Viola's Research Again

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TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................................................................................2
DATA GATHERING..................................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................5
A. Background Reason....................................................................................................................5
B. Research Question.....................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER II RESEARCH METHOD.............................................................................................................7
A. Type of Research.........................................................................................................................7
B. Research Location.......................................................................................................................7
C. Data Source................................................................................................................................7
D. Data Collection Method..............................................................................................................7
E. Data Proessing Method..............................................................................................................8
F. Data Analysis..............................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER III DISCUSSION........................................................................................................................9
III.1. English Level for Children..........................................................................................................10
III.2. Computer Skill for Children.......................................................................................................11
III.3. The Importance of English and Basic Computer for Children....................................................11
III.4 How to Teach Children English and Basic Computer.................................................................14
CHAPTER IV CLOSING...........................................................................................................................18
A. Conclusion................................................................................................................................18
B. Sugesstion.................................................................................................................................18


First of all, the writer wants to express his thanks to Allah SWT, because of His bless and
grace, the entitled "The Importance of English and Basic Computer for Children in Forestry
Vocationl School Pekanbaru’s Housing Complex can be finished on time. This paper is a
requirement to fulfill the assignment from Mr.Wiwit Hendra Asmara , the English teacher of
Forestry Vocational School of Pekanbaru. The writer also thanks to him for all the guidance to
complete it.

In completing this paper, the writer faced many problems, but with the help of many
people, all the problems could be passed. May Allah SWT give the blessing for them. Hopefully,
this script would give a positive contribution to the educational development or those who
want to carry out further research.

Pekanbaru, 02 Desember 2021



“The Importance of English and Basic Computer Education for Chlidren”

Viola Zahira Yuspi

The reason for choosing the title is because seeing the condition of my cousins who is fluent in
computer and english


1. What level of English for children in Forestry Vocational School of Pekanbaru’s Housing
2. What skill of computer for children in forestry Vocational School of Pekanbaru’s Housing
3. Why are English and basic computer important for children?
4. How to teach children English and basic computer

Library research and Field research
Interview and Survey
Curriculum for English and computer education has been abolished for elementary school
children. This makes them miss opportunity to learn it. During further education of course they
have also been burneded with heavier lessons so they cant focus on these two subject. While in
this millennial era, English and computer are very important factors. Even today there are many
adults who still do not understand these two lessons. For this reason, starting English and
computer education from an early age needs to be done to avoid technological and English
stuttering in the future.


A. Background Reason
Curriculum for English and computer education has been abolished for elementary
school children. This makes them miss opportunity to learn it during further education of course
they have also been burdened with heavier lessons so they can’t focus on these two object ,
while in this millenial era , English and computer are very important factors.

Even today there are many adults who still do not understand these two lessons . For
this reason, starting English and computer education from an early age needs to be done to
avoid technological and english stuttering In the future.The author considers this topic very
important to discuss because the times are growing faster and the competition for human
resources is getting faster. The writer who is currently still a teenager thinks that English and
computers are very decisive aspects in the future. Children in the future will have no trouble
competing with the national and international arenas if they master these two materials.

The selection of objects for children who are in Forestry Vocational School of
Pekanbaru’s Housing Complex with because currently the author happens to be living in this
area for several months. The author wants to see how children who are familiar with plants and
forests can understand and apply it as a form of awareness of The Importance of English and
Basic Computers

This paper was created to inform readers about The Importance of Basic English and
Computer Education for Early Childhood in Forestry Vocational School of Pekanbaru’s Housing
Complex with an age range of 6-12 years. The research methode Use to interview the relevant
sources directly.

B. Research Question

1. What level of english for children in SMK Kehutanan Pekanbaru’s housing complex?
2. What Skilll of computer for children in SMK Kehutanan Pekanbaru’s housing complex?
3. Why are English and basic computer important for children?
4. How to teach children english and basic computer?


Method is an important factor in a study. research systematics must be in accordance

with established procedures. This is so that the results of the research are real results and can
be justified.

A. Type of Research
The first stage of the research method is to determine the type of research. In this
report, the type of research used is field research. This research is useful to explain the
importance of learning English and basic computers for children with the target of
children aged 6-12 years at Forestry Vocational School of Pekanbaru’s Housing Complex

B. Research Location
This research was conducted at Forestry Vocational School of Pekanbaru’s Housing
Complex. consideration of choosing this location to make it easier for writers who are
currently domiciled in the same location.

C. Data Source
For data sources, the authors obtained them from interviews and surveys with the
parties involved.

D. Data Collection Method

This research is qualitative. Researchers used several data collection methods, such as
interviews. Interview is a question and answer process or verbally between two or more
people whoFace each other physically on the condition that one can see the other.The
interview method aims as an approach to get aInformation from someone with a
communication. Interviews were conducted with children so that the interviews were
free and flexible. Sources are free to express anything

E. Data Proessing Method
Data processing methods describe data processing and analysis procedures according
to the approach taken. The stages carried out are editing for completeness of answers,
readability of writing and suitability, classification of answers, verification or checking of
data validity and the last is drawing conclusions.

F. Data Analysis
The last is data analysis. After all the data is collected, the researcher organizes the
data, parses the data, systematizes the data and draws conclusions based on the right


English is an international language that is currently useful for reaching many people in
this world. With English, people can interact with many people in any part of the world so that
language differences are no longer a barrier to development. However, the inability to speak
English is an obstacle that is currently experienced by many people. In addition, there are still
many people who do not realize how important it is to learn English for their children apart
from getting good grades in school.

For children, learning English starts from the basics, for example using English to
introduce themselves, ask for help, say greetings and other basic words. Early childhood should
be accustomed to using English because their current age is a golden age that must be used as
well as possible to learn new things. Here are the benefits of learning english for children :

 Provision for college and career

 Making easier to learn IT
 Able to compete internationally

Some time ago, the Indonesian people, especially educators, were shocked by the
abolition of English subjects in elementary schools (SD). It does raise the opinion of the pros
and cons. Both opinions, of course, each have their reasons and basis for supporting that

But in the world of education it does not need to be sharpened. It is necessary to take
only the positive side, that learning English is to overcome difficulties in communicating.
Especially with foreign nationals. Where communication can run smoothly because English is an
international language.

So, it is important to learn English from an early age. Because at these times the
child's brain is still experiencing plasticity and flexibility so that these times are easier than
other lives. So that these times are called critical periods (Lennebreg, 1967).

III.1. English Level for Children

The author interviewed children in Forestry Vocational School of Pekanbaru’s Housing

Complex, some of them have different opinions on this topic. Seven out of ten children
interviewed can speak English more or less. They can introduce themselves with English like
“My name is Budi, I’m 11 years old” and so on. Although it’s still stuttering and the spelling isn’t
right. They admit that they have minimal English education in elementary school and at the
junior high school level, they just take everything seriously.

According to Aedi, N & Amaliyah, N (2016: 195) in Maili (2018) said that "In today's era
of globalization and instant, students starting from elementary school age children even early
childhood (PAUD) and kindergarten have been required to compete in the competition. English
subject." This means that English language education is very important for children's basic
education as a provision to learn English to the next stage or level so as not to be left behind
because in the modern era of globalization as it is today, almost all systems use English in
operation and English is a global language, an international language. Which is used by various
countries to be able to communicate with each other which means it is very important to be
taught even since children are still in elementary school to avoid falling behind.

These children in Forestry Vocational School’s Housing Complex know English only for
school subjects. Not a few also feel this lesson is boring and even avoid when provoked to
speak English. Even so, they still think that being able to speak English is cool and useful for
their future.

III.2. Computer Skill for Children

The author interviewed 10 children as resource persons and they all had computers or
laptops in their homes. You could say that the children at Forestry Vocational School’s Housing
complex are already quite familiar with computers. Some of them use it to study, create
assignments, draw, watch youtube and even play games. But there are also those who have not
been able to do anything with the technology. They only know that the object is called a
computer and only see their parents, siblings, close people doing something with it.

These children only have the skill of how to type in ms word or how to draw in paint.
The rest are things that are usually done on mobile phones. Even so, at least they won’t be
surprised anymore when faced with a computer. Computers will have a positive effect when
used wisely, namely helping children’s intellectual and motor development. Computers are now
becoming one of the alternative learning media for early childhood. This can be seen from the
increasingly widespread and development of software with certain programs in the form of
interactive CDs to help early childhood learning.

Nina Armando, Lecturer of the Communications Department of faculty of Social

Science and Political Sciencein Indonesian University, said that the emergence of computer
technology itself is actually neutral. The positive or negative influence that can arise from this
tool, of course, depends more on its use. If children are allowed to use computers carelessly,
the effect can be negative. On the other hand, computers will have a positive effect when used
wisely, helping children’s intellectual and motor development. Although at this age children are
still more interested in games and videos, but they know that one day they must be able to use
computers properly because it will be very useful for the world of work and their future

III.3. The Importance of English and Basic Computer for Children

A. The importance of Basic English for Children
1) Work

In today’s job vacancies, many include English proficiency as one of the
requirements that must be met. Especially for multinational companies and start-
ups that are on the rise. This is because these companies need employees who
are able to communicate with partners or customers who come from abroad. In
addition, modern start-ups generally use a variety of advanced technologies that
continue to develop, such as IT software, applications, and so on.

As long as all these technologies still use english, all start-up employees who
use them must be required to be able to speak English in order to be able to use,
follow, and understand technological developments well. Therefore, by having
children learn english from an early age

2) School/College
For children who want to study abroad, learning English is a must. Especially
if the destination country uses English as the main language. Moreover, almost all
of the world's top universities are located in English speaking countries such as
USA, UK, and so on. If children master English well, then the chances being
accepted at these universities will be wider.

3) Travel
English is the most common language used by everyone on an international
level. Almost everyone in the world learns English as a second language after their
native language. That means, wherever children go, English is a common means
of communication. By mastering it, traveling to any country will be easier and
faster because it is not hindered by communication difficulties. In an era like
today where many airlines offer budget flights and the tendency to intend to
travel is increasing, learning English from an early age is the basic capital to
prepare for traveling in the future.

4) Entertaiment
The need for entertainment has become a basic need in this modern era. Of
course, people have different tastes in entertainment. There are those who like
TV, social media, and others. Now, if children master English, the choices of
entertainment they can enjoy will be more diverse because they can enjoy not
only local entertainment, but also entertainment from abroad. Examples include
foreign TV series, foreign influencer vlogs, foreign films, and so on. Indeed,
Children can use Indonesian subtitles to understand, but not all entertainment
sources provide Indonesian subtitles. In addition, it would be better if the child
can enjoy the various entertainments in the original language

5) Open Mind
Learning English can help children’s minds to see from another point of view
and express themselves. By having other communication channels to share their
ideas and feelings, children will have many options for voicing their opinions.
Studies show that mastering two languages will improve one’s problem-solving
and multitasking abilities. Thus, learning English from an early age is self-
development for a better future.

B. The Importance of Basic Computer for Children

1) The use of computers will make children more happy to learn because of the
attractive programmable educational software. The more the child is interested in
the program, the more interested he is in learning. For example, software programs
for basic reading knowledge. Children will prefer to learn to read through programs
that are accompanied by pictures that can move and sound, writing that can open
another page, or letters that can change colors than learning to read through the
same books.

2) Introduction to the world of computers from an early age will be felt when they
enter the world of work later.
3) Electronic games on computers can help children learn how to defend, strategize,
inspire leadership, and role play
4) Children can operate various word and number processing programs. Toddlers can
also learn to recognize colors and shapes through computer-operated educational
programs. Children can become good at math because they often practice with the
help of computers and can have a lot of vocabulary in English

III.4. How to Teach Children English and Basic Computer

A. How to Teach Children Basic English
1) Regular English

So that children are familiar with English words, parents have to get used to
using English regularly. This can be started by creating a special session to learn
English with children. It should also be made fun considering that children get bored
easily with boring learning methods. Parents can make English learning sessions such
as playing games, using flash cards, or playing games.

Do not let this learning session look forced and make children feel forced.
Parents can also start by inviting them to have a conversation using basic English.
That way, they will be able to have conversations in English later.

2) Make English a fun activity

Making children happy when learning something is not easy. To get
around this, involving them in games is the best way to teach them English so
that children are interested and enjoy doing it. Games that can be done, for
example, by playing scrabble, games on smartphones, and other games in English
and according to the age of the child. The more interested children are in an
activity, the easier it will be for them to remember it.

3) Don't get hung up on grammar
To teach English to children, forget about grammar problems for a
moment. Make them familiar with English vocabulary first. If they make
mistakes when speaking, parents don’t need to keep correcting them. It aims
to familiarize children so that they dare to express themselves and do not
lose interest in learning English.

4) Use song
Songs are the most effective way to learn new vocabulary and
improve pronunciation. Singing with dance is very good for children because
they can follow the movement even though they can’t sing the song yet. The
style or dance often describes the meaning or meaning of the song. Not only
that, the catchy rhythm of children’s songs will make it easier for children to
remember English words

5) Use everyday situations to teach English

Making use of everyday situations by describing them in English will
make learning the language easier. This is because children are used to
talking about any topic by practicing speaking in every situation and daily

6) Use topics according to children’s preferences

To make it easier for children to remember English vocabulary,
parents can adapt them to their children’s favorite topics. This can be done
by parents through singing, reading story books, or listening to songs.
Therefore, parents need to explore further about their children’s preferences
in order to find out what activities they like to motivate interest in learning.

For example, if a child has an interest in reading books, getting children used to
reading brightly colored picture story books is an effective way to teach English
because it will develop listening and reading skills.

B. How to Teach Children Basic Computer

1) Install the appropriate program

Installing programs that are appropriate for child’s age will of course
make they get good effects from using the computer. Because for example, for
elementary school-aged children, they don’t need a design student-style design
program, the little one is enough with paint and the office is more than enough.
That way children will start practicing making things from basic applications

2) Give game
One of the good benefits of operating a computer for children is to
increase their ability to explore imagination. So, to support these good benefits,
children should be given games that can stimulate it.

3) Adjust to children's interests

Make sure you can adjust the installation of the program to the interests
of the child. Because this will support the child’s ability to be better, with talents
that are channeled and developed. As we know that every child has its own
interest in the things that are learned.

4) Choose a motivating program

Choosing a program that can motivate children in the field of education
or life is an important key that must be considered in choosing a computer
program for children. Try an exercise program with matching repetitions and

providing learning information, be it spelling words, counting, numbers and also


A. Conclusion

The conclusion of this topic is English education and basic computers are very
important to be taught to children, especially at the age of 6-12 years. At this age
children are in a period of exploration and high curiosity, but they already have a
mature enough mind to understand these two materials little by little. This introduction
to basic English and computer is done in stages and is fun. This is so that children are
not glued and get bored quickly.

The children at the Forestry Vocational School Pekanbaru’s housing complex are
familiar with computers and English. Even with staggered spelling and minimal use of
computers, they realized that it was very important for them to be able to master these
two materials. So therefore introducing English and basic computers to children can be
applied so that children are familiar with technology and compete internationally which
will be useful for their future

B. Sugesstion

The author’s suggestion for this topic is that all parents are aware of the
importance of learning English and basic computers for children from an early age and
to support facilities and infrastructure so that children can learn optimally for the
realization of a bright future for children.


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