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LESSON 1- Intellectual Development

Personality is never measured by external factors alone. Mental ability forms part and
parcel of one’s persona. People differ in several ways. Intelligence is one element that separates
one from all others of same demographics. All other things equal, individuals have the ability
and even the skills to learn. However, their innate capacity allows them to acquire and imbibe
more from their external environment. These learnings whether significant or not becomes a
basis for evaluating, analyzing and making decisions pertinent to their everyday dilemmas.

What is Intelligence?

Several philosophers have asserted that intelligence cannot be absolutely measured

considering that standards differ according to time and space. Einstein himself said that, “The
true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” While Socrates said, “I know that
I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing.” The true measure of intelligence and its
definition cannot be absolutely established. Hence, we refer to how psychologists have
endeavored to conceptualize intelligence.

Raymond Cattell (1963) described intelligence as crystallized and fluid and includes
knowledge and skills measured by tests and vocabulary. The same arises from experience,
acculturation and education. Fluid intelligence is hereditary, based on neurophysiological
structures manifested in a person’s ability to think and reason abstractly.

Today, intelligence (Sternberg 2004) is defined as the global capacity to act purposely, to
think rationally and deal effectively with the immediate environment. Intelligence involves
reasoning, problem solving ability, knowledge, memory and the successful adaptation to one’s

Howard Gardner himself has pointed onto the eight multiple intelligences that an
individual may possess. The same may allow an individual to excel in any of those whether it has
to do with cognitive abilities, psychomotor activities’ and the like. Such differentiates a person as
it creates greater potential that may influence his self-concept and self-esteem. Belief that one
has potentialities and gifts assures strength from within that may manifests in how he
communicates with others and how he asserts himself as a significant entity who may contribute
significantly to the resolution of issues and concerns confronting his immediate community.

Howard Gardner, Ph. D., Professor of Education at Harvard University categorized

intelligence into varied kinds. These intelligences show an individual’s unique aptitude or set of
competencies that displays intellectual abilities:

1. Verbal - Linguistic intelligence involves highly developed verbal skills particularly

on sounds, meanings and rhythms of words;
2. Logical - Mathematical intelligence involves an individual’s ability to think
conceptually, abstractly with capacity to discern logical and numerical patterns;
3. Spatial – Visual intelligence is an individual’s capacity to think in images and
pictures ass well as visualize accurately and abstractly;
4. Bodily – Kinesthetic intelligence is the ability to control one’s body movements;
5. Musical intelligence is one’s ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch and
timber; it involves skills and music;
6. Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to detect and respond appropriately to the
moods, motivations and desires of the significant others;
7. Intrapersonal intelligence is the individual’s awareness of the internal aspect and in
tune with inner feelings, values, beliefs and thinking processes;
8. Naturalist intelligence is one’s knowledge of the environment and those that
comprise its survival and habitat;
9. Existential intelligence is sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about
human existence which may include the meaning of life, its beginnings and end.
How do we develop intellectually?

There are varied ways to enhance one’s intellectual ability. Everything begins with the
motive to go forth and advance. As this is basically in the mental facet hence it becomes a
necessity that the individual should not only possess the ability but the drive to learn, re-learn
and unlearn. Learn about new things that may aid in the promotion of life skills, re-learn relevant
elements that may continue to affect one’s behavior and persona and to unlearn those antiquated
and obsolete ideas and ways of life that are no longer true and appropriate.

Study Habits

Education provides an individual a license that will equip him to achieve his future goals.
As it is a fact that individuals have the ability to maximize their abilities in any venue. Thus,
developing study habits can aid well in an individual as a learner whether in his current studies
or future endeavors. Adopting certain behaviors pertaining to the consummation of his duties as
a student can assure success in the academe and even in the workplace.

Following are ways to deal with the everyday physical, emotional and intellectual
requirements in the school.

1. Have the right mindset

Consider studying as a necessary reality, something that leads to us to our dreams
and our goals. Creating a positive mindset allows us to have the motivation to absorb
everything that we need to work on. Moreover, being a positive about the academic
activity that you will perform reflects an attitude of gratitude such that it makes us
appreciate that we are lucky to have the opportunity to have formal education. The same
sentiment will place the mind in the right position to grasp the activities entailed in
preparing for school work.

2. Practice ‘Zero Navigation’ when preparing for the coursework

Each individual is pre-occupied with much concern in their everyday life. It is
very common that a learner who is subjected to stress and the pressure of everyday life
cannot focus on whatever needs to be done.
Trying to ‘emptying’ our thoughts with all these worries makes us ‘zero in’
towards the attainment of our goal for the day. A workload will be accomplished easily
and quickly if we keep our focus.

3. Choose the proper venue for studying

Studying in a conducive environment contributes a lot to the accomplishment of
the task at hand. Hence it is important not only to choose an organized environment such
as the library but to fix your venue before you delve onto reviewing your lessons or
working on your homework.
4. Make a reviewer
It is mandatory for students to make reviewers for every coursework. It is highly
improbable for one to review directly from the textbooks or references. Such may result
in information overload and “intellectual indigestion’. Writing a reviewer will assure a
student that there is familiarity with the concepts and later mastery of the lesson.

5. Bring only the things that you need

There is need to get rid of distractions. Such is true when one brings gadgets,
computer games and the like. Unless they are needed to do accomplish your coursework,
books, pens, references and extra sheets of paper.

6. Be smart, use devices such as Mnemonics

There is always the best strategy to review and imbibe the lessons at 100%. Using
the acronyms of the concepts being studied one can easily remember terms and
keywords. Following are varied ways to use Mnemonics.

a. Pegword – This is useful for memorizing lists of unrelated words in order by

creating a visual image with a “peg” word. Example is ‘one is bun’ and ‘two is a
shoe’, etc. If you need to remember to call someone and to return a book’ then
you relate the ‘bun with someone’ and the ‘book with a shoe’.
b. Method of Loci – useful for memorizing lists of unrelated items in order. This is
done by creating a ‘mental walk’ to memory and creating a visual image
associating each item on the list with a location on the mental walk. Example is
when you walk from your doorstep to the road. On the right you see a chair and
on the left fence. Then you can associate the chair with someone and the fence
with a book.
c. Acronym – by using the first letter of each item that you desire to remember like
G for ‘groceries’ and W for ‘Withdraw money’.
d. Acrostic – this is done by creating an easy-to-remember statement to which you
can associate the first letter of each word. Example of which is PEMDAS to
solve mathematical problems efficiently.
e. Music or Rhymes – the to-be-remembered items is set to a familiar tune, set to a
rhythm or made into a rhyme. Example is the Alphabet song with the months of
the year.
f. Mnemonic Associations – The material is associated with the features of the
material that is hard to remember. May be used in spelling words like ‘stalactites
grow from the ceiling; stalagmites from the ground’.
g. Keyword – Most of the time used for foreign word by associating it to close
English word then creating a visual image to connect it. Like the Spanish word
‘champinones’ which means mushrooms. It can be remembered from the word
‘champion’ which we can visualize through a mushroom in a boxing ring waving
his arms in victory.

7. Choose the best time to study

It is highly proven that the best time to review is during waking up period. When
the brain has relaxed for a while such as after getting a ‘power nap’ or a 45 minutes short
sleep. The brain in this state can absorb all that you can feed it and retrieve as well all
stored knowledge. The brain is quick and efficient when it is able to rest especially after a
long, tough day. Hence, it is a waste of available reviewing or studying right after you
have gotten home, tired and already experiencing ‘burn out’.

8. Never be dependent on the Worldwide Web and Personal Computer

Learn to be self-efficient without relying much on the use of computers and the
net. Not everything from these sources is highly valid and reliable.

9. Reward yourself
‘Every good deed deserves a reward.’ Everyone who have exerted much effort to
accomplish relevant tasks should be rewarded. Such reward can be from one’s own self.
It will reinforce good behavior and motivate an individual.

10. Have a sense of accomplishment

Writing a list of all that you have to accomplish pertinent to school work is
necessary. From the most minute to the most grandiose task, a list should be kept and
checked every time one activity is achieved or done.

Managing Time

Time is a scarce resource today. Thomson (2014) stated that everyone has many demands
on her or his time. Demands conflict and compete. Time management is important because there
are just so many hours in a day in which you can accomplish your plans. A schedule according to
Thomson can help sin planning for the use of one’s time and to determine how one can best use
his resources. Learning how to manage one’s time allows identification of what is important
from what is not and therefore preventing neglect of those people and things that we should
prioritize in our lives such as family and social life. Being conscious about the use of our
precious time creates not only a stress-free day but a more productive life.

Those with poor internet connectivity will share their output via messenger to the class
president and the class president will then forward the output via Gmail account and
inform the professor the list of names of learners/students who submitted via messenger.

Lesson 2- Leadership and Supervisory Behavior

Leadership is an important component in the existence, survival and functioning of any
group or organization. Many organizations have been aware of the fact that their success is
greatly dependent upon the quality and effectiveness of this dimension. As organization grows in
size and complexity, the requirements for an efficient and effective leadership multiply.

Meaning and Components of Leadership

The term, leadership, has received various definitions and explanations depending on the
perceptions, experiences and understandings of those who discuss it.

A review of these definitions shows that leadership is perceived and described as any or a
combination of the following elements:
1. As an act or behavior;
2. As an effect of interaction;
3. As the exercise of influence;
4. As a form of persuasion;
5. As the act of inducing compliance;
6. As a power relation;
7. As a focus of group processes;
8. As an instrument of goal achievement;
9. As the initiation of structure;
10. As a differentiated role;
11. As personality and its effects;
12. As an attribute of a position; and
13. As an art.

Any view taken on the nature of leadership is a function of one’s education, value system, direct
and vicarious experiences and personality.
Leadership is as ambiguous in practice as it is in theory. McGregor and Likert use the
term intensively in discussing organizational effectiveness stating that leadership is its major
component. Leadership appears in social science literature with three meanings:
1) Attribute of a position;
2) Characteristics of a person; and
3) Category of behavior.
The common approach to defining leadership is to equate it with differential exertion of

Theories of leadership

Due to the varied meanings and definitions given to leadership, various theories of this
components have been conceptualized like the following: interaction – expectation, humanistic,
exchange, theories X, Y and Z. There are few theories that have shown to be most popular in the
work setting. Some of these theories have shown to be applicable in work and life situations.
Whether they are applicable in the Philippines is still to be empirically verified.

1. Trait or great man theory

Leadership ability is innate. This theory suggests that leadership is determined by certain
individual personality traits, social traits and significant physical characteristics. Like being born
with a golden spoon, a leader is born tall, good-looking, wholesome personality, or keen
intelligence. This theory follows the cliché “like fatherlike son”. However, this theory fell in
popularity after a study of world leaders showed that many of them were far from being tall, or
2. Environmental theory
While the trait theory states that leadership traits are in born, the environmental concept
posits that leadership skills are acquired. Even if an individual were not born into a family of
leaders or may not possess the physical attributes of a leader, the proper environment is a strong
force that spots, identifies, supports and develops leadership potential.
3. Behavioral theory
The behavioral approach postulates that leaders adopt a particular leadership style which
exerts tremendous impact over individual and group behavior. Thus, four types of leaders
emerge as Sharma describes:
a. Dictatorial leader – one with absolute authority and utilizes threats and
punishments to induce compliance.
b. Authoritarian leader – one who claims covenant sourced from authority to exact
c. Democratic or participative leader – one who involves subordinates in
considering organizational matters giving them guidance in their work problems
and goal achievement.
d. Laissez-faire or free rein leader – one who offers information to the members
but shows little involvement and participation in group activities.
4. Situational or Contingency theory
The situation calls for the emergence of a leader. During an accident or during war time,
a leader emerges to handle the critical situation. Philippine President Corazon C. Aquino
is a very apt example of a political leader who was “pushed to save the situation.”

Main Functions or Activities of a Leader

Two types of leadership roles are distinguished when working in small groups:
1. Role to accomplish the task or attain the goal; and
2. Role to develop members’ feelings to maintain the strength of the group.

The six tasks of a leader in terms of number 1 role are:

1. Initiates action;
2. Keeps the members attention on a goal;
3. Clarifies issues;
4. Helps the group develop a procedural plan;
5. Evaluates the work done; and
6. Makes expert information available.

The six tasks of a leader in terms of number 2 role are:

1. Keeps inter-personal relations pleasant;
2. Arbitrates excuse;
3. Provides encouragement;
4. Gives a chance to divert;
5. Stimulates self-direction; and
6. Increases inter-dependence among members.

Business Etiquette- Clear guidelines on how to act in a business situation having to do with a
person’s job.

Manners- are manifestations of courteous behavior in various situations.

Etiquette- Consist of a set of rules of living on our society.

Social Graces- more popularly known as good manners & conduct.


1. Practice the Social Amenities of Living.

2. Do not take each other for granted.

3. Every member of the family is entitled to his/her own share.

4. Always be courteous to elders, even to children and the house helpers.

5. Respect the feelings of your parents, brothers & sisters at all times.


1. Maintain good attendance record.

2. Report regularly and be on time for all your class.

3. Do your homework & assignment at home.

4. Participate in all your school Activities.

5. Wait for your turn to talk when you want to share something worthwhile.


1. Follow the “Golden Rule”

2. Do not comb your hair in public.

3. Do not spit or pick your nose in public.

4. Men & Women should not smoke in public.

5. Treat Sales clerk & other service personnel with respect & consideration


1. Your parent should be informed as to whom and where you are going out dating.

2. For women, avoid wearing seductive attire so as not to arouse the man’s basic instinct.

3. Learn to control your emotion over yourself.

4. It is always a man who will makes the first move of courting.

5. Let the man be the one to ask for the date.


1. The waiter usually comes forward for assistance. The woman therefore, should follow the

2. When there is no waiter, the man precedes the woman and leads her to a convenient place.

3. After choosing the location, the man should pull out the chair & should help sit the woman.

4. The man should sit the woman where she can have a good view of the place.

5. When you are unfamiliar with the restaurant and its specialties, you can ask the waiter to
recommend some of its specialties.


1. Sit erect at the table. Do not lean your elbows on the table while waiting for your orders to

2. When eating, the head should be bowed down slightly, but not too low to your plate.

3. Carry the food directly to the mouth. Do not stop halfway to talk.

4. Do not talk when your mouth is full.

5. Chew with your mouth closed, and chew the food thoroughly to enjoy the taste of the food.



1. Dress appropriately for your job.

2. Observe all the written & unwritten rules & regulations of each job.

3. Respect the “Chain-of command” and don’t go over anyone’s head.

4. Never chew a gum in public, especially while working.

5. If you’ve made a mistake, admit it. Try not to do it again, and don’t make excuses f blame
someone else for it.

6. Social and business etiquette may differ in some aspects, so don’t expect your boss to stand up
when you walk in, or o pull a chair for you.

7. Be considerate of those who work around you. Work quietly, don’t slam drawers, don’t even
talk in loud tone if others are trying to concentrate.

8. Better to be a lender than a borrower.

9. Keep your personal problems out of the office.

10. Keep busy. Do something constructive for your employer. No employer wants to see an
employee doing nothing.


Introducing people is both an art and a means of ensuring good manners. A good
introduction can get people off to a great conversational start and can help ease any discomfort or
unease at meeting for the first time. And to think all that power is in your hands! Here is how to
introduce people effectively.

1. Understand the purpose of introducing people. Introducing people is a basic means to

give two people an opportunity to get too know one another. Your role in introducing is
to clarify the basics of who each person is, and any relationship they have to you. You
might also need to help the conversation flow just after introducing but only briefly.

 Avoid breaking into aa serious conversation to make an introduction. Wait until it

is more convenient.
2. Work out who has the greater rank or authority of the two people you are about to
introduce. If you don’t already know this, you’ll need to hazard an educated guess on the

 Your boss will usually be of greater rank or authority than your colleague,
partner, or best friend.
 Your 70 years old mother-in-law is of greater seniority than your new boyfriend.
 Your customer should be introduced to your employees.
 Great age takes precedence over most rank or authority, out of courtesy and
 All other things being equal, the person you’ve known the longest should be
named first: introduce your junior friend to your senior friend.
 For social instructions, men are usually introduced to women, as a sign of respect.
This does not apply in a business context where women hold senior positions.

3. Make a formal introduction. For a formal occasion, the following approach is

appropriate. Use the phrase “May I present”, “I’d like to introduce”, or “Have you met”.
 Name the person of greater rank or authority first.
 Use both first and last names, and include any title such as “Dr./Sir”. If your
spouse has a different last name from yours, clarify this.
 Include relevant details as you introduce the two together, such as any established
relationship you have with the person you’re introducing. For example, you might
say: “May I present Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy. He is my boss.”

4. Make an informal introduction. For a less formal occasion, such as your backyard
barbecue, you can simply present both people to one another by name: “Fitzwilliam
Darcy, Elizabeth Bennet.”

 First name only is fine in informal situations.

5. Do not repeat names or reverse the introduction. In both formal and informal cases,
you don not need to reverse the introductions. It’s obvious to both parties who is whom.
Unless, of course, you sense that one party as not listening and looks decidedly

6. Make a group introduction. In this case, you will need to spend a little time introducing
the newcomer to each individual of the group unless it’s a small, informal group where a
general introduction would suffice and it’s neither time-consuming nor disruptive to
name each member of the group while you have the group’s attention.

 For more formal, larger groups, introduce the newcomer to the whole group first,
then take the newcomer to each person and introduce by name: “Caroline, this s
Fitzwilliam, my boss; Lydia, this is Fitzwilliam, my boss,’ etc. Continue working
your way around the group in this manner.
7. Try to help initiate their conversation if they both seem unable to pick up the threads
and converse after your introduction. The best way to help out is to mention something
that is common ground between them: “Elizabeth, have you met Fitzwilliam? I believe you
both share a love of reading Jane Austen while walking on the moors.”

 If helping with the conversation, never make the mistake of leaving out one of the
introduced parties from the conversation. It’s impolite to give someone the cold


Office Etiquette is something that helps smooth the wheels of daily interaction within
the office. Getting along with people you’d probably never ask home to dinner is essential for
good work outcomes and a happy co-existence, and its office etiquette that ensures this even
where there is mutual dislike or disinterest. Moreover, office etiquette ensures that you don’t
become office enemy number one because you’ve been irritating people with unhelpful habits or
comments. Not that you’re deliberately aiming to be an office challenge, but there are some
actions that can unwittingly cause others discomfort or unease.

Moreover, office etiquette is the key deciding factor in how your colleagues will respond
to you and come to your rescue when you need help. The manner in which you conduct yourself
within the office environment among people who effectively become your “second family” will
determine how you’re viewed and the ease with which you will be supported by others around


1. Understand the point of office etiquette. While the term “office etiquette” may conjure
up images of stiffness and formality, it is in actual fact very simple. Office etiquette is
about observing a simple set of rules for getting along with other people in an
organizational context. Just as living in a society requires us to follow a set of
conventions (unwritten but well understood expectations) and rules, observing
appropriate social behavior within the work context ensures congeniality, team respect
and an enjoyable day-to-day working experience.

While most etiquette remains unwritten, just because it isn’t down in black and
white and pinned to the noticeboard doesn’t excuse lack of observance. There ill always
be a larger proportion of any social group expecting that the unwritten conventions of
etiquette be observed regularly, with few exceptions and no matter how quirky, rebellious
or authentic you feel like being, there will always be boundaries of respect for others that
you need to heed, as will be made clear in the remainder of this article.

2. Be punctual. Being punctual is very important, especially if you have an appointment. It

shows that you respect the time of your colleagues and in turn it will compel them to
respect your time too. The popular saying that would fit in this situation is that ‘Time and
tide wait for no one’. Lead by an example and everything else will fall into place.

 Avoid turning up later than your boss when you’re a junior. At the entry stage of a
job, sending a clear message that you’re eager and already working is vital.

3. Dress appropriately. Most offices have a predefined dress code that has to be followed
strictly. However, if you do have the privilege of working at a place which does not
define a dress code, then it’s up to you to dress appropriately. Remember that the office is
not a party place and you will have to dress in a way that commands respect both from
your colleagues and clients. The dress code has a strong influence in establishing the trust
that your client places in your abilities in giving them their money’s worth. Dress
professionally, or in the manner expected at your particular work site. Do not wear ultra-
casual, provocative or evening attire.

 Obviously, there are always exceptions, such as offices that allow a more relaxed
dress code or dress-down days to raise money for charity, etc. however, even for
people whose office is normally fairly relaxed, a suit or other professional outfit
should be used when interacting with clients, seeking important deals and other
highly professional situations.

4. Stay away from gossip. Office gossip might not make or break your career but can cause
a lot of unnecessary stress which should be avoided at all costs. You would not want
someone to gossip about you and neither will the next person. In some cases, if the source
of some malicious gossip can be traced back to you, then your job can be in jeopardy.
Limit your comments about coworkers to positive ones only. Office grapevines can be
faster than the speed of lightning; anything negative you say will get around and may
reflect poorly on you, or possibly label you as the company gossip.
 You may overhear the conversations of others. Be good and forget you ever heard
them and apply the “so what” rule. Don’t refer to what you’ve overheard and
definitely don’t add your own advice!

5. Ask before borrowing. If you’re at good terms with your colleague, then it may appear
all right if you borrowed a stapler r a marker from their desk without asking. Well, the
fact of the matter is that is not all right. It is imperative that you ask first and then borrow.
This attitude of yours will ensure that people also treat our things with the same respect
and your things are not missing (read borrowed) when you get back to your seat after a

6. Always say please and thank you. A few nice words can keep the mood of the office
uplifting or at least keep the mood from turning foul. When you pass co-workers in the
hallway and this person isn’t particularly your friend, smile or nod. Acknowledge that
they are there. You don’t have to run over and hug them but just say hello. Think about
what kind of message you send when you look the other ay to purposely avoid contact.

 Say hello to people in our vicinity when you come in every morning. A vicious
habit can creep in when people let this well-mannered greeting slip and just slink
into their seats without saying a word. It’s rude and it’s not going to garner you
any favors with others. Even if they don’t make the effort, be the example for
everyone else to let them know it’s not only okay but expected.
 Watch your language. When interacting with others at the office remember that
profanity offends some people. Also avoid innuendos or jokes at the expense of
other people.
7. Don’t consistently interrupt people. Doing so will suggest that your time or opinion is more
important than theirs. If your co-worker is on the phone but you need to ask a question, don’t
linger. Tap them on the shoulder and whisper that you need them for a minute (or leave a quick
note in front of them) and ask them to call or see you when they are done. If your co-worker is
having a work-related conversation don’t interrupt – just wait for them to finish or ask them to
see you when they are through.

8. Refrain from being loud. For those without an office door to close, the most frequent
complaint made is about noise from other people in the work environment. Keeping your voice
down should be a priority in all work interactions:

 Whether you’re on the phone or talking to a colleague, avoid being loud.

 Use your handset or headset – not a speakerphone – to take all calls, unless you’re behind
closed doors.
 If you have received a call on your cell phone, it’s a good idea to take a walk down to the
corridor or to find a room with a door you can shut to take the rest of the call if you’re
likely to disturb others. This is especially recommended if it’s a personal call or one
that’s likely to take some time.
 Avoid speaking in a loud or belligerent manner. Aggressive or increasingly loud
vocalizations upset people and even those who are not the target of the aggression will be
left with a sense of unease and discomfort.
 Turn off your personal cell phone during business hours; use its vibrating feature if you
need to leave it on. Avoid making personal calls at your workstation; your co-worker
need not know that your spouse needs to pick up a pound of ham.
 If you listen to a radio or stream music, keep it low or wear a headset.
 Be especially quiet in areas where co-workers are on business calls or in conversations
with other co-workers. Don’t engage in long conversations in shared office space; if a
topic requires more than a couple minutes’ discussion, find a conference room to avoid
distracting your co-workers.
 Be considerate around meeting rooms, even if you're not sure whether or not a meeting is
in progress – always assume there is one and be on the safe side.

9. Be sensitive to other’s need for privacy. Don’t read someone else’s faxes, emails, mail or
computer screens. Only share personal things at work that you wouldn’t mind reading in next
week’s newspaper. And remember that when you send emails, never write anything that would
be a problem if forwarded; simply by virtue of the fact that anyone can forward an email, you
need to be alert to this potential.

 If you need to discuss anything sensitive or private with another colleague, find a room
where you can shut the door and nobody else can overhear you. Personal issues and work
performance reviews are not for the ears of anyone other than the recipient.
 Only use a speaker phone behind closed doors. When working n open areas, use our
handset or headset for all calls.

10. Avoid being a source of odors. Eating odorous food at your desk, removing your shoes or
spritzing perfume or air freshener during the day can upset those sensitive to odors. Nobody
wants a whiff of smelly feet no matter how much you think you can’t smell them and the odor of
lunch is a very personal thing, so don’t assume it’s a delightful to someone else’s nose as it is to
yours. Besides, just what are you doing eating at your desk anyway? Go out and get some fresh

 If you don’t know if something you’re doing, wearing or eating is strong in odor, assume
that it is. Our olfactory system can play tricks on us when we’re habituated to an odor
that others aren’t familiar with, downplaying its strength to our own nose while others
might be gagging. This isn’t a time for standing up for your “rights”; you are likely to be
causing genuine distress to other people.
 If someone else in the office is guilty as charged, read How to Deal with a Work
Colleague Who Has Stinky Lunches.

11. Keep your work area tidy. Try not to be messy. A messy cubicle or desk shows how
confused and careless you are, and that you’re not clear about yourself. Also, it can reflect your
personality or personal life at home. So, don’t let people think that you’re always an unorganized
person. Keep your cubicle tidy and decorative (with relevant material only, for example, some
charts or articles etc.).

 If you like adding a personal touch, such as photos or trinkets, choose only a few decent
ones. Don’t overload the space as if it’s a collector’s corner. Not only does having too
many personal effects make it appear that you’re rather territorial and sentimental but it
can make it hard for others to take as seriously in the work context. Moreover, if you’re
shifted frequently, it’s just more stuff to keep moving about with you.
 If you have a communal kitchen area keeping it clean is virtually important. If you spill
it, wipe it clean. If you drop it, pick it up. Your mom is not there to follow behind you to
clean a trail of mess that you made. Don’t expect your co-workers to do it either.


Benefits of physical fitness are numerous and include better health, greater strength, more
flexibility, increased energy, improved appearance, and a more positive attitude and mood.
Regular exercise can lead to both immediate and long-term benefits. Regular physical activity
has been shown to reduce the morbidity and mortality from many chronic diseases. The
benefit of fitness far outweighs the inconveniences of regular exercise. To reap the maximum
benefits of physical fitness, remember that your program should include all the main five
components of physical fitness. These are the endurance and muscle strength. There are in fact
other components of physical fitness but they are skill-related and less important.

Physical fitness is considered a measure of the body’s ability to function efficiently and
to meet emergency situations.

Physical fitness is generally achieved through:

 Physical activity and exercise,

 Correct nutrition,
 Enough rest (good quality sleep)
 Stress management and relaxation.

The benefit of the physical fitness is endless. Explore some of the benefits of fitness
leading to healthy lifestyle and learn how you will get benefited from them:


People who participate in regular exercise have a decreased risk of developing:

 Heart disease
 Diabetes
 Metabolic syndrome
 Colon cancer
 Lung cancer
 Breast cancer

Development of physical fitness components such as muscle strength and endurance,

cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, agility, speed, bone density etc. and improvement of
muscle tone.


Regular physical exercise increases both the size and strength of the heart. It can pump
more blood with less effort and becomes more efficient. This will lower pulse and lower the
blood pressure which can increase lifespan. The circulatory system is also improved because of
increased blood volume providing more oxygen to the muscles. These effects will translate into a
reduced risk for heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. Significant cardiovascular health benefits
can be attained with long-term participation in cardiovascular exercise.


The benefits of physical fitness extend to their ability to help you control your
cholesterol. They raise your levels of ‘good’ cholesterol and drop your levels of ‘bad’


Physical activity results in the strengthening of our bones and muscles. It can
substantially reduce the risk or arthritis and other bone diseases. Weight bearing exercise is
shown to increase bone density and also prevent bone loss as we get older. This can reduce the
onset and severity of osteoporosis. Resistance training does a great job. The strain that it puts on
your body help build bigger, stronger bones.

Different kinds of strength training put strain on your joints. This actually helps your
body strengthen connective tissue in those joints. These tissues become stronger, more flexible
and less prone to injury. Increased blood supply means better nutrition for the tissues and better
removal of waste products which helps improve the health and durability.


Physical activity increases the muscle mass, reduces fat and thus controls weight. It is
proven that physical fitness can control your body weight and prevent obesity and other weight-
related problems.

By combining the right physical workouts with a proper and balanced diet, you can
expect weight loss, reduced body fat and a more firm and fit body. Aerobic exercise burns
calories during the duration of the exercise and strength training burn calories in the 24 hours
period following the training.


One of the benefits of physical fitness is that it provides you sound sleep and improves
your sleeping habits. Studies show that people who exercise regularly and are physically fit – fall
asleep more easily and sleep longer than those who do not exercise and are physically unfit.
Because of cooling off after exercise, your body temperature drops leading to deeper sleep.


Exercise improves the blood flow in the body and promotes better sleep, both of which
boost energy. A regular exercise program, especially in the mornings, will give you energy and
drive for the rest of the day. This effect is related to the increased metabolism associated with a
fitter body.


Physical activity build muscle mass and burns excess fat. It tones body muscles helping
you to look fit and healthy. Healthy active people almost always have great skin tone and look
fresh, less fatigued.


There are so many stress factors in our day to day life. Because of lifestyle changes,
change in the environment, people live under extreme stress in this competitive world. Regular
physical activity, fitness workouts releases the hormones which have “feel hood factor.” It helps
in reducing your stress levels and gives you more strength to fight life’s challenges.


Effects of physical activity and exercise on mood are immediate. Blood flow to the brain
is increased, endorphins are released and your mood lifts. These endorphins make you feel better
and fight stress and depression.


Among the several benefits of physical fitness, delayed aging leading to positive thinking
and improved self-perception is the most sought after.

Pattern activity reverses the natural decline in the metabolism of the body. Daily exercise
is found to keep a person productive and energetic for a longer period of the day. Regular
physical activity postpones the process of aging and increases the longevity of life.


Physical activity has important role in keeping your body fit. Exercise causes your body
to release endorphins which has “feel good factor”. Because of these endorphins you feel


The benefits of physical fitness include the postponement of fatigue and reduced recovery
time after vigorous activity.


Physical fitness provides correct posture, figure, body image, and good appearance along
with increased energy levels. It gives you a sense of accomplishments, which is a boost


Through participation in physical fitness program, leisure (free) time is properly utilized
and make you fit and healthy.

Physical fitness provides you the optimum physical health, general well-being and mental
stability. In other words, it improves your overall health and you can live your life to the fullest.


All in together, the benefits of physical fitness give you healthy and more efficient body.
Thus, it increases your chance of leading a healthier, longer and more fulfilling life. These are
some of the more prominent benefits of physical fitness. Everyone can and should participate in
a fitness program to improve their quality of life. Living an active and healthy life will make
your overall lifestyle much better.


Contrary to what you may think, you can improve your personality.

Until quite recently it was believed that personality is permanent. In 1890 William James,
the famous Harvard psychologist, wrote in his influential work The Principles of Psychology,
that personality was “set in plaster” by early adulthood. This view prevailed for over a century;
however, the idea that personality is more fluid has gained ground over time. We are now at the
point where we realize that we have influence and control over which traits and characteristics
we want to develop or refine.

The “personality” is the typical pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaviors that make a
person unique.

When we say that someone has a “good personality” we mean that they are likeable,
interesting and pleasant to be with.

Everyone wants to be attractive to others. To that end, having a good personality is vital –
probably even more so than good looks. In fact, approximately 85% of your success and
happiness will be a result of how well you interact with others. Ultimately, it is your personality
that determines whether people are attracted to, or shy away from you.

While we can enhance our looks to certain extent, we have the ability to improve the
personality as much as we want. We can develop or integrate any trait we deem fitting and

Here are some ways we can accomplish this:


Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was considered one of the most charming women in the
world because she cultivated the skill of being an exceptional listener. She was known for the
way she would look a person in the eyes, hang on their every word, and make them feel
important. There is nothing more appealing than having someone to listen to you intently making
you feel like you’re the only person in the world.


The more you read and cultivate new interests, the more interesting you are to others.
When you meet new people, it gives you the opportunity to share what you know and to
exchange your views with them.


This relates to how much you read and know. Once you have much to contribute, learn
how to talk about it with others. No one can read about or know everything, so it’s refreshing to
learn from others those things we don’t have the time to about read ourselves. If you happen to
be shy, join a group like Toastmasters that encourages you to talk about what you know.

Enjoy the article on The Art of Conversation!


There is nothing tiresome than trying to talk to someone who has no opinion on anything.
A conversation has nowhere to go if you have nothing to expound on. If, however, you have an
uncommon point of view or differing opinion, you are more interesting and stimulating to be
with socially (unless you’re a know-it-all, of course). A unique outlook expands everyone’s


Make the effort to meet new people especially those unlike you. It not only exposes you
to different cultures and alternative ways of doing things, it broadens your horizons.


The next most tiresome thing after having no opinions is tying to be something you’re
not. Molding yourself in order to fit in, or be accepted, usually backfires. Since each of us is
unique, expressing that uniqueness is what makes us interesting. Attempting to be a carbon copy
of someone else not only falls flat, but reveals a lack of authenticity.


Who wants to be around people who are negative, complain a lot, or have nothing good
to say? In fact, most of us run when we see them coming. Instead be the kind of upbeat person
who lights up a rm with your energy when you enter it. Do it by looking for the best in people
and things. Smile warmly, spread good cheer and enliven others with our presence.

See: How to Think Positively


Everyone enjoys the company of someone who makes them laugh, or smile, so look for
the humorous, quirky side in a situation – there always is one. Comic relief is a much welcome
and needed diversion at times. When you can add fun and lightheartedness to an otherwise dull
or gloomy setting, others will naturally be attracted to you, not to mention grateful.

Being supportive is probably the most endearing quality you can integrate into your
personality. Just as you yourself welcome it, be the support for others when they need it. We all
love a cheerleader in our corner; someone who is encouraging, believes in us and helps pick us
up when we’re down.


Being honest and true to you word will bring you the admiration, respect and gratitude of
others. Nothing improves a person’s personality more than integrity and respect – respect for
others, as well as respect for yourself.

We humans have the power and ability to shape our personalities however we wish.
When we develop ourselves to be all that we can be, we contribute to our own, as well as the
happiness of others.

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