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effectiveness. Birth Defects Orig. Artic. Ser. 17, 1–192 and Foreign Policy in the Telepolitical Age (Univ. of 40. Condit, C. M. The Meanings of the Gene (Univ. of
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trends: genetic testing, engineering, and therapy. and creating the salience of George Bush as ‘wimp’. and mass media portrayals of genetics. Am. J. Hum.
Publ. Opin. Quart. 62, 633–664 (1998). Mass Commun. Rev. 14, 23–27 (1987). Genet. 62, 979–984 (1998).
6. Priest, S. H. US public opinion divided over 33. Condit, C. M. The rhetorical limits of polysemy. Crit. 42. Sheedy, K. M. Transcending tragedy: a ‘comic’
biotechnology? Nature Biotechnol. 18, 939–942 Stud. Mass Commun. 6, 103–122 (1989). critique of public discourse about breast cancer
(2000). 34. Conrad, P. Genetic optimism: framing genes and genetics, 1987–1997. Dissertation, Univ. Georgia
7. Davis, A., Barns, I. & Schibeci, R. Problematic publics: mental illness in the news. Cult. Med. Psychiatry 25, (2000).
A critical review of surveys of public attitudes to 225–247 (2001). 43. Craign, D. Ethical language and themes in news
biotechnology. Sci. Tech. Hum. Values 22, 317–348 35. Conrad, P. & Weinberg, D. Has the gene for coverage of genetic testing. Journalism Mass
(1997). alcoholism been discovered three times since 1980? Commun. Quart. 77, 16–174 (2000).
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9. Frewer, L. J., Howard, C. & Shepherd, R. Public genetics: ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ media representations of about genes and attitudes toward gene tests. J. Hlth
concerns in the United Kingdom about general and inherited breast cancer. Soc. Hlth Illness 21, 560–578 Commun. 5, 29–39 (2000).
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10. Morris, S. H. & Adley, C. C. Irish public perceptions 38. George, S. A. Not exactly ‘of woman born’: DATABASES
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with a focus on GM foods. Trends Biotechnol. 19, films. J. Pop. Film Tele. 28, 176–183 (2001). Tay-Sachs disease
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11. Oda, L. M. & Soares, B. E. C. Genetically modified based differences of sex and sexual orientation: a FURTHER INFORMATION
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945–947 (2000).
13. Einsiedel, E. F. Cloning and its discontents — a
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943–944 (2000).
14. Gaskell, G., Bauer, M. W., Durant, J. & Allum, N. C. TIMELINE
Worlds apart? The reception of genetically modified
foods in Europe and the US. Science 285, 384–387
15. Mulkay, M. The Embryo Research Debate: Science
and the Politics of Reproduction (Cambridge Univ.
Press, Cambridge, UK, 1997).
Green revolution: the way forward
16. Page, B. & Shapiro, R. Y. The Rational Public: Fifty
Years of Trends in Americans’ Policy Preferences
(Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, 1992).
Gurdev S. Khush
17. Frankel, M. S. Genetic privacy, discrimination, and the
US Congress. Publ. Underst. Sci. 8, 215–222 (1999).
18. Garland, M. J. Experts and the public: a needed
The origin of agriculture led to the be catastrophic, and revolutions and social
partnership for genetic policy. Publ. Underst. Sci. 8, domestication of many plant species and turmoil and economic upheavals will sweep
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19. Kerr, A., Cunningham-Burley, S. & Amos, A. ‘Drawing
to the exploitation of natural resources. It areas of Asia, Africa and Latin America”.
the line’: an analysis of lay people’s discussions about took almost 10,000 years for food grain Fortunately, large-scale famines, and
the new genetics. Publ. Underst. Sci. 7, 113–133 production to reach 1 billion tons, in 1960, social and economic upheavals, were averted,
20. Barns, I., Shibeci, R., Davison, A. & Shaw, R. ‘What do and only 40 years to reach 2 billion tons, thanks to the marked increase in cereal-grain
you think about genetic medicine?’ Facilitating in 2000. This unprecedented increase, yields in many developing countries that
sociable public discourse on developments in the new
genetics. Sci. Tech. Hum. Values 25, 283–308 (2000). which has been named the ‘green began in the late 1960s. This phenomenon —
21. Tessaro, I., Borstelmann, N., Regan, K., Rimer, B. K. & revolution’, resulted from the creation of known as the ‘green revolution’ — was due
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23. Condit, C. M. et al. An exploratory study of the impact The 1960s was a decade of despair with The green revolution has had a tremen-
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24. Ramsey, E. M., Achter, P. & Condit, C. M. Genetics, food–population balance, particularly in nomic conditions and environmental sustain-
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S. T. Awareness and attitudes concerning BRCA gene and concerned professionals hosted seminars cereals. These varieties, in particular those of
testing. Ann. Surg. Oncol. 5, 607–612 (1998). and conferences to raise awareness of the rice, maize and wheat, were first developed at
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29. Simons, W., Mechling, E. W. & Schreier, H. N. in
Handbook of Rhetorical and Communication Theory
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31. Hogan, J. M. The Nuclear Freeze Campaign: Rhetoric
ing from famine. In 15 years, the famines will have become widely grown. Because rice,


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Box 1 | The impact of the green revolution

Rice Maize Wheat
700 2100 700 700 700 700
Production of unmilled rice

600 600

Production of wheat
Production of maize
600 1800 600 600

Wheat prices
Maize prices
500 1500 500 500 500 500

Rice prices
400 1200 400 400 400 400

300 900 300 300 300 300

200 600 200 200 200 200

100 300 100 100 100 100
0 0 0 0 0 0








































Year Year Year

Production (million tons) Price (US $200)

Impact on food production

The gradual replacement of traditional varieties of rice, maize and wheat by improved varieties, and the associated improvement in farm-
management practices, has had a marked effect on the growth of rice, wheat and maize output, particularly in Asia. For example, since the first high-
yielding variety of rice was released in 1966, the rice area harvested has increased only marginally by 20%, whereas the average rice yield has doubled.
Total rice production increased by 132% from 1966 to 1999. During the same period, world wheat production increased by 91%, to 576 million tons.
In many Asian countries, the growth in cereal production has outstripped the rise in population, leading to a substantial increase in cereal
consumption. During 1965–1990, the daily caloric intake in relation to requirement improved by ~150% in several Asian countries.
Impact on socio-economic conditions
The increase in per capita availability of cereals, and a proportional decline in the cost of production, contributed to a decline in the real price of rice,
wheat and maize, in international and domestic markets. The unit cost of production is about 20–30% lower for high-yielding varieties than for
traditional varieties of rice, and the price of rice, wheat and maize (adjusted for inflation) is 40% lower now than in the mid-1960s (see figure). The
decline in food prices has benefited both the urban poor and the rural landless.
Impact on environmental sustainability
The widespread adoption of high-yielding varieties has helped most Asian countries to meet their growing food needs from productive lands and so
has reduced the pressure to open up more fragile lands. Had 1961 yields still prevailed today, three times more land in China and two times more
land in India would be needed to equal 1992 cereal production. If the Asian countries had attempted to produce a 1990 harvest at the yield levels of
the 1960s, most of the forests, woodlands, pastures and range lands would have disappeared, and mountain sides would have been eroded, with
disastrous consequences for the land and wildlife habitats.
The availability of cereal varieties with multiple resistance to diseases and insects has reduced agrochemical use, so improving the human health of
farming communities, making pesticide-free food more available, and protecting useful fauna and flora.

maize and wheat account for almost 50% Conventional hybridization and selection To further increase the yield potential of
of calories in the human diet, the focus has was and still is widely used for improving rice, a new plant type was conceptualized3.
been on increasing the production of these yield potential (BOX 2). This strategy creates The proposed modifications to the plant
three species. variability by hybridizing the elite genotype architecture included a reduction in tiller
In this article, I provide a historical per- (the breeding lines that have the most number, an increase in the number of grains
spective on the green revolution. I discuss the sought-after characteristics) with other per PANICLE and increased stem stiffness
genetic modification made to cereal varieties improved varieties, endemic varieties and (FIG. 1). Numerous breeding lines with desired
to raise their productivity, the impact of even wild species, followed by selection of the characteristics have been developed and sev-
improved varieties on food grain production desirable recombinants. It has been estimated eral have outyielded the modern high-yield-
and the strategies for further improvement, that, on average, ~1% increase has occurred ing varieties by 15–20%. Wheat breeders are
to meet the demand of a growing human per year in the yield potential of rice and using a similar approach for increasing the
population. wheat in the past 30 years after the develop- yield potential of wheat4.
ment of dwarf (short stature) varieties, which Heterosis breeding — which exploits the
Genetic improvement strategies is discussed below. increased vigour (improved growth rates) of
Several genetic traits were selected to increase Another approach for increasing the yield F1 hybrid plants — has been used to
the yield, YIELD STABILITY and wide-scale adapt- potential — one that has been very successful improve the yield potential of maize (BOX 2).
ability of rice, maize and wheat varieties. in rice and wheat — is ideotype breeding or In fact, most maize growers in developed
These include selection for higher yield modification of plant architecture (morphol- countries grow maize hybrids, and the area
potential (productivity); wide adaptation ogy). For example, plants were selected for planted to maize hybrids in developing
(adaptability to diverse environments); short reduced height, increased tiller (shoot) num- countries is also increasing. Rice hybrids
growth duration; resistance to biotic stresses ber and for erect instead of droopy leaves. The with a yield advantage of 10–15% were
(diseases and insects); tolerance to abiotic yield potential of maize was also increased by introduced in China in the 1970s5 and are
stresses (such as drought and flooding); and reducing the plant height and by selecting for now planted in about 50% of the rice area in
superior grain quality. erect leaves2. that country. The rice hybrids suitable for

816 | OCTOBER 2001 | VOLUME 2

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planting in the tropics and subtropics that Norman Borlaug7. This method, which high doses of nitrogenous fertilizer were
have been developed at the IRRI and by allows selection of individuals adapted to applied, traditional varieties tillered pro-
National Agricultural Research Systems diverse environments by breeding alternate fusely, grew excessively tall, LODGED early and
(NARS) outyield the best-improved culti- generations of segregating populations at dif- yielded less than when lower fertilizer levels
vars by 12–15%; it is hoped that, when ferent locations, has been very successful in were used. To increase the yield potential, it
adopted widely, they will have an impact on wheat (BOX 2). was necessary to improve the harvest index
rice production. Research on wheat hybrids and nitrogen responsiveness by increasing
is also underway, but wheat hybrids are not Varietal improvement lodging resistance. This was accomplished
grown commercially as yet6. Yield potential. The varieties of rice and through reducing plant height by incorpo-
A further method for selecting individuals wheat that were cultivated before the green rating a recessive gene, sd1, for short stature
that are adapted to diverse environments is revolution were tall and leafy with weak in rice 8 from a Chinese variety, Dee-geo-
the shuttle breeding approach used by stems, and had a HARVEST INDEX of 0.3. When woo-gen, and one of the recessive genes,

Box 2 | Crop breeding strategies

Conventional breeding a b
In a conventional breeding programme (see figure B line A line R line
Variety A Variety B
part a), two parents are crossed and the segregating Susceptible to Resistant to
populations are screened for the trait under transfer diseases but diseases but N rf rf S rf rf N Rf Rf
high yielding low yielding
(disease resistance in the example shown), as well as
for many agronomic traits, such as lodging
resistance, growth duration, plant height, panicle
characteristics and percentage of empty grains. hybrid
Even in the observational and yield trials, data on all
these traits are obtained.
Hybrid breeding F2 N rf rf S rf rf S Rf rf N Rf Rf
Hybrid breeding (see figure part b) exploits the population
increased vigour (heterosis) seen when Screen for diseases B line A line Hybrid R line
crossbreeding plants of different lines. In rice (Fertile) (Sterile) (Fertile) (Fertile)
hybrid breeding, three lines that differ in
cytoplasmic and nuclear genes required for male Pedigree
fertility are used (A, B and R). The two sterility loci F3–F7 c Ciudad Obregon Toluca
involved are the cytoplasmic gene for sterility, S
Screen for diseases Year 1 Grow F2 Grow F3
(N indicates a normal cytoplasm), and the nuclear
gene, rf (for lack of fertility restoration). To generate
fertile F1 hybrid seeds on a large scale for
Observational Year 2 Grow F4 Grow F5
commercial plantings, a male sterile line, A (which nursery
is homozygous for the nuclear rf gene), is mated to
the ‘restorer’ line R, which is fertile as it has an ‘N’
Year 3 Grow F6 Grow F7
cytoplasm as well as the dominant nuclear Rf gene Replicated
for fertility restoration. The resulting hybrid seeds yield trials
are fertile because they are heterozygous at the Rf
Year 4 Yield test Yield test
locus. Because the male sterile A line is unable to
reproduce by selfing, this line must be maintained New variety
by crossing it with another line, B (left), which, Select for resistance to diseases
and high yield potential Year 5 Varietal release
owing to its ‘N’ cytoplasm, is male fertile. The
resulting hybrid is sterile because cytoplasm is
mainly inherited from the mother (line A), which is ‘S’. Both the B and the R lines are fertile and can be maintained by the breeder by selfing.
In maize, male flowers (tussels) are at the top and female flowers (cob) are lower down the plant. To produce hybrid seed, the tussels of the plants that
are to act as females are mechanically removed and seed is produced by fertilization with the pollen of male parents.
Hybrid wheat breeders use a chemical gametocide to sterilize the plants that are to act as females. These chemically sterilized plants produce hybrid
seed when fertilized by pollen from non-treated plants of the male parent.
The hybrid breeding strategy in rice is quite labour-intensive as breeders need to construct the three types of line (A, B and R) for each new hybrid.
However, this method has the advantage over chemical gametocide of having no secondary phytotoxic effects on the plants, which would reduce hybrid
seed production.
Shuttle breeding
The focus of the shuttle-breeding approach in Mexico, shown here in figure part c, was to develop wheat varieties with wide adaptation. Segregating
populations were grown during winter — the normal wheat-growing season — at Ciudad Obregon, located at 28° latitude and near sea level. The second
generation was obtained by planting during May at Toluca, at 18° latitude and an elevation of 2,600 m. The Toluca site is characterized by heavy rainfall
and cool temperatures; severe epidemics of both stem rust and stripe rust develop there every year. This shuttling of breeding materials allowed selection
for rust resistance and adaptation to diverse growing conditions.


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multiple cropping systems. Even IR8 and sub-

sequent varieties, which matured in 130
days10, did not leave sufficient time in one
rainy season to grow another crop of rice.
Therefore, improved varieties were developed
that had even shorter growth duration by
incorporating ef (early flowering) genes for
early maturity. So, varieties with a duration of
110 days or even 105 days were developed.
However, yield is a primary consideration in
developing new varieties and, therefore, dur-
ing the selection process, only those short-
duration lines with yield potentials that
match those of medium-duration varieties
are saved. The key to the success of this pro-
gramme was the selection of plants with rapid
vegetative vigour at earlier growth stages11.
Because they have higher growth rates at early
stages, short-duration varieties are able to
produce about the same biomass in 110–115
days as the medium-duration varieties do in
Figure 1 | Sketches of different plant types of rice. Left, tall conventional plant type. Centre, improved 130–135 days. Under most situations, the
high-yielding, high-tillering plant type. Right, new plant type (‘Super Rice’) with low tillering but sturdier
yields of early- and medium-growth duration
stems, and with a larger number of grains per panicle. (Reproduced with permission from REF. 36.)
varieties are similar. However, because the
short-duration varieties produce the same
amount of grain in fewer days than medium-
Rht1 or Rht2, for reduced height in wheat4, Wide adaptation. Many of the traditional duration varieties, their per-day productivity
from a Japanese variety Norin 10. Because varieties of rice were PHOTOPERIOD SENSITIVE and, is much higher.
plants with these so-called ‘dwarfing’ genes because they had been selected for adaptation The growth duration of wheat varieties
put less resources into straw production, to specific environments, their cultivation was was similarly reduced by incorporating the
they put more into the developing grain, so restricted to one season. However, most of the Pdp1 and Pdp2 genes that cause photoperiod
increasing the harvest index by over 60%. improved varieties have been made insensi- insensitivity4. Short-duration varieties grow
The short-statured varieties of rice and tive to photoperiod by the introduction of the rapidly during the VEGETATIVE PHASE and,
wheat also had a combination of other se1 (photoperiod-insensitivity) gene, and can because they compete better with weeds,
desirable traits, such as high TILLERING, dark be grown during any season and in most weed-control costs are reduced and, as they
green and erect leaves for better use of solar tropical and subtropical countries provided use less irrigation water, production costs fall.
energy, as well as sturdy stems. Short stature the temperatures are favourable. For example,
and stem sturdiness resulted in higher the IR8 variety of rice, which was released in Resistance to biotic stresses. The varietal com-
responsiveness to nitrogenous fertilizer. So, 1966 by the IRRI, gave double the yield of position and cultivation practices for rice and
with the application of fertilizer, the yield previous rice varieties when grown in irrigat- wheat changed markedly with the introduc-
potential doubled to about 9 tons ha−1, con- ed conditions, as it was more responsive to tion of high-yielding varieties. A relatively
stituting an important breakthrough in the fertilizers. IR8 also had wide adaptation (fea- small number of varieties replaced literally
history of crop improvement. The gains in tures that earned it the name of ‘Miracle thousands of traditional varieties, thereby
yield obtained through genetic manipula- Rice’): it was grown in most of the rice-grow- reducing the genetic diversity of these crops12.
tion in commercial hybrids of temperate ing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin Farmers started using improved cultivation
maize (in the United States and Canada) America. Most of the subsequent releases practices, such as applying higher doses of fer-
were accompanied by large and consistent have similar wide adaptation. Wide adapta- tilizers and establishing higher plant popula-
improvements in resistance to root lodging, tion was also incorporated into improved tions per unit area. The development of irri-
stalk lodging, premature plant death and varieties of wheat by using the shuttle breed- gation facilities and the availability of
barrenness (plants without cobs). The ing approach, as discussed in BOX 2. short-duration, photoperiod-insensitive vari-
increase in yield potential has mainly come eties enabled the farmers in tropical Asia to
from the plants being able to withstand Short growth duration. The availability of grow successive crops of rice throughout the
increased planting densities, and not from short-duration varieties has led to large year — practices that led to an increase in dis-
any marked reduction in plant height or increases in cropping intensity, greater on- ease incidence and insect numbers.
rise in harvest index 9. In tropical maize, farm employment, increased food supplies Because the chemical control of diseases
however, harvest index was improved and higher food security in many countries. and insects for prolonged periods in tropical
through reduction in plant height 2. Most traditional varieties of rice in tropical climates is impractical, the use of host-plant
Reduction in height was based on selection and subtropical Asia matured in 160–170 resistance to disease and insect control is the
for polygenic variation as compared with days and many were photoperiod sensitive. logical approach to overcome these produc-
rice and wheat, in which major genes were These were suitable for growing one crop of tion constraints. A major emphasis was
used to decrease height. rice a year during the rainy season but not for placed on developing GERMPLASM that can

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provide resistance to multiple diseases and and insects in improved varieties. For exam- were susceptible to aluminum toxicity. In a
insects13. Large germplasm collections of ple, modern wheat varieties are resistant to collaborative effort between an organization
rice were screened for resistance at the IRRI, stem rust, leaf rust, stripe rust, septoria, leaf of Pirana State Cooperative (Brazil) and the
and parents (donors) with resistance to the blotch and fusarium head scab17, and maize CIMMYT, high-yielding wheat varieties with
main diseases — blast, bacterial blight, tun- breeders have incorporated resistance to aluminum toxicity resistance were developed
gro and grassy stunt — and to four insects several diseases, such as downy mildew, tur- in the 1980s20 that have 30% higher yield than
— brown planthopper, green leafhopper, cicum blight, maize streak virus, grey leaf old varieties under acidic conditions.
stemborer and gall midge — were identi- spot and corn stunt, and to insects, such as Drought stress is a principal and ubiqui-
fied. Some of the germplasm donors were armyworms, earworms and stemborers18. tous constraint to maize production in devel-
genetically analysed to identify the genes oping countries. Drought might be responsi-
that provide resistance14, which were then Tolerance to abiotic stresses. Vast tracts of land ble for an ~15% loss in production. During
incorporated into improved germplasm to in Asia, Africa and Latin America that are the past 30 years, considerable progress has
develop multiple-resistant varieties. The suitable for crop production remain unplant- been made towards partially alleviating the
first variety of rice with multiple resistance ed because the soil is nutritionally deficient or effects of drought stress through technological
was IR26. Since then, many varieties with contains toxins. Even well-managed ricelands advances in crop management and develop-
multiple resistance have been developed by suffer from mild nutritional deficiencies and ment of germplasm with greater drought tol-
the IRRI, and by other national pro- toxicities. For example, large tracts of rice erance. Several strategies are being followed at
grammes. For example, IR36 carried Xa4 for soils have different levels of salinity and alka- the CIMMYT to develop maize germplasm
resistance to bacterial (Xanthomonas linity, and zinc deficiency in them is becom- with even higher levels of drought tolerance21.
campestris) blight; Pita, Piz, Pib1 and Pib2, ing a concern. Several improved varieties have
and Pik-S for resistance to blast; Gs for resis- been developed through selective breeding to Grain quality. Grain quality in rice means
tance to grassy stunt; bph2 for resistance to have moderate-to-high levels of tolerance for different things to different people. Most
brown planthopper; and glh10 for resistance several nutritional deficiencies and toxicities. consumers in the tropics and subtropics pre-
to green leafhopper. The multiple-resistant IR36, for example, has tolerance to salinity, fer long to medium-long and slender grains.
varieties have as many as 20 different par- alkalinity, peatiness, and iron and boron toxi- However, in temperate areas, short, bold and
ents in their ancestry. So, in essence, the cities. Similarly, IR42 has a broad spectrum of roundish grains are preferred. Cooking qual-
plant-breeding process has incorporated tolerance for many soil deficiencies and toxic- ity is determined largely by the amylose con-
useful genes from many traditional varieties ities. Varieties that are tolerant of these soil tent and gelatinization temperature of starch
into modern varieties. conditions have a more stable yield perfor- in the rice grain. In South Asia, consumers
Large-scale adoption of varieties with mance, and have been helpful for reclaiming prefer rice varieties with high amylose con-
multiple resistance has helped to stabilize degraded and marginal lands and in extend- tent and low gelatinization temperature.
world rice production, and varieties with ing the coverage with high-yielding varieties. High amylose rices cook dry and fluffy. In
multiple resistance show only minor fluctua- Rain-fed rice is planted on ~40 million South-East Asia, the preference is for rices
tions in yield from year to year. By compari- ha worldwide. Vast areas suffer from
son, the yield of susceptible IR8 does fluctuate drought at some stage of the growth cycle of Glossary
from year to year, as disease or insect attack a rice crop. In some areas, crops suffer from
can drastically reduce it. floods, which submerge the crop for up to 10 Term used by breeders to refer to the collection of
However, resistant varieties do not remain days. As rice varieties cannot survive such varieties and breeding lines.
resistant forever, as they become susceptible prolonged submergence, a few rice varieties
to new races or biotypes of diseases and have been identified that survive submer- HARVEST INDEX
Ratio of dry grain weight to total dry matter.
insects. Therefore, many different genes that gence for up to 10 days. A dominant gene,
confer resistance to each of the diseases and Sub1 (submergence tolerance 1), and several LANDRACE
insects have been identified in rice so that quantitative trait loci (QTL) that improve A locally adapted strain of a species selected and
when a variety with a particular gene submergence tolerance have been identified adapted by farmers.
becomes susceptible, a new one with a differ- in the FR13A variety of rice from India.
ent gene is introduced14. Germplasm with Using FR13A as the donor, improved rice The collapse of top-heavy plants, particularly grain crops.
more durable resistance to diseases and varieties with submergence tolerance have
insects is also being developed, and strategies been developed19. PANICLE
for deploying varieties with specific genes Acidic soils are a worldwide phenomenon. The terminal shoot of a rice plant that produces grain.
during different years and in specific coun- Agricultural production on acidic soils is PHOTOPERIOD-SENSITIVE PLANTS
tries are being investigated15. severely limited by several nutritional defi- Those that do not flower unless exposed to a day-
Wide-scale adoption of rice varieties with ciencies (for example, nitrogen, phosphorus length that is longer or shorter than a crucial period
multiple resistance has reduced the need for and molybdenum) or toxicities (for example, (in this case, plants that flower only during the short
day-length of about 8 hours).
harmful pesticides and has allowed the imple- aluminum and manganese). Aluminum toxi-
mentation of integrated pest management city, however, is considered to be the most TILLERING
programmes. In field trials conducted in the common cause of decreased plant growth in Production of shoots from the lower part of the plant.
Philippines, yields of a multiple-resistant vari- acidic soils. Several wheat varieties grown on
ety (IR64) in the plots with and without the acidic soils of Brazil during the 1960s and VEGETATIVE PHASE
Non-reproductive phase of the life cycle of a plant.
insecticide treatments were similar16. 1970s had tolerance to aluminum but had
Wheat and maize breeders have similarly low yield potential. Conversely, the CIMMYT YIELD STABILITY
incorporated multiple resistance to diseases wheat varieties had high yield potential but A measure of consistency or reliability of performance.


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Box 3 | Intellectual property rights Based on population projections and

improved consumption patterns in develop-
Through the efforts of the International Rice Genome Sequencing Project (IRGSP), the complete ing countries, world food production must
genome sequence of rice will become available in the next 3–4 years. Because of the conservation increase by 50%. This increase will have to be
of gene sequences in cereals34, the complete genome sequence of rice has broad practical achieved from less land, with less water, less
implications for many other economically important species. There is a growing concern, labour and fewer chemicals.
however, that the poor will not be adequately served by the new science. In the past, almost all rice
research was done by the public sector through national and international agricultural research
Strategies to meet the challenge. To feed a
centres. However, private-sector investment in rice research is increasing, particularly in the area
world population that is predicted to reach
of gene discovery. This research depends on a proprietary position to enable recovery of research
8 billion by 2025, we have to develop food
costs and earn profits. By contrast, public-sector institutions have diverse genetic resources and
crop varieties with higher yield potential
expertise in phenotyping.
Therefore, the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) proposed the formation of an and yield stability. Traditional breeding
international working group on functional genomics. It was agreed that the following activities methods (BOX 2) will continue to be used,
are of high priority: first, create an information node to deposit and disseminate information on supplemented by genetic engineering and
rice functional genomics; second, build a public platform to promote access to genetic stocks and genomic techniques, which are offering new
phenotypic information; third, develop databases on phenotypes and mutants with linkage to opportunities for identifying the genetic
sequencing laboratories; and finally, initiate partnerships to develop resources for microarray basis of desirable traits and have facilitated
analysis35. the development of new crop varieties.
The pattern of rights proposed is that genetic resources for functional genomics will be made
available to the public and private sectors under a material transfer agreement (MTA). This Improving the yield potential. Several
agreement allows recipients to obtain patents on genes discovered through the use of materials, biotechnological approaches for increasing
but requires them to make available rights under those patents at a reasonable royalty for the crop yield potential are being investigated.
application in commercial markets of the developing world, and at zero royalty application in These include the introduction of cloned
non-commercial subsistence farming. The proposed MTA will have provisions that allow free use novel genes through transformation and the
for research purposes of any patents, as well as provisions that recipients cannot obtain any form use of molecular marker technology.
of intellectual property protection on the genetic stocks themselves. Public institutions that are Most yield traits are polygenically inherit-
engaged in developing and studying these genetic resources must agree among themselves to ed and are strongly influenced by the environ-
supply materials, and to exchange all information developed and maintained in a common ment. Therefore, determination of genotypic
database. They must also follow the same rules as those imposed on the private sector through the
values from phenotypic expression is not pre-
MTA. The IRRI has created a website where progress on rice functional genomics can be
cise and selection strategies must take into
communicated (see link to the International rice functional genomics working group). This will
account low heritabilities. Breeders generally
act as the entry point for finding and sharing information, and provide a link to individual
select for yield when uniform breeding lines
laboratories and organizations. The site will also act as a clearing house of information on genetic
resources and their availability. Similar models might be considered for other crops. are obtained. Until now it has not been possi-
ble to select for individual QTL with a positive
effect on yield in segregating populations.
with intermediate amylose content and its lysine and tryptophan content, and has a Recently, QTL for yield have been tagged with
intermediate gelatinization temperature. balanced amino-acid content that greatly molecular markers in rice and introgressed
Such rices cook soft and remain tender on enhances its nutritive value. QPM can con- into elite germplasm24. Such molecular
cooling. In temperate areas of China, Japan tribute to reducing protein deficiencies, par- approaches would be helpful in selecting for
and Korea, consumers prefer rices with low ticularly in young children. In studies con- yield-enhancing QTL in early generations and
amylose content and low gelatinization tem- ducted in Colombia, Guatemala, Peru and contribute to selection efficiency for yield.
perature, which give a moist and sticky more recently in Ghana, malnourished chil-
cooked product. dren were restored to health on controlled Increasing the yield stability. As discussed
Many of the improved rice varieties have diets using QPM. Nutritional studies with above, host-plant resistance to insects and
high amylose content because the donors pigs, poultry and other animals have all environmental stress is important in reducing
for disease and insect resistance typically shown a significant advantage from the use of crop yield losses. Recent breakthroughs in cel-
used in the breeding process had high amy- QPM in animal feeds23. lular and molecular biology have opened new
lose content. However, recent releases have vistas for developing crop varieties with novel
intermediate amylose content and gela- The way forward genes for resistance, which will be used along-
tinization temperature, which are better The world population continues to increase at side conventional approaches. For example,
accepted in South-East Asia. IR64, for an annual growth rate of 1.3%, with 83% of good sources of resistance to rice stemborers
example, is the most widely grown variety this increase occurring in the developing are not available in the rice and maize
of rice in the world. Because amylose con- countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. germplasm. Therefore, the Bt gene from
tent is controlled by a series of alleles at the Providing for population growth requires an Bacillus thuringiensis was introduced into
wx (waxy) locus 22, these alleles can be expansion in world grain production of 26 maize25 and rice26 through transformation,
manipulated to breed plants with a specific million tons per year. Moreover, owing to ris- and transgenic plants show high levels of
amylose content. ing living standards, food habits are changing resistance to stemborers. Bt maize was planted
Development of ‘quality protein maize’ in many countries, particularly in Asia, and on 6.8 million ha primarily in the United
(QPM) has been another breakthrough in people are consuming more livestock prod- States, Canada and Argentina in 2000 (REF. 27)
maize breeding. QPM looks, grows and tastes ucts, such as meat, eggs and milk. This is dri- and showed excellent resistance to stembor-
like normal maize, but contains nearly double ving the demand for feed grains at a rapid rate. ers; its cultivation has resulted in a drastic

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reduction of insecticide use for stemborer In addition to its importance as a food place to ensure that the parties involved —
control. Techniques aided by molecular source for one-third of the human popula- public and private sector investors, as well as
markers are helpful in developing varieties tion, rice has one of the most compact researchers — agree on how and under
with complex resistance, as resistance that is genomes among cereals (450 Mb), and it con- which conditions material should be distrib-
governed by polygenes is generally more tains one-fifth as much DNA as maize and uted and used (BOX 3). It is obvious that we
durable. For example, we combined three and only ~3% as much DNA as wheat30. The will need improved crop varieties for feeding
even four genes for bacterial blight resistance complete rice genome sequence will provide the global population in the future.
of rice through selection aided by molecular an enormous pool of molecular markers and Traditional and genomic techniques will be
markers28. The rice germplasm with com- genes for rice improvement. The wealth of used to breed such varieties. Cooperation
bined genes showed a broader spectrum of sequence information will be exploited to between the private and public sectors will be
resistance to several races of bacterial determine the biological functions encoded important for applying genomic technologies
pathogen. Resistance governed by several by a sequence through detailed genetic and to crop improvement.
genes is likely to be more durable. phenotypic analysis. The availability of a large Gurdev S. Khush is at the Division of Plant
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tolerance to abiotic stresses has been slow, sequence tags) will allow reverse genetics to International Rice Research Institute,
because of our lack of knowledge about the be used to functionally analyse genes by, for DAPO PO Box 777 Metro Manila,
the Philippines.
mechanism of tolerance, a poor understand- example, insertional or deletion mutagene-
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