registers and tone 25pts
 Grammar 20pts
 Persuasiveness 30pts

Let’s Try This!
Directions: Read and answer the following questions carefully. Write the letter
of the correct answer on the space before the number.

1. How will you start the first paragraph of your speech?

a. Give reasons and prove your point.
b. Give your stand and start with a striking line.
c. Give facts to prove your stand.
d. Give details to prove your point.

2. What type of speech are you supposed to use if you want to give an
a. Demonstrative speech
b. Persuasive speech
c. Informative speech
d. Entertainment speech

3. How will you prove your point in the body of your speech?
a. Give facts and examples to prove your point.
b. Give your stand and start with a striking line.
c. Give the readers a lengthy explanation.
d. Give what they need to know.

4. In what part of the essay will you establish the core topic or the
a. Introduction
b. Body
c. Conclusion
d. Title

5. This part of the essay expresses a call-to-action

a. Introduction
b. Body
c. Conclusion
d. Title


Answer the following questions:

1. How much did you know about the topics before we started? What
have you learned after this lesson?

2. How can you apply what you have learned to your current life as a
student and to your future dream career?

3. What other things related to the lesson you might want more help
with? Why?


Speaking in public demands a great deal of confidence. We have to

equip ourselves with the necessary information, background of the audience,
and the command of the language coupled with appropriate facial expressions
and gestures to be an effective speaker. This lesson will help us understand the
modes of delivery and its risks, together with tips to consider in public


1. Manuscript Speech Delivery is the most preferred speech delivery.

The speaker brings/looks at her printed copy of the manuscript,
through a teleprompter, or an electronic device.
2. Impromptu Speech Delivery/ Spur-of-the-moment Speech. It does
not give the speaker an ample time to prepare for his/her talk. Thinking
time is very limited like when you are asked to lead a prayer or explain
something instantly.
3. Extemporaneous Speech Delivery. In this speech, the topic is given
ahead. It allots a considerable time for preparation and the speaker only
uses an outline as guide to express his/her thoughts.
4. Memorized Speech Delivery. This is the kind of speech has to be
committed to memory. The challenge is the risk of forgetting the part
of the speech. The speaker is freed from a manuscript or notes.


1. Posture and poise. It includes standing, walking and sitting. Learn

to look natural and not stiff nor tensed.
2. Gestures and body language. Natural gestures used freely can add
to the message. It should be done spontaneously with proper
timing. Avoid unnecessary gestures/movements and mannerisms.
3. Clothes and personal appearance. Dress appropriately and let
your clothes be in harmony with the occasion.
4. Voice. This refers to the loudness. You should sound just fine and
pleasing to the ears.
5. Clarity. It refers to diction. It must be clear in conversations.

6. Pronunciation and grammar. One should know the correct
pronunciation of words for this will distract listeners. Grammar is
also very important to keep the audience engaged and pleased.

Directions: Watch a Speech Delivery by
searching the following file and link in


Directions: List 10 things which you have
observed from the speech delivery
which you think makes it effective.

10 Things observed
from the Speech

ANALY Directions: Put a slash to the parts of the
paragraph below to form a thought unit. This
will guide you on how you will say the lines in

ZE your speech.

A. There are instances in our lives / that we

end up / being misunderstood. No matter
how good our intention is, / times could not be shunned, / when we fail to
communicate,/ thus bringing off dilemmas in communication. / In this
Lesson,/ you will learn the nature of communication;/ its processes;/ its
elements;/ principle; /and the various context / in which communication
difficulties occur./

B. Cut the ideas in your persuasive speech by putting a slash in each thought
unit. ( Attach a copy of your speech here divided into thought units)

Our world faces different crisis / which can be a result of human

activities / or just an unpreventable occurrence of phenomena. But at this time,
/ I am going to emphasize the crisis / that the whole world is facing / which is
global warming. This is a phenomena / that can destroy everything above the
land / when cannot be prevented and tolerated. Global warming is the
continuous increase / in atmospheric temperature of the earth. All of us
experience changes in climate, sometimes / the rate of rise in temperature was
slow / however currently it is going faster.
The main cause of global warming are / greenhouse gases / that
includes, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide / (which are released by humans and
animals)/ methane, and etc. these gases that I have been mentioned / are
collected in the atmosphere / and trap heat from all resources / like the sun /
and also those heat that is manmade / or caused by human activities / such as
burning fossil fuels, deforestation and etc.. Global warming will have severe
effects today / and for the incoming generations / if cannot be prevented.

What are the effects of global warming? So / because of continuous
increase of temperature in our environment, the arctic glaciers start melting
/and threatening the life of polar bears. Due to melting, it results to creates a
lot of water / which increases sea level in the low areas / which a disadvantage
for those who live / in small and low islands. Increasing temperature / put the
life of animals and plants in danger / it may result to destruction of food chain
and death. In order to lessen the negative effects of global warming / many
laws and rules have been implemented / by the government / or authorities
/such as / limiting the harmful vehicle emissions, reducing emissions of
chemicals / causing damage to the ozone layer, reducing plant cutting,
inducing tree planting, car pooling and etc.
In order to prevent or reduce the occurrence of global warming / we
should be disciplined enough in our actions. We should change our habits
positively / in order to reduce waste / by choosing the use of reusable
products / instead of disposable one. We should buy products / having
minimal packaging to reduce amount of water. We should recycle paper,
newspaper, glasses and aluminum cans. If we start recycling / at least we can
reduce the amount of carbon dioxide / in the atmosphere. We should make a
habit of turning off the lights / while sleeping at night or day when we go
outside. We should replace our regular bulbs / with the compact fluorescent
light bulbs.
We should try to drive less and in every smart way / for the fewer
harmful gases emissions. We should try to walk by foot as much as possible
instead of using bike, car or other means of transport. We should reduce our
hot water use / and try to use cold water as much as possible. In this way / by
reducing our electricity use / we can reduce the global warming. Together /
with changing our own habits, we should encourage others to conserve
energy / by reducing lights use as possible. We should be united / in order to
achieve success / and better living for each of us / today and for the future
generations. Thank you.

C. Video-record your memorized persuasive speech. Watch and examine the

things to improve.

Rehearse your speech delivery. Once you

APPLY have done all the necessary improvements,

do the final speech delivery and have it
recorded. Upload your speech delivery in
our fb page and in your social media

Deliver an effective persuasive speech ( video-recorded)

 Voice(Language registers and tone) 25pts

 Mind(organization of ideas) 20pts
 Body(facial expression and gestures) 25pts
 Mastery 15pts
 Attire 15pts

Let’s Try This!

Directions: Read and answer the following questions carefully. Write the
letter of the correct answer on the space before the number.
1. This type of speech delivery does not give you time to prepare your
a. Manuscript
b. Impromptu
c. Memorized
d. Extemporaneous

2. Which of the following modes of delivery will help you not to forget
any detail of your message for you bring with you a copy while
delivering it?
a. Manuscript
b. Impromptu
c. Memorized
d. Extemporaneous

3. How will you avoid being tensed when asked to deliver an impromptu
speech during an occasion?
a. Anticipate and prepare a short speech about the occasion, but never
read it in front.
b. Read a prepared speech during the occasion and read it.
c. Do not prepare at all, it’s impromptu anyway.
d. Refuse to deliver a message

4. What type of delivery is it when you are given 3-5 minutes to prepare
and organize your speech before delivering it?
a. Manuscript
b. Impromptu
c. Memorized
d. Extemporaneous

5. Which mode of delivery is critical in terms of forgetting some details

of your speech?
a. Manuscript

b. Impromptu
c. Memorized
d. Extemporaneous

Answer the following questions:
1. How much did you know about the topics before we started? What
have you learned after this lesson?
I have already the knowledge before the topic started to be
discussed because this topic was been taught to us during my senior
high school days. After this lesson, I have been learned that there are
four main kinds of speech delivery: impromptu, extemporaneous,
manuscript and memorized. It is essential for it help every person to be
confident and prepared to their audience. Effective delivery shows
your audience that you have researched your topic and understand
what you are speaking about.
2. How can you apply what you have learned to your current life as a
student and to your future dream career?
These things that I have been learned will be helpful to me as a
student’s especially when making speeches and delivering it. It helps
me to know what the appropriate type of speech is that suit to a certain
situation or circumstances. To my future dream career, this lesson will
really help me because it will serve as my guide in making speeches
and so I will be having a mastery in making ad delivering speeches.
3. What other things related to the lesson you might want more help
with? Why?
Nothing, because I find every topic in this lesson not that hard
to be understood.



This chapter will discuss how communication is used across the
professions, especially for work purposes. Generally, people in the workplace,
use communication for oral presentations, conducting a meeting, writing a
memorandum, business letters as well as preparing for employment
interviewing which will be taken up in this chapter.

Lesson I Conducting A Meeting

Usually, conducting a meeting follows certain procedures. These
procedures are set up in order to improve the efficiency in the conduct of the
business of the meeting while giving protection to the rights of the members
present. Likewise, it enables every person in the meeting to have an equal
right to be heard and to have the opportunity to have their viewpoint
considered. It enables every person present to have an equal right to vote on
the issue and to help in the decision making. Thus, club members must be
aware of the meeting procedures and be kept informed of any changes.
Below are procedures to follow in the conduct of meeting.
1.Prior to the conduct of meeting
a. Send adequate notice of meeting to all members of the meeting.
b. Enclose the minutes of the previous meeting in the notice, if they
have not already been sent.
c. collect the reports of agenda to be included in the agenda of the
d. call for and review nominations, for club positions.
e. arrange for the printing of the completed annual reports
f. arrange for the guest speaker.
g. arrange the hospitality, venue, date, and time of the meeting.

h. remind the members of the meeting, before the day of the meeting,
the specified day, time, and venue.

2. Parts of the Business Meeting

a. call to order
b. roll call
c. reading and approval of previous minutes
d. Reading of correspondence
e. Treasurer’s report
f. Committee reports
g. unfinished business
h. new business
i. announcements
j. adjournment

Suggested readings:
Using Parliamentary Procedures in Conducting a

Directions: Watch the video clip at
Then complete the task enumerated below. Take note of your observations
immediately after the meeting.

Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. What is the purpose of the meeting? How do you know this?
The purpose of the meeting is to determine the company performance
against the target and team member recruitment programme. I was able
to identify the purpose by simply knowing their agenda.

2. Is the purpose or objective met? How do you know this?

Based on the video, their purpose or objective was met because they
were able to discuss all the important matter that exactly

3. What are some specific things that are effective? Elaborate and cite


4. What makes the meeting ineffective? Discuss by citing specific

The factors that make the meeting ineffective are interruptions
and off topic conversation, vital meeting participants aren’t in the
meeting and lack of structure. Interruptions and off topic conversations
is one of the factors that makes the meeting ineffective for example,
the member ask if there’s a progress in their latest project which is out
of the topic, the meeting will not end in time and the leader and other
member will lost in their focus. Vital meeting participants aren’t in
attendance, it can cause individual productivity, if someone is absent,
and they’re likely to be less productive. It affects the willingness of the
leader to deliver its agenda. Lastly, lack of structure, during the
meeting, the participants has no information to share, they are not
prepared, and they have no updates, no ideas or thought to contribute.
An opportunity to learn and share best practices from amongst or peer
group has been lost.

Directions: Answer the question comprehensively.
If you were to lead the meeting, what would you have done differently and

Directions: Simulate a conduct of meeting of at least 5 or maximum of
10 attendees on any agendum/agenda you would like to tackle and have it
video-recorded and come up with the minutes of the simulated meeting.
Follow the procedures in the conduct of meeting and please observe covid19
pandemic proper health protocols like wearing of face mask and face shields
in the conduct of meeting. You may also opt to record a virtual meeting.

 Voice(Language registers and tone)

 Mind(organization of ideas)
 Body(facial expression and gestures)
 Mastery
 Attire

Let’s Try This!

Directions: Write a sample outline of minutes of meeting of an agendum of

your choice

[Meeting title] [Date of the meeting]

Meeting called to order at [time] by meeting chair [name]

Members present:
 [1st name]
 [2nd name]
 [3rd name]
 [4th name]

Members not present:

 [1st name]
 [2nd name]

Reading the Agenda:

Motion: to approve the agenda for [date]

Vote: [Motion carried] or Motion Failed]
Resolved: Agenda for the meeting on [date] approved [without modification]
or [with modification]

Approval of Minutes:

Motion: to approve the agenda for [date]

Vote: [Motion carried] or Motion Failed]
Resolved: Agenda for the meeting on [date] approved [without modification]
or [with modification]


 Motion from [Name]: [Motion text]

Vote: [#] in favor, [#] against, [#] abstain
Resolved: [Motion carried] or [Motion failed]; [Description text]
 Motion from [Name]: [Motion text]
Vote: [#] in favor, [#] against, [#] abstain
Resolved: [Motion carried] or [Motion failed]; [Description text]
 Motion from [Name]: [Motion text]
Vote: [#] in favor, [#] against, [#] abstain
Resolved: [Motion carried] or [Motion failed]; [Description text]

Answer the following questions:
1. How much did you know about the topics before we started? What
have you learned after this lesson?
Honestly, I have a little knowledge regarding this topic for the reason that I
haven’t encounter nor fully taught about this. Therefore, I am privileged
to have this lesson for this will be a great help in the near future
specifically to my chosen career. Furthermore, I have learned about how a
meeting is conducted effectively by following certain techniques and
procedures which will improve the efficiency of the business meeting

2. How can you apply what you have learned to your current life as a
student and to your future dream career?
I could be able to apply this learning as a student whenever we are having
a certain school activity which involves collaboration with the other team
members and that will be done through conducting a meeting. The same
thing as to my future dream career I could use this when we have to make
any work related meeting that will improve the workflow.

3. What other things related to the lesson you might want more help
with? Why?
For me it would be leading a meeting, in this area I am need of help.
We might thought that it is easy however, it needs a lot of knowledge
to have the confidence to lead a meeting and not just the meeting but
also the people involves.


Among the many forms of written communication, letters are the most
common and popular. In the workplace, the need to write letters is
indispensable. The moment you decide to apply for a job, you have to send a
cover letter and a resume for you to be considered for an interview. To get
things around, you have to write a good number of these letters not only to the
offices in your company but also to your clients, firms and companies outside,
such as suppliers, affiliates, government agencies, etcetera.

As good business writers, two abilities are required:

1. Competence. According to linguist Stephen Krashen, “competence” is
our deep unconscious knowledge of language.We acquire it only
through unconsciously learning how a language sounds.
2. Performance. This refers to the conscious ability to actually produce
language through training. You may have written a lot in your student
days but not really written well. That is why you have to immerse
yourself in the workings of the language from grammar to information
Inside Address
Complimentary close
Signature line

Companies usually adopt the full block, modified block, and simplified
letter styles. You can use any of these styles but be consistent in doing so. The
full block has all the parts aligned with the left margin and paragraphs are not
indented. In modified block, the date, the complimentary close, and the
signature line are aligned towards the right margin while all the other parts are

flushed with the left margin. In a simplified letter, the salutation and
complimentary close are omitted. Instead, a subject line which is typed in
capital letter below the inside address replaces the salutation while all the lines
are flushed with the left margin.
1.Full block style
2. Modified block
3. Simplified style


Directions: Give the types of business letter and its parts with

Directions: Compose a five-liner inside address from the details below;
2. P.O Box 335

3. Lucsoon Village
4. President
5. Lucsoon Village Elementary PTA

Directions: The letter below contains a number of violations in
terms of design principles. Revise the letter below to make it
correct and effective. Refer to the guidelines in business writing.


Head of Security Department
Philippine Airport Logistics
Makabayan International Airport
Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines

Dear Sir:

On behalf of the English 220: Technical Writing classes of West

Mactan Aerospace University (WMAU), the undersigned requests
the pleasure of your company to compose the panel interviewers
for the mock internship interview with the Aviation Maintenance
Technology (AMT) and Avionics Technology (AVT) majors
enrolled in the above course on march 18,Saturday, at 8:00 am-
4:00 pm in the COLLEGE AVR. We would be happy to offer you
an honorarium of PHP. 3,000.00 pesos. We would also like you to
join us for lunch at 12 noon. The mechanics and rubrics of the
interview process will be sent shortly. Should you have questions
and concerns, please free to reach me at 09234332233. We believe
that our students will learn a lot from you and from this activity as

we endeavor to prepare them to be linguistically proficient and be
competent corporate citizens.

We look forward to your positive response.

Thank you.



Chairperson of English and Communication Arts

Directions: Write a correct and effective application letter.
Be guided with the following rubrics:

Adaptation for specific company 10 points

 Is the letter addressed to specific person?
 Does the letter show your knowledge of the company
and the position?
 Does the letter specify the position you are applying
Organization 10 points
 Does the paragraph indicate that you are applying for
the job and list your major qualifications?
 Does the first paragraph catch the reader’s interest and
create a bridge to talking about yourself?
 Does the last paragraph ask for an interview?
Specific supporting details 10 points
 Do details show that you can go beyond the basics to
contribute to the company?
 Do details separate you from other applicants?
Style and Mechanics 10 points
 Is the writing smooth, tight, and forceful?

 Does the writing avoid using I at the beginning of every
 Does the letter use positive emphasis?
 Is the letter free from typos and other errors?
Format and Visual Impact 10 points
 Does the letter use a standard letter format?
 Is the page visually attractive, with a good mix of
paragraph lengths?

TOTAL----------------------------------------50 POINTS

Let’s Try This!

Directions: Plot the parts of a business letter with descriptions of proper
punctuations and capitalizations.

Answer the following questions:
4. How much did you know about the topics before we started? What
have you learned after this lesson?

5. How can you apply what you have learned to your current life as a
student and to your future dream career?

6. What other things related to the lesson you might want more help
with? Why?

Pilapil (2018). Purposive Communication. Mutya Publishing House, INC.
Beauty-Pulsating Heart by A.O. Pesirla, pp. 68-69

Directions: Write an emotional response/reaction as a human being to the idea
expressed in every paragraph in a complete sentence.
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5


Directions: Read the statements/questions carefully. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the space before the number.
1. In the process of communication, this element is used as the avenue in
sending the message.

a. channel
b. Feedback
c. Sender
d. Any element

2. Why do you think communication breakdown happen?

a. The message is confusing.
b. The communicators are not attentive.
c. People have different orientations
d. All of the above

3. What principle of communication is being referred to when fuzzy language

is absolutely forbidden?
a. Creativity
b. Conciseness
c. Clarity
d. Concreteness

4. Why is it important to be ethical in communicating?

a. To be appreciated by many
b. To avoid being bashed
c. To communicate without harm
d. To gain more friends

5. What ethical communication best describes this scenario wherein a teacher

gave a student a passing grade without basis.
a. truthfulness
b. sincerity
c. fairness
d. all of the above

6. What is an indication that you are an effective communicator across

a. You let people dictate you especially when dealing with a foreigner.
b. You easily get irritated when you observe unacceptable behavior
c. You can manage behavior which are annoying.
d. I regard other cultures better than mine.

7. This technical component in making visuals and multimedia refers to the

combination of elements in a predictable arrangement.
a. Balance and harmony
b. Pattern
c. Proportion
d. Emphasis

8. What should you do in order to make communication captivating?
a. Strive to make messages interesting
b. Talk to someone else at the same time.
c. Show politeness in your approach
d. Make your message clear

9. How do you cite sources?

a. Always have full bibliographic references for all citation.
b. Write the author’s name and the title of the work.
c. Write the author’s name and date of publication.
d. Write the author’s name and the website

10. In communication process, the following are examples of sources except:

a. Book
b. Public speaker
c. Traffic enforcer
d. Poems

6. Which of the examples below is a demonstrative speech?

a. A professor telling students how to dispose their garbage.
b. An environmentalist telling students to plant trees.
c. A doctor telling a patient to stop smoking.
d. Someone telling an experience to a friend.

7. Which of the examples below is an informative speech?

a. Someone telling the students about the requirements in taking the
entrance exam.
b. Someone telling a funny story to a crowd.
c. Someone telling people to be expressive.
d. Someone telling you to buy a product.

8. This is where you expound the concept of your essay.

a. Introduction
b. Body
c. Conclusion
d. Title

9. How will you avoid being embarrassed when asked to deliver an

impromptu speech during an occasion?
a. Anticipate and prepare a short speech about the occasion, but
never read.
b. Read a prepared speech during the occasion and read it.
c. Do not prepare at all, it’s impromptu anyway.
d. Refuse to deliver a message.

10. How will you persuade your parents to buy you a laptop?
a. Your supporting ideas to justify your request.
b. Give examples.
c. Tell them your friends have it.
d. Be confident and competent in expressing.

11. What type of evidence will you use if you are reasoning out by telling
how you strongly feel about something?
a. Logical
b. Emotional
c. Personal
d. Both a & b

12. Why should you cite some statistics in the body of your essay?
a. It will make your point credible.
b. It will impress your audience.
c. It will make your essay long.
d. It will make you feel good about yourself.

18. What kind of speech do you think is an announcement of the things to

bring on a field trip?
a. Informative speech
b. Persuasive speech
c. Demonstrative speech
d. Entertainment speech
19. What type of evidence is being used in this line:
“ People treat me bad, because I’m just a nobody. I don’t even
have friends. Nobody likes me”
a. Logical
b. Emotional
c. Personal
d. Both a & b
20. This type of speech delivery allows you to glance at your copy once in a
a. Manuscript
b. Impromptu
c. Memorized
d. extemporaneous

Flores C. (Fifth Edition). Effective Speech Communication. National
Book Store.

Gupit Jr. F. (2011). Elements of Public Speaking. Rex Book Store.

Pilapil (2018). Purposive Communication. Mutya Publishing House, INC.
Uychoco M. & Santos M. (2018). Communication for Society. Rex Bookstore
Wakat (2018). Purposive Communication. Lori Mar Publishing.


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